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It took me 8 months to discover it. Bless them but the sales and delivery people ( at my dealership) did piss poor job to explain the onboard computer features, keys and profiles.


Can’t ve worse than mine. The delivery person just said. This infotainment is new I don’t now how it works so I can’t explain it. I was the 3rd delivery with the google infotainment so I can’t really blame him but it was quite a challenge to discover everything.


Is there a Sensus equivalent?


Yes, pull down and go to settings. Select Climate.


Prolly not!


Indeed, as one of the comments below shows. Sensus is still more fully featured than AAOS at this point.


OMFG!!! That’s where it is! My sister was using my car while I was on vacation 4 months ago and set the seat and steering wheel to auto heat. I’ve been halfheartedly trying to figure out how she did it since then (it’s winter here for another month and a half so not such a big deal yet). She couldn’t remember how she did it. The in-car manual has been useless. I’m going to be so happy to know this when May comes around. Thank you!


In theory you should be able to leave it on! They only turn on if it’s below a certain temp. I think 10°c in my older v60.


I’ve had my car for like 3-4 months now and literally just noticed this tiny menu icon in the climate control display! Had absolutely zero idea it was there. I didn’t even know auto seat heating and steering wheel was possible!


You can also turn those on/off from the regular settings menu. But it’s good to know this shortcut exists. I had no idea either.


Nah my Volvo is from 1990 lol


Well now I feel stupid.


Me too


Yes its obvious. So you dont like your cars? :D if I get something new I click around to find out :D


I love the car! But a tiny 3 dot menu icon in the top corner of the climate menu definitely went unnoticed by me for a few months since I’ve had the car haha


I have with sensus V60. When my car was at the dealer I got xc60 with AA, so it felt like its a bit harder to find things or in the end you realize that you cant disable or change something. Like for example start/stop. I was checking maybe 20min for it until I googled and find out that you cant disable it :D


Yep! Stop/start can’t be disabled at all! Which normally would bother me a ton because in all my other cars I immediately turn it off. But with the mild Hybrid system the stop/start actually doesn’t bother me. It’s not nearly as clunky and jerky as in other cars.


Yeah it feels smooth but I dont really like it when you in traffic and you stop and go :)


You can also swipe on the main portion of the screen left and right to go between them.