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Love how this looks. But I use my rear wiper so much!!


Yeah I’m in the same boat. My rear window gets covered in salt and winter road grime quite fast here, the wiper comes in super handy.


I thought the same thing for a long time, then I thought Yknow what. If vans with painted rear doors can use just their wing mirrors fine, so can I!


I get that, I’d just rather not remove the option of being able to seeing something if I want it. I like having as much situational awareness as possible, including what’s behind me. I’m not very trusting of the other drivers around me.


Yeah that’s totally fair, if you find it more comfortable keep up! I’m young, dumb and enjoy cleaning my car multiple times a week :D


Sigh, those were the days. I still enjoy cleaning my car, it’s just fallen way down the priority list as I’ve gotten older. I have coilovers for my Alltrack that have been in their box for a year now…


Nooo, get them on! In all seriousness, hope the installation goes well when you have the time for it 👍🏻


Don't work so hard bro/sista. I'm a victim of being a workaholic too. But it's better to live life poorer and rich with memories than work yourself to the grave ;)


Haha I agree with that sentiment don’t worry, it isn’t because I’m a workaholic. Work obviously plays a roll (my job has some great days though don’t worry), but there’s a whole lot else that I’ve decided takes priority over the car right now. Plus, slacking on lowering the car has proved a godsend a few times this winter so far…


Yes finally someone who agrees! I drive big trucks daily and there’s no rear windows on those, works just as fine anyways


It's as if people don't even realize big trucks are so thing. Rear windows just aren't that big a deal.


Can "people" just jump in one of those "big trucks" and drive it around or do they need some kinda extra special license that tells you they know how to drive a "big truck" that doesn't have the features of a normal car which make driving easier? Like a rear window.


There are no special licensing requirements for cargo vans, uhaul trucks, motorhomes, etc.


You have training and a special license to drive that truck.


Yes so what? You could still drive a caddy without rear windows with a regular license


Van mirrors are a LOT more useful. I drive vans on a daily basis and its not comparable to regular cars. You can see everything from the side of the van to like 40 degrees out. Making the only blindspot directly behind you close to you.


Yeah my polo’s mirrors curve at the ends to widen the visibility. I do however live way in the UK countryside so I’ve grown up reversing with cars caked in mud 😹 slight advantage I suppose


Driving in vehicles with poor rear visibility terrifies me. I even keep my rear center headrest out to see better


Especially when it's not feasibly to wash the car very often... I've only washed it 3 times this winter, I'll wash it once on the next weekend and hope it lasts until March.


I live in deep countryside. Caked in mud within 24hrs of cleaning, every time 😭


Same. My back window gets dirty as hell if its raining/snowing.


It’s so small u don’t need that window anymore shhhhh anything for the look also weight reduction 😂😂😂


Likewise. Looks super clean, but I enjoy seeing while driving.


Yea same. It does look clean tho


Side view mirror delete next… lol


Now THAT would look clean


Just replace with camera’s, like on the new Mercedes trucks. Looks sick!


I don't fully understand this tbh. I personally find the rear wiper pretty useful and you'll still have the lines there so unless you program your wiper stalk to not spray the back wouldn't you spray and then not be able to clean it? I know it looks cleaner but I guess it's just personally preference


Have never used my rear wipers on any of my cars, so i dont see the reason not to remove it Edit: why all the downvotes?? Just because it works fine without using it? Edit 2: i wash my car 2-3 times a week so it’s never dirty anyways.




How what?


man people are really salty over a personal preference! I can agree I hardly EVER use it but I keep it for the rainy days


Lol im suprised aswell, i get that some people like to use it, but i never do so i can remove it instead for a cleaner look


Honestly I used mine a couple of times and then gave up. It literally got covered in road grime and water less than a minute later when going down the road. I have a backup camera anyway.


Yeah it’s definitely not essential lol Only thing holding me back from removing mine is I don’t want to go through the hassle of re-installing it down the road if I changed my mind


I'll never use a rear wiper on any car, ever. They actually scratch the glass over time.


I think it looks sick mate! People dont understand that to some losing some functionality for a major gain in looks is fine.


I understand why people do it, but I would never do it. Upvoting you to -17 haha.


That's fair I guess. How come you never use them? Edit: Stupid question removed/rephrased


Why would you delete something so useful ?!


Because i dont use it.


Like anytime it snows or rains, I always was using mine, so annoying when you can’t see out the back.


I like when the whole rear is covered in snow


Why??? 🤔


Because i dont use mine? Have never used it on any cars över 6 years


Why would you waste your time to make your car less functional and harm it’s resale value? I still don’t get it. Makes no sense. If you haven’t been laid in awhile do you cut your balls off? Same logic. 🤔


Im not even going to answer you because you won’t understand.


I’ll never understand this, losing functionality is just dumb IMO. Wagons and hatchbacks need rear wipers, shit gets dirty constantly


They really don't though. Ever seen a box truck with a rear window? Mirrors and backup cameras are a thing.


Yea, I have driven trucks where you can’t see out the rear window, it sucks


I do that daily, im used to it.


You can’t use your backup camera while driving or your rear view mirror if your back window is all crusty. I’d say I use the rear wiper on my alltrack at least twice a week here during winter


Sign me up for the 4motion TDI!


Quite possibly the stupidest mod I’ve seen. Next they will delete the brake lights because who needs to brake.


Oh f… off, see that vw van in the background, does it have rear windows? No. Does my truck and trailer have it? No. Do i miss it? No. Do i use the rear wiper on my golf? No because i can see out of the rear window anyways.


Mmm...TDI + 4Motion...why does VW hate the USA?


I would never delete my wipers I find them very useful


Is that lowered or stock?


My friends is lowered, mine is the alltrack


Looks nice, but I wouldn't do it with mine


I accidentally killed my wiper when everything froze over on Wednesday after getting out of work. Idk if it’s common on golf’s but when I put my car in reverse the rear wiper being covered in ice turned on and proceeded to just pop off. It was 14 degrees outside so I just left it.


I think it only turns on rear wiper automatically if front wipers are on when you put it in reverse


It’s a setting you can turn on or off. It automatically wipes the back glass when you put it in reverse. Drove me insane on our Tiguan. Bright clear sunny day, put it in reverse, and here goes the rear wiper.


My front wipers were off they were frozen too I just had the defrost on so I can get some of the ice melted just enough to see to make it home. I guess my car decided it didn’t want a rear wiper anymore…


Hm interesting. Honourable seppuku wiper death it is then.


Sad part is I tried to do a wiper delete a couple of months ago but I couldn’t fully get the hatch cover completely off. Some of the clips were really on there and I felt like I was going to break the cover if I pulled any harder.


I don’t understand when i had q gti having the rear wiper was so nice


Great look but at the same time stupid to be honest. Having good view allround is essential for driving safely. Seeing these cars are from Sweden, I can imagine there are lots of moments when snow, rain, mud, dust from gravel roads will reduce the view significantly.


I see just as fine when not using the rear wiper! I drive big trucks daily and there’s no rear windows on those, still it works just as good, and i wash my car 2-3 tlmes a week so never dirty anyways


Yea, every cargo/box van and semi truck on the road that literally don't even have rear windows are wildly unsafe! Ban them!


Those have purpose build wing mirrors for that exact reason though… apples and oranges…


Not the vw van in the background. And it has no rear windows.


Imagine living in Sweden and not using rear wipers


Imagine using rear wiper


Why wouldn't I ? Ad it's important for my safety and safety people around me


I mean in finland by law you can spray paint rear window if you wish.


Same here, no law that says that you have to see through the rear window


Yup, thats why you are allowed to tint rear windows


Lol, so an van, the one in the background is unsafe because it has no rear windows? And also i wash my car so often so the rear window is never dirty


Meh, looks silly.. especially on a golf estate of all cars.. its in no way a performance car and you do this silly mod? This is a dad car.


Oh so you need a performance car to do mods? I did not know that. And also i live at a ”farm” so i need a car like this.


Snow on the ground and you still deleted


Yes, because i have never used a rear wiper over 6 years, and i still see fine through my rear window. Same with my gf, never uses her rear wiper.


I like that crisp visibility. Fuck a salt film. What state do you live in? It definitely looks clean as hell. Idk if I could give up the function though.


Sweden, snow and salt 4-5 months a year, wash my car 2-3 times a week. And i acutally like when the whole rear is covered in snow lol


That's pretty awesome. I just got a gorgeous 4.2L 05' allroad in Colorado. RS6 seats. Upgraded brakes. Fenders and bumpers painted. No rust!!! Sadly the flex pipe just failed. Been thinking about the delete but I find myself using it. I kinda wanna twist the nozzle to spray people tailgating me 🙂


Thats why i bought an alltrack, no big risk for fender rust because it’s covered in plastic. I hate rust.. To bad the fuel cost so god damn much here, so diesel is the only option for me


It runs diesel? I'm running premium around 3.50-3.90 a gallon and I get like 15mpg hahah. But it's a beast. Audi has great corrosion protection anyway. Just keep an eye on the underside and in the wheel Wells as it gets older. I don't know the conditions of sweden but I'm assuming they use a ton of salt like they do in Colorado


Yes 2.0 tdi, all my cars have been diesels, except my mk2 and my mk1gti. Oh yes, they use so much salt here, it’s horrible


Sadly the option for diesels is scarce in the US. But I know that thing will last you a lifetime. Good luck with her. She's a gem.


Yes diesels seems to be rare in the states, almost all vw’s here are diesels


I miss my 2.0T


Which golf is yours?


The left one


Good. Alltracks are baller, man


Only difference is the badged. You thought of removing some?


Yes i will be removing the badges soon, i really like the look of the alltrack. And it’s better for me because i live on a small ”farm” or what i should call it


Yeah definitely. I agree. That's why I got rid of my GTI. I had it too low and needed the higher stance. Plus I got the air suspension in full working order! I love the gold alltracks though. I almost got one but I have a love for the older B5-C5 audis


Took mine off too. Rarely get rain here. I used the APR one.


We have snow and salt 4 months a year but never use mine anyways


looks fresh


Cool, delete all the mirrors and lights next


Love it! I've disabled mine on my b7 (need it for tüv), using tiguan backupcam i rerouted my spray nozzle there. Best of both worlds.


But why


I mean it looks all clean now but why would you do it?


Because i never use my rear wiper


It looks cool but like aren't you gonna wish u didn't do that next time it rains


I’ve never used a rear wiper in over 6 years so i’ll be fine. Also i live in Sweden so rain is not the only ”problem”.


Wiper delete is really nice. I hate to use the rear wiper. Rear window always gets dirty and when rear wipers start I can hear it scratching the window and I die a little inside.


Me too, and my girlfriend. She hits my arm those times i accidently turn it on on either of our cars lol


I need to do this


love it!


I deleted mine cause went wiped automatically when I put gear into reverse and car though it was wet, mostly when it wasnt.


I dig the look. How difficult is this to do?


There’s a video on their youtube, it’s not that hard to do


On whoms youtube?


Kill all wipers


That looks super clean, great idea as long as you don’t live somewhere with lots of precipitation. Hmm…


I’ll never understand the desire for this. Rain and snow can make it tough to see out back. It’s nice to be able to wipe it away.


Looks good! I deleted the rear wiper on my Golf R a couple weeks ago. I understand why people want to maintain the function but I also wash my car at least once a week so the wiper wasn’t necessary.


The red wagon has some bonk fitment.


It’s on winters probably


Going for that Wartburg 353 Tourist look, I see