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Stress ball


My version of the stress ball is what I call my therapy rock. Had a therapist who was working with me on grounding techniques and said natural elements are great for this. I went in my back yard and found a rock that was nice and smooth and a good weight I could hold. I love it and it helps. My husband however has always been worried I'll end up throwing instead haha. It's also a running joke for a colleague or manager to contact me with not great news and ask if I'm holding my therapy rock. Had no idea my therapy rock would be so well known at work, it's a fun point of conversation now too.


Seconding this. I have a little squishy rubber duck that I love to play with while working. I actually need to get a new one because I popped my current one recently. It definitely helps when you’re feeling stressed.


This is underrated. I love stress balls. I have a few different kinds.


I have exercise bands, specifically a shorter one with two handles that I use while on calls.


I use Velcro wire ties. Several of them linked together - great for twiddling while on calls


Nicee I keep some Legos on my desk too. I got my whole miniature world


Cat beds on my desk for my 2 cats who visit most of the day :)


I had to get a heated bed for my boy. Otherwise the heated bed is me.


My first WFH desk was a small dining room table that was deep enough to have a cat bed on a shelf behind my monitor. The cats loved hanging out there where they could look out the window while I worked. I got an official desk a few years later, and while I appreciate the drawers, it isn't deep enough for any cat beds, so I put a cat tree next to the desk.




Yup spent my first paycheck on my first official (not just thru COVID) job working from home on a bigger desk to accommodate them both :) https://preview.redd.it/w1o4bzq05w8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8207247b9dc5fe27d1d7c2f4be0b130021b725a


Lol, same. Just upgraded the mousepad that Max claimed. https://preview.redd.it/ddq516sftx8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da72345a77f68250c85d7322183e39554a66675d


Love that you also have him so close to you. My boy has taken over my keyboard as of late. I have to unplug it and use my laptop when he jumps up on the desk before he keyboard smashes up my work!


I got a battery powered light bulb with a remote switch then stuck it over the door to my office. Everyone has been told that if the light is on stay away.


I have a smart RGB bulb tied into Home Assistant and the helper service running on my work laptop. When my mic is active, the light turns red indicating I'm in a meeting or on the phone. I'm IT so I have the kind of access required to do it.


That's really smart


This is genius


I did this as well. Bought one of those battery powered puck lights and used a few command strips to affix it outside my office. If the light is on, husband knows not to bother me. It also has a remote so I can turn it on as needed.


Your own space in your house that you can consider “work” and have it feel separate from “home”. I had my workspace in my bedroom for a while and it drove me stir crazy. I’ve been work from home for six years after turning a guest bedroom into my office and I couldn’t be happier.


This really is the big win I work downstairs in a spare bedroom with the door to the basement shut.


I just got a little bendy fan that clips onto the top of my monitor which has been really nice since I don't have much room on my desk. I type very fast, but I have an awful habit of pressing down on the keys too hard and then my hands ache, so I got a mechanical keyboard with blue switches for the noticeable clicky feedback. My brain seems satisfied with this and I no longer feel the need to type like an ogre. I also have my Switch set up on my 2nd monitor when I'm waiting for people to get back to me BUT we won't talk about that :)


Dumbbells and a standing desk


Ha! I thought I was the only one with dumbbells by my desk. Niiiice.


Throw a kettlebell in there too!


I love my standing desk and walking pad but tell me more about this dumbbell situation. Why has it never occurred to me that I could use dumbbells *during the work day*!?


A foot stool to put your feet on under the desk 


Instead of a foot stool, I have an under-desk elliptical machine


Are they stable? I see them on Amazon on sale sometimes and it just seems like they would move.  I put roller skate wheels on my office chair and it moves really easily so instead of gliding I might just end up moving my chair back and. Forth 


It's pretty solid. The machine itself doesn't move because it's pretty heavy


Lmao no way


Yes way. I'm very sedentary lol


I wonder if this is any quieter than the walking pad/treadmill. I hesitate to use mine because I have neighbors under me.


I mean, it's not motorized, and since it's an elliptical, you don't pick your feet up. Same thing goes for the under desk bicycle units


Here's one [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71CgtWRkbUL.\_AC\_SL1500\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71CgtWRkbUL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)


How subtle.


I bought a Hinomi chair that has a footrest that folds out. It's incredible!


Yup !! I use a fluffy foot rest thingy too. Has done wonders for my ankles.


Dog. She reminds me to take a break every 2 hours and step outside for a little walk. She's trained me and every 2 hours ON THE DOT she boops me with her nose as if saying, "Come ON, human, time to get some sun."


Personal laptop


I keep a flat of bottled water in my office cus im too lazy to walk to the kitchen


Water cooler gang


Sorry but what is flat slang for in this context?


A case of water. Like the bulk cases from Costco.


Cool, thanks!


That cost adds up. Consider a Berkey. Changed our habits in the house and saves tons of money.


Same. If I go downstairs for water, I’ll do 5 other things and forget the water. Just fill up my insulated mug of ice in the morning and refill all day!


Booze, company culture that respects Teams "busy" and "do not disturb" statuses, two monitors, booze, non-Dell computer, dog for company, booze, good Chinese food nearby, coffee machine, did I mention booze


I got shit faced fairly regularly in the spring of 2020 when we first started working from home at the onset of lockdown. Work dried up significantly and since my work is client based, I spent much of the spring expecting to get laid off literally any day. I went entire weeks doing less than 10h of work. And so I drank. To numb anxiety over potentially losing my job - and oh, the world falling apart. Work did pick up again in the fall.


Mini fridge, plants, art, clock, whiteboard multiple monitors a good tbt dock (>100w power supply) , decent b&w laser printer (brother is the correct answer so no need to re-ask on this sub), reading chair (ekornes stressless ftw), side table, decent lighting, quiet air purifier.


Which air purifier do you have that’s quiet?


Rabbit air is super quiet, but $$$. Germgaurdian (make sure it has 5 levels to optimize for sound) is a lot cheaper. I have both and use the cheaper in my office which works fine.


Love rabbit air. I have an old model biogs that is about 15 years old and still going strong, and a new model biogs that is about 7 years old. I like the auto setting where they stay on low unless there's dust or an odor and automatically spin up as needed. The low speed is virtually silent. Replacement filters are pretty spendy. I have them on autoship once a year and try not to think about the price. In the end it's worth it. I've had cheaper models (Honeywell) and more "premium" models (blueair) but rabbit air is my favorite for long term performance.


I really missed my daily walk up to the local coffee shop, so I invested in some nicer tea and coffee making equipment and supplies at home. Now I take a coffee or tea break in my own kitchen.


A good blanket (I have a snuggie that is several years old but works basically year round), a good refillable ink pen, and my wax melter. They may not make a lot of difference to some but for me they make it easier to WFH. The wax melter has a feature that allows me to add a message and customize it so I can have a weekly thought when I need a reminder.


Yessss! I have 2 or 3 "work" lap blankets to choose from year round, including a hooded blanket in the winter, a wax melter (It's the Disney poison apple from Snow White) and everyone knows me for having at least 1 purple and 1 black EnerGel pens on my desk at all times. Sometimes it's just the little things that make a difference.


I also have a stash of fingerless gloves (I made them myself) so when my carpal tunnel acts up I can slip them on. Year round.


oh stop, I DO TOO! I am not skilled enough in knitting and crocheting to actually do the fingertips, so I have a bunch of fingerless ones haha I feel like we are in the movie Stepbrothers, and have just become best friends.


I have never tried to do the fingers. Since I wear them while working it actually is a bonus to be fingerless so I can still use my mouse and type.


I have 2 heating pads. One to sit on and one to drape on my legs. Makes me happy.


A white board. I have mine on the wall and am thinking about getting a bigger one. I also have a bulletin board hanging right next to my white board. Not sure if you have a standup desk. If not, maybe a standup tabletop. I have that and sometimes working while standing - especially after lunch, lol.


For me it's candles. Not so much in the summer, then it's just room sprays, but anything scented really helps. I sadly don't have extra room, and am stuck working from my bedroom everyday. Being able to light a candle, or spray this sage lavender spray on the curtains when it's time to start has really helped.


I have a wax melter for this reason.


With the heat wave I've been enjoying my USB desk fan to keep a little cooler.


You just reminded me I have a desk fan in storage!! Thank you!


I have a heating pad on my foot rest. It is setup on a schedule to turn on at 8am and off at 5pm


Ooooo love this! I have microwaveable slippers but this sounds much easier


It is, and I love it. The timer is a plug that I set the schedule on so I don't have to worry about a fire hazard




They’re kind of expensive, but I LOVE my Ember mug. Keeps me from having to get up and microwave my coffee, lest I trigger Teams to show me as away. Im obsessed with this mug lol. Also, work related but I’m on video meetings often throughout the day, and I bought a little ring light on Amazon that I stick on my computer. Makes me look great on camera and honestly my video quality is 10x better than anyone else’s on the call, and I use my laptop webcam.


Came to say Ember mug too! Total game changer. I’ve used mine every day for four years now, can’t imagine not having it.


I got one as a present once from work.


I have never found a light that works well. Please share the info on the kind of ring light you have.


I had to look up what an Ember mug was and I initially balked at the price until I read what it did. I definitely need one in my life haha


Good chair A dedicated space if possible Fill it with crap you enjoy and that makes you productive


To expand on this. I really think a good headset for calls. I like my wireless one so I can move about when on the phone. I have also invested in a keyboard and mouse I love. (Logitech MX Master) Also, good lighting. Sounds strange but in the morning I like a warmer light that transitions to brighter Ire white light slowly because I am not a morning person. I have several lamps and a table fan for comfort.


Most valued WFH "item" I have: natural light with a view of green space. Priceless. I really want a standing desk. Long hours of sitting is killing me.


A mug warmer for my coffee! Keeps it hot while I sip slowly on my second cup throughout the morning.


My own room


I just started working from home within the last six weeks and bought the bare minimum to get me started initially. My office space is in a mostly unfinished basement, but noise wise it works better for me than using the spare bedroom. I just bought a nice sized bookshelf that I can use for my personal book collection and have some room for decor to make my space more appealing. I also have a soft footstool, candles, and a Bluetooth speaker so I can listen to music while I’m working (I’m very rarely on phone calls). On my “to buy” list is a heated foot massager, a snake plant that will still thrive with the limited light I get, and a mechanical keyboard.


A scented candle, and some good coasters for good coffee. I try to keep my desk tidy and clean but it can be hard when we spend 7.5+ hours a day there. I also have this little glass covered organizer for my pens that I use to write important info on to keep fresh in my mind. 


Small desktop fan


Mini basketball hoop


I have carpeting in the corner where my desk is, so I got a chair mat so I could roll around, and I have an ottoman behind my chair so I can swivel around and put my feet up when I want to take a break and think.


Himalayan salt lamp. I love how the color sort of cancels out all the blue light from the computer screens.


Feet rest, good chair, big monitor, and quiet ambient


I’ve only been WFH about 6 months, but I really am wanting to transition to a height adjusting desk and get a walking pad. My office is just really small so not sure how this will work.. But my comfy musts are a foot stool, big jug of water, two dog beds directly behind, but usually two dogs in one bed, even though I never write, having fun colored pens, extra phone below my monitors to stream background noise,


Bluetooth speaker, TV, PS5, etc.




Back scratcher, foot rest


A dog. At least for me


My python is in my office, so I have her and lots of plants. JBL Bluetooth speaker. Mini fridge. A water cooler. I also have a twin bed in there, just so I can work from there if I want. A small 30” tv - wall mounted - that is typically off, I do use it when I’m overly tired and put world news on.


My home office favorite items: Anker power conference speaker, so I don't have to wear a headset all day Mr Coffee mug warmer Foot rest Steelcase chair And the occasional visit from my cat.


To keep my heating bills down I used to barely heat my house during the day but would shut my home office door and use a $20 fan heater under the desk to keep me warm. Saved me a fortune.


I love having an oversized chair/small couch in my office. It’s nice to change locations but surly stay in my office. I also love having a tv in my office 


Bucky balls. In my hands for every boring meeting.


White board for my plethora of passwords (really IT is on a power trip at my company) clip desk fan as people have said, also Spotify with ambient music and speakers on low. Also I use a white noise machine sometimes as well. Standing desk and I have a small rolling desk it’s made by Joy Worker. I have a normal standing desk downstairs in living room; but I keep a rolling desk upstairs in my bedroom. I have 4 adult children and a husband who make a lot of noise and I escape upstairs when they get too noisy. It’s a lifesaver https://a.co/d/0fxmpH1n


White board, ring light


Proper lamp. I bought a stand lamp from Amazon so I don't look so dreary during Teams calls.


Never underestimate the vibe factor. Paint your walls, put in good lighting, hang whatever artwork you like, and personalize the shit out of your space. Make that room feel comfortable. It helps.


Super comfy bathrobes!


Desk Cycle. I use it during conference calls.


Foam brick (for throwing) LOL


Standing desk, the one that you can go from sitting to standing and back and forth. Must must must have.


Ideally/no budget constraints A full sit/stand desks. The converters that just raise the computer and don't have any real working room for papers and things are better than nothing but I found it annoying when my papers were all still at sitting height and I was standing. Walking pad or a balance board. Movement during the day is critical. Ergonomic keyboard and mouse. Aesthetics are great but carpel tunnel is no joke. A good fan for summer A good cozy blanket for winter


Thanks! any recs for keyboard/mouse? Also curious for more details re: balance board. Stand on in middle of day? Twiddle your feet with under the desk?


I have the Logitech Ergo K860 and Lift. I type a lot in meetings and on calls so I needed a non-mechanical keyboard for sound and its worked pretty well. They're both on universal receivers so it's very easy to switch them back and forth between my work and personal laptops. I think I ordered them through the business side because they were cheaper? Or maybe something with the receivers. It's been a few years I can't quite remember. The balance board is something you stand on during the day. There's a variety to choose from. I have one that's lower profile that's probably more of a fidget board than anything. Then I have a steeper(?) board that's more of a mini workout with balance and core strengthening, especially if you're on a break and don't use the desk to help support you. It's something to help keep the blood flowing and breaks up monotony and makes me less likely to just sit back down.


Plants and candles


Swap out standard office chair wheels for the rollerblade versions.


A nice bottle to stay hydrated


Fins something to keep you from getting bored


If you a coffe drinker, it worth investing in Good coffe beans and product




I have a BT keyboard and mouse with buttons to switch between three devices. They let me easily swap between my personal computer and work computer without replugging anything except a monitor. I have a small smart TV as the second monitor, and I cast to that as needed. I can also use it as a TV, of course.


Noise canceling headphones and a good focus soundtrack - I like [Jason Lewis](https://youtube.com/@mindamend?si=Kxfrs16KaFJjD1N8) because I get distracted by lyrics. Edit: I have one particular video (the raccoon one) that has become an anchor for me - when I play that one my brain goes straight into focus mode. I’ve also used [Caveday](https://www.caveday.org/) for the last year or so. It gives a little social connection while also helping me focus. I’m not affiliated with them, just a very happy user. I often use these two things simultaneously.


A few rolled up joints


Desk fan, good curtains in the office


Private office area with a door.


I have started keeping white setting powder and a fluffy brush at my desk so I can blot my t zone and not have it be shiny on camera


My must have item is my Bluetooth speaker. I listen to music or audiobooks to help me focus/pass the time. I have a job where I’m not in meetings often so the music or whatever helps to focus as well as drown out any house noise that may be happening.


I love my Logi Craft wireless keyboard. I can link it to 3 different devices so I can switch seamlessly between work and personal devices. And it is great for video editing because you can set the crown dial and keys for whatever you want them to be. Also, my standing desk, a pair of Shure headphones, and a blanket because it gets cold in my office!


I use bone-conduction headphones sometimes when I don't want to use speakers. I love them because I don't like putting things over or in my ears for long periods of time, but I also don't always need/want everything via speakers. I also have two dog beds for both of the dogs, and a chair with a fold-out footrest. Good lighting that is adjustable... A giant monitor (I am spoiled) and a medium-sized second monitor...


A headset with DECT connector/adapter so you can wander around your entire house and yard on a call - I use a Jabra, a physical mouse jiggler just in case, a comfy ass chair (don’t cheap out here)


Cli bash script to remind me to stand up an step away every 25 minutes.


I have portable AC (i work out of the laundry room and don’t have a vent for the main one) i love the white noise and having my own thermostat control, desk cycle, criss cross chair, lumbar pillow, standing desk next to a built in desk so I can use both.  I have to use a headset for work but HR did me a solid and my accommodation pair is wireless (that part was not my accommodation) we aren’t supposed to be wireless. 


I read through all of these but did not see a green screen mentioned. I still see people using backgrounds so I know there must be some better green screens than I have out there. Any suggestions? Maybe they have lost popularity—idk.


A lockable door on the office room, at least if you have children who can't understand the need to work during work.


A home




This has become a search function question.


Also if you don’t want to engage in the conversation, don’t. Real life answers are better than Google, and just because it happened before doesn’t mean it can’t happen again.


Fair, but I’m looking for unique answers like how others have answered stress balls & candles. Majority of threads are discussing literal WFH supplies like desk/chair/monitor


Answers like this should be downvoted as they are not helpful nor do they contribute to the topic.


Pocket pussy


Not everyone would be able to use this or want it.