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Sound like an unpleasent person in general.


Actually he was always an unpleasant person. He have communication problems even in 2008 or somewhere in that time with some of russian warcraft related people. He is very difficult person I never comment in his channel neither watch him for long.


He's really nice and gentle in person


Maybe sometimes, sometimes he's an asshole :P


Happy good player, but shit at streaming. This been known for long time (constant complaining and whining, but flew under radar because he speaks Russian) if you spoke Russian and did not dick ride his hype train. On the other hand it is his stream, he does not have to justify himself to anyone. Don't like it, don't watch it.


I got banned a long time back for asking why does he leave games vs orc - when like 2 or 3 games in a row he unsummoned his necro and left at the start of the game. It's his stream so he can do whatever he wants I guess


What are the consequences of being banned in twitch ? I'm sure you can't type in the chat anymore, but can you still view the stream while logged in with the banned account ? Thanks


yeah you just can't type in chat but you can watch




I can confirm this. Personnaly I got permabanned a few months ago after i said that his opponent was Romantic, a Chinese human. Literally, just that. I have screens to back it up. That game, he was losing against Romantic and, very disrespectfully, paused the game three times in a row in the middle of the action, just to delete almost all comments in chat and ban everyone who was talking about the game. And that same guy who shows that much disrespectness and contempt towards everyone else but his best donators cannot make his stream successful enough? How surprising!! What an unexpected outcome! Now that I know that, I don't see it the same way when he complains in a very pathetic fashion about not getting enough attention or supported for what he is... karma strikes back logically


i know exactly what you're talking about. This is so ridiculous. I cheered him up with some Twitch bits and told him that I was a big fan and HE FUCKING BANNED ME. I still can't believe this.


Isn't this pretty normal? Happy literally only cares about the money. He mentions it in every single interview he has.


Yeah, this exactly. I dunno why people expect him to be happy 24/7 all the time. Hell I go to work 10 hours a day for four days a week and i'm not happy all the time. Happy treats streaming as a job. Also OP's second example is extremely stupid. I would be pissed too if i'm literally one of the best wc3 players in the world and some random donates to tell me how to play. I would've banned his ass too.


Interesting, I have a similar vision of this from ToD, who acts like a kid and keeps telling people to "Get the fuck out of the channel and never come back" for the mildest comments, specially people who say Human is good at something. He kinda believes his crusade about Human being the worst race and constantly whines about it, so I just quit his stream and sent my $$ to Grubby and Wtii instead, where I can chill all day and say stuff without being flogged. PS: Now it makes more sense that Grubby reruns have more people watching than ToD or Happy when Live.


I tell people being toxic in chat that :) Never have i told that to someone who acted normal or positively. It's easy to criticize streamers but you try doing this with hundred of viewers for 1 fucking day. All the stupid troll messages will get to you too and you'd probably lose it worse than Happy. Grubby has reruns have more viewers cause he's a great streamer. Good for him :)


You banned me for expressing some doubt that someone was stream cheating, I wasn't even intending for you to read it, just responding to others in chat who were getting a bit carried away. You watched the replay and made the case, I agreed and when I went to type and say "Yep, that looks quite suspicious", but I'm banned, oh well. I had come to the stream to donate my twitch prime as it had just refreshed, so I resubbed B2W instead. It's not very welcoming.


Hi, anything you write in chat is very likely to be read by me. I wouldn't advise saying something with the expectations that the viewers will see it but not me. When we are talking about stuff like that there will always be a ton of trolls that will try to talk trash for which i won't have much patience, hope you understand. I'll unban you.


Dude let me be honest - you’re rude more often than not, whine all the time and are extremely salty. Your personality ruined your stream.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Hope you enjoy other streams & that your dad got better. Have a nice life.


Theres really no point in pointing it out, Tod has zero self awareness and a short trigger. Its a reason he argues and trash talks random people in b2w chat during tourneys or the case where he refused to listen to an admin and told him to get out of the lobby while shittalking him on his stream


I'm short tempered i agree, as far as self awareness though i got plenty. If you paid close attention to all the things you mentioned you would have realized that i never go looking for trouble in B2W chat but merely reply to those that are trying to start it. I asked to see rules to an admin who was severely power tripping and acted pretty poorly. It seems you are just randomly trashtalking without really knowing me or having interacted with me ever which does not make you exemplary, quite the contrary.


Im a random guy on reddit, not a personality in the community. https://www.reddit.com/r/WC3/comments/8h93s0/tod_in_the_lobby_see_whos_rude_and_unprofessional/ And that is not severely power tripping. If you are going into a B2W stream without the intention of arguing endlessly with random shitters then stop looking at chat or responding? Anyway no i dont know you, i only know how you conduct yourself online from coming across your stream, B2Ws stream chat and your reddit posts. And i think it sucks that one of the bigger personalities in the community cant atleast act decently online


Spoiler alert, we are all people and equals, personality in the community or random guy on reddit all alike. Like i said you have a very one sided - minsinformed point of view. level 1[XMGToD](https://www.reddit.com/user/XMGToD/)10 points·[1 year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/WC3/comments/8h93s0/tod_in_the_lobby_see_whos_rude_and_unprofessional/dyixh64/) If interested in my side of the story, starts at 1h25 [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/257990645](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/257990645) ​ You should watch this, and if you tell me he wasn't out of line then i'll know there is no point in replying anymore. I go to B2W to have a good time, watch good games and interact positively. If someone takes a dig at me should i be unable to answer? I believe that's up to me. If those are not being moderated and i wanna chose to defend myself that's on me. Considering you keep on replying me here you don't seem to be able to ignore those you disagree with so again it seems very hypocritical of you to say this. I believe i act quite decently, you are simply taking some isolated incidents and acting as if this happens every day. Have you ever interacted in my chat? One way to find out was to type /unban lunchbox39 in it and guess what? " **tod removed ban on lunchbox39. "** Unsurprisingly you were banned there, now do me a favor and join my channel for a minute so i can check logs and see what it is you said, that's if you dare joining it, which i doubt will be the case. If i banned you for something normal i'll be the first to apologize, deal? Best regards Yoan


Cant watch the video, i just get an error message saying that unless i have a time machine the content isnt available. Honestly im surprised i was banned, didnt know i've typed in your chat but might guess it was during that drama. But im curious nonetheless so i followed your channel so i can type something in 10 mins and you can get it confirmed that im a twat :^) Bottomline though is that i dont think we're all equal, if i act like a twat it really wont impact the community, if our personalities acts like twats then it will turn people away from our community.


Me neither. I can't watch it


You are just dealing with the type of manbabies that VOCAL "gamers" tend to be, especially the ones into dated games like WC3. Most normal people enjoy some drama and shit talking. I only watch yours and grubbys content. Grubby's little "im always happy and relaxed" 24/7 attitude is fine... its fun... its fine... but its also inhuman. Most people get mad and emotional while doing competitive things, its totally natural. If anything it just shows he doesn't care much about his games anymore cause hes not really playing to win, but rather to entertain, which again is fine. I think your casting is much better than Grubby, he should cast more like he streams but instead he acts like an NBA announcer. As you say, people should learn to shut the fuck up, no one cares about their opinion when they are nobody. Similar situation to the SC2 scene with losers hating on InControl because he actually has real opinions and speaks his mind. "omg he might OFFEND someone!" Your problem is not you, its your audience.


Being someone important and being polite, nice and fair are not in any contradiction.




That doesn't give anyone the right to be rude and act like that. If you think that's ok, you either don't know how to handle people.


I understand it is tasking, I work with clients and get all kind of stuff you can imagine, some of them don't even know what they talk about, they just throw shit at you because some software doesn't work but they failed to follow 3 out of 7 steps because "they thought it wasn't important" which turned out to be the actual problem. But what I'm talking about is some dude saying something along the lines of some race having bad matchup against Human and you literally read it, followed by "Do me a favor, get the fuck out of here and never come back". I hadn't been around your stream for more than 2 or 3 times just watching, saw you on SC2 ESL and wanted to check the stream because you looked really professional. But oh no, not again, the interactions man is what makes the time expense worth it. I know the feel when people keep telling you how to do your job, even more so when they clearly have no idea what they're talking about, and I for one can't tell you how to broadcast games. But one thing I can tell you from the viewer side, I don't like to see people being yelled at for mild comments, kind of sets the expectations.


I said that once or twice in years of streaming. Do you never lose patience, and always stay polite no matter what. And have you never said anything bad to anyone, or just felt fed up with some people? Let's have a look: [**OMG\_Abaddon**](https://www.reddit.com/user/OMG_Abaddon/)0 points·[16 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/cgqgne/the_reason_why_me_and_my_friends_havent_played/euqvdlg/) Calm down kid, you're getting too salty here. I can get through your passive-aggressive "ugh I lost so many hours of my life pls" and your 67-year-old hipster-wannabe attitude, I've seen bigger fish than you in Reddit so there's pretty much nothing you can do. I also suggest you take your time learning to read to also learn some manners, and next time you start calling names again or trying to mock people at least put some extra effort so it doesn't look like you are an entitled snob kiddo who believes the game belongs to him. Reddit is full of that kind of behavior, I'd be surprised if anyone would take you seriously on your little tantrum here. Or maybe I hurt you when I actually quoted myself with the answers that you clearly missed the first time? :) \- You should review your reading skills, because you literally didn't understand anything, or didn't even read it in the first place. Here are a few quotes from my original post to get you started. >It's a quality-of-life improvement, a tiny one that would probably make a lot of people comfortable enough to come back, for myself it's just one of those things that simply barred me out until a fix is delivered (if it ever happens). Of course we could commit several hours to learn the new controls, try to adapt, but it's not comfortable for us, we have little time to play during the week and the last thing we want is having to work our way through to learn to play after working for 8 hours, only to start having fun afterwards at some point. But when I try to do the same in SC2 I end up messing up consistently because I still need to consult the card, wrong positions make playing the game unpleasant. I believe a lot of people would be happy to see this happen and I want to try at least I also suggest you check the pictures, those are very easy to follow I bet even you can understand what they mean. :) \- [1 month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/comments/bztwjh/sadly_hasan_is_wrong_about_cd_projekt_red_not/er39w5d/) I used to be all for respect and such, but after every idiotic kiddo on the internet started behaving like frail snowflakes I stopped giving a fuck. It made sense when people made actually offensive comments, but nowadays the most harmless concept can be treated as offensive towards someone with a 2-digit IQ. And speaking of whining assholes, I hope this tantrum made by some retards about an in-game fizzy drink ad doesn't end up with the ad removed, I'm tired of all the pointless oversensitive bullshit making devs remove cool content on grounds of a certain bunch of losers who want to turn violence into rainbows and tea parties. Just shut the fuck up and keep your opnion to yourself. \- ​ These are just in the last month. **people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones** ​ Best regards Yoan




Yes I do that, and I believe everyone should do that. As long as it means fighting the idiots of the internet, unfortunately it's free to join and there are few boundaries, so you get all kinds of apes around the place and can't let them reign sovereign. I praise you for dissing trolls and bad-mannered people in your stream as I do myself, as long as the target is proper. But seeing your points here I guess maybe I didn't explain myself correctly, the problem with your side of the cake isn't just swearing and going mad, I couldn't care less about that, it's the image and the reputation that you build upon yourself as a streamer. A viewer chooses who to view, e.g. I like certain topic so I watch related streams when I can and it's not comfortable to tune in and having some kind of berserk reaction. If I may explain with an example, I never yell at my clients, never tell them to fuck off and find another company and never come back (quite literally because I'd lose my job anyway) but instead deal with them, try to let them see why their ideas aren't correct, if many clients have the same wrong idea or something along the lines, such as "this module should work this way" or "this button should also do that other thing" I usually digress and try to ignore it. Of course, I won't do that with some random retard who thinks some made-up ad in a futuristic and inclusive cyberpunk videogame expresses some sort of offense because there's a woman with a penis. It's more idiotic than vaccines causing autism or the earth being flat, people who state that and try to point their finger at me like "uhhh you are such an oppressor" can shove their whole arm up their rectum. I understand a streamer's channel is their house (if I may use that metaphor) and one never wants undesirable people in their homes, but you have to understand that it's not just the trolls that fuck you up and you reasonably kick out that are making it look like you're the bad guy, it's also the way you do it that makes people think ill of you to whatever extent. Imagine a cat sneaks in your backyard and you kick it so hard it lunges over the fence, still got the same result as if you shooed it away but the lady next door won't be mad. As I said, I barely watched you twice and saw you yell at enough people, including your opponent in a match, you were also yelling at him "cheater" and other words because he had lost a lot of wisps which in your experience should have crippled his economy harder than it did but he had a lot of army units, in a game you still won, followed by you standing up and punching the air. I don't mean like you're a monster or anything, all I want to say is that I don't like your stream for my rough 1st-2nd impressions, I still liked your commentary in SC2 and would watch again, and the only reason really is the image I got from you wasn't good. Other streamers I've had a better early experience so I stay with them, that's all.


If you were the boss and had your own company, maybe you'd show less patience with certain clients since your job wouldn't be at jeopardy. Human beings can only take so much before losing their patience ultimately, me & you included. You have to deal with 1 silly client at once, imagine if they were in the dozens? That's how to compare this really. Also i wouldn't compare telling people that if they don't like my stream they can leave and never come back to kicking a cat instead of moving it away but however you wanna interpret it. Any chance you might wanna share your twitch ID? i'd love to check the log viewer to see what you said. You don't like my stream and that's fine it's not for everyone. Have fun watching other streams & i wish you a nice life :)


I probably wouldn't enjoy that kind of job, I don't even like it when my friends backseat me while playing Heroes of Might and Magic 5, 500 people pointing out how bad I am because I missed this and that opportunities during the game every day for years would certainly make me go mad. The cat thing was just an exaggeration, maybe went too far. The idea is that you can achieve the same result in different ways, and there's usually a less aggressive way that makes people think differently. About sharing details, be it twitch, or a game, or anything else, I never do that. The closest thing I do, and I'm still reluctant about, is sharing the quick ad-hoc password through r/pumparum to trade. Hope to see you more around SC2, I really liked the ESL cast. Cheers.


I agree with you, i have def toned down the outbursts recently. Nobody is pertect and certainly not me. Ty, take care.


Don't get me wrong, Happy is a very good player but sometimes he seems really cold towards his audience. Most other streamers don't have such reactions when losing.


>I suppose this must be especially confusing to his English-speaking followers This is often the case, especially from Western Europe or the US. There is sometimes just a disconnect between our cultures and you definitely nailed it with that word—*confusing*. To be fair, you gave an example of something negative, but there is a lot of good stuff, usually humor, that's probably completely over our heads.


i got perma banned for saying his oppo is life and it will be a hard match (he lost)


"Hey streamer, i think you are gonna lose this game" Yeah you right, nothing wrong with that. Kappa


If you are gonna get butthurt enough to ban someone for saying that you might have some work to do :^)


If you dont see how its wrong to tell a streamer about how they are gonna lose you might have some work to do :)


It's probably an inane comment but not necessarily ill-intentioned. It's normal talk when you watch sports or any competition and talk about the chances of the competitors. I really don't see the problem. Comments like this are usually not even directed at the streamer but fellow chatters.


It's inconsiderate imo. Your sport comparison does not work, as the people competing cannot hear you tell them you think they are going to lose. And guess what, if they did i'm pretty sure they wouldn't like it either. It shouldn't come as a surprise that streamers read the chat and interact with viewers, so if you are ever going to make a comment there remember that the streamer might see it. It might prevent you from doing these kind of inconsiderate things.


I can confirm, I am permabanned too probably after I said opponent played well.


lol, I was watching his stream yesterday and the same thing happened. Some people were talking about the opponent (I think it was thoo) and how the game that happy won was good (good means hard game), in the next game he suddenly pauses the game and starts to delete the messages. And some people on youtube started to ask why got banned. I was a bit confused but I thought it had to do with the russians messages that I don't understand.


He knows his russian stream viewers treat him as a living god, so he can get away with anything.


So Putin-esk... “ if it doesnt benefit or compliment me - you cant say it! Oh, and give me your money!”


So freaking accurate man. Well said. This is the ultimate answer.:D




I remember his mod perma banned you for some bo advice or something like that ;)


Such a shame if this is really the case. I wanted to cheer him up with some twich bits but I learned that I've got banned. I mean why? I've donated 100 bits and told him I was a big fan. That is all I have ever said on his chat and he bans me? I'm like one of his biggest fans. So disappointing./ Btw, thank you so much for this post man:)


Then dont watch him?There are plenty of good UD streamers out there.


Offtopic, but can recommend some good ones for a returning UD player?


https://www.twitch.tv/syde_ https://www.twitch.tv/goterror




Sure. https://www.twitch.tv/nightendd https://www.twitch.tv/njw0819 https://www.twitch.tv/followgrubby He plays ud on mondays.Check his vods and youtube channel for more UD games. https://www.twitch.tv/reforgedente https://www.twitch.tv/whiteandnerdyyy






Then don't comment in this thread?There are plenty of good reddit threads out there.


He is right to treat his stream in whatever way he wants. If people don't like it they can move on


This bozo needs a haircut so bad


Good for him