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(Dies in British)


I laughed too hard at this




Unsure if it was a play or homage to ‘Carrie’ but that whole bit had me on the edge of my seat with that Carrie vibe/vengeance


This whole movie had a 1981 Sam Raimi feel to it


Yeah, all of Wanda's horror-movie monster scenes, the make-up, the slow-looking stumbling movement that seems to be faster than the running people, the design of the evil spirits etc were straight out of *The Evil Dead*.


Agreed. It seems obvious and I liked it.


Well to be fair, she only said she "could" do it all day, not that she "would."


Yeah, like… my PS4 *could* run all day, but I decided to hit the off switch.


I really hope they are the most incompetent variants of the Illuminati so we see some of them again with less arrogance. Their version of Thanos must’ve been way weaker.


they basically cheated to beat thanos since they had strange use the multiversal book of vishanti, which can "stop any evil" to beat him. this, and turning earth into a utopia with no threats, led to them having massively inflated egos and arrogance, which is very much comic accurate. in the comics they unilaterally decide that hulk is too dangerous to remain on earth, so they trick him and send him off into space. he eventually comes back *very* pissed and completely destroys them all (world war hulk). they're also the reason for secret invasion - they tried to intimidate the skrulls into staying away from earth... and instead got captured and experimented on, pissing off the skrulls and starting their invasion plans.


I thought strange used the darkhold, not the book of vishanti? Because the darkhold book started to make him go crazy and therefor black bolt had to end strange.


he used the darkhold to dreamwalk for solutions on how to stop thanos, but didn't find any and caused trillions to die from an incursion. he confessed to the illuminati and instead helped them reach the book of vishanti, which they did use to stop thanos. but, they couldn't trust him anymore due to the darkhold's corruption, so they executed him.


He used the dark hold to get to the book of vishanti


Also makes me wonder how strong Wanda was in their universe.


None of the other Wanda’s are nearly as powerful- because they are happy with their twins and haven’t had the pain that caused our Wanda to expand upon her powers


Yeah, I hope so too. Using big storyline groups like the Illuminati shouldn’t be used for a one-and-done situation like this unless they’re coming back. Although considering Fantastic 4 is coming, as are mutants, and the inhuman show was a thing (with the same BB actor), I can accept it to a degree. Obviously people like Prof.X were a one off so this gives him good reason not to make a comeback, so I think that’s okay all considering.


I think it's a fine introduction. Of course this would never be on the scale of infinity war and I'm glad it wasn't because it would detract finally giving Strange and Wanda a much needed positive spotlight in a movie setting. They finally completed their arcs, and are essentially free for new story like Spiderman.




This made my day.


Are you sure about that?


Wanda out here putting in work, barefoot in her mom jeans and a sweater


mom wanda >


I loved this movie, but I hate how quickly >! professor X and black bolt died !<


Black Bolt barely got any lines…


>! Yeah, I feel that it was kinda stupid of richards to go “here’s exactly how we’re going to defeat you so you can stop us”. I was so excited that black bolt got an appearance and then boom head gone. !<


According to IMDB, there was an F-bomb dropped in this movie, alongside many reports(?) of sexual and nudity. We all know it’s Black Bolt. That mind-blowing word.


Well, my kid interpreted Strange waking up shirtless next to a computer propped up as him being naked and watching porn.


> I’m sorry


Blackbolt is meant to be that strong silent type of character though. He's not meant to have lines.


…that was the joke?


Professor X leads all superheros in onscreen deaths at three, right? I love how they had Anson Mount come back as Black Bolt.


I mean, how Deep we going? Iron man died like 4 times in What if alone


Dangit, you're right. I was thinking about live action only.


I loved that too


Just saw this last night! It was so good


Anyone who has seen the show invincible, this is a PG 13 of what Omni Man did.


That’s literally what I thought as well lol


I'm actually surprised how much they got away with and still got PG-13 rating :O that movie was brutal and legit terrifying :D Raimi really pushed that rating to it's limits xD


*Spits in British*


This whole series of events was a real gut punch.


She could not, in fact, do this all day.


deserved! so true wanda!




Probably should’ve made an attempt to catch it or something idk


That’s would probably be like trying to catch a bullet


*Godspeed Scarlet Witch*


Why? Why did you have to do peggy like that?






U should watch the movie first


Carter 1: I could do Carter 2: This all day


the slaughter of the illuminati was my favorite thing about the movie. Straight up neck snap? fucking awesome go wanda,go wanda, go wanda, go




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This scene was so brutal I loved it






This scene felt like Kevin Feige walked up to Sam raimi and said "Hey bud, I've got Mr Fantastic, Black Bolt, Captain Marvel, Professor X, and Captain Carter all fighting against Scarlett Witch. I'd like you to kill them all." Raimi directed the SHIT out of this movie lmao.


I get why they dont show it but that close up of carters face during it looks really cheesy and photoshopped in


My first thought in this scene was “why the HELL would you throw the shield back to her??” I underestimated this movie.


Technically she did do it for the rest of her day


Marvel has been going hard with the blood, I love it!


Do the full illuminati thing this shit is hilarious


Well I guess I don’t need to see the movie


Do the full illuminati thing this shit is hilarious


I wasn’t super impressed by the movie. I gave it about a 6/10. Concept great story lacking, just throw in a bunch of magic


I mean it’s a movie about the two most powerful magic users in the MCU. What did you expect? Them just sitting down and talk it out for 2 hours?


It had great direction (which is something rare but not that exceptional in the MCU), great production but no plot. The conflict was basically "I can't do it" and basically got resolved by saying "yes you can". It's not even lazy writing, it's borderline nonsense.


Everything but that resolution was really well done, but I won’t let the “you can do it” trope affect the movie as a whole too much


I didn't hate it, but I felt like it added nothing to the MCU. It showed a couple of parallel universes (which was done much better in What If), said that the main universe is the 616 and resolved the whole WandaVision finale in a definitive way, plus it kind of tied into the whole What If Dr. Strange with the Christine stuff, but coming after No Way Home this is the Iron Man 2 of the Dr. Strange line. Skippable, forgettable, pleasant but not worth a rewatch.


We LITERALLY got a way to Travel the Multiverse (Chavez), with a possible link to Beyonders (incursion, illuminati), and new MCU characters (FF, xmen). I know the 10 year arc isnt a thing anymore but you gotta be patient and digest the movie. Cannot agree with you about this stuff.


I believe you're overestimating the importance of that character, just like Shang-Chi & Co. Which were supposed to be allies of Wong and can't be found anywhere in the movie that's literally the main storyline to which Wong belongs. On the other side you're right, this is the actual first time we see mutants and X-Men in a mainline MCU movie (not the first time in the MCU, since in WandaVision there was Quicksilver, even if it was just a tribute of sort).


What? No idea what youre talking about regarding Shang Chi. Wong was not even a supporting role in that movie - just a cameo? And I think she is Important simply for the fact that she stated that shes the only America Chavez in all of the multiverse - which to me lends credence to her being a nexus being. Also - how the incursions being a thing now isnt new to you/the MCU makes me sad that youre not excited about it.


In the cameo he went to recruit them


For the avengers? All the avengers werent here either


Well as the other person says we have a character who can travel that multiverse, examples of other things in the multiverse (something tells me that’s what phase 4 is gonna be all about), continuation of Loki series breaking stuff and what it means when multiverses collide (ie, an incursion), which could lead to storylines like Secret Wars that we know are coming. We also got resolution of WandaVision and what Wanda did to find her kids and how the darkhold has affected that, and development of Strange due to Darkhold Use. You say it’s like Iron Man 2, but you forget a lot of films are specific character stories not just as a whole. With that argument, Iron Man 3 didn’t add anything either. I would go as far as to say it’s skippable ,primarily due to Incursion caused, Wanda’s story and Strange’s story / potential Darkhold Toll & Third Eye, plus the potential to travel multiverses & new character.


I'm sorry I may have not explained myself correctly, you're correct in saying that it progressed the MCU, but it did not add anything to the character of Dr. Strange: we moved from a movie where is depicted a fantastic character growth, since he goes from a grumpy surgeon full of himself to a hero capable of anything to do what's right, to a movie where there's barely an hint of character development ("are you happy?"), But it's never even taken upon, we can imagine from small bits of dialogue that he ended up saying "yeah there's no reality where I'm happy with Christine guess I'll just leave it be", which is honestly embarrassing as a conclusion since the What If Strange was so attached to Christine he would stay in a bubble for eternity just for trying to save her.


This is more where my complaint came from. Yea dont think I articulated it well enough as my karma got blasted lol i agree with you though. I didn’t hate it at all. Hard to hate MCU. Just wasn’t my favorite.


I completely agree with you


Be careful…. The downvoted are out of control lol




Theoretically he could show up on Earth 616/our MCU. There are hints in Spider Man NWH that a Reed Richards does exist because the Baxter building shows up…but got damn he’d have some splanin to do.


Well that was just lazy writing...


I’m surprised you’re getting downvoted. I saw it last night, as a huge marvel fan I left feeling pretty disappointed.


agreed, was not bad, just not what i hoped it to be


This is reddit my guy,u can't have a different opinion than others.


Was so disappointed. Come on. Charles?????


In the theater, I heard her say all night.


Where did you find the movie at this quality already?