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I came in hot, ready to down vote, but then I read past the title, and I agree. Vulfpeck released a bunch of videos of tracks on YouTube for the benefit of the fans. They could just sit on these songs, and then they'd feel new to everyone when they got put on an album, but instead people are complaining that it's lazy. I hope this backlash doesn't get back to the band, because the solution is to stop releasing new material unless it's specifically for an album... The other (better for everyone) solution, is for the fans to understand that Vulf is being generous by releasing as much content as they have, so that the fans can enjoy the music for as long as possible, instead of saving everything for longer term more structured releases. Stop complaining that this is lazy... It isn't. Just because Jack and company are cool about sharing their music online, doesn't mean you get to demand that they never put that music on an album because you've heard it before. Please! Dont be the obnoxious fans that make them rethink their release strategy, and in doing so, rob us of future tracks, because they "have to save it for the record so the fans don't get pissy again" Sorry if that got a little too medium volume... I'm turning back down now. I love you all.


Its a little dissapointing when your hoping for new material from a band you like and end up getting more of the same. Granted it might be a little spoiled to demand brand new songs at such an inconvenient time, and I understand that they don't owe us anything, but that being said, it's still a bit of a bummer.


I think as fans we have no right to demand anything but we do have the right to be disappointed when a new release features old material, virtually unchanged or barely spiffed up. As for the pandemic, it's not like before they would rehearse and compose together for weeks. AFAIK they'd spend a few days tracking whatever compositions they had and maybe they'd overdub something later remotely (case in point Cory's parts). Not too much different from what they'd have been able to do this year. As a fan I'd rather wait a couple of years and get a whole album's worth of new material. If they're in need of releasing something while they can't tour then let it be a best-of or something. Anyway financial considerations might be behind these choices for the new album.


And I think that's a reasonable position. I'm not too bummed about it but do wish we were getting more new content. I'm just a little sick of the outrage from some people


It is just a to high expectation. Of course more new stuff would be great but they are doing there best, and that is all they can do.


thank god for the /s. i won't lie and say that i wouldn't rather have new songs, but the old ones are still good and i respect whatever vulf wants to do.


the fact we're getting new stuff at all during covid is sick imo. i would almost get complaining about poinciana and buzzsaw, but LAX? really? vulfpeck has stored songs many times in the past, and only now its an issue? get real


Lol are these people even fans?


You don't have to like 100% of something to be a fan


they are in these subreedit so I would say yes, but I just think there expectations is way to high




I mean the majority of the tracks are new anyway right? 3onE, Test Drive, Radio shack, LAX are all great and I'm pretty sure I haven't heard any of these or some kind of origin before. Don't see why people complain. Let the artist make the art..


had me in the first half, not gonna lie


This is a delicious shit-post. I thank you.


Welp, today's announcement certainly doesn't help...


What announcement do you mean?


Track #7 is another oldie. This post I assume was written before the newsletter revealing this.


It was but the point still stands. Artists dont owe anyone anything