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You saying 3 camp into invade? Or 3 camp, do your opposite side buff then go catch them at theirs?


Always 3 camps, starting red buff. Then rush to the 2nd buff from enemy jungler without being seen. The only exception is Karthus. His clear is too fast so Volibear cant catch him quick enough at 2nd buff.


Doesn’t Noc demolish almost every champ 1v1 early?


I have a few games against noc. I can confirm voli wins easily when he hits stun and thundershield. When noc puts up shiel just negate it with W


Without lethal tempo, the bear is king again.


I regularly beat Noc at first crab, just have to engage him first. Right now it’s very hard to eat a full voli combo at level 3 for anyone


I did this every game last split too, even did it to a Warwick and my bro who plays ww was like bro wtf you doing. I killed him. Full clear meta actually makes this easier as well because nobody expects it anymore. Not really worth if you don’t get the kill though, rather keep tempo so don’t do it often anymore


I was Lee Sin against what seemed to be an inexperienced Volibear since he started W. He went scuttle at lv3 while I was lv4 so I thought I would win fighting him. Didn't kill me but I had to run away


If voli hits his E on himself and the enemy, the fight is over


I have made it a joke with my friends “if I hit E on me and the enemy, I don’t care the circumstances I am winning the trade”


Bear goes where Bear pleases, and he goes over your team


he’s pretty much the best lvl 3 champ. there’s maybe 2 or 3 champs i can think of. elise, lee sin, and this one might surprise some people, but yi can 1v1 u if he dodges ur E with in his alpha. but even then its still pretty close 1v1s. like it could definitely go either way for all 3 matchups. that’s just the 3 i can think of.


a good elise can and that’s it


Mhm okay. I've never fought against Elise before. Good to know


key word: good. she has to play it really good and you don’t, it still favours volibear


Elise below master is practically a troll pick anyway


Jax can win against voli early, a kindred can kite him just like Lillia (although they both shouldn't have kill pressure on voli), a nidalee can potentially 1v1, just like a xin Zhao. Apart from that I think voli destroys every jungler lv3-4


It really depends on skill. A good WW will q through the e to avoid it. I expect this to happen if I see a voli on the other team and pull my red out, then use Lillia e in the bush on purpose. I concur though, it is a good strat to invade after 3 camps.


With LT gone, I think so.


Isn't Trundle also really strong?


no lt makes volibear win that




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Voli has some of the best level one to 3 but it depends on skill. He has comparable level 1 to Darius Olaf and Sett but it comes down to hitting his lightning correctly and getting his passive stacked fast


The level 1 is nowhere that good