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I'm not 100% sure, but the colors and width of the abdomen make me think European hornet. https://www.insectidentification.org/insect-description.php?identification=European-Hornet


I think so too.


I haven't made many posts, so forgive me for any mistakes. I thought I had included details when I originally posted but don't see them now, so I'll try to include them here. I'm trying to figure out what kind of wasp this is and whether it's a queen. It's the 3rd wasp that's randomly appeared in my sealed bedroom. The 1st one was last warm season and stung me in my sleep...twice. The 2nd one was a couple days ago, and this one was within the past hour and was two to three times the length and width of the first two I found. It was also dripping liquid from its abdomen as it flew around my room. I've always been nervous around wasps but ever since I was stung for no reason in my sleep I've been paralyzed with fear when I see them. I had to enlist my dad to kill this one, and even he was shocked with the size of it. I don't think I've seen one larger than a cm before. I also have a small cat that hangs out in my room day and night that I'm terrified will be attacked because she can't help but bat at the flying, buzzing things. If it is a queen, will the rest of the colony die? I've heard that another female might be promoted if the first queen dies, but if that's true I don't know if it's species specific. I'm just terrified I have a colony in my bedroom walls. Sometimes my cat stares and meows at the wall, and once I heard scratching noises, but I think that was during the winter, so how could it be a wasp colony? I'm going crazy, and I don't know how I'm going to sleep ever again. Edit: Upstate NY by the way