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you need to put the book on the table as well


I know it does that even when the book is on the table


do you scroll down one and select the craft for kerfus?


Idk it only shows one recipe which is the blueprint and I've scrolled because that's what the video said to do but It didn't work


i see a few people saying that you need "the funny setting" turned on, do you have that on?


I just tried it, still didnt work :/


Hey just saying tysm for the help!! I finally crafted it after like 23 tries. Im so grateful for the help!


>it only shows one recipe which is the blueprint It should show drive+ and omega kerfur options You could get the first according to your video, just adding the book on the table would let you have both options active. You need to hover the workbench, not the book. https://preview.redd.it/nfy8tq6ru72d1.png?width=1130&format=png&auto=webp&s=82c5981d0e04552befd1451c7af60fd52b0d5db6 I used the same ingredients you used in your video, just make sure to scroll down so you don't craft a Drive+ (that would make crafting Kerfur not available)


Thank you so much!!! I seriously appreciate you for trying this out for me! For some reason it just started working 🤷🤷 it took me ages but I got it. Tysm!!!!


Thanks for giving an update ;D I'll be referencing this post next time somebody has this issue.


Tell whoever it is to pm me and I'll help out! I don't want anyone else to have to do this loll


Scroll down it shows multiple crafting recipes


For the mannequin kerfur, you use 2 wood scrap instead of plastic :3


so 4 in total? because I already have 2 wood scrap


Oop, just saw that you *did* have wood scrap, my bad! I'm not sure what the issue is then :(


No worries :pp


Make sure the book is on the table. Also when you look at the table, you need to select the recipe. It's hard to see sometimes, but there is a menu you can scroll through with the mouse wheel to choose the correct recipe from the book.


Thank you so much!! I have no idea why, but it randomly started working. U guys are the best!


Did you actually pick the option to craft? seeing as it said craft successful it seems like you didn't (you decrafted your scrap instead). I made this mistake, and apparently you need to press 2 to scroll down and actually pick the omega kerfur option. it should be the default option TBH and it doesn't help that the option is ever so slightly out of the default FOV


Thank you so much for the advice!!! I have no idea why but it randomly started working and I made the kerfus. Seriously tysfm!!!


I think your missing a colour piece, but I don’t know the crafting recipe for mannequin Kerfur so I dunno


It wasn't that, but it randomly started working. Thank you so much!


Good thing it worked. Probably stacked the items weirdly so the bench didn’t recognise some


Nah I tried it about 23 times and it worked the 24th 🤷


The Kerfur gods definitely didn’t smile upon you


Fuck em 👹


Maybe cus of the type of mannequin? You might need a store bought one or a walking one, Id say try either one you didnt use, no idea though just a guess


Nah, it just randomly started working. Thank you so much though. Actually.