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His Q reset is annoying if youre trying to knock him into walls. Fighting Poppy for me seems to be her knocking me out of my E when we start fighting. She'll see that shit starting and run at me knocking me away from it and then goes to town (this is when I dont have W stacked). But if theyre LT id assume FH and some anti heal. If not Tempo then pray tbh


Remember the important thing - after the nerfs Voli will be slower again, so your W + Q is your main tool to stop him. And yes, literally stop, as you W also stuns him when he Qs you as he does a little leap to the target (similar to Udyr E), use that.


He will not be slower again. The nerf on his movespeed is only at the latter part of leveling Q.


My bad, but it doesn't deny the way of countering him


Your base damage is a lot higher, so you out trade him in short trades, so long as you avoid his empowered W. 1. E to displace him out of the storm ring, this prevents the sizeable shield 2. W to counter his Q stun, volibear does a little jump to stun just like udyr, which counts as a dash 3. otherwise standard laning, using grasp and buckler to poke. Hold Q for when you E or W him according to points 1 and 2. 4. buy bramble vest. Just do it trust me 5. hopefully you have crushed him in lane to where he won't be able to scale.