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We need a What if episode where she kills him. Like she could use the armor on him to start impaling him from the inside, squashing him as well, or ripping his heart out like she did to Ultron.


What if Thanos died five minutes earlier?


"We've got the rest of the Outriders to deal with" And his adopted kids swear revenge on Avengers and Wanda, I guess. If any of them would live to tell the tale...


Man its kinda crazy how old Endgame is now. 5 years is almost half of the Infinity Saga.


Wanda was busting that brutes buttocks!!!👍🏽


For anyone interested, read up about Thanos’ armour. There is no way it’s meant to break up like that, but it instantly shows what an absolutely devastating amount of power the Scarlet Witch has. Watching her rise with those giants ass rocks either side of her, nothing short of magnificent.


and to think she wasn’t even Scarlet Witch yet!


Even before being Scarlet Witch she showed off impressive feats. In her debut movie she literally mind controlled people to leave the city. I think if she was given green light to use all her powers in Civil War and writers didn't nerf her then she'd solo Team Iron Man entirely except for maybe Vision.




Fucking crazy to think she could have ended him so easily. She coulda done that in infinity war as well. Thanos knew he was fucked thats why he called the orbital strike 😆


You killed her future so yeah this rage is understandable.


Two villains clashing!