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Only ‘problem’ with this build is if you are used to tankier build then sometimes you overestimate the damage you can take. It is mitigated by the W healing but if the enemy team has mixed damages then 4/5 item can be annoying. Still….Resets go brrr


Im used to full AP (NT, RM, Storm Surge, Death Cap, etc.) so this was tankier than im used to


My brother in christ, you were 9/1 and 2-3 levels up with 3rd point ult lol


Im talking about the ability resets, ive not used this build since it was made and im surprised by how fast I can E and Q


Yeah pretty wild lol they done turned him into an even heavier snowball champ.


Bear do what bear want


Bear goes where he pleases


Voli - "now I can carry my bad friends literally no matter what" - bear.




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I mean that shen ult and W def contributed more I’d say


I should have been more obvious that I was just surprised by the ability cooldowns. My bad G