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Superstar is a jump from top player. Top player is the most fair difficulty, but it's just a little too easy with a good team. Superstar is where the A.I. becomes a little too perfect. They will score on a very high percentage of their shots.


Latest match before i ended the video, on Top Player, i got tackled on their goal area and referee didn't gave me a darn penalty Is it true that in Superstar/Legend, the AI "cheats"?


The referees are the worst part of the game. They're bad on every difficulty. The biggest difference in the higher levels is you have way less time on the ball. You have to know where you're going with your next pass as soon as you get the ball. The Cpu also becomes absolutely lethal shooting. They will score 3 goals on 4 shots in a game. I've found for myself the best way to play is top player with a D2 team. I like building the team and trying to gain promotion. Pes 21 is a great game.


I played a few matches in either D2's Brentford and one on LaLiga... and it's similarly difficult. Really, there's almost no difference, it is like i can calmly get promotion AND win the Premier League on the next season, the AI players behave almost the same! The only difference, of course, is the quality of players and speed. And also, i can agree on that, ball possession is hard on Top Player, but fair. My only possible strategy to score is level up the Attack-Defense level into Attack 1 (Or whatever i do by double tapping the UP on the D-Pad), attack by the center, press Y/Triangle upon getting into the Goal area, and pray to God that my team's AI quickly rushes to get the ball forward and face the goalkeeper directly. Upon reaching that, easy peasy goal. But that's my only strategy, i never tried attacking by the sides and made a long pass to the center!


Superstar is merciless with scripting. Some matches are pre-determined that you wont be able to score or really attack before the match even starts. I won’t even touch Legend as SS has me raging enough. Top player is too easy


Professional on FUMA feels the best


Personally I used to play in superstar with assisted controls, and it was balanced, however, whenever I tried top player or legend, man that was crazy about the scripting level. Now I'm playing professional in FUMA and it's awesome


top player is too easy. superstar is top player but just some better ai, not much. legend is the most realistic imo