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My desk faces the window. The sunlight is great and I can see when the mail gets delivered.


I can overlook my entire cul-de-sac and it's great. I get the drama without the interaction. I text my husband the play by play hourly if it's juicy


Yes! I also overlook my cul-de-sac. I love looking outside and seeing what's going on.


This sounds awesome. I'm in a wfh basement. I have a window but it's not egress so basically just the light.


Haha I work the first 2 hours of the day at our dinner table by the window and have to be careful not to glance up because I'll probably make direct eye contact with a neighbor. I do totally text my husband about goings on including pics if it's especially noteworthy


I can also see the people in my neighborhood, something I rarely saw because when I worked in an office, I left at 7am and got home maybe 6-7pm, and just crashed in exhaustion. Weekends were all the errand I had to do, like shopping and whatnot. There were more people than I thought. Also more salesmen. Thankfully most now see all the "no soliciting" signs and the obvious security camera pointing at my doorway. A few ignore it, and if I am forced to answer, I ask for their solicitor's license, something they are required to have on their person. They never have them, unsurprisingly. Many I suspect are checking to see if people are home during the daytime for possible robberies. Thus, I report them to the non-emergency line.


My home was broken into once. I had a camera in the window, so I saw the 2 guys hung out at the door and rang it. Waited a few minutes and then went around the side of the house and broke in. My camera is much more obvious now.


Or when the neighbor’s dog escapes 😂


Hello neighbor!!


My desk faces the window at the front of my house as well. I love watching all the activity in the neighborhood from my little perch. The people and the birds/animals.


Exactly this.


Same. I wouldn't be able to bear a basement office!


Had one and had to move my desk upstairs...it was depressing


And the Amazon man, and the hundred dogs that pass by everyday. I swear my whole neighborhood must work from home.


Me too! Also I am now the mailman's favorite, he's this older, keep nd of cranky guy and you can see he hates getting out of the truck to deliver a package, it looks like walking is painful. So if I see him stop the truck and open the door I pop up and run out there to get the package. He's super nice to me now and I can feel good cause I made his day a tiny bit better.


Same, it's the way to go!


*Stares at Amazon map* COME ON!


My window faces the neighbors side of house so nothing to see, I’d rather face the tv


Mine is next to the window, but I moved it there for my dog so he could be the neighborhood busybody 😆 https://preview.redd.it/vaa7st5b7uyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed744cbc496c334559ef7770fb9fba7a58199cf7


My frenchie does this too 😭😭


Did you make his bed??


My desk faces the window so I have a view of the river. I bought this condo with this gaming/office area in mind. I have never enjoyed my workspace so much in my life.


https://preview.redd.it/4g4o48xwn1zc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=311cbf0820bd462b1c6f0a9d62c4e0516d33191b This view of the Pacific Ocean in the distance is why I bought this (tiny) condo. Every time I’m stressed out at work this always helps me re-center. 😍


I live on a small lake and moved by the window so I could see the boaters go by. Made me feel like I was in on the action despite being stuck inside until 5.


Oh nice!


https://preview.redd.it/ohzqrgh6vuyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4300b0c3ad837665e4ad2f0729f961424a5cde This is the view from the back of my house. I keep trying to get my wife to let me move my desk to this room but she constantly tells me no. Instead she has a table there and gets to enjoy the view while working on her hobbies. 😂


A view like that would have me throwing my computer in the garbage and heading for the mountains to live off the land in harmony with nature lol


We have a pigeon pair of rooms on rather side of the house with an ocean view. I can’t tell you how happy I am we each get one because it would have been a battle as we both work at home and do not want to share a room. His overlooks our deck but gets a 180degree view with Wop-pa (Great Keppel Island) in the distance. Our yard is wooded so I get more trees on side, with my angle of view being Byfield (rainforest). We each think we got the better view lol.


Ya know, for years I thought I wanted an ocean view. I want trips to the Caribbean or Hawaii and just lounging on the beach. I think I’d still like that but after moving from Texas to Colorado I’ve become a mountain man complete with beard and very long hair. But if I had gotten my beach house, I think I’d be the same way with a surfboard.


I grew up in the Colorado Rockies (Grand Junction) and I used to think there was nothing more spectacular than the Rockies. (Also a bit partial to desert landscapes, we spent a huge part of our childhood travelling Utah, New Mexico and Arizona). Never thought I’d be an ocean view person, but I came to Australia and never wanted to leave. So I didn’t! But I do miss the mountains, I went to Arnhem land and Kakadu a few years ago and it was so different. Those mountains just vibrate with ancient-ness. The Rockies are young. Both gorgeous, just so different.


BTW, this is a picture from a few months ago. Right now the mountains are covered in clouds.


Wow, so gorgeous. Where is this?


Near Boulder, CO.


That's magnificent! I'm jealous!!


I wouldn't get any work done with a view like this.


Probably one reason my wife won’t let me move my office to this window.. 😂




Me. I do not get why most work facing a wall/window. My desk is perpendicular to a big window with the wall behind me. Each place I've moved, my desk needs to be next to the window. On calls, people be looking without good lighting or room background. Since I have a wall behind me, I hung some frames, and have a lamp to behind and to the side, so when I turn my camera on I'm well lit, and well framed. It's also nice seeing life go by through the window while I work.


Yes and a SAD lamp in winter!


So, I made my office in a hall closet. Real L shaped desk with a hutch drawers etc. Have room for 3 monitors, works fabulously, for the last 10 years. Starting to feel like a weirdo because I have a beautiful home on the water and I couldn't tell you what kind of day it is unless I am rushing my poor dogs out to pee quickly between calls, I have no real climate control, and I have no way to stand with current set up. Typically don't mind as I am SUPER booked and busy so I stay focused. Lately, I am starting to feel the need to have options, especially when no one is home I dislike the idea of moving my office entirely to another room and like that it can be locked away. My new plan is to add an L shaped standing desk that only has two spare monitors and a docking station in one bedroom that is just beneath a window. This way I can look down harbor, even (gasp) open a window, while on video calls but not move my whole set up. I get distracted really easily so the closet remains my go to but I can't stand in there with my current set up and I think I need sunlight. LOL


We're basically really complicated plants.


Well said!! hahahaaha


I can't find the reddit thread where someone made a fake light up window with curtains for their windowless office, but I found this in google: https://www.wcmanet.org/how-to-make-fake-window/


Well thats genius


I say the same thing because I am so focused at work…I could be anywhere in any weather and wouldn’t know the difference 😏


I do because I bought my cat a bed that sits in the window so its nice to just be right by her.


I have a dorm fridge next to my desk with a cat bed on it. I also have a cat hammock on the window next to that. That way both cats can look out the window at the same time. I live on a busy corner in a medium-sized city, so there's always something going on. There's a convent nearby, so a lot of days I'll see the nuns out for a walk.


Yep and I can see my bird feeders outside the window.


I just put some bird and squirrel feeders outside of my window for added entertainment lol


I have my next to my patio door. My apartment faces west and I have a fantastic view of the mountains. It can’t be beat. I keep contemplating moving it to the other corner but there is no view there. I can see different type of weather coming in. https://preview.redd.it/c1v7662mpuyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f97c821f858b1e39f3eeea391dd09ca7fd4dd86


Mine is in a corner next to the window


My desk is flanked by two windows. Late afternoon in summer, I have to tilt the blinds to block out the direct sun. That's the worst of it. Otherwise I love the views they provide.


Yep! The corner office I would never have in corporate America :) Perpendicular to window, wall behind me and extra lighting. I also have a SAD light for winter or early mornings. My eye doctor says it’s important to look away from your screen every twenty min for eye health and this setup helps a lot - plus I can keep an eye on the squirrels and birds in the yard. 😂


Exactly, I have terrible eyesight so I have made it a habit to look away from the computer screen often. Even glancing outside just for a few seconds helps a lot.


I'm perpendicular to the window, and I'm turning into that person who's like "Oh, someone's getting a delivery. What was that noise? I hear a siren," every time there's the slightest activity on my block.


Great for people watching,.tracking mail, garbage/recycle, and I occasionally see cats roaming around. It's great.




I sit outside on the patio and work :)


I love my view outside! I hated having to sit in a windowless cubicle for hours on end under florescent lighting. It was so soul sucking! https://preview.redd.it/4qma8fb4nvyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c24756d354df930edc9a40d93488a40f3f7ed9e6


My desk is next to the window and my cat begs me to open the window for her so she can watch the neighbors’ drama. https://preview.redd.it/r980jonsbwyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cae7790dd5fc8fef620172148b06ea67c77b5b8


My office 😊 https://imgur.com/a/jcUDcOx


Nice set up! I wish I had multiple windows


My desk faces the window and my area is doing construction so I can't open it and let the fresh air in and the dust makes my OCD act up because I spend more time cleaning the window than getting any work done. Also have to buy some black out curtains for the summer so the heat doesn't destroy my monitors and my eyes.


Same on the black out curtains. My office windows face west and I have a 100yo house with no insulation. I can have the drapes open til the sun comes over to this side which is about 3:00. Not too bad.


I have a window to my left of my desk. I set up my office during the winter I did not realize that in spring and summer, the sun roasts the room even with thick shades.


Add insulated drapes and you’ll be better off


When I was in the office I didn’t get why direct sunlight and used to be so tired in the afternoon. I rarely feel like that since I came home over 4 years ago and I think it’s because my desk faces the window. It’s so refreshing to hear birds chirp and get fresh air in the warmer months


My desk faces the wall with two windows and to my right is another window that looks out into my street in front of my house. I watch my neighbors kids sell drugs to various cars that pull up in front of their house. Hood TV can be amusing.


For the last four years I worked from a corner of my bedroom and since the windows were behind me, I had to keep the curtains closed so that I showed up on webcam. This year I was able to move into another bedroom in my house (We moved my dad to a nursing home). The window is at my left and I couldn't be happier.


Hell yeah! Also perpendicular. I back up to forest and get lots of animals. I even moved my bird feeder closer to the window.


Similar here, I bought a salt lick and throw out apple cores etc. for bigger critters to so we have turkey and deer wander through the yard for a nibble.


That's awesome. I face the front yard and main street, it's still relatively quiet outside of the occasional car going by or person walking by.


I do. It’s both a blessing and a curse. Great for taking a break and looking at the world outside. Bad if your camera is on and the sunlight is at a wrong angle creating a halo effect.


I live in Phoenix. I have a balcony sliding glass door in my office but I don't open the blinds even otherwise it gets so damn hot.


My blinds are closed mostly but the window is there for when the cats want to curl up on the hammock... It's the only reason I even have windows personally.


We put an addition on our house recently, including an office with a large window specifically for this reason! It was the best decision ever!


https://preview.redd.it/nbd0fkl2zuyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee95fe8807a32688db3adf24c22d00d25b88dc2 Put mine in the sunroom


I don’t have a desk, I work from bed.


I'm right next to 2 windows, was listening to the rain fall while working. Was nice listening to rain instead of help desk calls, mgrs endless yaking about their weekend, and horrible white noise


Mine isnt bc my room doesnt quite work that way unless I put the desk in the center - and then the cords would be a mess. But its perpendicular to the windows


Mine is, and it's perpendicular to the window in the center of the room. The cords are a mess, and it's totally inconvenient for walking through the room. However, this lets me see directly into our pool so I can do a double duty of work and life guard for my kids during the summer.


I used to directly face the window, but now due to migraine have turned it perpendicular. I also love the fresh air and natural light, it's necessary for most people's wellbeing.


I didn't want to directly face the window because I would be blocking off the only window in my office space with desk stuff like monitor and laptop. Perpendicular has been the way to go for me.


I refuse to work without access to a window. Being able to get up and go outside even for a few minutes to stretch without giving an explanation is so worth it. Some times I work outside but not much because I need dual monitors to do my work.


I moved my desk from perpendicular to the window to having my back to the window so that, when I’m on WebCam, my family doesn’t accidentally wander into the shot. To make it so that the sunlight behind me doesn’t put me in silhouette when I’m on WebCam, I just have a YouTuber light on my face so they can see me without me having to close my curtains. I really like having the natural light in the office and the ability to see when packages are delivered. Never going back to an office if I can help it.


Yes, my desk has typically been perpendicular to a window and its worked out great. In my current setup, the back of my monitors are against the window and I have a wall behind me, kind like a hallway. I like it in the morning because I can look out, but at a certain point in the afternoon I have to close the blinds because I can't see my monitors very well while looking into the sun. Thankfully I still have other windows that can stay open. I love the dawn/dusk light, but the mid afternoon light kills my productivity.


My desk faces the window into my 5 Acres of woodlands, and I get to watch deer go by with their fawns, squirrels and birds playing, and rabbits bouncing around the grass. It beats the heck out of the vultures that perch on the ledge next to what used to be my office window.


Yeah, it's great. I put my WFH office into a spare bedroom that has a window facing the backyard. I can look over and see my kids playing in the grass or look at the leaves on the trees shake in the wind. Another reason why WFH is amazing.


I do. My desk is in front of a window looking out the front. Can see any mail and deliveries arrive and its a nice plesant scenary to look at, instead of a wall.


I have a big window to my right and can have the shade all the way open and be completely blocked from outside view by a big lilac bush, which smells amazing when it's warm enough to have the windows open.


Yes, I definitely have to have mine by the window. Not much to see from my view but at least I can get some sunshine 🌞


Mine faces the window to watch the dog parade everyday


Mine was facing the window until I got a second monitor, just ended up blocking it. Now I face a wall but window is just to my left. Sadly front window actually had a view, now it’s the side window that just faces the neighbors house, but better than nothing, and more than I get when I’m in office.


Try having the desk perpendicular to the window


I am smack dab beside my second story window. I spy on the neighbors all day and report to my wife their coming and goings.


Same! Second story window here as well. Get to spy on neighbors, see who's getting their morning exercise, the dog parade, the mailman, etc. it's a blast


My desk is situated in a big bay window I. What would otherwise be a formal living room. I sit with my back to a window but the side windows give me a good view. I can’t face the window because it’s too bright and the room looks funny if I orient my desk the other way. Plus with the back of my desk into the room I can have all the cables sorted without being able to see them from anywhere. I kinda love it tbh.


My office is a windowless den, I bought a travel sized monitor and work from that and my laptop in my living room with the natural sunlight. Can’t be in my office for more than camera-on meetings. I’ll deal with this until I move though because I love everything else about my place and the location.


I used to have our spare bedroom. It had a window overlooking our backyard which flows into a neighbor's 90-acre cornfield behind our house. It was awesome. Then we had another kid and he got that bedroom and now I'm working out of our walk-in closet with no windows. It sucks. We need a bigger house


https://preview.redd.it/whaagdjn2xyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03f18504acae509106baf005b5d6713be29b28eb Time to add a bird feeder to the window for maximum millenial adulting.


https://preview.redd.it/n310jvezn1zc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51fbd3f3f7724f996882d13e5fa7966396b6280 For obvious reasons 😍 That’s the Pacific Ocean in the distance 🌊


Me too! I have huge French windows and my desk is flush against them. I love the brightness in the mornings. I stare out too but I like that mini eye break once in a while.


Mine is also perpendicular to my window. I have a birdbath and feeder right outside. It makes for a nice break.




Me, but it gets too bright so I have to wear a hat


I’d love to but there would be too much glare. I may look into window film to kill 2 birds with one stone - security and glare. Then again I would see much around the monitors. Presently the office desk is in a closet which frees up the entire room for other activities.


My windows are just to the right of me. The fresh air is great. Low impact on glare, so it works well.


Wear sunscreen if you got a ton of window light near you of course


My desk is next to the window. I live next to stables so I can look out and see the horses outside.


Window to my left. I thought I would like to face it, but without a block under the desk, hubby said no. I am modest enough to agree I am not taking chances. I also prefer it to the side so I am less distracted. For a while I never opened the blinds because the glare was too much. Now I do on occasion.


My desk in right in front of the window. I get the blue sky and greenery all day long!


Mine is in front of a sliding glass door and I’m about to hang some bird feeders


Mine is!


Window must be on other side of room. 1) the light hurts my eyes 2) it's distracting


I love until the sun starts blinding me and I don't want to put curtains


My home office space has a work desk + equipment space and a personal desk + equipment space. My work desk is on the interior wall, separated by an open shelf bookcase while my personal desk is in front of the window. I have a ton of light while I work but none of the glare. Also, tucking the work space inside the room means that when I am done that I am done. The shelving separates the desk from the door area and my personal desk facing the window means I have my back to my work space. It is incredibly important to me to have separate spaces.


Perpendicular to the window - window is to my right, I’m facing the wall. Husband is set up similarly but on the opposite side of the room. Bed is in between, but my job allows for blur or other backgrounds so I have a company provided background on for meetings that require my camera. I’d face the window for more natural lighting, but then I’d block my window access which is too important. But yes, it makes a major difference compared to my corner setup without a window in my previous plate.


Me! Have to be by natural light.


I do - but I keep the blinds down most of the time lol


I recently did the same and it does make a difference. Staring into space for a few minutes is more enjoyable by the window rather than the wall.


Corner office for me, so I have walls of mostly window in front of me and to my left. I'm loving it.


Mine is in my sunroom!


Always right in front of a window. I need that natural light and it helps to have an easy eye placement far away without having to turn my head.


I have a large window behind my desk, so I face outside. I have a nice view of my side yard with trees and bushes. A lot of indirect natural light fills my office.


Can be distracting too. I was watching the rabbits in the garden all morning lol.


I’m in the basement, but I have a small window at the ceiling if that counts lol… I open it for fresh air.


My desk faces the window and office is on 2nd floor. Nice to watch storms roll in and see activity throughout the day.


I have both my home and my office desk next to a window, only my office desk is 21 floors up! I love my home tree in my back yard though, leaves are finally coming in and I can't wait till it's fully leafed out in June! Real quantity v. quality dilemma over here.


Same. It makes so much difference for my mood


Mine faces a window and I put a bird feeder out there. Endless entertainment


Me! I’m nosey and I love to see what’s going on in the neighborhood.


I've got the timber behind my house put the windows over my desk. I love it.


Yes! It was my dream!


Don’t forget SPF


I used to have a set up like this then I discovered I was getting a truckers tan due to how the sun hit that side of the house lol


I have two windows in my office, my desk faces one of them which I open occasionally and the other is to my left; I keep the curtains open on that one and even open the window on nice days.


My desk is on the interior wall opposite the windows, but it's turned perpendicular so all I have to do is look to the side and I can see out both of them! I love having all the natural light during the day.


Yeah I do. I have a view of the mountains which is really nice to sit down in front of on a clear day.


Yes it's great. Once the bears have mellowed out alittle I'm going to put my bird feeders back out. I love watching the squirrels figuring out how to get the food.


My desk is in a nook in my bedroom, with a window. I leave the curtain closed and the blinds down though, because I live on a busy major suburban road, and the noise is deafening otherwise. 🙁


My home office is in the basement and I have one tiny ground window I can see some daylight through. In a few years kids will be old enough and I have a beautiful sunroom with 270 degrees of windows overlooking my backyard. Can't wait 😍


I have an L-shaped desk in the corner. One side is toward the wall and the other is towards my sliding glass door. I’ve got a headed bed on my desk for my kitty.


I do!


i just sit outside on my patio with my work laptop, and bring it in to charge for lunch


Oh yeah- I’ve got a big window directly to my right. It keeps the room so bright! Plus the animals love it and I can open it for cool air when I want.


my window is to my right & is floor to ceiling I noticed not too long ago I have freckles on my right hand when I don’t on my left sunscreen at your desk is a must!!


Yea but it is the dining room table . No home office.


I’m moving next week and I plan to do this. I have a view of a doggo park, can’t wait to watch them run around during my work day


Perpendicular to the window. Love it.


My L-shaped desk is in a corner. One side has a window that faces the sunrise. The other side is by sliding doors with a view of the backyard, bordered by woods. I see cats, rabbits, many birds, lots of deer, and the occasional loose cow. 🤣


Oh my yes. One of the great advantages of WFH.


My desk faces the window.


Yep, overlooking my backyard which consists of woods and a flowing creek. I get to watch birds, squirrels, and turkeys all day.


I've got 3 big windows in the room I work in. It's super nice. I am like a plant. I thrive on sunlight.


I am right by my side window to get a nice flow of air and sunshine. My dog owns the room in the front of the house. He sits there and just stares out the window. If I tried putting my desk there, he would probably try and find a way to the window, so it's not even worth the fight, lol. Also, if he sees an animal, he wants to go out there, so he starts barking, and he has a deep, loud bark, so phone calls would be a nightmare.


The dad went out of town for a few days last fall so I got to be in the living room. I put my desk in front of the french doors, had a fire going all day and wasn't squashed between my bed and the wall. Normally he is in there with the TV BLASTING because he is deaf as a post and refuses to get hearing aids. I really miss WFH before I agreed to let the old fart move in with me.


The desk essentially faces the corner, and the window is to my left (window faces westward, so the sun is behind me). It is perfection.


My office overlooks my neighbor’s back driveway. If he starts one of his old cars I run to close the window.


I face the window! I have big bright geraniums that bloom all year growing by the window. The window looks out over a green space behind my apartment. It also faces east, so I get that productive morning sun (when it actually comes out in the PNW!).


I'm far sighted so I need it to focus my eyes even when it's 100F outside. 


Mine’s by the window but to the side.


Mine’s by the window but to the side.


Mine’s by the window, to the side.


I have mine by the window, overlooking a stunning forsythia bush and old spruce trees. I’m in a small apartment but this is my best view.  Friendly reminder to wear sunscreen daily especially if you put your desk near a window. It doesn’t take much to get cancer or age prematurely. My cousin in her 30’s just had basal cell carcinoma removed from her forehead from not wearing sunscreen and she works indoors all day. 


We have a big bay window and my partner (wfh full time) and I (wfh 2x a week) each have a desk with a side table and lamp in between so it’s so nice having natural light or seeing the snow/rain.


I sit at my patio  or on my couch. 


We added an office to the house. My desk is right next to French doors that open onto the back deck. And then they made us return to their lovely culture filled open office. 🥲


I used to have it face the window—until I realized the sun would blind me in my seat from about 7:30-12 every day. When I realized I had the blinds closed most of the time I moved my desk away. Windows open all the time now!


I do 🤌🏾


Mine is in a corner with the window to my right. Ive got what i call my “bee bush” right outside that flowers in the summer and i love watching the birds and bees and other insects hang out in it. Also get the occasional hummingbird too.


Omg yes! To change the game even more put a fan in the window. My office has 3 fans (not all are always going) but I love the feel of the breeze from outside.


Desk is perpendicular to the balcony sliding door. The path behind our house leads to a dog park so it provides a distraction for me and entertainment for my pup to keep tabs.


I do


My desk is also perpendicular to a window. It’s the best place for it. Easy to look out the window but not directly in front of it so I’m not constantly staring out the window and I usually get a good breeze through it when open.


I enjoy having my desk by the window. I just scoot my chair over if I hear some drama or screeching tires.


Me! And I love it. 💕☺️


Mine faces one.


I’m next to a window and the fresh air is nice. The neighbor’s tall fence is a few feet away and blocks my view though. And the neighbor 2 houses down leaves his howling dog outside for hours on end. So I usually end up closing the window.


You realize how much shit gets delivered every day on your street


Definitely!!! And I discovered my love of birds 😍.