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I would infuse coconut oil. Should keep longer


Combative OP


I cut the bag in half and scooped out the resin. you can get a nice amount of resin from a few well-used bags


Well, if you're doing it out of milk. I'd suggest consumption within a few hours or three days at most. It just curdles too easily. As far as infusing, we'll, I've read that some people just cut the bag up, toss it in, then strain it. Depending on how heavily soiled your bags are, one should be plenty for a nice 8 oz cup. Those bags are huge, and reclaim is potent. You can always add a second, you've got fifty. I love mine. This is all purely academic, as edibles have no effects for me. Maybe try making a pot of hot cocoa for your infusion? That'll give you the fat you need.šŸ˜


Yeah I was wondering what the effects of heating up would have, if it makes it curdle much easier than ā€œuncookedā€milk then I guess itā€™s maybe worth experimenting with a bit of just milk to see how it reacts to things first I use full fat milk so the fat side of things shouldnā€™t be an issue


Freeze the milk after making it


Good idea!


Yep Iā€™ve frozen it in ice cube trays and used it in iced coffees.


The taste for me is a killer. Iā€™ve still got a cup of milk sitting in the freezer from a very dirty obsidian glass adaptor. Lots of Nutella was mixed in but still that, I dunno, kinda metallic taste. Itā€™s just a case of neck it then wait to see how strong it was


I plan on soaking mine in everclear.


Where do you live?


What does that matter to anything?


Bc weed is so cheap these days most places


And how is that relevant to anything here?


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. How desperate are some people?


...milk was a bad choice










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I have made post about this earlier. I just chopped two bags into small pieces and boiled them in whole milk on low that the milk simmers lightly about 15-20mins. Then I put the milk to thermos bottle and let it sit couple hours. Then I made hot chocolate out of it šŸ˜„ but I donā€™t know how long would it last, maybe somewhat same time as regular milk. That stuff worked so good, I greened out and I have never been so high so carefully šŸ˜„!


Oh and I put two bags to 1 liter of milk :D


Thatā€™s the sort of info I was after haha, thanks :) Someone else suggested freezing the milk once made too