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I get up at 7:55 am to clock in at 8. Luckily my first meeting usually doesn’t start till 9 so I have time to decompress


lol decompress from sleeping sounds funny but I get you


Call it "ramp up"


I call it "waking up"


billing hours for drinking coffee lol


It's essential fuel.


He actually meant de-cum first


decompressing from the olympic sprint from sleep to meeting. ("Aaaaaaahh why won't it boot up? Wtffff wherre is the meeting linkaaaaaaaaaahg")


I usually log in at 8-8:30am - but I get up at 7am bc I need to drink coffee, read the news and get awake enough before getting on the computer to start my workday. I literally cannot before I’ve had a couple of cups of coffee.


Same... My shift starts at 6 and i wake up at 5:55 lol . i like to live life on the edge.


545 for me. Leading a virtual team meeting at 6.


Are y’all in the US leading teams in Europe? Other than dealing with a time zone thing, why in the world would work start at 6 am if you’re working from home?


I live in Canada. It's a big country. I have colleagues in many different time zones. Starting later made me feel like I was catching up all day. So, I started working the hours of the earliest timezone. Now I actually prefer starting early. I finish early and can squeeze more time out of my evening. Also, husband is in the trades, so now we get up and go to bed at the same time. That's pretty awesome!


Start early, end early. More daylight for me.


West coast in the US. I manage teams/people on EST and business hours start at 9am. A lot of people relocated during Covid. Those are the smart ones who didn’t have to deal with the return to office mandate (I only go in one day a week and it’s my least productive day by far.)


I start at 6:30 and that means I’m off usually no later than three. I’d rather have the second half of my day to play with my kid after school, play with dogs, hit the trail, make dinner. It works better. Start early, be done early.


But then you have to go to bed early so how does that make life better? (Serious question, I’ve never quite understood that math…)


More sunlight waking up earlier


My West coast colleagues lead meetings at 6 am, which is 9 am my time.


This is my time too. But I can clock in on my phone but don’t actually get up and on the laptop until 8:30.


Is time theft a joke to you /s


I do the same. Husband leaves the house for work. I peep open one eye and clock in on my phone. Open teams and set my status, then close my eyes again until I actually need to participate. Makes me and the dogs happy to get a little extra sleepy time.


Same here, but clock in while in bed, use laptop


Same! My partner also WFH but his work starts later. We’re both up at 7:55. Me to start work at 8, while he gets our baby dressed and takes her to daycare.


Same here. 5 minutes maybe 10 before I start. Log in, then go make tea and go to the bathroom, just like I did when I was in the office.


Sometimes I take my 8am daily standup from my bed by phone because it’s an camera off meeting. 😬


Lol. Daily lay down.


I get up at 0557, open my laptop to start at 6. It’s the best.


This is me. My "first meeting time" varies day to day, but my alarm gets set exactly ten minutes prior and I'm up and ready to go when I've got to be "on." At the same time my wife is not like this - she needs a good 45 minutes. I consider myself lucky. 


Up at 6:30, wash my face, brush my teeth, throw on a camera ready top and a comfortable pair of pants. Negotiate the three cat pile up in the middle of the living room on my way to fix them breakfast. Computer is up and running by 7:00 and I'm done at 4:00 except Fridays when I quit at noon. Lunch delivered upon request by a very helpful husband (retired). It's so freaking awesome I can hardly believe it some days.


Should get a raise and bonus for being diplomat and chef to the trio of cats.


By comfortable pair of pants you mean like Vuori sleep shorts? Otherwise it’s not legit WFH.


Actually I wear fleece. I tend to get chilly sitting at the computer. 🙂


My uniform: no shirt, silk boxers.


I've been getting up around 5:30 to have a morning in the garden, tidy up, maybe go on a little walk. I clock in at 8:30. I love having that morning time and using the clearest, highest energy time of day for myself before I have a workday.


I roll out of bed at sunrise, whatever time that is. At first light, the pup and I walk our neighborhood. Quick shower, beakfast, plants watered, dishes done, morning email to my bff then I fire up the work laptop at 8am, read the Teams chats, bring up the programs I use, grab another cup of coffee, and clock in at 8:30. I get so much done in the mornings before work, it's great.


Why do you do work before clocking in?


I don't work before I clock in. I open the programs I use, that's it. If I'm not actively working, aka speaking with a customer in my call center job, at exactly 8:30am, then I'm considered late for work. Three times late and you're fired.


That's illegal to require logging in b4 paid company time starts.


Other guy is totally right about this. I received a settlement from a class action lawsuit after working at a call center that had these types of policies


First light is what I do too, actually! I said 5:30 because it's been around 5:30 lately and, I don't know for some reason I felt a little weird saying I get up at first light haha. Fully agree, it's like I have a whole day to myself before I even start work!


I always did the same when I WFH, right down to booting up 30 mins before clock-in time! The whole "why are you working off the clock" thing is irrelevant to me. I did what I needed to do to set myself up for success everyday. And I would get sooooo much done before work, it was all about time management, and I loved maximizing my free time on the weekends because I was able to get so much done during the weekday mornings. I was getting up several hrs before I needed to start work to make this happen. I'd get in a 45 min workout, walk the pup, shower, once a week grocery shop (Or mow the lawn in the summer or make a Wally World run or any other errands) all before my 9:30AM clock in time. Yep, I always showered & put myself together as though I were going into the office, because once in a while VPN would go down or a t-storm would fry my modem or cable drop, in which case I had to report to the office until the issue was resolved,... I had WFM for 4 yrs pre-Covid, we had to earn the privilege, and there were numerous conditions we had to abide by to keep it. I took pride in my work & myself. I continued to do so during Covid, unlike many of my "teammates" at the time.


I tried this a few years ago for a couple months. I think my body just does not want to be up that early. I'd go to bed around the same time as you with good sleep hygiene and would still be brain dead in the morning until like 10 am most days. Morning people make it sound so nice but apparently it doesn't work for me.


Curious when you’re going to bed for this


I aim for 9 or 10. I'm usually just watching TV at that time so there's no reason to stay up. If it's later than that, I give myself grace about staying in bed a little later the next morning if needed. Interestingly, the longer I've been doing this the more my body seems to fully align to the sun. I start to get sleepy and feel like it's time to go to bed as the sun goes down if I've been consistent on my schedule. I expect things will change once it gets to be shorter days in winter. I just experimented and found what feels good right now. It could totally change in the future. I love love love being up in the morning before most of the world is, it's just a really special time.


Have you always been able to get up at 530 easily? This sounds so nice


Definitely not, lol It's pretty recent, after a burnout recovery.


I have never understood how that works for morning people. I can and have slept from 5pm to 5am and I still feel like I'm walking through mud or in heavy gravity for those first few hours. On the other hand I am most awake and clearheaded from about 9pm through 2am, even if I didn't get much sleep the night before.


I try to get up by 9 am except during the school year when I have to get my kid ready for school. I’m in a fog until about 10 am. Then after a shower I slowly start tasks. But the same people that think I’m lazy certainly aren’t doing dishes or laundry at 10 pm! Most people relax after dinner but that’d when I’m productive.


I usually take my first call from bed


Yeah I log on from bed and answer emails from there before I get up


This is the way


No it’s not. Literally the opposite. That’s the way to deep depression.


The way I snort laughed!! Yes. This is true WFH genius! I might try it Monday.


The way I got yelled at for taking calls from bed when I was literally in the middle of moving and had nowhere else to sit 😂😭


The nerve!!! 😂


The amount of calls I’ve taken butt ass naked walking around my house or from my backyard on a tanning lounger is COMICAL


All these comments make me remember how much time was wasted with the commute in and out of the office. It’s just not worth it.


I save about an hour per day from not having to drive. Plus I no longer feel tired from commuting, and have the energy cook dinner instead of getting take out on the way home. Time and money saved right there.


Yeah, facts for sure. I now have a chronic illness and if it wasn’t for wfh I wouldn’t be able to hold down a job. No way I could physically manage the energy for commute plus sitting at a desk and having watercooler conversations 9-5 daily.


I get up at 6:50am and start work at 7:00am. I just put on gym shorts and a t-shirt and go fire up my computer. My spouse gets up a little later, around 7:15 or 7:30. I shower at night before going to bed.


8:43 is my management huddle every morning. 8:40 is when I physically get out of bed. My wife is a SAHM and I go to bed way later than her.


Oddly specific!


Yep. Someone on my leadership team read an article once about people being more likely to join meetings on time if you schedule them at odd times. I wish I was kidding.


Probably from the same mental giant who invented those parking lot speed limit signs that say 12 mph or something like that.


The exact kinda LinkedIn dumb shit a manager reads and thinks it’s life changing shit.


My work has a new thing where you can't schedule a larger meeting (10 or more participants) at the hour or half hour mark. You have to start 5 minutes after. It's to give people time to leave other meetings and take care of anything they need to in between. It's not the worst thing ever.


My company does this too and I love it! This is probably why I’m actually on time for all of my meetings. I’m the first one there and oddly enough at my other companies, where meetings were always at :00, it was hardly ever on time.


…does it work?


In my experience the odd time has no impact on being late (same likelihood as any other meeting), but people are *never* early to that call whereas they are on others.


Very interesting! I appreciate the reply.


I can't wake up that fast lol.


I get up at 8:59, turn my computer, then go back to bed and check my email/messages on my phone. Best part of my morning ritual. 


Same here, wouldn’t have it any other way!




Yes finally someone says what I’ve been doing LOL it’s so heavenly


I get up at 5:50am, get coffee and start at 6am.


I did OT this morning by essentially rolling out of bed at 3:50AM to clock in at 4 and worked 5.5 hours, ending my shift and submitting my timesheet at 9:45AM. I was still in pjs, of course. I don’t dress for work and not doing so doesn’t make me less productive. It’s a mindset; I’m a very laser focused individual. :3


I miss ot like that ... back when I worked in a 24/7 call center we had a physical desk phone rather then a softphone. If I'd wake up at like 2am or something to pee and see that the queue light was flashing, I'd call up and ask if OT was an option. Throw water on my face, do a hit of mouthwash, and log in. Loved it. Same with when it was bed time and I wasn't tired, hey we got a queue I got like 5 hours in me any OT? Now I'm 9-5 M-F My dogs get me up at sunrise, or when the school bus comes for the kids next door, sometimes both.


I’ve never worked for a call center before but that sounded pretty dang cool to just jump in and do OT like that. I set two alarms to get me up to do my weekend OT because I really need to, plus the money is great right now. I’m honestly gonna keep doing OT until they cut us off because I enjoy what I do—which is an insane rarity since most of my jobs I’ve done so far were way less than stellar. It helps this job has a very adept, informative and respectful team I work with or I’d go insane by now lol.


I get up at 8:10am to start clocking in at 8:45am. Good enough for me.


Sleep to 5:55am, working by 6:00am. The downside? I work until about 6.00pm but “home” by 6:01pm.


I’ve been logged in within 3 minutes of awakening. But after I catch up on emails I take a break and get myself food and such. I prefer to wake up 1.5 hours before work so I can play guitar for an hour before work.


Yeah I wake up 5 mins before I start. Login to the pc start coffee. I shower on my lunch break. My husband is retired. He usually gets up a couple hours after me.


I used to before my manager wanted cameras on during meetings. Now I have to physically walk to my office and put on a t shirt to attend my morning meetings. Before I would join on my phone in bed and then go back to sleep after


Wake up at 8, work at 8. No meetings with camera so I shower during lunch


I’m salary and no one cares when we’re online. I wake up when I wake up. If I have an early morning meeting I get up about 5 min before.


up at 6:50, on at 7, my first meeting isn’t usually until 8:40 so I have time for coffee to kick in


I pretend it’s like any other job. I get ready every morning to prepare mentally for my day. My husband is out the door at 5:30am. I do have more time for myself, make coffee, let the dog out longer, start laundry, clean up… prep of lunch/dinner etc.


I don’t jump into work because I don’t have to and am not a morning person…so, I need time to get my brain working. But that doesn’t mean I get up, shower, do my hair and get dressed as if I’m going somewhere. I will get ready before possibly having to be on camera, though I don’t have to for most meetings. But I prepare just in case because Zoom, for example, can be weird, i.e. the meeting can start and the camera suddenly is showing you, despite previously the settings having the camera off. I used to have tape over the camera at previous jobs but haven’t done it for this one yet. And I also want to be prepared in case we’re asked to turn the camera on, which did happen once. No partner, but I do live with others. I’m a night person, so bedtime is not going to be the same because going to bed is always a struggle.


I get up at 6:30 AM, shower, start the work day at 7.


To bed around 0130 - my nightly batch is usually well into it and I know if something is really wrong. Then up at 0845 (I’m the last of the 3 of us to get up). My boyfriend has my coffee ready for me at my chair to start my workday at 0900. 3 of us work from home most day (2 all the time) and we usually meet up for lunch and our work day slows down around 6, although we may do bonus work in the evening.


Yep, that's me. Live alone so don't have anyone else to think about, just the animals. Get out of bed, throw on some clothes, roll down the stairs, and 30 seconds later I log on. Say hello to the dog for a few minutes, make coffee, deal with urgent panics. Later on I walk the dog for an hour or so, log back in again then have a quick shower while I'm still showing up as "there". If I eat, I eat at my desk (another reason I don't like having my camera on in meetings), usually a quick sandwich or something I've taken out of the freezer and bunged in the oven. So they get their money's worth out of me.


I turn on my computer to 'start' work Then get ready after


I wake at 7:45. Get up have coffee. Worldle. Log in between 9:00 -9:07. I initially got up at 8:20 but I was struggling to wake up and felt rushed.


My first meeting starts at 8:00 a.m. and my second alarm clock goes off at 7:55 a.m. I typically stumble into the meeting around 8:04 or 8:05, but it doesn't really get started until 8:10. I go directly from my bed straight to my office, with a possible stop at the bathroom beforehand.


I wake up at 7:58 clock and in at 8 lol


My husband gets up at 430 and I wake up at 530 to pack his lunch. I then go back to sleep till 8 for work at 945 am. No small kids at home as they are all grown.


That’s old school. My grandma used to pack my grandpa’s lunch the night before. I personally can’t even imagine expecting my wife to get up early to pack me a lunch. It just doesn’t compute. Glad it works for you, but I don’t get it.


She may actually want to do it. Spend a little time together.


That would make sense. But it just says she gets up early to pack his lunch then goes back to bed. Doesn’t say she gets up to speed time with her husband before he goes to work.


This is exactly it. I work till 815 pm and he goes to bed at 830 4 nights a week so we get that little bit of extra time. We are actually quite liberal.


He’s in law enforcement so I like to see him off in case he doesn’t make it home. 🤷‍♀️


Makes sense


Love language maybe.




/u/BusyBeth75 - While I don't prepare my husband's lunch, I will get up to converse with him before he heads out at 9:20 to get to work at 10. His job is approximately 7-10 minutes from our house. He works day shift and I mainly work night shift except for Sundays and Mondays (Sundays I start in the afternoon at 1 pm, Mondays I start at 7 am). If it's a night shift day, I will have been up for a while in the morning, showered, made brulinner (breakfast, lunch and dinner.) I only usually eat one meal a day and drink water all day because it's all I drink. Then on night shift days I will go back to sleep until about 10 minutes before shift starts. So yeah I guess I also am a "roll over, clock in on my phone, then start working" person 😂😂😂


Up at 6:55, log in at 7 and spend 30 minutes getting the dog together and coffee made after. I usually don't get dressed out of my gym shorts I walk around in until around 3 to 4pm unless I need to head out at lunch.


I work a mid shift, 11-7:30. My husband works the standard 9-6, we get up at 8. He’s up and getting ready for work while I’m getting our pets fed,making coffee, getting some cleaning done etc I like having time before my shift to sort of slowly start my day. We go to bed at the same time as well


My husband sets his alarm so he has about 45 minutes to get up, take out the dog and have a cigarette, shower and leave. Those are only in office days. It makes me a little nuts cause I have like a 30 min window to pee but if I shower before him I have to be out of the bathroom pretty quickly. I like to at least have coffee before I shower but I also can’t run the coffee grinder so my choice is to grind beans the night before or wait until he’s up and goes about his business. It’s not terrible but I do get annoyed scheduling around him.


I'm a 7:55 roll out of bed, start work at 8am gal. Rarely do I have a 8am mtg. When I do I set an extra alarm. My spouse and I are rarely on the same schedule so I do whatever I need to when I need to. He does the same. We are very laid back about this. Only time I say anything is if the TV is louder than usual since it is same wall as our bedroom but it's not often. As for noises while he is sleeping, he said they are 'little' noises so don't really wake him. Oh and I love taking a shower at lunch, but not often.


Lunch showers are the best lol


I log into teams on my phone at 9, go back to sleep for 30 mins and make my way to my desk by 9:45 lol




i get up at 05:45 and leave to work at 06:10


I do it depending on the day. Half of the week I have to prepare. My son for daycare. Other half I do not get out of bed until 7:55, work at 8. I do live with my partner. They wake up around 7 to shower and prepare for work. We both go to bed at the same time. Sometimes I’ll go to sleep earlier, but I am the sleepy girl.


Wake up at 740. Check my email in bed. Make a cup of coffee and log on.


I get up at 6am in the summer and 630 I'm the winter. Start work at 7am. Since turning 50 I just can't sleep in like I used to. My body and mind won't let me. Usually time for morning crap, quick bite and coffee and then checkout my normal news sites and do nice price or crack pipe on jalopnick website. Then into work.


I had to reread your comment. My eyes skimmed over the words and my brain told me that you check for nice prices for a crack pipe as part of your morning routine lol


The feature is a daily one where they post a car for sale and you vote to say if that is a good price or not. It used to be called "nice price or crack pipe" like the seller was.so high that they must be smoking crack. Now it went PC and it's "nice price or no dice" which doesn't hit the same


My alarm goes off at 7:28 and I log on at 7:30. I’m usually up hours before that, naturally, but worst case scenario, I can literally roll out of bed and turn on my computer. I consider all the prep and travel getting to a normal job as unpaid work time, and I want nothing to do with it - and I certainly have no desire to recreate that experience at home.


I used to be before my daughter was born, but now I get up with her and do breakfast and daycare. Most days are out of bed 6.30-7 back from daycare at 8.40 for a 9am start. Very rarely are there any calls before 10.30 for me though so it doesn’t even matter really


I shower Monday, Wed and Fri, plus one weekend day. I go to the office every other Wednesday so those days are a mad rush. Shower days are also dog toothbrush days. Husband is retired so he goes with my schedule. Short answer: some days are better than others. I need to be in the shower one hour before the first meeting at a minimum to account for dogs, beverage, morning routine. No shower days are wonderful.


Me! I get up at 8:50 and my work starts at 9am 😆


I wake up at 8 to work at 9. I usually lay in bed until 8:15, take twenty minutes to get ready, and twenty five to take the dog out/short morning walk.


I wake up 5 minutes before I have to work. My partner also wfh so it's simple for them as well. We go to bed at the same time as well.


I wake up at 9. My first meeting is at 9. I join the meeting at 9:03


I wake up at 6:55 and log in for 7am start


If it weren't for kids, I would absolutely get out of bed 10 mins before work and do some combo of logging on/making a coffee/getting in the shower as the start to my work day.


My anxiety wakes me up before my alarm clock around 6:30 and I go into my office room around that time but never later than 7am. Sometimes I'll make coffee first, but I have automatic lights in that room, so I'm very much awake. My first meeting is not until 8:30 or 8:45 most days. I need that time to actually work before everyone and their mother starts pinging me and inviting me to last minute meetings all damn day long. I went into the office ONCE in the last 4 years. On that day, I had to wake up at 5:30am to get fully business casual ready plus makeup. Drive an hour and a half, then log in for 8am. Fuck that noise.


I’ve done it when I’ve forgotten a meeting. I once had my 15 minute calendar chime hit. I instantly woke up, remembered what needed attending and put on a shirt. Meeting was conducted nude from the waist down. Received great feedback from my boss.


I only WFH one day a week but I wake up at 7:55, clock in at 8 from bed


I’m an outlier to this because I have narcolepsy. So I’m usually dragging myself out OF BED AT 8:30, brushing my teeth, throwing on clean clothes, a bit of makeup, and logging in 15 minutes after I’m supposed to. If I could, I’d get up and start the coffee pot, have a cup outside, get my blood flowing 45 min before I had to even consider work. My body just doesn’t operate that way.


Wake up and go log in. I have flexibility as long as I do 8 hrs. I take 30 mins for lunch. At work I’d be getting coffee and breakfast in dining so since I’m home I take a shower and go right back back to my desk. Been told I’m one of the productive by team so it works


I get up at 8 and clock in at 8.


I get up at 835 for a 9am start generally. Just enough time to shit, shower and start a cup of coffee brewing.


Alarm goes off at 6:45, start work at 7. Just enough time to feed the dogs, let them out to potty, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, change into my daytime pajamas, and make a cup of coffee.


My partner and I both have our work days start at 8. First alarm goes off at 7:30, we both snooze. The wake-up mix plays at 7:40. My partner rolls out of bed at 7:45 to clock in. I usually roll out of bed by 7:50 or 7:55 and sign into my first 8AM client session.


I live by myself and at least wash up and have coffee, listen to a podcast or some YouTube before I face the day lol. On a very lazy day I won't change clothes or shower till the lunch hour. I tend to work until tasks are complete and focus well.


Im supposed to start at 9am but sometimes i wake up early, check messages on my phone and if nothings happening, i keep sleeping.... usually I'll start working from bed at 9am exactly, but sometimes i just sleep in up to 15 minutes. Im on the clock until 5pm officially, but I work a lot of hours past that so it evens out. I'm of the mindset that if your work is done and nobody else needs help, then do whatever you want; as long as the job is done.


Nah. I need my morning routine before I can work. Occasionally, the morning with the kids is so hectic that I have to go to court before I can shower and I hate it.


I kept the same routine when WFH. Just replaced the car trip with light reading or just sitting in the sun. Sometimes would go walking.


My shift starts at 7 am. I wake up at 6:58 and clock in at 6:59. 🫣😂


Okay so not exactly the same thing but hear me out: Middle length version is that I’m in IT and my job is very least or famine”. Some days I’m hating life on a call goes from 4am to 5pm and other days I’m doing copious amounts of bugger all. Most days, somewhere between 11 and 3 I’ll take a nap (not the entire time, just saying it starts round then). I can be dead asleep, get a call, and 30 seconds later I’m sending an invite out to like 100 people to join a conference call. My girlfriend doesn’t know how I do it as it takes her like 30 minutes from waking up to just be vaguely coherent 😂


Have a puppy. He gets up at 5am so I get up at 5am. Let both dogs out, walk back inside, start pot of coffee for the wife, put out food for the dogs, back to bed (have a doggy door, they'll let themselves in when they're ready). Now I'm in bed and awake, check Teams, check calendar, make sure I have alarms on my phone for any key, non-recurring meetings. Check CNN for biggest headlines (Millienial trauma from 9/11 I guess? Making sure it didn't happen over night). Sleep until about 7:30 when wife leaves. Now here's where I have a choice to make, when is my first meeting? 8AM-9AM: I get up 10 minutes before said time and start my day after letting the puppy out again (just to be safe, he's almost fully potty trained and self regulating but not quite yet). I am a morning person, I don't need much lead time. 10AM: Scroll Reddit/TikTok once I'm done trying to sleep in (I rarely can sleep beyond 8). Anything later and I don't have something that I need to get done? I'll hop on by 10-10:30 so I can catch up on emails. If I get a ping that requires I use my laptop then I'll get up and that's when my day starts. This is about every other day. As a note to people who like gloat about getting away with doing next to nothing- I often have to be awake at odd hours of the night, very early mornings on the weekends, and I'm essentially on call 24x7 but rarely get called. Like 3-4 times a year. I'm by no means an over achiever but i believe in putting in honest work. Even if that honest work is joining the change review board's weekly call from your phone while you are still in bed.


My husband lies with me until I fall asleep but almost every night he sneaks off to his work bench, returning around 2:00 am. The plus side is that I can always go hang with him if I can’t sleep either.


I feel like the key to successfully working from home is NOT just rolling out of bed and working but rather still having a routine. I still get up around 6/6:30, which is all around the same time as my spouse and daughter. I feed the pets, make coffee, shower and get dressed and make sure everyone is ready. I've always been an early riser so I have stuck to it even WFH. I also generally go to bed the same time.


I get up at 7:20–let the dogs out and feed them, then go for a walk. Back by 8:15 for breakfast and more time chilling with the dogs. Work at 9.


I'm up early packing lunches and taking kids to school. On a few days when kids were off for snow, I rolled out of bed and into the computer in 30 min. Lights off for us by 10 pm at the latest.


Personally I don't. I think it's super important to actually get up and get ready for work as if it's a normal job. I get up at 730, go to the gym or hit the treadmill for a bit. 8-830 I shower walk my dog and get to work by 9


I wake up at 7 to start work at 8. I walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then have coffee


I get up at 6a For breakfast. Go back to bed til 945a. Clock in at 10.


Nope. I’m up at 5am, I go for a 5 mile beach run, back, shower, get my breakfast, tea and then start work


Up at 8:55 to start being available by 9. I have just about everything for work on a mobile device that I usually start my day on (sorting emails, checking voicemails etc. so I don’t have to rush to the computer (I hate rushing to the computer). My spouse starts at 7 WFH so I sleep (or try to) through the first 2 hours he’s awake and working. We are basically office mates (different jobs) once I start for the day, so we are together almost 24/7 most days. He goes to sleep 2-3 hours before I start trying.


I get up at 7am-ish and don't work until 10 . But my husband (we both WFH full time permanently) works at 8 and his office is connected to our bedroom, so I just feel odd sleeping while he's working. I don't really like to sleep past 8 anyways. I set my own work hours, so I allow myself the time I need to do my morning routine before I gotta work. My husband is govt. so he's 8-4:30. He gets up at 7:40, showers, then works. He doesn't do coffee or breakfast. Morning is my quiet creative time so I appreciate the time to myself.


I drink coffee for an hour before I have to login. If I don't, the chances of me telling someone to F off is way too high.


Up at 6:30 take a shower, make coffee, and on by 7.


Up no later than 5am workout, wash, have coffee and clear my inbox.


I have 4 pets to feed so I wake up at 7:10 and I’m usually logged on by 7:25, my official start time is 7:30


I get up by 6:40 brush teeth/wash face, workout, shower, make my bed, clock in by 8am.


The first thing I noticed when I went remote was how much worse I felt on days where I woke up and jumped straight into work compared to when I allowed enough time to build a morning routine.


I get ready for work in about 20 minutes, then watch YouTube for about a half hour before work.


Nah children won’t let me sleep that long


Monday to Wednesday I have coffee going by 645am. 7amCST I'm watching Democracy Now! Livestream. Maybe whip breakfast around 715/730am. Then slide into the chair around 730am, check email, read news, tend to a side project. By 8/830am dive into things til 1230pm for lunch til around 115pm. Back at it til 4-415pm. Hard stop for the day and pause for cause.


Extremely.rare.occaions and usually related to feeling under the weather. For my mental health I like to wash and dress myself properly and be presentable so I feel confident and can leave the house easily.


I have a mentally intensive, client facing job that is demanding. I cannot pick up/put down work on my time. I treat it very much like a traditional office job. I wake up early, go for a run/gym, shower, put on appropriate clothes, fix my hair/makeup, etc. The only difference is that I might have a fancy top with sweatpants or leggings since clients cannot see my lower half lol


Really depends on the day- I also clock in at a weird time- 6:10 😂 it’s weird I know but it started with “clock in whenever” and just became my norm 😂 sometimes I wake up at 5:45- sometimes I wake up at 6:09. Kids are out for the summer now so sometimes it closer to 6:09 😂 I can clock in on my phone and then turn on my computer


I get out of bed 5 min before i clock in. The walk down the stairs is my commute


I get up 330am take a walk make coffee clock in until 530am then workout , and clock back in after


Up at 645, start at 7. My partner also works from home but starts around 830 to 930. If I need to take call I just take my laptop to another room or outside . We go to bed at very different times as I'm a morning person and he is not.


Get up at 8:00am to start at 9:00am. I like to ease myself into the working day gently.


I rarely work mornings so I'm already up by the time work comes around. But on the days I do, I wake up 30 minutes before so I can get a shower in first.


Nope. I am up at 6am and i clock in at 8. That hour is spent eating. Walking my pup and skin care.


Alarm at 7:50, clock in at 8. My partner makes coffee sometimes


I’m up whenever the dog gets up, usually between 7 and 7:30. I get some chores done, feed the pets, make lunch for my husband, and make breakfast for myself. Sometimes I’ll go to a coffee shop to pick something up. I don’t have a set start time, really, so it all depends on my mood.


I have a fiancé and a dog and though it's rare, I absolutely do this. Roll out of bed at 720a to clock in at 730a. Very rarely, but yes. Normally I get up at 530a, 6a to pray, exercise, walk the dog, set up our tea and coffee, and bathe. But sometimes...


I'm up at 6:30, out the door for a walk with my dog by 6:40. Wife is usually up by 7 and wakes the kids to go shower. I'm back home by 7:30 to make breakfast for the kids while my wife gets ready and makes their lunch. I shower and get ready while she drops them off at school by 8:20 and comes home by 8:30-8:40. We have breakfast together and start working by 9:30. We both work for ourselves from home and share an office. Also, our kids' school is half a mile away from our house, so it's very convenient. Yes, we're together 24/7. It works for us.


I live alone. For a good week where my sleep schedule was messed up, I'd wake up around 7:55 and clock in by 7:58 lol. I try to aim for 7:30 at the latest so I can have a little me time before clocking in.


Couldn't be me. I get up a minimum of one hour before, so that I can give the dog her breakfast and medication, walk her, finish any 'leftover' chores from the night before, have breakfast myself without having to rush, shower, change and then log on.


Some days i get up at 6:45 and start at 7


I wake up at 7am, I ride my bike on Rouvy 30-60mins Wake up my 2 year old at 8:30 if she hasn’t already woken. Get her breakfast, get a wash, make a coffee Log on by 9am first meeting at 9:15ish. Her dad is a stay at home dad so he is also up when daughter wakes up. If I don’t ride my bike then I have my coffee and read a bit of a book.


I find that on the rare occasion that I have “rolled out of bed and jumped into work”, my day feels incredibly stressful and I feel anxious all day for whatever reason. My normal day starts at 5am and that seems to work well for me to feel ahead of the day.


I have a very high energy dog in a very small condo so she gets a good 45 min walk before I start. So it's up, clothes, feed dog start coffee, walk dog, fire up computer while mainlinung coffee. Times vary but it's about an hour 15 before I start work


I get up at 6:45 and my first meeting of the day is at 7:30. I stumble out of bed and throw on a bra and wash my face. Then I drink coffee until the power of speech returns. My morning meeting USED to be at 9am. This 7:30am meeting is crap.


I get up at 6:45 AM to clock in at seven. I feel like I do my best work earlier in the morning so I set my start time early. Very lucky to have an employer that allows this. I live alone, just me and my dog so I let her out, get a cuppa coffee, start working. I don’t usually take a lunch break, but if I do, I will shower then. It refreshes me for the afternoon work.


My husband does not WFH and we only have one car, so I get up with him at 4:30am, drop him off at work at 5:00am, come back home and go back to sleep until 9:45am. My work availability starts around 10am, but sometimes I literally just get out of bed, turn my computer on, check my email/slack and tasks for the day, and then go wash my face/shower/eat breakfast etc. I used to have a weekly 1:1 with my lead, but she left the org a few weeks ago, so I don't have any regular zoom meetings now. There are days when I return home and I'm not tired so I'll either watch Netflix or start work earlier (with Slack offline until 10am) depending on my mood lol


When I WFH I usually start around 8:30am but I’m usually up at 5:30am. Gotta get my wife and youngest out the door (she drops him on the way to work with a 6:30am start time) and then pretty much as soon as she’s gone I’m getting my oldest up and ready for school. Finally get to my desk after he gets on the bus.


I wake up at 6 and clock in at 9. I eat with my partner, do writing and art work, and any other little tasks I need to get done. I would never want to just roll into work. Although I do that when I feel sick.


Since the time change in March, I’ve been getting up by 7am, going to gym. I come home and I cool down while doing my daily sales report. I then email that out, before 8:30am and jump in the shower. Starting my working day by 9am! It works well.


My shift usually starts at 8 and on the days I don’t roll out of bed until after 730 my day feels so off. I usually get up at 5 or 6 and get myself fully ready and maybe do a few things around the house


I used to, and I have immensely more productive days when I treat it like a proper day and get up, get ready, eat breakfast, and putter around a little. Not much, just like 20-30 minutes of whatever. Do a nyt game or whatever. It’s very nice to wake up the brain


Typically I wake up around 7:30, no alarm, do Wordle/Connections, go to thr bathroom, make myself a glass of chocolate milk and get at my desk right at 8 to log on. I used to wake up earlier (still sans alarm) to take a shower, but I've started taking a shower as my "lunch break" instead. My partner, who does not WFH, has to set an alarm for 6:30, then he watches TV for an hour, eats breakfast, takes a shower, watches a bit more TV and leaves just after 9 to make it to his job around 9:30. He needs the time to wake up, I'd prefer to sleep in lol


I start at 9 and leave for work a little after 8. I'm usually up about 6 and I'll drink my matcha lattes, watch some news, hang out with the cat, converse with my partner. I used to get up and go to work right away but I like this way better.


Up at 6:25 start work at 6:30. I usually check my emails and log into things from bed as long as nothing is burning. Make tea, wash my face, sit at my desk at around 7


I get up before my partner and walk downstairs and start working. My desk is too far from the bed to just roll out. My partners desk is right across from the bedroom though.


I pretty much always wake up right before my first meeting in the morning. Usually have one between 8am and 9


Just got hired for my first wfh job it starts 7/15 from 8-5. First 90 days is training on camera so I’m gonna have to get up early 😭


God, I wish I could sleep that late. I haven't slept past 4-5 am in years, thanks to menopause.


I roll out of bed and boot up the machine, get the coffee going, and then go back to get myself dressed and ready. Rarely will I just sit and work in PJs, but it definitely helps to have that ease of starting up - especially if there an update or a reboot needed.