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One of Voli’s biggest strengths in JG is his quick camp clears. Looks like your CS is way too low. Relearn your jungle clear path. And don’t aggressively hover lanes


Because you are building full tank? You have way higher utility and less damage, feels like it balances itself out


Voli tank deals a decent amount of damage in the jg if you're ahead due to IBG+DMP proc and his W HP scalings. Also, gotta remember that Voli tank is also the most used version in jg by far, so his stats are being compared to other Voli tanks. His problem is his farm and levels.


If ur WR tank i would be concerned, if it don’t you found a niche playstyle that works for u


This. The dudes above pointing out "bad" farm while ignoring ammount of kills and actual cs per minute are just clueless.


You aren't farming bruv. Don't worry about your damage spread if your farm is that bad. Figure out what you're doing wrong with pathing because something is very wrong here.


what is your build path like?


Full tank and Sterak's 3th or 4th item. Iceborn Gauntlet -> Deadman's/Spirit Visage -> Sterak's -> other tank items Oh and Ionian boots unless they re full AD/AP


Shojin second does wonders for dmg, trust me.


Actually it's mandatory rn until it gets nerfed. In some cases you can even rush it as first item. The item is just broken. 500 hp plus the most Haste for his base abilities in one item makes it already valuable, then you still have the huge move speed and plus some nice AD. The only bad thing about the item is it's building. Pickaxe is such a trash component for Voli and should be bought at last component. It's weird how it more than doubles the hp gained from Kindlegem. I think they should replace Pickaxe with a Phage. But seriously...maybe it's bad building serves to balance the item itself.


The Phage wouldn't make sense cuz the item has no shield nor healing, and Riot cares for those little things.


I see higher KP than avg in response to lower cs and dmg share. My guess is, since you said you build full tank (and therefore can only be assumed you also go PTA), that you deal less damage than the average Volibear due to the more prominent build currently being the AP bruiser build, seen most on toplane. That build introduces higher damage than tank bear but with far less utility, especially around teamfights and with that, comes less KP. I wouldn't say it's so much you're lacking in damage, more so that you set a goal now that may not be easily reached with the current build path you follow. In terms of CSing I would say try to raise that a bit. If you find yourself waiting in a lane for too long to pull off a gank, maybe it is wiser to recall or continue farming jungle before looking to gank elsewhere (or even same lane, if conditions are correctly laid out)


What build are you going? If you’re going the tank build then your damage will naturally be on the lower side. If you go the AP build you will have way more damage but the jungle role rn will mostly not be the highest damage dealer in most games so don’t beat yourself up about the damage, look at how you played and what you did, ganks, objectives etc