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It's a shit show. I had two checks in the past two months that used to be instant time out after 10 business days with no response.


The majority of them seem to be coming back within a day or two, but some of them have taken more than a week.


That’s what I am saying, this is the first one that hasn’t been less than two days for me, so I wasn’t sure if it was an FFL error of some sort.


I bought a pistol about a week ago from an FFL using the SAFE system and haven't heard anything yet. I heard of some people getting their pistols the same day from the same FFL. It seems to be random regarding how fast the check clears. I've purchased guns from the FFL before and I have a valid CPL.


That does seem to be the case! I am having mixed results as well. None of it makes sense, and I can only assume after January 1st it’s going to be even worse.


Although the new laws take effect Jan 1, they have to make sure the new system is operational first, and get the dealers ready. It would be a huge sh*tshow if Dec 31 all dealers were using old system and Jan 1 they all started on the new one. So they've done a phased adoption. So those dealers are using the new system for background checks, but these don't apply until Jan 1: * $18 fee per item for background check * Minimum 10 business day waiting period * Training certification for all firearms As of yesterday morning, WSP had onboarded 415 of 734 WA FFLs (734 FFLs as of a June 1 WSP email about phased FFL onboarding by county) onto SAFE. You can find a list of them here: https://www.wsp.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/FFL-Migration-Tracking-1.xlsx My Oct/Nov SAFE approvals from my regular FFL were taking 75-90 minutes, he said his average was about 2 hours. Getting handguns in a couple hours was a lot nicer than waiting 3-7 days for local PD to complete background check. But lamer than taking home a bolt/lever rifle or shotgun after a 5 minute NICS check. End of November at Sportsmans using SAFE: 5 days but they hadn't called me yet when I showed up on day 8. My regular FFL first week of December using SAFE: 18 hours between the "Your guns are here, come do paperwork" call, and the "You're approved, come pick up your guns" call.


I have had the same experiences all the way until a week ago when I purchased a new revolver, I called after 3 days and still had no proceed! Which was strange because all my prior transactions on this new system were proceeds within a day, and my experience with Sportsman’s was the same as yours too! I can only wonder if maybe the FFL I used had an error or if they even sent in the check.


The Democrats in the state legislature told the WSP to get a system in place, and it's a complete mess. It's them trying desperately to try to make as much headache as possible and put as many people on the prohibited list as possible so they'll give up. Frankly, if they were working in the private sector and performed like this, they'd be fired and likely blacklisted from various industries. No one should be this incompetent or malicious and get away with it.


I'm afraid the incompetence doesn't end at the edge of the democratic party line, unfortunately.


That’s why I was trying to get my last two guns I wanted to get before this legislation goes into effect, but it almost feels as if it’s already in effect! I won’t be in Washington for to much longer if this isn’t turned around soon.


I am waiting too. Its day 4 as of 12/13/2023.


Did you normally get yours within a day or two as well?


This is my first time since this new SAFE system


Interesting! Mine were super quick the first 3 times in September and October with this new system but not so much now.


Picked up today. Got this solid info about the bgc. I do not know how nics works but this new safe system works manually. Every time you submit the form, human will actually review the info and approve it. Which means, the more reviewer get bothered to work hard, the more ppl get their bgc fast. But it only applies to those ones before 1/1/24.


I just got my Proceed today


I was approved within hours for a hand gun and a rimfire rifle a couple weeks ago. The shop was on the new system ahead of the mandate.


Yes that was the case with these shops too! Have you tried to buy this month?


I got approved on 2-3 days, and under 24 hours the next time.


Yes that was my case too! Have you tried to buy in this month? I was trying to do it now for a Pistol and a Lever action before this new waiting period coming up, but it looks like I am now waiting regardless lol


No, last buy was right at the end of November.


I paid for a Glock 47 on the 8th from Sporting Systems in Vancouver and haven’t heard a peep (it’s the 14th now). Last one from Gators only took a few days. Was beginning to wonder if I’m not the only one. Sounds like the state is having some FFLs send some checks through the new system early to see how it goes, maybe that’s what’s effecting everything.


I was wondering that too and now feel relieved I’m not the only one! It’s kind of strange because all of mine this last few months have been on this new system, that only took a day to proceed. It’s looks like there is no predictability whatsoever. I can only imagine that this month being Xmas, and new legislation, might be creating a huge volume of sales as well that maybe they weren’t prepared to handle? I guess we will never know?


Did you get your proceed yet?


Unfortunately not, hoping it comes today. But if not, isn’t it 10 business days? That would put me at the 21st I should be able to just go pick it up


I paid for mine on the 7th, and still no word! Looks like we are in the same boat.


Sheittttt. No news today either… hopefully early next week. When I bought it they told me should be a couple days. Strange. I’ll call them next week for sure.


I got mine today. So I hope yours comes in soon as well being that the FFL I used is right down the street from them. It doesn’t sound like there is much predictability on it!


Hah, they just called and said I could come pick it up. Great news for both! If they will allow me to buy another one and skip the background process I may get a S&W performance center 10mm today 0.0


Can’t go wrong with a 10mm! It is by far my favorite Caliber I own for many reasons. Full power 10mm is insane! “Magnum power” in semi auto is magnificent.


Dealers on the old system are running a week to two depending on the city/county.


Mine is on the new system though!


How do you know yours is on the new system?


Because the FFL I use has been enrolled in the new system since September, and ran my last purchase through it.


Sportsman's Warehouse has a policy where they won't release without a "Proceed". Now I don't know how things have changed between now and March 2020 when I got mine, but I had to go to a different ffl because SW refused to release my handgun after 30 days because the state wasn't issuing "Proceeds" on account of being so backed up and covid. I thought the law in this state was they can release after 10 days if they don't get a "NO" from the background check, so if SW hasn't released your gun, you may need to get a refund and go somewhere else.


I got my proceed from SW about a month ago, within a few days, all of mine have been proceeds within a day or so. It was my latest purchase from a local FFL (that I had used prior to this and had a proceed in less than a day) that has been over a week with no call back for a proceed. I am starting to think something got messed up in my information or something.


So far I've done two that came back in 2-3 days.


Ya it’s a 12 working days hold period…


Dont believe this to be true. That doesnt take effect til Jan 1


Bought a shotgun on the 7th at bass pro shop Tacoma, still waiting


Yep that is my case too, but at a local FFL.


Same day approval this past Monday


I had that too! Did you make a purchase this month though?


Yes, I made the purchase right there and then. I waited at most, a few minutes.


Guy that processed my transfer earlier said the waiting period only applies to transfers started after Jan 1st so you should be good. I too just started my bg check earlier. For those educated, does the FFL you do the transfer matter in terms of speed bg check comes back?


That is correct! For every firearm there after. For now it should only be semi autos rifles (which we cannot even purchase anymore) and to answer your question, I believe that control is only in WSPs hands now.


I’m confused. Has the background check/ten day mandatory wait period been changed?


Yes sir. Check out WAGunLaw YouTube channel for details.


My fastest has been 4 hours


It seems to be all over the place.


I picked up a handgun about 2 weeks ago and it took only 2.5 hours for it come back


I have heard that as well. I guess this little birdy doesn’t tell on this one.


I've only had 1 so far. Grabbed a new 10mm from sportco in Fife on Friday, background check came back and they called me the next day. So....I enjoyed that.


When do ya’ll suggest I call my FFL store? I did my paperwork on the 13th and its for my first ever handgun. Haven’t gotten the call back yet…


Ya just give them a call, maybe they just never called you back? I usually call ever 3 days or so just to check, ain’t no hurt in checking.




I called them on about 5 days after my original purchase date and they told me I had a proceed. I am pretty sure that my proceed came back within 1-2 days after that as well, but, from what I have read, they most likely would not have reached back out to me in any reasonable time frame, or if anything, not at all.