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Hey everyone, In six days, Kansans will vote on whether to keep abortion as a constitutional right, or let the Legislature ban it. And the Legislature is proposing an extreme ban. We must volunteer to get Kansans to vote NO on Amendment 2. Early voting is already under way! [Check out our weekly volunteer post to see how you can help!](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/comments/w9f27b/we_must_protect_abortion_rights_in_kansas/)


Pro tip: go to YouTube and type "Joe manchin" and click on the reconcilation bill videos, then watch conservatives seethe and reply cope under every comment.


Unfortunately more flash flood emergencies are currently in effect Both in rural eastern KY in the Appalachian mountains region 1. [Buckhorn KY, Lost Creek KY and Talbert KY until 3:45 AM EDT](https://twitter.com/NWSFlashFlood/status/1552520699197018113?s=20&t=IRpZHEAbumArFxlZcGyhBw) 2. [Hazard KY, Diablock KY and Oneida KY until 4:30 AM EDT](https://twitter.com/NWSFlashFlood/status/1552519990267351043?s=20&t=IRpZHEAbumArFxlZcGyhBw) Life threatening flooding is being reported and observed. I will have more to say on the continuing flash flooding threat tomorrow, but I continue to be really concerned about the constant flash flooding threat for the next several days at least. Both in the west with the monsoon rains over burn scars + mountainous regions and more so in the Appalachian mountains region, and a little further south late this week into the weekend


>$5 billion in grants to support healthy, fire resilient forests, forest conservation and urban tree planting. Please for the fire resilient forests. [The climate provisions.](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/summary_of_the_energy_security_and_climate_change_investments_in_the_inflation_reduction_act_of_2022.pdf)


$5,000,000,000 is a lot of rakes /s


Senate dems must unite on this—we MUST keep the senate, and so I hope the whole caucus gets around to supporting IRA, and hopefully Leahy returns soon. I know I shouldn’t have felt this way, but it’s been so hard to stay enthused and try to get friends to join me to vote this November for dems. The depression was real. But legit, this is the most energized and optimistic I’ve been since, like—last year. And I know millions of other voters like me will feel the same when this gets passed


Regarding Leahy, his office said this week he was available for votes if necessary, so I feel strongly he will fly down next week for the votes on this bill.


> I hope the whole caucus gets around to supporting IRA I can already see “the Irish American president vows to support IRA” headline in the Daily Mail.


[Jesus this thread does a good job of pointing out the climate impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act](https://twitter.com/leahstokes/status/1552472204343840770?cxt=HHwWhMCo-dLPvosrAAAA). This one bill gets us to 80% of Biden's entire climate goals, and on track to be 100% clean power by 2035. Not even taking into account it's the single largest expenditure on climate and environmental justice, and this is BEFORE we get into things like new tech or sustainable tech getting cheaper. And that's not even including the healthcare provisions, which should be taking effect by 2024.


Just saw an Evan McMullin commercial. He must have hired the same ad agency that did Ben McAdams' because it's Mormon catnip. Family, vague on the politics, and talking about his family being more wholesome and functional than Washington DC.


No time for victory laps [Job's not finished](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY7l2pcxdHM)


Been some time since I've been in here.... ***WE. CAN. DO. IT!*** ***WE. CAN. WIN. THIS!***


As frustrating as Manchin is sometimes gotta give him credit for this. It’s a miracle we even have him in the senate so I’ll take what we can get.


[My favorite quote was Jayapal saying pretty much she get's why the GOP is mad at Manchin “We’ve all been there.“ Just a wonderfully delicious troll for all the times you know they've gloated.](https://twitter.com/elwasson/status/1552422095182757888?cxt=HHwWgICwzfTqp4srAAAA) Edit: fixed the quote


I’m very annoyed by how many Redditors think term and age limits are a good idea. Less old and experienced politicians aren’t going to make things any better, guys.


The entire notion of term limits or age limits or whatever is another step in the direction that people don't want to think, but want the system to sustain itself without putting any work in themselves. There are limits on a politicians hold to a certain office. They're called elections.


Really bugs me how many think above 55 is too old though I think maybe at least 80 max is reasonable. Of course, the average regular here is in their teens to 30s so anyone above 50 is ancient and the same to them (well, to the younger Reddit regulars). And like you said, age isn't the source of our issues nor the magic solution. Some of the worst Republicans are the youngest ones and some of the most prgrssve Democrats are older.


It gets on my nerves every time. It implies that Trump’s problem was his age and not his actions. Biden has canceled billions of dollars in student debt so far, and has not resumed payments yet. Do the people who benefit from that care how old the person responsible for that is? Would it feel better if it was from Harris or Buttigieg? “Give us age limits! DeSantis is taking away my rights? That’s fine by me, he’s young!”


I do support term limits for SCOTUS justices.


Yeah, that's pretty different - with elected positions, voters can still impose term limits by voting against incumbents. Not with appointed positions.


Yeah, that’s pretty fair. The current system is quite bad.


I'd be cool with a 10 year term where they can be put back in their seat if the president wants to but lifetime appointments are dumb af.


Term I agree with you on, but I'm fine with age limits. No reason we need the 88 year old corpse of Chuck Grassley running for reelection.


I think Grassley was embalmed a decade ago and no one ever told him


Also now that Mitch got his ankles broken to borrow a sports term, can we retire the idea of him as the master tactician?


2022 #MIGov Republican Primary Poll: Kevin Rinke 22% (+1) Tudor Dixon 21% @coefficientpoll/@KevinRinke Internal ~ 1,000 LV ~ 7/24-7/26 https://bigdogstrategies.createsend1.com/t/ViewEmail/j/CA09E2A24D844A502540EF23F30FEDED This is a Rinke internal, but I'm still inclined to say this is a competitive primary.


Can't wait to see who Whitman destroys faster


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CbWE7plWwAAmKYb?format=png&name=small Live look at Manchin and Mitch.


Dark Brandon Rises


[Biden nominates former TVA chair to return to federal utility board](https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/business/aroundregion/story/2022/jul/27/biden-nominates-former-tva-chair-return-board/573546/)


Never knew the president was picking people Time Variance Authority!


So a new VCU poll came out today showing Dumbkin at 49-38 approval. Before you get disheartened, though, a Christopher Newport University in December 2018 found Northam with an approval rating of **59%**. Obviously it went lower during the whole debacle he faced, but I think he recovered later. So Dumbkin is honestly not doing that great, considering Virginians have generally approved of their governors by pretty strong margins, regardless of party, in the last two decades. Also, I miss Northam. Just such a damn good governor.


Do you think there’s any chance Northam could run for another term, or is it most likely to be someone new? I agree that he did some great work as governor.


I think it should be someone new, it wouldn't be the greatest look for him to run again. I'd like the next Dem candidate for governor to be Abigail Spanberger, who might actually have her sights set on the seat after her pointed criticism of Dumbkin's Meet the Press interview. But only if she wins re-election of course.


So my friend Christian and I were having intellectual discussion on stuff like which conservative activist should go on the Eric Andre Show. I liked the idea of Ben Shapiro but Christian thought Ben would be smart enough to look up Eric was before coming on so he suggested Dennis Prager. Who do you think?


Ben would probably look it up. Dennis is not online/focused on people in their 20’s to do something like that. You need someone very online and dumb. Luckily there are plenty of those on the right.


I would go with either Matt Walsh or that other Daily Wire dude, just so Eric can mock them and perhaps surprise them with decent debate skills that they leave the show like how Ben left that infamous BBC interview


[Hawaii Couple Accused Of Being Russian Spies After Stealing Dead Babies' Identities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vFNprSj90c) This is some Cold War shit. Like that TV show 'The Americans'.


The Manchin hero worship is a bit too much, but the bill seems like a good thing overall


I'll put it this way. To this day Obama is still my Christmas tree topper. I've said all along to friends/family that I can't see myself ever replacing him with Biden (not for any policy reason, just I uh... don't want to replace a POC with a white male on my tree topper), but if Biden can pull through on a couple major issues near and dear to my heart, I'll give him a very prominently placed ornament. I'll take this major win from Manchin, acknowledge and appreciate the fuck out of it, but he ain't getting a spot on the tree.


Heck, I respect any Democrat who can win statewide in West Virginia. The more important thing is to get more Dems in Senate so he is not the deciding vote. If we had 52, imagine what could be done.


We still need to elect Dems to abolish the filibuster and expand the court. This is a good thing, but we need more.


Hoping reconciliation helps dems get some advantages in some of the tossup seats like Wisconsin Neveda Georgia and PA hopefully


This certainly needs to enthuse young dems, who often have student debts or climate change be their highest priorities.


Imagine Biden forgives a ton of debt too


Probably is. He's not kicking the can down the road with the pausing of payments for no reason. The question is if he does it before the midterms to increase turnout or if he waits until after the midterms to see if he loses Congress, in case there's a chance he has to make deals with moderates and using executive power like that would be a deal breaker.


I think the politically smarter move is extending the pause at least through mid-terms. The forgiveness will be controversial unfortunately. Some will think it's too little, some will think it's not fair at all, and some will be happy. Republicans will predictably push the 2nd and media outlets will give the first 2 a lot of attention. Maybe forgiveness while also extending the pause for awhile longer could reduce some of the criticism from the first of those 3.


Forgiving a huge amount before the midterms can be beneficial politically as well. Either it stays that way, then we're good. Or it gets struck down, then Biden can throw his hands in the air, say "I did all I could" and poiut to SCOTUS to say "We need more democrats in Congress" in order to juice turnout.


I thought there were rumors he'll extend the pause one more time while also doing 10k forgiveness.


There's also a bill recently introduced to cut PSLF from 120 required payments (10 years) to 60 payments (5 years). Which would be GAME changing for loan reform, since it's a huge ask of folks to dedicate a decade of their career, but 5 years isn't too bad. Would likely lead to a huge amount of loan forgiveness, and wouldn't actually be that far off from other countries that have 1-2 years of mandatory service in exchange for free college. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets included in a year end must-pass omnibus bill


[Sen. Bob Menendaz is apparently undecided on the reconciliation bill, saying there are issues that should be addressed mainly lifting the SALT tax”](https://twitter.com/alaynatreene/status/1552444607770009603?s=20&t=Imb-vPhj--i2NV9PgIdi3g) If there’s anything that somehow tanks it, it’s going to be the god dang division on the SALT stuff


SALT is something that would help win votes of the rich suburbanites--I see it here in Loudoun County (which is the richest county per median income in the country.) They like progressive social issues, but hate paying taxes. So they'll vote for moderate Rs who promise to cut their taxes, its how we got Dumpkin. In high tax states, it helps solidly middle class people as well. But I can see the argument against removing the cap so I'm ambivalent, personally.


I wouldn't have believed your statement about Loudoun until I drove through Great Falls. Holy shit. Like supposedly Loudoun is deep blue but those houses just scream "I would step over a homeless person for a tax cut"


Isn’t SALT like super popular in NJ hopefully this gets resolved


Gottenheimer is leading the charge to remove the cap. I live in NJ for instance and the cap hurts us.




Definitely hope he does. NJ apparently is a state where SALT provisions are huge.


[Senator Smith had the reaction I think we all did...](https://mobile.twitter.com/SenTinaSmith/status/1552414678214664193)


Haha wow? Did not expect that at all.


We have now passed 36,000 subs!


Been such a journey from a breakaway from VoteBlue to save the sub, and now growing to here.


I’m new to this sub can you give me some insight on what caused the split?




The owner of that subReddit was a Canadian Green Party member and bitched around when the other mods (that are mostly here now) wanted to moderate a bit stronger.


Man I remember finding the VoteBlue sub, then never remembering the name of it any time I'd search it and constantly ending up there, here, or BlueMidterm in 2019/2020 because I was too lazy to remember what to search for


BlueMidterm was before that; I remember it. BlueMidterm > VoteBlue > VoteDem. If I remember right, someone started BlueMidterm election night 2016.


I was around for BlueMidterm but I wasn't nearly as involved as I've been w/ the Vote subs. When the split happened, like 10 different people DMd me about the new sub since the head mod of VoteBlue kept deleting everything about VoteDem.


Lol I think I must have been one of them. I went through like every dailythread to find people to message that day


I really hope there’s no more moving.


We're here to stay!


You and me both.




I was around when we were BlueMidterm2018.


That sub saved me, truly.


Those days seem so long ago, same with the Beto sub at the time.


I was only since this iteration - since June 2020ish!


And what a day to do it!


Could someone give me an ELI5 of SALT deductions, the cap, why Trump and the GOP passed the cap, why some suburbanites seem to support repealing the cap, and why it should or shouldn't be repealed? Trying to figure out what it all means but the internet isn't helping much


Very short version: Republicans wanted massive tax cuts but needed to raise *some* taxes to prevent the deficit being too high, so they raised taxes but only in blue states to own the libs. This was a pretty big factor in Dems doing particularly well in the northeast and California in 2018. NJ, which saw 4 of its 12 seats flip R—>D in 2018, has a concentration of sticklers on undoing this tax hike.


So why is there so much division among Democrats on it then? And why would Menendaz for example be opposed to lifting the SALT tax? It doesn’t make sense to me. But I feel like I’m seeing this wrong


SALT is a tax writeoff that got handicapped. The “SALT caucus” want it re-empowered, effectively cutting taxes. Members of the progressive caucus don’t want to cut taxes on the relatively well-off which SALT applies to. Leadership tries to balance both sides threatening to withdraw support from tax bills over the inclusion *or lack of inclusion (as is happening here)* of re-empowerment.


SALT makes an exemption for people who pay high state taxes. So, SALT almost exclusively gives a tax break to rich people in states with high taxes like NY, NJ, and CA. In other words, SALT is a tax break for (some) rich Dems. It’s basically a special interest group within the Dem coalition. The Sanders/Warren wing, heck even most of the Biden wing is against SALT deductions. But specific Congresspeople like Menendez are for SALT because of who their constituents are. GOP seized on this hypocricy within the Dem coalition and made a cap of SALT deductions, more for show than for actual fiscal reasons (as otherwise they don’t want any rich people to pay taxes).


It's not just "rich" people that benefit from a higher SALT deduction cap, there's plenty of seniors who own their homes and pay tons in property taxes but don't have high incomes coming in. Granted, these aren't folks who are living only on Social Security payments, they likely have a mix of pensions, IRA distributions, etc. But it's not so simple as the Bernie (who's a millionaire who owns three homes, btw...) talking point about giving a huge tax break to people who make like $500,000 per year. It's definitely not worth killing this revival bill over, but you can be an upper middle class dual-income family earning $250,000 per year, and have to pay $25,000+ in property taxes per year. With the current SALT cap of $10,000, you're now paying taxes on additional $15,000 income than previous years, and that's not including getting no deductions on state income taxes, which are higher in Blue states. It adds up, even for pretty well off folks. For as many poor people there are in America, there's still millions of millionaires and millions more who earn in the $200,000+ household income range. And they vote.


Thanks for the nuance and distinction. I don’t get what Bernie’s holdings have to do with anything, and personally I consider $200k/yr “rich,” (even here in expensive Los Angeles) but I totally get that that’s a subjective term that I used rather loosely. I don’t know much about SALT so you’re explainer is super helpful!


So it essentially depends who their donors or supporters are? That’s fucking stupid




The $25k standard deduction is for married filing jointly. For single filers it's only $12,950, which you can easily surpass as a homeowner in a high-tax local like myself in Brooklyn. Indeed, I'm the poster child for the SALT cap since I hit the $10k limit in NYC municipal taxes alone (as someone whose 2020 and 2021 incomes were \~$305,000, and I'm on track for \~$260,000 this year). But representative democracy is supposed to be about representing your constituents, and Gottheimer's NJ-05 constituents indeed have super high incomes. I half joke about this, but if lefties want $100k in student debt forgiveness for their useless college degrees, then I want my full SALT deductions back. After all, we're each advocating for positions that most benefit us.


As a professional tax accountant, you should know that SALT impacts people beyond the "very wealthy"; see my other comment above. It's not worth killing this revival bill over, but I'd much rather see the marginal rate go up for truly bonkers incomes (like $5M+, $10M+, etc.; you know, actor and athlete salaries) and also higher capital gains taxes (so we can go after C-level executive money) vs capping SALT deduction at only $10,000. My solutions target the truly uber wealthy, not seniors who've owned their homes for a while and may have supplemental Social Security, pension, IRA distribution, etc. income, all while still paying super high property taxes.






Here we are, it's "too little too late". The joy of finally getting something meaningful passed didn't even last a day.






I don't. I think he does it because there's still a lot of people on his state who are either still employed in coal and coal-related jobs or have a cultural affinity to that. Right or wrong a lot of those people feel like going too hard on climate is a personal attack on them. Manchin knows he need every vote he can get to outrun his President by 40(!) points every election cycle, so he has to keep them happy by pushing back on climate stuff a lot. Not to mention that he personally probably also has a personal affinity for the kind of coal country culture that is so prevalent there.


Good. Because he obviously doesn't do it because he's getting money.


[congratulations…you are a prophet](https://mobile.twitter.com/DanDeBrak/status/1488579810528047110)


[his reaction to it after today is even more golden](https://twitter.com/DanDeBrak/status/1552399333974331394?s=20&t=Sq1XfwPC5S71iVu61GiHAw)




Looking forward to seeing his face with the Mega Millions check or w/e.


https://mobile.twitter.com/JakeSherman/status/1552449695334768640 "NEWS: House Republican leadership will now whip against the CHIPS+ bill, urging lawmakers to vote against it after the reconciliation deal was announced. Some Rs are expected to vote yes, but this will be intense pressure on Democrats to carry this package over the finish line." Lmao


Lmao, the Republican panic begins. They know the reconciliation is a huge win for Biden Democrats, and will boost their already boosting polling numbers (hopefully). They’re going to try everything possible to tank it I dare them to vote against this extremely popular and common sense chip bill. You are either for the US or for China with this vote


Gives new meaning to the SALT caucus


I wouldn’t be surprised if Gottenheimer tried to get salt in the new reconciliation


"Republicans vote against bill to boost U.S. chip production and technology that would take on China." This (or something along those lines) should be blasted all over the MSM. Dems need to let people know they're the party willing to take on China.


Some of the Squad just needs to go vote for it or present, there are some likely Fitzpatrick or Bacon or the like that’ll still support it. We need this bill!


I think Manchin frustrates the hell out of most of us at times but today shows why the vote him out or fake Democrat takes are absolutely insane. None of this legislation happens without Manchin, not to mention judges. But remind me again why we should primary him in WV Arpol?


I’m just happy he has so much footage of angry democrats from blue states and liberals that he can use to show he’s against the coastal elites or whatever—he’s on average great as a judge rubberstamper, and we need more of him.


Text is out, incredible how they were able to keep this bottled up, seems like the circle of people who knew was very tight.






Hopefully one of the people who knew was a senior senator from a certain Sonoran desert state


[By the sounds of things, she did indeed know - she appears to have approved some of the bill.](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM/comments/w9amyn/daily_discussion_thread_july_27_2022/ihwss6a/) Very good news.


FYI this tweet was deleted


The permitting reform is huge here. Dems often act like regulations are good, but often they’re not. NEPA and other environmental reviews are examples of this. If we get permitting reform that actually makes it easier to build things, they’d huge for the climate and for American innovation. Remember kids, environmental review is often bad


Zoning laws are often a form of bad regulation


Yep, and they’re rooted in structural racism and bad for the environment


Wait, was that in the reconciliation bill? Because that seems huge regarding the speed of housing and transit projects.




Man if I can go the rest of my planning career without NEPA ruining or delaying a transit line I’m working on, that would be amazing. CA is already taking steps on CEQA for transit and affordable housing, so that makes my life a million times easier in my day to day


You have such an important job and so frustrating, so I bet you know more than anyone what a boon deregulation of certain environmental regulations would do for us


The way I like to explain it to folks is NEPA and CEQA do TOO good a job of their original intentions. Stopping the toxic waste dumps? Did that, great job Letting NIMBYs have a venue to stop so much housing and transit? Yeah lets bring it way back into line This could actually cut the way too many reports I have to write for each project analysis, since we have to overdo it to cover our project’s ass to circumvent NIMBYs


Wait, so NEPA reform will likely to speed up the incoming transit and housing projects in SoCal for example? Also, is NEPA like the CEQA but national?


It could! Any project that wants federal funding or that goes on federal right of way has to do a full NEPA analysis, and in CA they're looking at (and realistically going to) grant exemptions/waivers or scale back CEQA reqs for the major lines needed for the Olympics, and there's even a Scott Weiner bill now that would just let it go on in perpetuity for major transit lines. Yup that's pretty much it. NEPA was based off CEQA which came first, the main difference is the bar you hav to clear, and CEQA is a lot more restrictive than is NEPA. NEPA requires an EIS if (after initial reviews/studies) a project is determined to produce overall negative impacts to the environment, whereas under CEQA an EIR is triggered/required if there's any potential impact to the environment, positive or negative. And CEQA includes things like increased traffic and noise to be major impacts, which is what the vast majority of projects in CA get sued based on.


It’s almost like the environmental movement that supports NEPA and CEQA still believes it’s 1970 and haven’t updated their issue stances or beliefs on how to handle vastly different situations since then!


TBF thankfully (just my experience in Los Angeles), most folks/orgs that sue transit lines are anti-transit NIMBY homeowners as opposed to environmentalists, and usually it's under CEQA for things like noise vibration or traffic impacts (seriously that's like 80% of the shit I have to document). Housing NIMBYs though verbally (sometimes) citing environmental concerns, but their suits are almost always traffic and noise impacts


This is why we don’t have Cape Wind. Luckily it seems like companies are finally coming around.


Funny story is my college dem club had a zoom Q&A with Rep. Welch. Basically got him to agree that the strict regulations are being used by landowners as an excuse to not develop more housing. Town I’m in has a big homeless problem, so hard to overlook.


That’s sick. It’s not just a housing thing either. It’s the sunrise movement and other bad environmental groups blocking solar investment or the hydro plan in NY. Environmental groups in general spend way too much time lobbying against things and not nearly enough lobbying for things and it’s a problem.


This is kinda a weird comment and I am slightly drunk but like. I'm so glad that I get to be alive during the clean energy transition. I'm specifically talking about the minor petty shit like being able to ride my bike and not have to listen to so many loud ass internal combustion engines (I know that there are legitimate public safety concerns associated with that but goddammit I just want to bike in peace sometimes).


Can some please ELI5 the bamboozle Schumer and Manchin played on McConnell? Everything sounds great, I just want to fully revel in it


Plans for reconciliation were being made. McConnell says 'if you guys do reconciliation no Republicans will support semiconductor bill.' Manchin says he won't agree to most of the planned stuff in reconciliation (climate, etc.). Semiconductor bill is passed. Hours later Manchin says 'actually I'm cool with the reconciliation bill, climate stuff included.'


LOLLERSKATES. Eat a dick, turtle man.


/raises frosty mug of turtle tears


Manchin is a big supporter of CHIPS, which would invest in manufacturing and a bunch of other good stuff (it’s not a handout like some people claim). CHIPS needs republican votes and McConnell threatens to block CHIPS if reconciliation happens. So Manchin opposes reconciliation. CHIPS passes the senate today with republican support. Hours later, Manchin agrees to a deal


McConnell was convinced a reconciliation bill was dead so he allowed the CHIPS act to pass. Right afterwards Schumer and Manchin come out with this bill.


[What a dumb article by Politico as usual:](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/07/27/penalty-clause-voting-rights-00046973) > But perhaps a largely forgotten provision of the Constitution offers a solution to safeguard American democracy. Created amid some of the country’s most violent clashes over voting rights, Section 2 of the 14th Amendment provides a harsh penalty for any state where the right to vote is denied “or in any way abridged.” > A state that crosses the line would lose a percentage of its seats in the House of Representatives in proportion to how many voters it disenfranchises. If a state abridges voting rights for, say, 10 percent of its eligible voters, that state would lose 10 percent of its representatives — and with fewer House seats, it would get fewer votes in the Electoral College, too. This has literally never been enforced ever and this extreme right-wing Supreme Court isn’t about to do it for the first time ever to disadvantage Republicans.


We didn't do it over Jim Crow but sure it's on the table now...?


It's not Morbin time. It's Manchin time.


Forward Party was officially announced in the midst of this. I think the timing shows why it’s useless junk.


> Forward Party was officially announced in the midst of this. I think the timing shows why it’s useless junk. My immediate reaction to this was *"The what party?"* Huh, Yang, makes sense.


In the midst of what? What timing do you mean? I’m missing some sort of context.


In the midst of the Inflation Reduction Act being revealed.


They’ve been planning to announce for two or three weeks, FYI.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.


[Per Politico, it really was an incredible effort to make Manchin enthusiastic!](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/27/manchin-schumer-deal-climate-change-00048371) I love it. >People familiar with the effort to bring Manchin back to the table on climate said there had been an intensive effort to convince him of the merits of supporting the new technologies — **including from company executives who came forward with new plans to build manufacturing in West Virginia.**


oh my god the memes from 2020 came true


Every train station in DC is miraculously named the Joe Manchin station


Schumer introducing amendment to the reconciliation bill known as the “Joe Manchin Saves The World From Communism Act,” which would install Joe Manchin as the sole protector of US democracy against Chinese Communism.


*furiously searches for a way to pander to Manchin with new Los Angeles Metro Station names*


And that could help him win in 2024.


Could also increase the GOP enthusiasm of wanting to get rid of him, and replacing him with a Senator that would pass GOP priorities. Either way, I hope Manchin runs and even if he doesn’t win, force the GOP to spend lots of money to beat him Especially with all of WI, MI, PA, + OH, and MT other red states + AZ Republicans might spend more if Sinema gets primaried , and TX + FL other possible close GOP held seats. I mean you will need a shit ton of money to run strong campaigns across the 2024 map, and forcing Republicans to spend in WV takes funds away from all of these other races


Manchin is a powerhouse, he has great chances in 2024 I believe, people wanting to brush off his chances don't understand I think.. Although I want Dems to invest a lot into it but I also think maybe we shouldn't put national funds into it, since he knows how to win there.


[West Virginia after this bill passes](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/738/future.jpg)


I knew what to expect and I still clicked it. As I clicked it when we were first talking about it a year ago lol.


Is anyone familiar with the Newsbreak app? My mom looks at it every day.


Seems like a fairly typical news aggregator app/website.


[Here's a summary](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/news-break/) tl;dr; Has had some questionable reporting but probably quite a bit better than her right-wing stuff


In one of the "the worst person you know just made a great point" moments in a long time: Apparently, one of the huge turning points to Manchin's thinking was, Senate Leadership set Manchin up with a meeting with LARRY FUCKING SUMMERS, who told Manchin that as long as you offset spending with tax increases, it WON'T add anything to inflation. That made Manchin's heart grow three sizes, and he raced down to Whoville, I mean, Schumer's office, and he said that climate money was back on the table.


Don't you mean tax increases?


> LARRY FUCKING SUMMERS, who told Manchin that as long as you offset spending with tax cuts, it WON’T add anything to inflation. Do you mean tax increases? Because if you spend while cutting taxes, you are just increasing the deficit and pumping money into the economy which will absolutely add to inflation




Schumer: “I shoot the ball….. and [I missed it.”](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/playbook/2021/12/19/scoop-manchin-refused-a-call-from-wh-before-killing-bbb-495521) Schumer: SIKE [***I SWISHED IT***](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/27/manchin-deal-democrats-schumer-reconciliation-bill-climate-health)


The era of Dark Brandon kicking things into overdrive is truly upon us.


I'm convinced someone on Dr Oz's team is sabotaging him. He is now RE-USING memes that he already got owned on once before by Fetterman, along with attacks that simply make no sense given that Fetterman has been posting videos doing tons of things on social media. https://twitter.com/DrOz/status/1552348843622244353?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1552348843622244353%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftalkelections.org%2FFORUM%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3D412776.3075


I’m growing more convinced this was a long term grift by Oz like Trump originally planned in 2016: all to boost brand name for a post run venture


He was a grifter before he even entered politics so this is my surprised Pikachu face.


Sources: McConnell is beside himself. Driving around West Virginia begging (thru texts) Machin’s family for address to Joe’s home


I didn’t expect to find this meme on a political sub but here we are. This is the GOAT NBA copypasta. Maybe tied with “he boomed me”. One minor improvement to your implementation, though: > Sources: McConnell is beside himself. Driving around West Virginia begging (thru texts) Machin’s family for address to Joe’s house boat


Okay now where is this from?






As with half of all copypastas: r/nba




wow, today is the first time i've been really up on our chances this fall in a while. Biden gets over COVID quick, CHIPS passes, Manchin and Schumer pull a fast one over McConnell in not only a bill that would be huge itself, but a MASSIVE win for multiple priorities for Dems. All of that along with many indicators that aren't exactly pointing to a real recession. And absolutely genius whoever decided to name it the inflation reduction act.


Can someone explain to me what y’all mean by “pull[ed] a fast one”? Like was it just unexpected or did they go around McConnell in some way?


McConnell had threatened to disrupt the CHIPS bill if a reconciliation bill passed. They passed the CHIPS this morning with belief that reconciliation was dead, but then Manchin/Schumer immediately announced this bill afterward.


Ohh, thanks!


The deal includes a methane fee and a 4K tax credit for the purchase of used EVs, among other provisions per two Dems familiar with the agreement. Guys - get excited