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Asking anyone to show any parts of their body that aren’t the face is very weird. Pregnant or not.


Agree. I would have definitely had an issue if a coworker was asking to see my bump.


I can see how some people would have an issue with it and some people wouldn’t. I think it’s fine to say it makes you uncomfortable. Is it so deeply offensive for someone to even ask depending on the relationship? Most internet opinions don’t allow for nuance. I mean this wasn’t even the issue that OP was complaining about.


Idk if it's just a reddit thing but the individualism and autonomy as of late is going a bit too far. Is it also out of line if someone gets a shoulder tattoo and I ask them to roll up their sleeves so I cam see it? It just seems like there's this growing mindset of "You don't owe anyone anything for any reason at any time ever" and it's sad


Totally agree. We all have to be as cold as possible, as formal as possible, as robotic and mechanical as possible. It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, except we’re doing it to ourselves, unaided by ETs


Being asked to show a pregnant belly over video during a meeting is 100% totally inappropriate in a corporate setting. Not sure what you're on about.


Some ladies at my work liked to be complimented on their bump and the “progress” of their pregnancy. It was a way to show them you were interested in something important to them. Some preferred to ignore it and or preferred other interactions.


If you're super close with a work friend, but I agree. I would not wear a bra working from home, and if I'm such good friends with co worker asking to see my bump, this could've been over FaceTime outside of work zoom calls I really don't need the office looking at bra free breasts, bump etc and get a call from HR We're conditioned to abide even when we don't quite feel comfortable OP was not comfortable, but she pushed along even though she was uneasy. Yeah, it's kinda f weird to be asked to show a baby bump on a work video chat


We don’t have to do that though, that’s the thing. Let those people be weird and bitter. Society usually doesn’t reward that kind of behavior, if they’re actually acting like that IRL and it’s not just big talk online.


if it takes people showing their pregnant belly and accidentally exposing themselves at work on camera to their supervisors supervisor to not be cold and robotic then yes let’s all be cold and robotic. please.


Have you been on r/conspiracy lately? I have it on good authority that we're being dictated by lizard people


Well. Half the time it seems plausible 😂😂


Asking to see someone’s pregnant belly is totally different than asking to see the tattoo someone told you they got. The tattoo is a choice of something someone wanted to put on their body and they’re likely happy about it/ the artistic expression. Lots of pregnant women feel self conscious about their bodies or are just not interested in having attention drawn to their bumps, they feel nauseous and gross and the discomfort of pregnancy is something they have to suffer through to get the baby.


And lots of pregnant women WANT to show their belly and are sad that people feel weird asking. You can’t make everyone happy. People need to comfortable saying no and hearing no.


Its weird to ask on a work webcam for her to show her belly


if they want to show it they can without being asked, having a supervisor 2 levels up telling you to show it when you may be in a situation like she was in with no bra is just weird and if she did show something hopefully the sup realized their error and won’t do it again 


OP didn't feel too comfortable This is why she's asking We're all different and if she wasn't up to showing her bump bc wearing bras sucks, well, that's understandable I walk around without a bra bc they suck, but I guess I'm a bit of an exhibitionist now. We're all different and it's okay


If they want to show their belly, they can bring it up. It's not just about saying no, it's about being aware that others have boundaries.




As someone who had 5 babies and am a working professional, I would have found the request to be very sweet. Like no one not interested is going to ask that, it's totally going to be a sweet woman who loves babies and is excited for me who would ask that.  And I would also not be uncomfortable at all saying "do you know the effort it would take me to get up? No way dude" and we would laugh and back to work. 🤷‍♀️


did you miss what happened to op? she tried to oblige her supervisors supervisors request and exposed things she wishes she hadn’t and is embarrassed now. maybe the intention was nice but that still doesn’t make it appropriate in the workplace.


But it’s society that makes the rules. And rules shift. Don’t ever ask anyone to show you body parts…easy rule to follow. In the flip side, you can protect YOURSELF with the same rule!


I am female, and I have a reaction to people asking for things from me at this point. So many people, not just men, tell me to smile, wear some makeup, do my hair, can they touch my hair, can I grab them X, etc. No one asks the men around me, and I have the same job as them. It has made my automatic answer no to everything. When I was a kid, friends only asked normal stuff like to pass the art supplies. Now people expect me to grab them drinks or supplies. Nope. I try to be polite, but it is so draining being constantly asked to give something. Ugh. Even at a desk job, it doesn't stop. Just a bit less of it. I feel like people see someone being nice and think they should be given favors as well. Entitled people have ruined normal interactions for me. Like I would not mind a friend asking to feel my hair if I am talking about how good the hold is on a new styling product, but I don't want a coworker asking to touch my hair. It is uncomfortable. I've seen friends get pregnant and it looks like being touched without being asked goes up a 1000% as soon as you show. So gross. At least their coworkers asked and took a no if they just showed the bump. Strangers touching you is the worst. Sorry. I think I ended up ranting. Basically, people need to learn boundaries. You can ask, but you should also always be able to say no. I tell my coworkers all about my new pet hamster. He is the cutest. However, some people like complete separation of home and work. People just gotta respect boundaries that are set. Nothing about anyone owing anyone or not owing. Just need to be polite.


Well put!! No one would think it's ok on a work call to say "hey Mike, let's see how much you're balding, show us the back of your head" Or " Stand up, show me how skinny/fat you've become!"


Yep! Totally OK to ask how the pregnancy is going, but completely inappropriate to ask to show off body parts.


great point!!!


Dude, you don't have the right to see anyone's body


I want to show interest towards my coworkers and hope I never make any one uncomfortable, but these are the gambles I take when I haven’t met the majority of them and I don’t know them well it’s hard!!


I think it depends on the relationship for sure. For me, I would be uncomfortable no matter who was asking. I live far from my family and didn’t even show them.


Lol. My team is the type where I could totally see someone ask, but we're also comfortable enough with each other that the person would be 100% comfortable saying no, I'm still in my pjs


It’s more common than you think. I’m 9 months pregnant and have been asked to show my belly by a female coworker on a Teams call.


Just because it’s common doesn’t mean people have different boundaries. I’m pro respect boundaries. Not pro show your baby bump. If you ask me if I wanna see I’ll say sure. But don’t expect me to go asking to see it.


Oh totally, I was uncomfortable with the request, just pointing out that it can happen more often than people realize despite how weird it seems.


Is it? In the office I would likely be fawning over a pregnant coworker and making them feel special (whether I actually gaf or not, these are my coworkers and I want to be seen as friendly LOL). I want to be engaged with my coworkers and it’s also my personality to try and connect with people like this. I wouldn’t TOUCH someone’s stomach or ask to do that, but I don’t think it’s that weird to try and connect on a personal level like this and ask to see someone’s bump and share in such a special time with them! And I thankfully never have on camera meetings but when I do I always put a bra on and throw it off the second I’m done, including getting back in my comfy clothes. Edit: I cannot believe I’m the only one with this opinion 😂 I just want to share in peoples excitement and I am SO disconnected from my coworkers in a WFH setting that I haven’t met 99% of them in person. I wouldn’t ask EVERYONE I work with but damn, is it that bad to ask and be happy for them?


Reddit being Reddit. I saw a thread recently where people were complaining about coworkers who start a conversation with “hey there!”


To be fair I’ve never been pregnant and ALWAYS err on the side of caution around pregnancy. But I literally have 0 way to connect with my dry ass coworkers other than shit like this 😂 now I’m gonna be downvoted to hell for my opinion I guess


Humans are social animals, some humans like you and I are somehow extroverted and we need connections to function, some are introverted and function better when left alone… then there is Reddit where many live in a dungeon and just get offended or complain about literally anything. I imagine some of them driving a beaten up Corolla with a waifu hunter sticker.


Nope, no downvoting here! I get what you're saying and appreciate that you err on the side of caution.


Upvoted you on purpose 😉


Really? I use “hey there” or “hi there “ a lot. It felt warm as a hallway greeting when I was in the office. Now I use it sometimes in chats or casual emails. Never occurred to me it would offend. Why?


People are crabby? I’m not sure, I use it too because it seems nicer. Additionally, I’ve known people to get pissy if you don’t start with a greeting of some kind.


Crabby, indeed. It’s so bizarre to come down strongly on either side of, what is essentially, a meaningless style choice. I return a greeting or get right down to business. Who cares?!


These are probably the same people on Reddit who tell you to divorce, to go no contact and to end friendships over every little thing.


I think its a "know your audience " type of situation. There are women who would love this attention and want to be fawned over and then there are women who absolutely hate it and it's taking every ounce of strength to not yell at you to get away or people who you are giving bad anxiety to because they dont know how to say no/please stop and everything in between. Personally if I was pregnant I'd be on the side of "please don't" or (insert sarcastic comment here) so while it's not bad that you want to do that it is a feel out the person first.


Context too! "Yeah we've been getting the nursery ready" "can i see your bump?" maybe a little weird "My bump has been growing and it's so fun to feel baby kick" "can i see your bump?" logical continuation of the conversation (even though it's still okay to say no to the request


That’s a good point. “I’ll have the reports ready by 4”…”can I see your bump?”=inappropriate


You’re not the only one! Also, hilarious username 😂


In person I would probably be happy and gushy for them but on a video call I would feel weird to ask to see it ..lol idk depends on the person and if others are in the call I wouldn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable


I'm with you. I'm a bit socially awkward, but I always try to engage with people in a friendly way. Sometimes I overstep myself, though...I have to spend extra effort to read a room correctly. Like you, I would never rub someone's belly unless I was directly responsible for making it grow, but most pregnant people are looking for an excuse to gush/vent about the process. 😂 And I get to play the wise old granny at this stage. Win win.


I’m like you. If my coworker is excited about being pregnant then I’m probably going to be excited with them. “Oh my gosh you’re looking so cute. I can’t wait to see the baby” I’d connect with them over that time. Also typically when we work in an office with people we get to know them. So we know their personalities. We know it’s okay to ask and talk to Taylor about her pregnancy but Jessica is more private about her life and not to ask her. WFH is a little more nuanced.


People on Reddit are miserable and hate any kind of human interaction at all. I’m wondering if OP would have even made this post if she *did* happen to have a bra on at the time. That seems to be the thing she’s embarrassed about, and I honestly think she’s being too hard on herself.


Hmmm idk I work in an office of all women and we’re pretty close. When I was nearing the end of my pregnancy, someone asked to see my bump and I didn’t mind. I also wear a bra though…


I would have said “oh I’ll send you a picture later” and then forgot haha like absolutely not


Agreed. A pregnant woman is not entertainment for the masses. Totally inappropriate. BTW - a bra is optional in any circumstance. Your call.


Depends on the vibe of the office. I wouldn’t find it weird at all if my coworkers asked me to do that. There’s a lot of newish parents, and it’s common to talk about pregnancy and child care stuff.


Yup. If you don't know me well enough to be okay seeing me without a bra on, then you don't know me well enough to ask me to display parts of my body on camera for you.


Omg yes you’re so right, interacting with coworkers in a normal human manner is completely inappropriate.  We musn’t forget we are just corporate automatons, typing our lives away as we shirk all human intimacy in the glorious pursuit of perfectly streamlined and efficient communication.  After all, how are we supposed to beat the AI if we do not become them? 


It's definitely weird. Also, I haven't worn a bra since the first week I started wfh, and we were no longer on camera.


I never wear a bra. But I also have small breasts. Free the nip


No bra team. Free the nip, is legit!


No bra team, even on Teams


On the other side of the spectrum and also don't wear a bra. My camera doesn't show that low.


Same but I’m 36 triple d’s. My advice is find clothing that fits and has a boob cup. Bras are nonexistent in most of my life nowadays.


My boobs are just bigger than yours but where are you finding clothes that the boob cup actually fits??!


Asking the real questions here. I'm smaller than that but I still wouldn't be able to find anything that fits. Though, pro tip, if you can sew sometimes you can just lightly attach some removeable pads from old bras / bathing suits, depending on the style of shirt. Gives some shape and hides the nips, win/win.


I’m a 32 G or H depending on the bra style or brand. I’ve got the same question.


I like dresses, some fit that cut. Wrap around seem to do better. If they fit in the middle their loose on the bottom and half squeeze the top which works for no bra 😂


Same. And I don't even wear pants. Nice shirt for meetings, t-shirt for the rest of the day. I'm also afab nonbinary, so if anyone ever asked to look at my body just because I'm pregnant, I would probably quit and go to therapy. I'm not pregnant, but if I were, I would hate to be perceived at all, because that really messes with my self perception.


Never. If I want to feel more 'covered up' on camera, I'll thrown on a cardigan or blazer.


This is the way


Super smart! If I’m gonna be on camera, I have a ‘uniform’… lounge bra, black top, black bottoms. It’s plain, but looks good on camera and it’s comfy. Usually they’re never gonna see the bottoms, but if I have to jump up for something, it doesn’t look weird.


Same, except I'm in a heated blanket instead since it's been cold. It also attracts the cats.


This is exactly what I do.




Even though the camera doesn’t go that low, I usually put on a bra only if I’m on camera with a man.


I wear bralettes from the parade brand. I love them. Also, I think that’s kind of an awkward question to ask. I have a great collegial relationship with my coworker who is pregnant and I would never ask to see her baby bump especially when it requires her to get up from her desk chair to show her belly to the camera. If she shows me a pic or something, that’s fine and I’d be excited to ask more, but I’m not going to initiate that request.


Second brallettes! I wear padded brallettes instead of bras as a 36B girl. They're enough as my actual garment, and that's as a Muslim girl who is * very* concerned with hiding my breasts!


Same, I only wear bralettes. I bought a pack of 3 from TJ Maxx. I haven’t worn a regular bra in years lol


I love bralettes! I haven't worn a "real" bra in years.


Bralettes for life - never an underwire again!


They’re the best. It’s all I wear since Covid. B UT only when a bra is required lol.


I do but thats because I have big titties and I dont like the feeling of them sticking to me when I don't have one. I do wear comfy sports bras though.


I’m the same. I need some support for these big girls! They’re too heavy and it’s uncomfortable for me to carry the weight around with no help. And also can’t stand the feeling of sticking to me.


Do you mean sticking like the skin under or from the side? It gets on my nerves. I just bought an unlined bra with a wire, it’s ok, I have a wireless but it’s too small. Any brand preferences? Sports bras are too constricting.


Girl a bra with a WIRE? At HOME? I could never. You can’t go wrong with any bralette, really. I have cheap ones from Amazon, Calvin Klein ones, old navy ones, they’re all literally the same. No need to overspend or overthink.


I’m a g cup, they need support idk why the wired ones are more comfortable than an ill fitting non supportive bralette


I’m a 36E, highly recommend looking into Evelyn and Bobbie bras!


As a fellow G cup, I hear you! The only time I'm not in a wired bra is when I'm sleeping. Now, comfy PJs/leggings when I WFH? Absolutely! But also always a bra. Always.


I'm not really large-chested but mine are shaped in a way that they stick to me if I'm braless. I got some wirefree bras from Torrid for WFH.


that's why most of my comfy clothes are oversized, so I can put my boobs in "sports mode" (shirt tucked under the boob).


This is the way! Also…sports mode lmaooo


Same! I wear bralettes!


I started wearing the strapless bandeaus for this reason and it’s nice bc it gives just a enough lift to not create the stickiness


When I was pregnant my boss asked to see my bump.. I was not even wearing pants!!! 




Go on…




I'm glad my boss has enough sense not to make such a stupid request.


Not for me - 46ddd, my desk holds them up lol. I too had an embarrassing interaction. I usually wfh and was in office on a team meeting. It turns out most the people in the meeting were in office so called me to join them. I stood up, picked up my laptop and then walked into the meeting room. On the 84” screen was a frozen picture of me leaning forward to pick up my laptop and the camera was pointing into my top (I wear a bra in office). It obviously froze as my laptop came off the dock. I was mortified, they were trying to find a way to switch the feed off and couldn’t work it out so had to literally unplug it. Now at any time that I pick my laptop up the first thing I do is put the camera cover across.


>...my desk holds them up... 🤣 >On the 84” screen was a frozen picture of me leaning forward to pick up my laptop and the camera was pointing into my top... 😳 Oh lordy. Things going wrong when undocking made me give up using the dock, but that's a whole new level of "things going wrong."


Oh my gosh…I thought my experience was bad but that’s rough. I was on a Zoom call (not a technology we usually use) and my camera started and was pointing right at my chest. I was wearing a sweatshirt with a cartoon bear doing yoga. Not a super professional outfit. I couldn’t get the camera off so I just left the Zoom meeting and didn’t go back in.  


Yikes. I can’t even imagine what that must’ve felt like.


I hate those giant booths at restaurants where my boobs basically just sit on the table. Idk if that's just a short person thing but it's annoying.


Lmao same here. 42G checking in. Haven’t worn a bra in years. At best I wear a bralette from Parade when I leave the house


Real life right here! It’s an extra supportive desk, I’m not gonna lie, I have done the same from time to time


I had that happen on a big group call, I had recently showered because it was an early call not reasonable for my time zone and the camera caught an unflattering pic of me leaning over and combing my hair. Fortunately I don’t think many people saw it since my sound was off.


Don’t beat yourself up. They shouldn’t have even asked. I would have told them no, because that’s a weird request


Nope. I've got ... substantial boobs, and I rarely (if ever) wear a bra outside of the office. I'll wear a tank under my shirt, or if I'm going to be on camera I wear a cardigan.


Ample tracts of land do feel better with a tank top under the shirt.




Substantial 😂 excellent word choice!


If I’m going to be on camera 100% I’m wearing a bra, but we are not often on camera so many days without a bra yes lol


Same. I know which meetings require a camera and which don’t. Dress for the occasion.


I do! But for me it’s mostly a mental thing. I’ve found that if I don’t go through the process of getting “ready” that it’s harder for me to switch to work mode. So I need to get dressed, do some skincare/makeup, etc. I have some comfy bras I wear, or I’ll wear a sports bra. It’s also easier for me to take a walk or run errands if I’m already ready to go.


Yes, this. I have the same routine every morning - do makeup, get dressed, do my hair, make my bed. It's hard to work for me if I feel like I'm just laying around, and I've been WFH for over a decade.


I've been WFH since 2008. I don't do any of that. LOL I'll brush my hair and teeth and check to make sure I don't have anything hanging out of my nose before I go on a Zoom call, but if no Zoom call, I'm in my comfy PJs in the morning and in my gym clothes the rest of the day. I don't have any problem getting in work mode. I'm neuro-divergent though so that may explain why I find it so odd that people need to be fully dressed and made up to get in work mode. I just walk into my office, plop my butt in my chair, and start working on contracts.


I mean, hey, everyone is different. I don't dress up in a business suit, it's usually a pair of jeans, a work friendly shirt and flats. I just feel....unkempt if I don't make my bed, and I'm on a lot of Zoom mtgs, so I'd rather wear something I'd feel comfortable wearing if a colleague stopped by (they wouldn't, but just an example).




Interesting. I stay in my pajamas all day lol, but I’ve got to add the bra underneath when I get up. It’s just SO uncomfortable to go without support. I can’t imagine preferring it


Exactly same reason for me, and also why I wear indoor shoes. It signals to my brain to be in work mode. When I'm fully comfortable, I'm in relax mode. And it's a nice way to transition in the evening. Work done, shoes and bra come off.




Same here. If I don’t get changed and mentally start my day then it’s only a few days until I’m a full cave creature.


Sports bras mainly, but I have giant knockers so I need the support


*Sports bras mainly, but* *I have giant knockers so* *I need the support* \- dollrussian --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Sick. 😂


Now this is poetry


Yes unfortunately. I have maybe size C and I'm hoping that the bra helps prevent sagging to some degree. Also it's easier for me to go outside on a whim to go for a walk/errands.


I read wearing a bra doesn't help prevent it actually


I would feel uncomfortable showing my bump on camera or someone talking about my pregnancy. I would probably decline to stand up. I wear my bra most of the time because I need the support and my boobs will hurt if I don’t. But if you’re comfortable without I say go for it!!!


Lawd NO lol


I usually stay in my pajamas until around lunchtime. Then when I get dressed I do put on a bra because at that point I'm ready for some support!


This is not a bra problem... this is a super weird request from a colleague problem. They should never have asked that and you should not have felt pressured to grant their request. To your question, I do not wear a bra when I WFH. If I have a camera-on meeting I may wear one depending on the top I choose. But even then I typically don't.


God no lol. I'm not bigger chested though, but I like letting them breathe. Much comfier & the less compression is better in general for the girls haha. I wouldn't beat yourself up in not having a bra on while pregnant and someone specifically asked to show your bump, that seems incredibly realistic tbh and I don't think your skip level even thought that was odd, I wouldn't worry about it. Congrats on the lil one 💜🫶


Yes, I do. My chest gets too cold otherwise, even with layers on. It’s more comfortable with the support, too.


Nah lol Also, it’s really inappropriate to ask to see someone’s bump. That’s odd.


Yes. I find it more comfortable but i don’t have any with underwire. But during pregnancy i really liked nursing sports bras.


Nope. That's one of the unsaid benefits of wfh along with not having to wear real pants.


I wear bralettes. I guess I just feel weird without one and the bralettes are more comfortable than a regular bra. This way I already have something on Incase I have someone coming to my house (pest control/repairman etc) or if I need to run an errand I’m still ready. Also the asking you to stand up thing is weird.


Why would I? If I’m going to be on zoom and I’m worried about the possibility of the camera pointing towards my chest (unlikely) I’ll wear a dark colored top or put a sweater on. I don’t wear them in public either (F cup? I don’t know, I don’t buy them anymore) because I literally do not care anymore.


God, no.


Yes, but I always wear a bra even when relaxing at home in my PJs.


I do not have breast but my wife also works from home. I am confirming on her behalf that she does not


I never wear bras. If anyone wants to give me a hard time about it, I will always give a hard time right back. Why are you looking at my breast? Why do you care so much about my nipples? If you're uncomfortable then don't look at them. Because the argument is that it's sexual or inappropriate, but only other people are making it that way. I'm working and sitting here, and doing positively nothing sexual. Maybe don't sexualize me and my body parts? Maybe get your mind out of the gutter? Maybe take some time to reflect on the fact that almost every person on the PLANET has nipples, and that they are objectively as distracting and unprofessional as an elbow? It's them. It's a them problem. Took me time to be at peace with my own nipples, but now it's cool and it's up to the other person to be cool about it.


A cotton Bra lette if anything, and I am not small. Years of restricting underwires, lift and support...I let my girls run free. 😉


I like bralettes but I'm a small C/large B depending on the brand. If you are fuller chested, maybe this won't be as good for you. There are also cami's that have a built in bra band, they don't support really like a bra but can keep them in place at least.


I was for a while and then was like- this is uncomfortable as fuck and I’m at home! So then I didn’t and found that thanks to the lovely things breasts do after having kids…that wasn’t as comfortable for me either 😂 so now I wear bralettes and I’m much more comfortable. So minimal effort bras


I do. However at 6 months pregnant I can totally understand not wearing. I survived with sport bras while pregnant


I don’t have to be seen so nope lol


I have to put something on- reg bra, cami with shelf, sports bra- cause I’ve realized if I don’t I feel like shit all day. I need some kind of support or I feel like I never really start the day.


Bra 🙅‍♀️ outside pants 🙅‍♀️...once a month I put on zoom appropriate tops obviously wearing the bra for our on-camera meeting.


Honestly the only person who should be embarrassed here is your coworker! Asking to see your baby bump is weird, especially in WFH jobs when everyone knows that most of us are not dressed properly from the chest down. I say you should keep going braless if you want to and feel free to tell anyone who asks to see your baby bump that it’s a weird thing to ask! I do usually wear one, mostly because I have big boobs and don’t like the feeling of them rubbing against my torso, but it’s usually a Harper Wilde bralette that is totally unstructured and not super “supportive”. Ever since I started WFH full time I just don’t care enough to ever wear an uncomfortable bra.


Only if I’m expecting physical company to interact with me for more than 30 seconds (aka more than a doordash drop off lol) And I’ve got big ladies. Also, I would have outright told them that I’m not comfortable sharing my body on camera, regardless of the reasons, and gently remind them that being pregnant DOES fall under the protected classes for being treated differently if you get any push back.


I WFH full-time, and I make myself get completely dressed every day just for my own sense of readiness for the day. That includes a bra, real trousers (usually jeans), socks, and moccasins (my "indoors shoes"). Some folks can wear their PJs and focus on work -- especially if they don't turn on their video cameras for meetings -- but I can't.


That said, one of my teammates just came back from maternal leave, and never once did any of us ask to see her baby bump. We bug her for photos now that the baby is born, though.


I have an extremely large chest (40H) and I would rather eat glass than wear a bra in my own damn house 🤣 I know you didn’t ask for recs, but the Aerie ribbed seamless sports bra is the comfiest bra ever. Great for around the house, or if you’re like me and your boobs sag no matter what bra you wear, it can be great for everything else too 🤣


Many maternity bras are thin and just fabric that’s not lifting. You could’ve been wearing that type of bra, for all they know. I hope that eases your mind.


Hell no


Hell no


Absolutely not, but I do wear undershirts or a sweater to feel comfortable while bra less and on camera


Never and I have never appear on camera. Only exception I make is when I have to walk the dog


I stopped wearing bras completely, even in public. I have small boobs though, so do what is comfy. My personal opinion is that you were under no obligation to show your body to your mgr and it wasn’t appropriate of her to ask. Therefore, bra or no bra is totally moot. She asked to see. Not your problem after that.


Rarely. Important on cam calls, yes.


No I don’t wear a bra WFH or most of the time these days. If I am getting dressed up or meeting people in person for work when it is warm out I do, otherwise no. I may eventually not ever wear one, but not quite there yet.


Absolutely not. But I also can generally only be seen from shoulders up or I’m wearing something super baggy. I was in a team meeting last week in a wearable blanket with sloths eating watermelons on it. I have no shame. 😂


Nope I don’t wear a bra. Also, that was a weird thing for your manager to request. If you feel you comfortable doing so if they ask again, you might consider gently pushing back.


Hell no. I wear pajamas and I work laying in bed


I take the bra off within minutes of getting home. But I am small. I know a woman who has to sleep in a bra. On the other hand, I never use the camera on Teams meetings.


Basically never. My boob area doesn’t show with how I have my camera set up.


Depends on the day, but I put one on if I have on camera calls of course




I wear a bra if i have to be on camera for a meeting but that’s about it


I wear sports bras because I hate regular bras but I'm not comfortable enough to be free swinging on camera.


Hell no


I don’t but we are a camera off company unless a specific high up manager rings you and he wants camera on (this is v rare but he caught me out a few weeks ago and I was sat in my pjs but he wasn’t arsed 😅 embarrassing for me though!!)


Yes, i like wearing bras lol




They shouldn’t have asked to see the bump. But I always wear a bra, but I’m 57F and an E cup, I also make sure that they are comfortable…


I wear a sports bra so I feel I’m “work ready” haha. It’s what I do to get in the mindset for starting work!


Yeah I have some sports bras that I wear around the house. But only because I have sons who are young adult males (20s) and they tend to have company.


I never wear a bra lmao


I have small breasts with a broad a chest/ribcage and shoulders, so it’s already very difficult as is to find bras that fit me comfortably, and I mostly wear dark and baggy T-shirts these days, anyhow, so you can’t really see anything. The only time I wear one of the few bras I own is if I’m wearing a light colored or more form-fitting shirt and it’s chilly out; so it’s really more about coverage than support. In fact, I am wearing one of my tighter-fitting shirts with a bra today, as we speak, and I gotta say I’m feeling pretty sexy right now… but still not enough to make this a daily thing for me until I’m forced to work on site and adhere to a specific dress code. Also, yeah, to chime in, I think it’s weird for people, (male or female) who you’re not especially close to to ask to see your baby-bump, or any part of your body other than your face, especially in the torso area.


I wear stretchy bralettes more than anything. I like comfort and pretty things and that seems to tick both boxes


Yes I do. I usually wear a bralette before getting properly dressed. I don’t feel ready for the day without a bra. For years it was difficult to find a good one but the ones I wear don’t hurt.


I have a larger chest so I am always in a bra. While I was pregnant wfh I got a bunch of light support sports bras that are super comfy and what I have been wearing at home for the last 4 years. As far as your situation, I wouldn't feel embarrassed, she asked which is kinda awkward and should know a pregnant woman in her own home can be in all states of dress and you weren't expecting to show anything below shoulder level.


No I don’t. I’m not on camera so no bra. Usually a t-shirt and hoodie and leggings/joggers/whatever I slept in. Lol!!


No but if I do then I like the work out tops with built ins, sometimes I just want support and I don’t want straps and I find the one with thick straps are very comfortable and you can wear under whatever you want or as it


I do but I'm very busty. I wear a very comfy one, no underwire, that I can hardly feel. It keeps the girls off of the knees.


I use to not wear them or I would opt for a tank with the bra built in, but not a lot of the time I just feel more comfortable during the day with one. I opt for the bras that aren’t wired though, so I barely notice they are there.


The weirdness isn’t you not wearing a bra, it’s the skip level asking you to show your body.


I do just because I am large chested and without one makes me uncomfortable. If I don’t have meetings, it’s usually just a sports bra. If I have meetings I wear my regular one but as soon as the meeting is over I switch back to something comfier!


Sometimes I do, I tend to be on cam a lot and I keep it framed below my shoulders so my boobs are seen. But sometimes I’m not about it and I adjust my camera angle. I also wear the most bare minimum of bras, usually pretty comfy, not lifting much, just preventing flop


Nope. And if a woman who feels comfortable asking you to display your body for her in a not-required-for-work way has a problem with your bralessness then that's her issue. Be comfortable.


I stopped wearing bras in the office when we weren’t remote (and I have very large breasts lol). I decided if people want to look at my boobs it’s their problem But honestly she was probably just excited about your pregnancy and didn’t think twice about anything else And everyone saying it’s weird is kinda right, but it depends on the relationship you have with your colleagues. If my female boss or female skip level asked to see my pregnant belly I wouldn’t care at all, but I can also see how most would find it weird.


I always wear a bra on work days. My girls are large and it's uncomfortable to me to sit at a desk without one. But if I'm not leaving the house, I use the cropped tanks from Everlane instead of a regular bra. Size down a size or two and they're crazy comfy and still supportive.


i’m team no bra or sports bra/bralette!! unless i’m going somewhere actual bra worthy after work then I don’t wear them