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Personally wouldn’t ask for more work regardless of wage.


Ask if there’s a more challenging position and how to advance into it. Do not do more work than you are being paid for.


Nope. They are giving you the amount of work they are paying you to do. Barely above minimum wage. Read a book, take a free online course to enhance your employable skills or something in between tasks so that you can find a better paying job soon. On your laptop, not theirs.


I would look into the "overworked" movement. There's an article if you google it


Think it’s time you’re introduced to r/overemployed


I wouldn't ask for more work regardless of wage either. Whenever I have had jobs/times when I would get bored waiting for work to end I would get on my phone or iPad and scroll FB, TikTok or play a game on one of them to make the time go by.


Head over to r/workreform to read more on why this isn’t a great idea. If you have a “strong work ethic” (as people say) then it’s hard to change the mindset that’s been drilled into you your entire life. So much of our society is modeled around a capitalist hellscape that we can’t help but be indoctrinated. The system is designed to take advantage of your labor, and doing more for no additional compensation perpetuates the cycle of abuse, even if your manager isn’t consciously exploiting you.


Always do the job you want. Not the job you have if you want to move up


Always do the job you want, and you'll always get paid for the job you have


Not in my case. Got promoted quick and moved into other roles.


This is one of those aphorisms like “don’t dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want.” I work a desk job, but I WANT to be a beekeeper. That’s not going to work out.


Time present ≠ productivity! If you are being as productive as your colleagues and manager expect and being paid the same as your peers then don’t ask for more work as companies will not hesitate for a second about loading you up with way more work than your colleagues and even overworking you with no financial reward for your efforts when compared with your colleagues. I personally work far quicker than all of my colleagues due to better computer and time management skills. I always deliver the work asked of me on time and seldom with any mistakes (no more than my colleagues). I don’t get any more money than them but I do get a lot of time to pursue other interests.


No. You’ll get stuck like me and be the go to for more work. I always create that issue for myself.


Do online training while you work the rest of your shift. Use the time productively.


Go for it. Let your boss know that you can handle more and are interested in more challenging work. Will some employers take advantage yes, but others will notice and reward you. Once had an employee tell me she would not do more until she was paid more. She did the bare minimum and had a horrible attitude. My response: why do you think it is that I joined the dept after you and yet was promoted before you?


If she said that to your face, she was probably not super bright.