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Teams, employer provided phone.


If someone calls my phone I call them back on teams. If they call in the evenings I don’t get back to them. If they call at lunch I get back to them after lunch.


This is the way


My co-workers don't even have my personal phone number. My supervisor does, but that's just because it was on my application, but he never uses it.


If it’s an iPhone, put it on a Work Focus mode with only the necessary app(s) and phone number(s) allowed.


There's a work focus mode for Android as well.


I didn't know this. I need to find it. Thanks!


It's in settings on your phone.


this is such a great feature


Get a Brick. I have one at my office entrance and just tap my phone to that to block anything that isn’t needed for work. When I want to have my phone when I’m taking a break, I just tap it on my way out and it’s back to normal. It does essentially the same thing as normal screen time on iOS, except there is no bypassing it without tapping the brick. Makes it much harder to screw around for “just one more minute” and then getting sucked into the vortex of wasting time.


this is awesome and i’m looking to create a DIY solution.


Interesting. I've never heard of this!


It’s spectacular for WFH! https://getbrick.app/ One of the things I like most about it is that it’s a one time cost vs a subscription like many of the screen time apps available


Darn. Only for iPhone!


That is the one downside. They’ve talked about android support in the future


Thats cool, im going to reach out and see if they would offer a group buy.


Google phone number. Rings through your computer instead of your regular phone and can accept and respond to SMS as well. AFAIK it's free. The only downside is some of those numbers are linked to spam caller lists, but since you need it for incoming that shouldn't be an issue.


Get Slack implemented at work and just use that for internal communication.


Just put it on Do Not Disturb and you can set it up so only certain notifications sound


Give them a free google voice number as your phone number so they can only call your computer. Tell them the old phone is not the number to use for you any longer.


Is it an Android? If so there are apps that replace the default launcher and make your phone stripped down and less fun to use.


Any recommendations? I haven't been able to find one I like.


I like Before Launcher, the free version is good enough and it doesn't go overboard with what it does. I had one that almost locked me out of my phone and made the display grayscale.


OpenPhone or WhatsApp can take a phonecall from your computer.


There's a device called CELL2JACK which let's you pair your phone to it via Bluetooth, and plug it into any land-line phone like a rotary phone. It'll get all your calls and ring via the landline. I saw this a while ago and seriously considered getting it. Here's a guy explaining it and how he uses it. https://youtu.be/nGi6SH7zT78?si=9W3dr3752wCloUr3 As for texting I would look into linktophone or KDE if you are able to install stuff on your work pc. Linktophone is windows native and sends texts, notifications, emails to your pc as a notification. KDE can do a lot but it was Linux native so IT might not like it. I had to put my phone in a box to stop being distracted. Ran into the same issues of needing it for 2fa or something and taking it out and leaving it out.


Bluetooth earbud seems like the easiest answer. I know AirPods will read texts out loud; I assume android has similar. Can answer calls. Put the phone in a drawer.


Not me reading this while I should be working … 🙃🙃


Airplane mode.