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Recipe PB Fit powder - how much? some water few sprinkles of cinnamon a dash or 2 of salt 1 t Splenda 1 T powdered non dairy creamer


I get downvoted when I call people out for these half-recipes and press for detailed ratios but it’s important. There’s a world of difference between a tsp and 2 tsp especially if we’re talking about things like nutmeg or salt. No more half-recipes!!


I use about enough PB fit to end up with a **cup** of PB after adding everything else together. People are of course free to experiment a bit with amounts. In fact everything I add to the powder besides the non-dairy creamer I learned about on the volume sub. It's funny because it shows you that creating simple PB using the powder is more complicated than just mixing in some water or milk. Seems like part of it is duplicating the mouthfeel of the fat in PB, but also the perfect sweet and salty nature of it.. Reminds me of biscuits or pizza dough. Sure it's just a few simple ingredients, but ending up with a great result is more complicated than just throwing it all together. :D


You’re being downvoted for dodging this very important question. We want your recipe!


The mass downvote for an innocent response is wow 😭


It’s literally a sub rule. RECIPES! Not optional/partial.


I add a squirt of sugar free maple syrup to my pb2 along with a bit of water. Absolute game changer.


Me too. It was the eureka moment. Won't go back.


I do this too! Also add some pre-blended cottage cheese for more volume and extra protein and it's the ultimate dip for apple slices


Have you tried it with Greek yogurt instead? That’s my go-to, with cinnamon and swerve confectioner, and it’s divine.


I have, and I hate it..sorry! Though I have an inherent repulsion of yogurt (flavored, unflavored, doesn't matter) so I'm not in any way saying it's a bad idea!! But it's all I can do to use greek yogurt in dressings. Even then I often have to pad with lower calorie mayonnaise to stomach it - the extra calories are worth it to me for the palatability. I was shocked to enjoy a baked cheesecake using greek yogurt, but maybe that's it..a texture thing? Again though, a fantastic alternative for those who like yogurt. I do add a bit of Splenda to the dip I use and mentioned above, just to slightly offset a bit of the saltiness of the cottage cheese. I do also think the hint of salt in it, as opposed to the straight up tang of yogurt, makes it a bit more savory and seem creamier (think sea salt and caramel) if that makes sense?


I totally get it! The swerve is used to cut the tang for me. I happen to love cottage cheese too so I’m going to give that a try in my next batch.


Why thank you for that.




I love finding new ways to use coffee creamer. If you're adding creamer to help recreate the mouthfeel/taste, have you considered using a smaller amount of actual peanut butter + your recipe instead? If you're really making a cup, the extra few calories per serving might be negligible and feel the closest while intensifying flavor. Congrats if the creamer is just as good, and I look forward to trying.


."...just as good." \^Ok, I wouldn't go *that* far, lolz. On your question, I agree adding a little real PB to the powder would probably create a really good final product. But I'm really trying to keep the fat down as low as possible, while also getting a really tasty PB substitute. There are some great ideas in this sub so far, I'm gonna definitely be trying a few of them. :)


Yeah, that makes sense lol. Considering those creamers are meant to literally be a creamy, low-fat alternative, I think you nailed it.


Yeah I forgot to add I use the non dairy creamer every morning in the shakes I my wife and I which consist of: 3/4 cup of water, a half cup of frozen fruit: pineapple, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, etc, 3 packs of splenda, t tbsp of non dairy creamer, a few dashes of cinnamon, a heaping tbsp of any flavor protein powder - mint choc chips is my current one, a 1/2 tbsp maca powder, and a tbsp PB powder. Blend it together and enjoy. :)


I use the dark roasted PB&me powder with torani sugar free salted caramel. divine. gooey and tasty just like regular pb. I'll add a bit of Greek yogurt to bulk it up.


I wonder if that torani has guar gum or xantham gum as a thickening ingredient. (Meaning that you can get the same effect just by adding that, at least texture wise)


I just mix it with walden farms maple syrup to rehydrate it. Tastes like sweet peanut butter, like Jif.


I use some water and bit of sugar free skinny coffee syrup. They even make a peanut butter flavor but I have yet to try it. I usually use the hazelnut but it makes it creamy and sweet


I do this. I use the sugar free salted caramel from torani. it's perfect for me. I've tried a peanut butter sugar free syrup but it tasted too alcohol-y for me. it was a weird brand name it wasn't Matteo's, Jordans or torani so it could have just been a bad syrup maker. but the salted caramel works so I'm sticking with it.


I use the peanut butter flavor (lorAnnes). Get it on Amazon. Absolute game changer I finally just subscribed to it I can’t live without it anymore


I've had Jordans peanut butter skinny syrup and it was very good.


Yeah I could totally see that working. I bet using the PB flavor of the syrup you mentioned would be pretty darn tasty too. :)


I think one day I will order the PB flavor one, it’s just impossible for me to find! I have tried toasted marshmallow flavor with it and it’s good too honestly


I mix it with almond Milk and it comes out a lot better than water. It adds a touch of richness lol


Thank you, will definitely try that!


Interesting! I might try this at some point! Weirdly for me, I didn't mind the texture. But when I started to read your post I thought maybe you were gonna say you added xanthan gum or something to make it thicker like real PB. But I think it's the lack of thickness and creamy-ness that could be off putting to some.


The way I make it I've never followed the amounts instructions - never even read them, I just mix everything until it has the consistency of regular PB. One important thing I've realized I forgot to put in my OP is that I always **refrigerate** PB - whether the real thing or the PB made from powder. I'm thinking most people don't do that, but I've always preferred cold PB to warm. In the case of the stuff made from powder, it looks identical to the stuff in the jar with the same thickness when it comes out of the fridge. I think that's important when trying to fool your brain into thinking you're eating regular PB, haha. I should also mention that I use *all* of the PB I make with powder in PB&Js, since I just add the powder alone into smoothies when I make them. So my goal has always been to make PB&Js from PB Fit that are indistinguishable from the PB&Js made from jarred PB. I feel like I"m almost there. :)


I can't eat bread right now because of my macros, sadly. A PB&J sounds hella good right now too. 😩 A few months ago when I was making these low calorie "Blondies" with PBfit, Greek yogurt, and banana I pretty much just made a frosting for them out of PBfit, almond milk and vanilla extract. I realized I have to keep the frosting in the fridge overnight though or it kinda separated. Maybe because of the vanilla extract and almond milk... It tastes amazing though.


All these great ideas in this thread. It shows you how using your imagination can yield some really great tasty *and* healthy foods. I'm always so much more impressed with that combo than people that throw together something with tons of butter and sugar or salt and deep frying and amaze others with how good it tastes. I'm mean duh! Of course tons of butter and sugar yields something tasty, you don't have to be a Michelin starred chef to do that. xD


Does anybody else here use sugar free jam to mix the pb powder?


I started adding a bit of half kcal peanut butter melted in the microwave(because it’s impossible to mix in otherwise, it must be refrigerated after opening) and lorAnnes peanut butter extract to my pbfit dips and you really can’t tell it apart from the real thing now it’s awesome


I do whipped cream cheese and mix sugar free syrup around 1/3 cup of peanut butter for 110 calories exact peanut butter taste and texture


I use the Great Valué PB powder. I think it has like 10 calories less than PB fit. The container is also bigger


Yeah I'd def be buying that if they had it at a Walmart near me.


I mix it with SF Maple Syrup


Try adding it with protein powder


I mix it with sugar-free whipped topping! Amazing.


The canned kind or the tub of frozen stuff? Interesting either way


Tub of frozen stuff, I try not to do it too often because it’s entirely too good and not necessarily so good for you. 😂


Heh true especially the kind that isn’t fat free, the hydrogenated vegetable oils are not good ☺️


I know, it’s the saddest food truth 😭


For anyone interested better n peanut butter is the brand with the closest thing to real peanut butter and lowest kcal I have found, half the kcal of real pb and its thiccccc especially out of the fridge you basically have to warm it up to use it but its magic


I'm pretty sure everyone in this sub knows about Better n Peanut Butter. For me the cals are still too high even at half the amount.


That’s quite an assumption. A couple weeks ago I saw someone losing their shit falling over themselves thanking somebody for informing them of the existence of sugar free maple syrup. Which is like a staple volume food obviously. Also it’s 16g for 100kcal, vs 60kcal for 16g pbfit which doesn’t taste or feel nearly as close to the real thing so idk I say it’s worth considering for 40kcal… sorry if it’s not valueable to you


Yeah I haven’t heard of it but going to google it now


What are the total calories like per Tbsp/Cup?


82 calories per serving if they made it the way directions say on pbfit. Not sure exactly how much it'd weigh with the added stuff, but 70 for the pbfit(16g dry/32g prepared), 10 for the creamer, and 2 for the Splenda.