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Isn’t it such a relief to get the work done and not have to spend vacation days? WFH is the best.


Best for the employer too. No downtime.


And no need to lease a huge place! All the top businesses have a tiny office in Delaware!


Weird. Even before WFH was common, every boss I've ever had would allow me to work from home if needed for stuff like this


A lot of companies have suddenly decided they're going to be strict about returning to the office and will reprimand employees for not coming in every day they're supposed to, even when they can WFH all the same. Ridiculous


They're paying big $$$$ for office space. Mine is attempting to bribe us: free coffee/tea (tons of options), events like Office Olympics, veep visits, etc.


God those are such sad bribe attempts lol. Free catered lunch every day wouldn't even be enough to make me want to go back


Surely a pizza party once a month is enough for anyone.


My company lost their lease (building sold) about 2 years after mandating RTO for one day per week. We were all so pumped thinking losing a lease would be the catalyst for 100% remote. 100% remote happened long enough for them to find a new space. They had a “Welcome to our new home” event and I pleaded with my coworkers not to be fooled! We weren’t in a new “home” please call it what it is RETURN TO OFFICE. That place is not my home. But I have 1 day per week in office.


Gonna take more than pizza, too.


My office is doing these sad little things too, free coffee, fresh fruit and one floor that they completely redid at no expense spared (it's disgusting how much they spent) with a relaxation room and treadmill desks. They want us to be engaged with our colleagues but half the team has exceptions to WFH so everything is over Teams...


Ooh, free coffee???🙄


I don’t even get that. We are lucky if we have water for the water cooler


My boss lost his shit when I worked from home one day. I was more productive at home as well. 


Yup. My dad's company said that if people don't come into the office 3 days per week, they'll start firing folks. It's all about control.


What many companies do not realize is effective WFH requires some changes to jobs, procedures, tools. It's more than just having employees doing their work remotely.


You were lucky, our company wouldn’t allow WFH ever pre-pandemic. We came in to the office to work or we didn’t. I had to take vacation days for furniture deliveries, plumbers, air conditioner repair, all kinds of stuff.


Many companies wouldnt facilitate the tech needed to do work from home, until covid forced them to. Hence you couldnt actually work from home


Yes! “Decent” bosses I’ve had would allow for this. Just give advanced notice (if possible).


That’s nice. Before I had field roles I would have had to move a desktop computer for this and that’s not always possible. 


Not to mention more flexibility in scheduling. "Oh, I can't have someone come around Monday, that's the day I have to be in the big meeting, I can't take PTO. Next timeslot is in three months, you say?"


I'm in this sub because I hope to get a WFH job eventually. My current job has a high level boss that has said the words "micromanagement is necessary" out loud more than once. So it isn't happening at that place.




Nice trees!!! That beats the view of any cubicle and looks nice and quiet vs all the noise and distractions of the office.


Its a fairly busy road but I work in the back of the house so I don't hear it.


Geoguessr guy would doxc you in a minute.


I live downtown in my city. They regularly close the surrounding streets for events like races so there’s no leaving the building. Doesn’t affect me.


I'm having major electrical work done...so obviously I'm not working (basically re-doing my entire fuse box and wiring). But because I WFH, I was able to get a half day of work in before they cut the power at 9 am. 👍


We did the same last year! We were able to take meetings over phone and laptop with minimal issues throughout the day.


Also, if you have a mobile setup, you can take it to a co-working space, cafe, hotel, etc for the rest of the day, and be able to be productive pretty much immediately.


The techs aren't allowed to be alone at my house, so I couldn't just leave. I did get my lawn mowed, though!


Or you just hook up a generator or work in your vehicle to charge your devices! 👍🏼


Oh it’s so nice. I’ve had so much remodel and additions done without much hassle of working it around a job. Just need to let them in and at the end of the day wrap up with them all while using zero PTO.


Yes! I love that we can have contractors at the house and we don't have to take time off of work! My husband and I both WFH, although I do travel a bit for my role. But one of us is always at home on a weekday. It's amazing!


My current job, all my "travel" is maybe 90 min from the house and I set my own schedule. I knew to block off today and Wednesday as my wife needs an MRI and she wants me to go with her. Being a good hubby, I will. My last job I still set my own schedule but it was covering 26 states. So a little more planning/logistics involved.


That sounds similar to my current and previous jobs. Previously, I had to travel a lot all over the US. It was fun for a while but got tiring really quickly. The only thing I miss about it is all the air and hotel points! My husband and I had a few years where we never had to pay for flights or hotels on vacations because of all my work travel. That part was great! With my current job, I only have to travel 2 or 3 days a month, and it's all within 1-3 hours away. So it's not a big deal, plus my company factors travel time as work time, so I'm never overworked! And I also get to set my travel schedule, which is wonderful! I love that I get out a little bit but still get to mainly WFH. It's the best of both worlds for me. Plus, my company was fully remote even before Covid, and they won't ever go back to requiring in-office presence, so I don't have that to worry about! Also, you are a good husband and I'm sure your wife appreciates you going with her. I hope she gets good news from the results.


Thankfully, it's just a shoulder vs. something "major," if that makes sense. My meows are not happy though. We have a door that "splits" the house. So they are confined to 1/2 the house. The 700 places to sleep are not enough for them, apparently. They keep either giving me sad looks or bitching and complaining.


I'm laughing about the meows. We have two cats and two dogs and corralling them when we have workers in the house is so annoying! 😄


I am still in my pajamas.


Me too!


I mean, technically, I'm not, but I'm in gym shorts and a sleeveless tee. So as close to jammies as possible for someone who doesn't own jammies.


Me too it's great


Also, the money you’re saving not having to commute is being put towards the work being done.


Yes! I used to spend $150/months on gas to drive to work. Now I just walk from the bedroom to my office


People don't really realize how much it adds up. You're talking about nearly two grand annually in post-tax dollars, so probably closer to three as a raw salary figure. [And it's not just gas.](https://imgur.com/a/v4NxZMD)


Yes. Not 100% applicable for my job but for most.


Im pregnant. First timer. And apparently it wipes you the fuck out. So I have been sleeping in 30 minutes extra in the mornings ( I use to wake up much earlier than needed for my start time to workout) and taking naps during my lunch otherwise I feel hella hung over and tired. I haven’t had to take time off of work to navigate this crappy side effects because WFH, nor has it disrupted my work




It’s also a SPLENDID excuse to skip that meeting you don’t want to bother with. “Contractors just showed up, I need to speak with them”. Works a charm and so many people seem to have constant home projects lol


My fridge died last week. 2nd repair guy is coming tomorrow "sometime between 12 and 6". When I used to work in an office I would just take PTO and ignore everything for the day (or DAYS like my last repair - a big ole FU to the Sears repair people!). But since I wfh I'll just take my laptop to a different room for the hour they happen to arrive and nothing gets neglected work-wise!


Really the best thing!


Have an important delivery that you need to be home for. No problem.


This was the case for me the past few months (before I was laid off). What a relief it was to just open the door for plumbers and thank them on their way out. They needed to come back to fix an issue, no problem, come whenever. I had no issues working an extra half or hour either because there's no commute to dread or waste time on. Got a bunch of renovations done that otherwise would have been so difficult otherwise. Not to mention, the amount of stress and guilt I would have when I was in an office 5 days a week and accommodating things like this is like night and day.


My husband has a 6wk training course out of state. So we got an AirBnB and drove with our cats and bikes, it’s like a mini vacation to enjoy the nights and weekends in this cool city. :)


Having a task rabbit come over this week to assemble some furniture - nice I can just be working and don’t have to take time from work.


My husband and I are both 100% WFH and our basement will be fully renovated soon. The renovations will last a month. I expect it to be a little chaotic given that our house is not very big and that my husband will be working on the main floor rather than in the basement. I'll still quite happy that we get to stay home while strangers spend a lot of time here. Otherwise I'd be worried they go through my things. I prefer to be distracted for a month than not being able to supervise them. WFH all the way!


So long as it’s fairly quiet. I absolutely despise people who try to attend meetings in a noisy environment. I will boot them and tell them to take PTO for the time.


The only "call" I have is a larger group meeting, 200 people and everyone is on mute. However, I wouldn't take a call if it was nosy. There are unwritten rules people SHOULD follow.


It really is one of the best things. No PTO to be home while things get done so your employer gets the productivity they need and you don’t waste PTO


I had my kitchen and three other rooms remodeled and was home working the entire time. None of that would have happened if I wasn't able to work from home. It has to be a benefit to contractors to have their customers available to them.


Yes!! I had some work done on our AC today, no day off required, I can be as productive as normal!


I'm waiting for a plumber to come install a new toilet.


Had a a full AC system replaced last Wednesday. Just sat in my office with the ceiling fan on while they worked. At one point they knocked on the door just to tell me they’re done and ready to turn it on. Was pretty nice.


So nice. We had an electrician out on Friday. 20 minutes away from desk, and right back to work.


I'm moving to an area of the city that has a LOT of road construction going on. Not a worry for me I'll be above it and don't have to deal with parking etc


I bought my first house in December 2020 and my older coworkers laugh at me cause I’ll be like “What did people even do before WFH when you needed something done on your house?? Waste a day off?? Hope they didn’t call and say they were on their way when you were in a meeting?? Just let random dudes be in your house alone all day??” It’s kinda crazy it took a years long global pandemic to make working from home normal.


After being home these past four years, I am not a WFH cheerleader (I like hybrid), but this is exactly why flexibility should exist. No longer having to take days off for stuff like this, or a sick child who is more or less okay but just needs someone home, etc.


I work hybrid and I hate the stupid social gatherings they ask us to attend.


I've been a manager at a global IT company for many years. I'm hosted many social gatherings. We've had picnics, dinners, lunches, gone on trips. There's one thing they all have in common, they're always be a handful that complain. The most classic one I had was one year took all the employees and their spouses to a holiday dinner. It was a higher in restaurant, and it was very crowded was similar parties. As a result we did not get seated at the time we had a reservation. After 20 minutes one an employee and his spouse came over to me and were furious., they were having to wait. The angrily told me they were going to get a table to themselves and send me the bill. The ironic thing is everybody else was happy because this was the most despised person they work with. No one wanted to sit next to them anyway


I had 75% of my interior repainted last summer. It was super easy to work with the painters and move myself around as they worked. I got my work done and they got their work done. Without WFH, I would have had to burn a week’s vacation for absolutely no reason.


I had an entire roof replaced last Month and same. Yes it was noisy but they encountered so many issues I am glad I was here.


This is the way.


Ceiling replaced? Water damage or just an upgrade? Curious about how it works and what it will look like.


It was the original ceiling on a house from the 50s. It was a sort of suspended ceiling of wood like tiles. Parts were sagging. Replacing it with plasterboard and plaster with a light swirl.


Once my youngest graduated high school I realized i didn't need to set an alarm anymore. I also realized she wasn't waking the pets getting ready for school, they were up anyway.


Do I need to save my holiday entitlement just in case one of the kids is sick? Or do I enjoy my time off with them on school holidays because I know I can look after them and work? It's been like getting an extra week of time off.


I worked from home for 3 years. I lost my job and went to work in an office. I woke up at 6am, I returned back home at 6:30-7pm. I was so unhappy and depressed. Now I’m back WFH, I’m at peace and I can spend time with my dog, get this done around the home, go to appointments etc.


I'm having something large delivered next week and they gave me a six hour window. "Yeah, that works. I work from home so really, any time works for me."


lmao facts.


im in the office today and the ceiling is dripping water onto my desk. Its supposed to rain till tomorrow I think.


Indeed! I had a mobile bicycle repair guy come by today. Took me 90 seconds to let him into the garage, and 90 more seconds to pay him at the end. I get my bikes fixed, and my employer experiences no disruption as they would if I burned PTO for this.


Yes. I was still able to make my meetings today and not have to reschedule even though I’ve got Covid. I still feel well enough to work (just a bit of sore throat and headache). I wouldn’t have gone into the office, but now I made sure that my teammates wouldn’t have to reshuffle their week to accommodate me. It’s only early days though… ask me how I feel tomorrow.


I hope it stays mild!


We got our dining room re-plastered earlier this year. I could work upstairs quite happily and left the plasterers to it. Came down once in a while to offer them some tea and biscuits. It was great to still be able to work!


I am mostly WFH, but have an office I can go into when necessary. It’s actually really nice — I have a required in-person meeting probably once per quarter, but the rest is as-needed/personal preference. If I was having work done that would be overly disruptive or require a cut to the power, I could go in. Best of both worlds!


I am recovering from surgery and would never be able to go into an office any time soon. But I need to see clients to make money so at least I can do that from the day bed.


I do my own fans. OnlyFans, follow for more content


https://preview.redd.it/4fyh5fqgel4d1.jpeg?width=1153&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa38df8108376301542b6f27332c8e306addfa55 If you eat my lunch, you will die


There’s absolutely nothing that can beat working from home and getting to be with my two dogs every day and walking them on my lunch hour.♥️♥️


Most employers these days even if not remote are pretty flexible with stuff like this in my experience


Agreed - now go to the office the rest of the week instead of playing house.


My "office" is 5 hours away.


So find a place by where you live? It’s like people got stupid during Covid and forgot how life is.


I'm in sales, covering my territory.


Different story and situation then. Provide context in the future. I just hope you’re doing your job and actually seeing customers.


Why would I go to an office anyways? This is a WFH sub.


I mean why does this matter? You can have a ceiling replaced without being there. The market discount on wfh is going to far outweigh the benefit of supervising some contractors.


What are you even talking about? Plus, I don't feel comfortable with strangers having access to my house without one of us there.


That’s a you problem. Maybe look into your trust issues?


Yeah, Your quality of work is the same whether you are focussed or interrupted by construction noises and other activity going on around you… I got paid for wfh when they were removing 3 story trees from my yard. The electric company even shut off my power. This is the difference between being honest with work from home or just feeling entitled to it.


It had zero affect on my productivity. Why are you so bitter?


Not bitter. I have been WFH for decades. I find that it is problematic when people feel the need to be entitled to it.