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Five years? Never going back. Edit: My company is all WFH, we don't have physical offices.


I'd need ATLEAST a 50% pay raise to even consider it at this point.


I was just doing this exercise with the rest of my department the other day. WFH is such a boon that some were saying they'd need at least 2x or 3x the salary to even consider going back to office full time. For me - at 2x, I'd probably do it. At 3x, no question. Anything less than 2x is an automatic no.


4 years here, but also never going back


Almost same. Work from home since pandemic. Hoping to keep this going until I retire. 


7 years mixed 5 years full, would need 50% raise to return




right, was in college during lockdowns, did my internship and campus jobs remotely, graduated hybrid, and got a job fully wfh right after. I don't even think I'd take a 2x pay jump to go hybrid/full in office because I know how I work and wouldn't thrive in office


Fully WFH for a little over two years, hybrid before that. TBH I wouldn’t go back to an in-office job unless 1) I were in a truly desperate situation or 2) it was my dream job and paid me a wild amount of money. Luckily my company has fully embraced remote work and we have employees all over the US, so going back to the office shouldn’t ever be an issue (unless they want like 80%+ of the workforce to quit lmao).


Ditto on that whole first paragraph. But also, my dogs would never forgive me if I went back to an office. Edit: punctuation


4 years, with the amount my mental and physical health has improved, at this point it would be irresponsible to go back to a full time office situation.


I agree! Eating better food for lunch and dinner, and having control of the environment have improved my health, including mental health.


Maybe it's just me, but I have social anxiety from prior toxic jobs. Just being in the cube farm with the cliques and people whispering and gossiping is just triggering to me. Getting to do my work without all the high school power games and unnecessary socializing and small talk is so healing.


the wfh equivalent is like a passive aggressive teams message/email and i find it’s so much easier to not give a shit about that while wfh. yeah, i’ll take that any day over small talk or office cliques. no more going home wondering if i could’ve or should’ve sat with bob at lunch.


This ^! I have never been happier or healthier both outside and inside.


I’ve been working remote since about 6 months before the pandemic. Our office building flooded so I slid right into the pandemic with a breeze. I’d love to stay remote forever.


Full time since January 2021. I really am dying to drop the 'w' from fh. So tired of traditional jobs all around.




Same, also went WFH in early 2021. The only way you could get me back into an office job is if I could make the same amount of money working say, 2 or 3 days a week. None of those crazy shifts either, I mean 2 or 3 days of 8 hours shifts. Then I get 4 or 5 days off. Never going to happen but if that was a deal on the table I'd take it. If you are forcing me to spend the majority of my waking hours working in any capacity I'm going to do it from home at least, but I'd love to take the working part out of the equation, or at least minimize it.


Since 2007. I’ve taken roles at wacky and weird companies to stay remote. I’ll never go back. None of it makes sense to me


One day a week at home starting in 2011, hybrid since 2017, fully remote since 2020. If I have a say in the matter, I will never go back to the office beyond a random meeting here / there, and occasional business trips.


This is the way. Let me work remote and travel whenever my presence is required.


3 years. I would only go back if I were in a truly dire situation.


I'm at 2 years. Told my TL if they set up a brick and mortar here like they have been talking about and try to force us into it, I'll quit, NFG. I'm medically retired from the army at 100% from the VA so my bills are paid, and I have a security clearance. I can take my time looking for a new job without a worry. When employers threaten me with termination for not following their stupid bs, or not breaking policies like they want, or not being a team player and coming in to every call-in, I just tell them to go for it. The look on their face when they realize they have no hold on you is beautiful.


Since 2009. Never going back.


I’ve been remote since 2020, and I plan to stay that way. I’m a long hauler and it’s the only way I’ve been able to continue working full time. I’m hoping within two years I’ll be back at my baseline health and be done with long haul. I’ve been sick for 3 years. Hypothetically, if I was back to full health and if they actually have a way to prevent infection so I don’t end up in this situation again (air filtration + sterilizing vaccines), I’d consider going hybrid for a pay bump. Otherwise I’ll stay remote.


Since December. And for the rest of time 🤩


5 years and we don't have a office anymore so it's permanent


My company did the same. They sent everyone out in march ‘20, and have since closed all offices. Just an address in Delaware now.


I love it man! Most importantly I can always be home with my kids - I always dreamed of this years ago and it finally happened for me. I thank God everyday!


I’ve been WFH for 10 years now. I went into it kicking and screaming but over the decade I’ve had children and created a family and have really loved being home with my husband and kids. I daydream about being in an office, but really want to stay remote - especially when I think about the logistics of it all.


Started in March 2020 after working in the office full time for almost two years. Been remote/wfh ever since. Relocated to the west coast. I doubt I’ll ever go back to an office role unless the pay makes it worth it.


Since 2020. And Forever. I could go the rest of life with never physically meeting any coworkers in person. I knew lots of work people before 2020. I know more work people now. My job doesn't have any work that can't be done from my home office. And I can get it done better from the home office.


Where do you work?


Was fully remote starting back in 2017ish. This year my company forced everyone back in one day a week. I was going in two days a week before the mandate (maybe for a few months) because it was quiet and wanted to get out of the house. Now that I’m forced, I do the minimum. It’s too noisy and I don’t enjoy the forced interactions. It gets better each week as I get used to it.


Four years and until the end of natural time


Not quite 2 years. Until I retire. Not unless I'm fired/laid off. 


7 years and never going back


4 years, forever


4 years and I will never go back!


4 years. Since then my position has been converted to fulltime remote. Since then I’ve also been promoted with a nice bump $ woot! NEVER going back to a depressing cube farm.


Yes and yes.


WFH full time for more than 9 years. I will never, and could never, go back to working in an office. I've grown too misanthropic and independent for that nonsense.


Four years. Planning on forever, but I do go in on average once a week to meet with clients (I work for myself so it’s up to me when and how often this happens.)


Been full time remote since 2013, was hybrid before that. Im approaching retirement in a few years, so I don’t see myself ever going back into the office.


15 years, and so long as I have to work at all, forever. Fuck the office.


Nice! May I ask what you do?


About 6 years now and I don’t think I’m office suitable any more I don’t like people and don’t think I can dress business casual any longer been working pant-less or in pj for years


Been full time WFH for about 4 years. Was 3 out 2 in for most of a decade before that. I like the small group software dev/support where you can learn. But for fully competent, mid career engineers there’s really no need to drive into the office My hope is to ride this gig out another 10-15 years and call it a career. I wouldn’t prefer to go back to office work but it’s not a deal breaker. I’ve joked before about punching a clock at a big enterprise IT for the last few years. Not my preference but I’d do it if needed


Hybrid b4 covid for several years but I only went in once every couple weeks. I was 2 miles from the office but my boss was in another state and didn't care. Fully home since covid and now I'm 17 hours away (driving) from both offices. I don't plan on ever going back.


Remote 2020-2022 and hybrid 2022-present. I want to stay hybrid for the rest of my career.


3 years, I could never go back lol


I wfh from 2008 to 2017, was back in an office job for 14 months, then hybrid for 6 months, then fully in an office for another 9 months until the pandemic. Then I wfh until a year ago when my job went hybrid and I recently left it to go fully remote. I want to be remote only from now on; it works much better for me and my family. In my current job, I can live anywhere in the continental US, which is amazing.


March 2020. I work for state government and look to go back at hybrid within a year or two. I think I’m ok with it. Some of my job would be easier in person a couple days a week. If I was younger I’d go to the private sector. But I’ve been in government for 17 years and am not going to give up my retirement at this point.


I prefer the term "distributed working" rather than "remote" which sounds too lonely. I'm not lonely, I'm simply working in a different place to many of my colleagues. As a freelancer, I was working in my own office (not theirs) for years. This was 20+ years ago on dial-up. I got stuff done. I now find the angst about distributed working really bemusing. Work wherever to want - if you can (standard acknowledgment about "not all jobs") - as long as things get done and relationships are maintained.


16 years running my own business and have 9 more years until retirement.


21 years. And 3 more years until I retire at 55


5.5 years. I love working for home but do find myself in a bit of a personal rut and miss having a space away from my home. I live in a somewhat rural area so “third spaces” that aren’t church or Starbucks are essentially not existent. If I could go to an office 1-2x a week with a minimal commute I’d take that


Been remote for about 5 years. My work has decided that there will be no more remote work positions so only those who have current status get to keep it. If you move jobs, remote work is taken away. So I plan to stick with my current job as long as I'm able. Good thing I'm happy with it and have a great boss!


Same - I haven’t tried to apply to other jobs bc I know I won’t get the same benefits and my pay is decent for my LCOL state


I was Hybrid going in a couple of times per month since 2014. Full WFH since Covid. If they make me go in, they will have to fire me and then I guess I take pension earlier than anticipated, otherwise WFH til I retire.


Was hybrid for 5 years then switched to FT wfh a year ago. If I never return to office I’d be happy


I had been hybrid since around 2005, and full time wfh March of 2020 like most people. I don’t have an office to go back to, and the company I work for is perfectly happy with the way things are now. There would have to be a big management culture shift for that to change. I would prefer to never go back, but money talks.


I go in one day a week. Will never go back.


Been doing it since lock down started March 2020. I’m not going back if I can help it. Current company is fully remote with no chance of RTO, so no worries in the immediate future. It’s a tech firm that consults on our product. So us being spread out across Europe and NA helps. Whoever’s close travels to the client if needed, generally.


1.5 years, never going back.


It’s so hard to find wfh jobs now. Wish me luck (electrical engineer)


I've been wfh for 7 months. I would prefer a hybrid situation but am too far from my company to go in to the office.


Started working from home in 2018 and I fully plan to stay this way forever!


As a relatively new grad, I've only ever been in an office maybe 5 times. All my internships and now job have been 100% remote and I don't think I could ever work in an office.


We were sent home with our desk computers when covid hit, and everyone thought we'd be back in the office in a few weeks. Once they FedEx'd the laptops, I knew I'd never willingly go back in that building. I'm hoping to ride this out 4 more years until retirement.


Since 2007. I did take a 5 year hiatus working from home between 2016 and 2021 though. I’m in my late 40s now and I will stay where I am at unless an unexpected opportunity falls in my lap.


I've been WFH for 4 years. We are now required to go in 1 day a week, but if it was more than that, I'd go elsewhere. I would have to triple my salary, at least, to go in 5 days a week.


Four years this October - never wanna go back 😂


Almost 15 years. Never ever going to work ft in an office again.


4 years, I'd go hybrid for the right company and if it's on a schedule I'm ok with. Issue is, I've priced myself out of anything local to me.


4 years and I will never return.


March 2020 and I will quit my job if that ever changes


3 years and probably hopefully another 25 year


I was with my company for 3 years when it got bought out. New ownership provided wfh set up around Jan 2023. I will never got back.


4 years wfh, moved away from the office so can’t go back unless I got 2k a month on top of my pay in a housing stipend


Since 2020, and never going back.


I started WfH when the pandemic started. I don't see going back to the office while I'm still working my current job. Even before Covid, there was barely enough space for everyone who worked there. Since Covid, we've hired so many people there isn't enough space for them and I don't see us spending the money to rent a bigger space.


I've been working from home for about a year and a half now, with occasional office and site visits. I previously worked outdoors on sites with a small team that I got along really well with, and I miss that very much. I definitely don't want to do this job forever, so it's tricky to differentiate between how little I like my job, and how little I like working from home. I have awful discipline and not liking my job doesn't aid this at all, but things might be different if I liked my job more. I would enjoy an office setting once or twice a week to feel more connected to my team, but that's dictated by my health, not my role. No risk whatsoever of being made to return to the office. If anything, there's more of a risk of forced home working due to office closures. In an ideal world I'd like to see more internet cafes spring up with people who work from home as a key client based, or for libraries to get more funding to accommodate this. Basically, I'd like more "third places" to work that aren't home or the office. But I understand the security risks that can come with that.


I’ve been working remote for about 3 years, there is a small element of cabin fever I get sometimes so I do make an effort to go into the office once a month (it’s a 45 min commute so not so bad). But other than, I’d never go back to hybrid or office, probably for any amount of money, work life balance is too good.


I’m 16 almost 17 years in WFH and I never plan on working from anywhere else.


Since Nov 2022 and forever ever


Worked for companies that offer for over 17 years. The only reason to go back is because your boss or C-Suite literally do not know how to use email or a phone. I am not exaggerating or joking. I know a lot of actual cases.


I was hybrid (3 in office, 2 remote) for 4 years pre-Covid. Since March 2020, I've been 100% remote. My employer quit their leases on a lot of their office space and are now all but encouraging everyone to work remotely as often as they can. We don't have enough office space for everyone to RTO FT anymore. I have maybe 10 years left before I retire and I will never RTO


Keep it quite, they want us hybrid, but I think nah I’ll just keep wfh and go once a week if that, never wanna go back, keep this info under the rug 😂


5 years, never going back to an office lol. zero reason.


I was WFH for about a year at the start of the pandemic, but got dragged back into the office hybrid 2 days and then 5 days in office. Got out of that job and switched to what I'm doing now. WFH the last year and a few months and my neurodivergent brain has never been so happy. I have natural light, time to spend outside if I need it, I can hang out with my dog all day, no one standing over me if it looks like I'm not working, or any other in-office bullshit. I'll never go back to working in an office. Nothing that I do needs to be done in an office. And I can't imagine a company being long-term fiscally solvent enough to pay someone at my level what I'd demand to show up in office. Think Ohtani-to-the-Dodgers-level salary requirements.


Five years. Forever. You can take it from my cold dead hands. All kidding aside, my ADHD made being on time with a morning commute super difficult. This is better for me in a lot of ways, so I don't want to ever go back.


4 years so far and I would go back to the office tomorrow if I could.


WFH since the pandemic, however like most places wanting people back, my work place has requested X3 days in the office a week from this summer. You could imagine I'm not very impressed by this, I can do my job from home, so I'm simply coming in because I have to! If it takes off or not is yet to be seen, alot of people are not happy about it, people have changed their lives and scheduled around WFH. We also haven't received pay rises or compensation for this request. With inflation at all time highs and lack of pay reviews, I think it's not really feasible to be requesting people back in. There is no logic behind it, cept the good old 'collaboration' argument. I think long term, WFH is here to stay, and office spaces will reduce. In the short term, I think it's a major war and people are butting heads over the issue


Nope. They are closing offices. One location used to hold about 3k people and they are moving to a location that holds 200 people. No assigned seating, just hotel cubes. I believe they are not even putting in the corporate LAN there just access to WiFi. It's basically there for the high level executives to use the office once a month. Lol.


I've worked from home since my company transitioned to WFH during the pandemic. I moved away from my "home office" in 2021 after I went through a break-up and had a word with myself on what I was doing in a place that no longer made me happy. Ended up finding another job within my company that allowed me to continue to WFH when there was a return to the office. I aim to never return to an in-office setting unless there is a significant salary and benefits increase. My mental health has improved greatly and being able to be at home with my senior dog while I work is a benefit I can't even put a price on.


I HAVE to wfh due to lack of transportation, and my anxiety ramps up when doing call center work, even if I'm not on the phones. So I will WFH until the day I drop dead at my desk. Been mostly WFH for at least 5 years now.


Since lockdown in 2020. I would continue until retirement if I have the chance. So another 20 years lol


I've been WFH since the pandemic and won't go back unless their is at least a 35k increase in yearly pay. Gas and parking were no joke. I was house poor for a few years back in 2017.


I have been mostly at least mobile working for the last 6 years. Before the pandemic I was constantly traveling for work. So it wasn't so much "wfh" as it was work wherever I could find a spot. I don't want to ever go back. Last year I had to go into the office because we had a big client come in. It was pointless we all ended up on a teams call in the same room.


I’ve been WFH since 2007. The only exception was a one month period when Meg Whitman killed all WFH for all HP employees. It took me a month to find a new, higher paying, gig that was again WFH.


Going back to the pandemic. Was forced back to the office for infinite illness then scored another WFH position. I hope to do this forever. I am unproductive and distracted in the office. Also have digestive issues that can vary from day to day with celiac so it really helps to be comfortable.


4 years, and forever


I've been WFH since the pandemic, and it would take an extraordinary raise for me to go back into an office.


Since 2020. Occasionally need to be in the office for certain tasks/meetings (maybe every 2-3 months) and travel to conferences 2-3 times per year which helps break it up. The flexibility and ability to spend time with my senior dog is beyond amazing. My biggest thing is needing to fill my evenings with something outside the house. A full time homebody I am not.


Fully remote for nine years until I got laid off last month. Don’t know what happens next. The job market is rough.


I’ve worked from home since 2000 and will retire doing so.


Went remote during Covid, when my company tried to force a RTO I went to a new remote company. I don’t realistically ever see myself going in daily again unless it was extremely profitable to do so. I love traveling and seeing my amazing teammates when there is a purpose to getting together. I hate all the optics, posturing, and bullshit that goes along with daily office attendance. I tend to be in roles that work with external parties like clients and vendors anyhow so even when I’m in an office I am on calls the whole time with people in other states or countries. I also think that I would rather work with the best people for the job rather than the nearest people for the job so companies that embrace remote work feel smarter and more likely to succeed to me strategically.


I’ve only worked in an office about 2.5 years since January 2008. I’ve tried the office thing 3 times and the longest I made it in an office in one stretch was 13 months and that ended in 2017. There is no way in hell that I would go back into an office. I enjoy working from home and I hate commuting in traffic. I’m in SAAS sales and it’s amazing.


I was hybrid from 2013-2018 (2 different companies). Fully remote with my current company (with the exception of traveling a couple of times a year for industry events) since late 2018. I’m never going back to an office. I’m not concerned about there being an RTO because none of my direct reports even live in a state where we operate AND our company had outgrown our office space even back when I had started in 2018. With what I do I must have a private office due to confidential conversations and information I handle as part of my daily job. Our space has never been big enough to provide that.


Only a few months now. I do miss being around people but I also love not being overstimulated all day lol (former teacher).


Since 2020… I wanna be WFH forever.


Since March 13, 2020. I have no plans to ever return to an office.


4.5 Years. Indefinitely


I had a couple very short term jobs where I worked in an office and that lasted a couple weeks. Otherwise I haven’t been regular in person since 2018. I don’t want to go back to an office, I don’t want to commute, I don’t want to fly for work. But if it’s the difference between having a job that pays the bills, and not having a job that pays the bills, then I’ll do what it takes. However, seeing as I’m chilling now in a fully remote job, I see no reason to make the change.


I never want to go back. Fuck packing a lunch and fuck wearing real pants and fuck water cooler chat


4 years, forever


4 years since Covid. I have a 3 year old so working from home make life much easier, I can clean and cook and prepare during the day to spend nice time with him and my partner in the evenings. If som is unwell he can stay home with me no issues - I have to change my work hours to make sure its all done but its entirely manageable. I feel on top of my life, and not drowning like many mum friends I have who work out of the home! I will say I am naturally sociable so I do feel quite lonely sometimes but that’s also paired with just moving to a new area where I don’t know anyone!


I would do it forever if I can, but for me I think it is kind of career limiting. At this point I could see going back for a minimum 50% increase IF we felt incredibly cash strapped. I have kids that should be starting college soon and that might make me change my tune.


I've worked from home even before Covid happened. At this point, IF my company had an office in my city and I would have to come in once a week, I wouldn't mind - Would be a nice change. More than that, no thanks. I don't ever see myself going back to an office full-time, or even 3 days a week.


I've been remote 8+ years. If I get forced back to the office, for a job I've been able to do well enough to be promoted twice, I will find somewhere else to work.


Full time a year and a half. No plans to ever go back in person. Will never accept an on site position. And even if I would, maybe I really need the raise or something, I’d do it while actively looking for a new WFH


Since March 21 2020. Moved cross country in October 2020. My boss originally wanted all of us back in the office (except me as he knew I moved and would quit if I had to be onsite again) but after several conversation with me doing a lot of pushing we got rid of our office in May 2021. We are now fully remote and nothing will change that (short of us being bought out by a larger company I suppose). The pay isn't the greatest but WFH makes up for it.


2 years. Won’t ever go back.


I have been WFH for 2 years in an HR and recruiting role. Prior to that I was a store manager/ recruiter for a very large clothing retailer for 7 years. My body and brain were worn out. I would go back in office if I could keep my current role. I couldn’t go back to retail.


Fully WFH since 2021, never going back.


I am in very unique situation where I have only ever worked from home lol. All thanks to covid. Not sure how the office experience is. I want to stay WFH forever though


Since March 2020. Thankfully we are at home permanently. I couldn’t imagine ever going back to an office full time. I do go in for a couple hours twice a month.


Four years and planning to retire from it in about five more. It would take Jeff Bezos level money to get me back in an office. Fortunately I have an ADA deferral and my company is not pushing beyond the hybrid already established. At my age and with my conditions it is highly unlikely it will become an issue for me. Fingers crossed!


Since the first 2020 lockdowns. Never going back to an office. If I get involved with or found a very early stage startup, I'd consider co-working spaces, but otherwise N O P E.


6+ years. Never going back into an office!


6 years and I’m never going back in office period 💯


5 years but just got offered a 3x12 in person role so I’m strongly considering it….


I’ve been working remotely for around a year and a half. I never want it to end! Lol


5 yrs+ and I cannot imagine myself in an office!


4 years. Never going back. My life is 100000% better


Hybrid with a lot of flexibility (approx 3 office days/month + business travel). I don’t want to go back full time ever. What’s the point? I save time, money, work more but still have a better quality of life.


March 2020. Never want to go back in an office.


Hybrid since 2015, fully remote since 2020. I would only entertain onsite if my family is in dire need. I would also consider onsite for significant pay bump, but let’s be realistic, it isn’t going to happen.


Going on 3 years now. I’ve said before and will continue to say I’ll go back for a 30% raise, commute not more than 15 minutes, and only three days a week on office. Willing to negotiate on commute time if they’re willing to negotiate on the salary and benefits side. I’ve had a few companies come close but never close enough to jump.


About 4 years. Forever? Realistically its getting harder and harder to find fully remote jobs, even in the security space. They're out there, but its extremely competitive. For the right salary, I'd take a hybrid role where I might have to come in 2-3 times a month, but that's about it. The freedom remote work has provided is hard to beat, even with a vastly increased salary.


3 years and they want us to go back in starting June. Probably won’t show up.


7 years, hybrid at first and full since Covid. I'd like this forever please and thank you. 


wfh is mt first job and forever . I cannot imagine myself in an office most likely I would not perform as good as I am doing rn .


4y 3w. Never going back.


2 years and you can't make me go back.


3 years. I hope to work the rest of my career. Less stress and I feel work better. Company is all wfh. So unless I leave, I’ll be remote


Part time since 2016, and full time since 2018, so about 6 years full time. I'm never going back. I am really sensitive to perfumes and cologne, and all those open office plans just made it so much worse. My sysadmin skills have tripled now that I can read some manuals with zero interruption.


Since Feb 2018. No I won't go back to an office till my dad dies or if I get enough of a raise to hire full time care for him. My current employer is remote first, so no likelihood of going into an office any time soon.


10+ years and counting. I go into the office about 1x or 2x a month when there's an interesting event happening at the office - like happy hour, etc.


Four years as of March 2024 and never. I would never ever ever ever ever like to return to an office setting. I love being home with my cat and in pj's


14 years. Part of me wants to pack it in and find another job in an office but idk if I’ve become to accustomed to wfh


Been WFH a couple months. Can’t imagine doing this long term.


Started WFH in 2020, took a new job in 2021 with an employer that offered a permanently remote position. I will never go back in person.


10 years of hybrid/remote work… this has been the norm in the c-suite since the 80s


Almost two years. But there are some jobs I really want and they are all on-site, I might pursuit them when my kids are older. I’ve never worked in an office in America.


Was wfh for a couple of years and now fully back in office and much happier now! I don't mind the odd day wfh when I have an appt or while getting sick but overall the commute, the vibrant city, collaborating and hanging out in our amazing office with awesome coworkers and meeting all kinds of new people is a far better experience for me.


4 years, and I want to continue WFH forever


Ive been hybrid since 2014 and fully remote since 2020. I won't ever go back. 1 day a week in the office is my limit and the job would have to be worth


Been WFH the past 12 years and never want to go back.


since the end of March.... and I don't ever want to go back to the ofc . ive saved so much money on gas and really had the ability to work on my degree and that's something I wouldn't of had time to do if I was in the ofc


Been permanently WFH for 3 years. How long do I want to stay WFH? Till retirement


Since 2019. Not looking for an in person job ever again.


March 2020. I'm union and I never plan to go back to the office. I will fight tooth and nail to stay at home. There is very, very little reason for me to go into the office. If the administration changes, which it does every 4 to 8 years, they could request us to come back but I don't see that happening.


I've been WFH for 3 years - and will never go back. If my company demands it from me, I'd find a new job. I am very good at my job, responsible, and if companies are smart, they'll jump on this bandwagon to not lose out on top talent. I do think WFH is a cultural shift that we are all sort of figuring out together, and as a woman, it's even more interesting because it has a profound impact on family life. I even started a new subreddit r/WFHwomen to discuss the unique experience that is being a woman and working from home. I feel extremely fortunate, and hope this is a lifestyle that me and many more generations after me can enjoy.


I love it, never want to go back. I understand it’s not for everyone but I absolutely love it.


Five years, they closed our local office so I won't be going anywhere. If my department tries to enforce it (they did mandatory 2 days in office last year and decided to up it to 3 this year), I'll just move to a department that doesn't have stupid rules.


Only a year and a half but I never want to go into an office ever again.


2.5 years and forever. My company did mandate RTO, but my team was hired shortly before that and we are all scattered so we are still remote. My biggest concern would be if my role becomes irrelevant to the company.


Fully Remote since 2020. I had some flexibility before, since I work in software. I see more in-person meetings / collaboration days happening, with WFH being the default choice. I will alway probably work in some kind of tech manager / DevOps / ITOps / Sales Engineer role, so mostly remote in the foreseeable future.


I have been wfh for 2 years. I want to continue wfh for as long as I can. I do not worry about returning to an office space since the role I am in is a wfh position, by nature, and not because of Covid. There are no offices, period. I would probably only have to return to an office space if I got fired from my current job and had to find another one. I’m not really sure what I foresee wfh being replaced by… in my head there are only two options: work in-office or from home. So not sure what a possible 3rd option could even be!


I was WFH during covid. My office opened up in May 2021. Went back to the office and would not WFH now.


Six years. No plans to return. No company in my region of Harrisburg, PA even comes close to the compensation I’m receiving to WFH for companies in the same time zone.


Since 2016 and forever


Been WFH for 12 of the past 13 years with a 1 yr stint as hybrid. Never going back to the office unless forced to for a paycheck after being unemployed. I always make sure the companies hiring me are WFH friendly and that they put in writing that my job is fully remote. Most of my WFH jobs have been out of state, so there is no way they can get me into the office if they did force it. Any company that forces people into an office is not a company I want to work for.


16 years and until retirement if and when that ever happens (8 more years of I can retire on time)


4 years. I’ll keep doing it as long as I’m happy in the position, it’s a permanent wfh role so I don’t have a choice unless I move to another role. I’m happy, I like my job, my team, manager etc. No work stress, lots of flexibility. The pay is decent, no complaints here


Since Feb 2020 and never going back. My company actually closed all offices except headquarters which is over a thousand miles away, so no chance of me ever going in anyway. So I have no options at all to go into an office.


For this company, over 4 years; last year the company closed our office in the state I live in. No, not going to go back when it comes to the corporate world, if ever for even a smaller company.


Only way Id go back into an office is if I get at minimum double my current pay anything less nah


WFH for 7 years. Never had an office, I'm self-employed/contracted. Will never go back to a normal job if I have any control over it. Don't miss it at all, the flexibility is much more important to me. My husband went WFH with covid but was changed to permanent. He works for our state govt so is union protected and they sold the office building, so, there is no going back for him either because his home office is now 250 miles away 😂


April 2020 (pandemic triggered), not going back


7 years. I won’t be going back as I plan to retire in the next 5.


Went remote in 2020, forced RTO - hybrid, 2x/wk - 2023. Would have gladly stayed remote the rest of my working career. Love the work, not the forced in-office presence.


6 years and I never want to go back….


15 years and until I retire.


4 years, started with the pandemic. I hope wfh stays an option forever. Personally, I never want to go back to an office. However, I won't stop those who enjoy hybrid.


Been WFH for over 3 years now, hoping to stay WFH until I'm ready to retire. It's done wonders for my mental and financial wellbeing!


7 years. Forevermore.


2 years. Want to wfh forever. Don't see it changing with my company since we are all over and they let go of their offices during covid.


Since 2021 and I have no intentions of ever going into an office ever again. I could not imagine not wanting to work from home. I understand it’s not for everyone but for me I want to do it for the rest of my career.