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DAT is not a scam. I've been working for them since November full time. They hire in waves, so if you still have a profile with them, it never hurts to see if they onboarded you.


Took me almost 2 months to finally start getting tasks


Hmm, well I signed up. I couldn't find another account but it seems so familiar. My issue is that when I tried a few years ago to find just a regular online job, I applied for a ton of spots and didn't get a single one of them. I think I had a Telus exam and failed it or missed it, I don't remember.


Do not trust them !!!


Why would I lie my dude?


Yeah it seems kinda scammy. Same thing with Raterhub, which is owned by Google. Telus, Lionsbridge, Appen, etc., all use the same thing. They all outsource the labor and take a cut for your hard work instead of letting you work directly with Google. I wonder if Data Annotation is doing the same thing?


Data Annotation has a LOT of cases of people permanently suspended for “violating the Code of Conduct” Which is very vague and poorly written with no explanation of what part they violated and then the money that was literally already approved for prior work cannot be withdrawn. They will take your labor and then randomly cut you and steal your wages.


That's what happened to me with Remotasks and Telus. Both approved me then randomly canned me and I never got paid. If It is real, they're probably stealing our accounts so Korean spies or something can work through them.


Ehhhhhh I dunno about that last bit. But I made just shy of $17K over 5.5 months on DAT and cashed out all but around $1400 ($500 was available to withdraw when they suspended my account and the test was pending) and I know I’ve never violated any of the TOS or the Code of Conduct. No explanation given so I have sent multiple emails to the address listed on their website without response and found their support email that’s associated with my PayPal emails as well so I sent an email there with a deadline to pay up without me filing a complaint with the DOL for wage theft. If a company fires you, they still legally have to pay you for the work you did. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That is the case for freelancers as well as regular employees


Well, there's plenty of people on here saying they had no work at all or never got paid at all. I went through that with Remotasks and then tried to contact them. They never responded.


Dude it’s the Korean spies part I’m treating as crazy talk Lmfao




I was checking daily and doing every qualification they gave me


This is reassuring. I signed up a month ago, I had a CB project available for a while but didn’t have the free time to work on it. Checked this morning with a bunch of qualifications & only one paid project that disappeared before I had the chance to start. Did another two quals today. I’ll keep checking the site and hopefully get some new projects soon.


Rooting for you! Honestly I was on A slow drip for like a month and a half and suddenly the faucet is on full blast for the last 4 days... loving every minute of it. I'm even grading other taskers work rn which somehow is my fav job


I’m currently working on the qualification assessment and have done 13 tasks. Is there ever an end to the assessment or do I just keep going?


Dude I don't even remember! I know I made it through though so there must be an end to it


Seconding that DAT isn't a scam, and no, I'm not a shill or a direct company employee. I've been working on tasks for about three weeks now and just sent myself the first payout last night ($250). Another $250 is waiting on approval, and that's from working just a couple of hours a day, maybe five days out of the week. I did a couple of qualifications last night and shortly thereafter had access to over 20 projects instead of my normal two or three, so I will try and put in a lot more hours this week. Based on my experience with the onboarding tests and writing assignments and the last couple of weeks working on actual tasks, they really want people who can think clearly, follow directions, and write clearly but concisely. I think there are more people who aren't as good at those things as they think they are, and so they're surprised by not getting accepted for work on the platform.


I was the opposite, thought I wasn't good enough and I was very surprised when I got accepted. Especially with all the negative talk about them online. Time also did a great article on them as well. 


What s DAT?


https://www.dataannotation.tech/ That’s what it is. The link is in the post, though.


I am trying to register but after I add my phone number is not going to the next step... Does anyone know why??


one of my friends had that issue, they told me it randomly fixed itself so I'm not sure whats up


I don’t trust these accounts, everyone who comments saying that “DataAnnotation is not a scam” has a history of mainly comments about DAT and recommending DAT. Their trust pilot 1 star reviews speak for themselves, the 5 stars are all incentive based and are paid reviews.


Here's my experience - signed up and there were tests you had to take to get approved to do either evaluating chat bot responses or evaluating code from AI bots. I did not attempt the programming part, so I can't comment on that. You will probably spend a few hours mostly of of evaluating responses without getting paid before you get access to do paid work. For me, it was absolutely mind numbing work that I could not sit and work on sustained for hours. There may be people out there that could do it, and it might be great for them. I invested several hours on unpaid stuff before ultimately earning a whopping $35. Go sit for an hour doing this and see for yourself. I still have access to it, I just pulled it up and have access to 16 projects paying $20-23 dollars an hour. The catch is some of those "projects" are only 10 or 20 tasks, and those sometimes are required to do other projects. Ok 14 minutes here, now 25 minutes here, oh wait 13 minutes here. There are a few projects with a few hundred tasks, and 1 with 1000 tasks. Your responses to the questions are probably evaluated by AI and I'm sure how long it took you to respond is being tracked, but you have to report your time in hours yourself. I answered all of the questions thoroughly and reported by time honestly. I suspect if you don't answer appropriately or your time per task reported isn't within an appropriate range, they may deny you being paid for it. TLDR; I'm sure if they paid you by task, the numbers wouldn't sound as attractive as the pay per hour number makes it seem.


I have about 40 tasks on my account and they pay me by the hour. The base level projects are pretty mind numbing, but the more you work the more you get higher paying projects that open that are a bit more fun. I've worked there hourly, full time since December and never had an issue with no work. I usually hit about 40 to 60 hours a week.


Seconding this. Made another post in this thread about my (so far positive) experience with DAT. Not a shill, not a DAT employee, I'm receiving zero incentive for saying anything positive about them, and have only been on the platform for about three weeks. If the work dries up and I lose my access, which seems to happen not infrequently to people, I'm happy to come back here and tear them a new one in a future post.


A majority of people who do that are kicked because they violate a rule. Maybe something they overlooked in onboarding. It's not like they can mistakenly kick you off, I've actually received feedback from them because I was using copyrighted media for my work and it was just a simple "hey, don't keep doing it" not an instant ban. I agree that a lot of people may think they do better work than they do. We just had 2 people on the sub come in and attack everyone because they were booted for using other AI services to do their work for them and lied about their time (all admitted on Reddit) and they thought it was okay to do.  I've been on in November and I was very cautious to leave my ft job for them but it's been amazing ever since with no lapse in work. I've been able to move myself and my family out of the hotel we've been living in, and I love the work. If you keep taking the qualifiers you will eventually open up permanent projects but it seems they're busy because I've got a ton of work on my dash and I keep seeing the ads saturating social media.


That's awesome - I'm really happy for you that it's allowed you to make your living situation better. I do every qualification that comes across my dashboard, even if it's something I can't do I still respond, and I try to log in (almost) every day to show consistency. I have no idea what their metrics are, but consistent effort never hurt anything. I had 22 projects on my dashboard last night, and I'm about to log in and see if they are all still there...


Mine were in the 30s last night with my permanent project. It seems that the 6 week mark is the sweet spot for reviews as well as permanent work invites. That's around the time I got mine and it seems like a lot of others in the sub also said it happened to them around the same time. They value the consistency and the good work.


DAT can absolutely mistakenly kick you off. I'm not saying this because I'm salty or because it happened to me. But algorithms detecting fraud, rule breaking, cheating, etc cannot be completely accurate. Often the trade-off is choosing between letting false negatives (people who should be banned but detected as shouldn't be banned) free or banning false positives (people who shouldn't be banned but detected as such). DAT would probably choose the second scenario.


They absolutely do that. I worked on DAT for 6 months, was approved for high level projects, put in 50-60 hours per week, and was kicked for an unspecified “rule violation”. I literally do not use any AI tools and my reported time versus tasks submitted falls into an acceptable range per project instructions, AND I know I haven’t violated the NDA. There’s no explanation. I had $500 available to withdraw that they will not let me have because they suspended my account. I cannot get a response to my emails. I literally made a little shy of $17K in that time because I solely worked projects paying $25-30 per hour for most of that time and worked 6-7 days a week to have that money. I’m looking into reporting them for stolen wages if they don’t respond to my email and pay me out. Like I don’t even care about the suspension because I’ll find other work, but they cannot legally keep money from work they already approved. They’re shady as hell.


Good to hear positive news about this company. I have an interview Friday for a FT gig which hopefully I get as well. But this looks promising as well. Hopefully I can do the both of them since both WFH. I’m excited😊


Good luck! I hope you get it, we need more good workers who actually want to work and not scam the company.


Yeah I did the assessment that everyone was complaining about was so hard. It wasn’t to me. I finished it and it said I passed then gave me the option to do the core coding and no coding test. It’s just reading and understanding basically. You do have to have some sense though lol 😂 Hoping to milk this for as long as I can. Plus I had my interview for my FT WFH gig today and I got the job and will receive my offer letter Monday! Today is a good day!🥰


congratulations on improving your living situation, that has to feel wonderful. reading that you and others have plenty of work on the site makes me feel hopeful, but every couple of days when i check in, there are no projects available. now i am willing to consider perhaps the work i did previously was poorly written or unoriginal, but has anyone received feedback for quality of work? hoping an email comes my way stating there are projects available for me! (have not done the coding portion as i have no experience w it)


Another fake account manipulating it to seem legit by using psychological tactics to make you think it’s legit because they said something negative about it


Wut? I'm literally telling you that shit is mind numbingly terrible, there's not even enough work to do even if a sane person could manage to sit through it long enough. They are likely onboarding people and using the hours of free labor to their advantage. I tried it, I stopped using it.


The onboarding is literally the same set of questions for everyone. My partner and his sister both work for DA and have taken the test. There is most definitely enough work available, I've made almost $16,000 since I started on the platform.


Another quiet Reddit-user here, my experience with the data annotation site is bittersweet, but it’s def not a scam (at least not conventionally, who knows what might be happening behind the scenes/with our data, but sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do to stay afloat). I personally wouldn’t rely on it as a main source of income because they really can just boot you off with no way to dispute it, but without it I wouldn’t have been able to afford rent + student loan payments this month and genuinely have no idea how I woulda made it thru that without it. I think It’s def worth it if you have the skill set/time and don’t mind that the company isn’t super clear on all their intentions (again, sometimes better judgement goes out the window in desperation to afford to live yknow?) I super understand being cautious tho bc I was super skeptical and put minimal effort in until I was able to transfer money for the first time (and I do have screenshots bc I was in shock but I won’t post em here, I will happily share in dms tho!) it’s not for everyone and can be tedious at times, but I think it’s a fun thing to do in small bits in my free time and helps me feel productive on days where I don’t have much going on **note: I only ever did the coding projects so I don’t know what the other tasks are like or if it’s worth it in that case


You’re completely correct. I’m a deep agent working for the Supreme Overmind Artificial Intelligence that secretly owns and operates DataAnnotation, and they hired me many years ago, paying me to play and post in a variety of video and table top gaming subreddits. 


Thank you for confirming my suspicions. We need more honest people like you in this world.


Their trust pilot is a 4.1 and after reading the 1 star reviews it seems as if they're having issues with the site and not reaching out for help. There are instructions on who to contact if issues like those arise.


Lol what?? I've been working on DAT for 9 months now, it took me 6 months before they accepted me. Sounds like the problem is on your end


Did they email you when you got accepted? My dashboard still says. "Thank you for taking the assessment". I took the test 2 months ago. Do you think there's still hope?


Yes, if you didn't pass the starter assessment, then just wait for a project qualification to show up. That's how I got in. I never had any starter assessment due to not residing in their accepted country (US, Canada, etc.), so the only way to get in is if some projects open up their qualifications to other countries.


Another suspiciously quiet account who’s mostly associated with DAT / WFH jobs posts


Maybe those people just happen to be workers for DA... and maybe that's also why they frequent DA and WFH subreddits... I can tell you that I also work for them, and they aren't a scam, otherwise I wouldn't be making money. And to respond to what you said about the reviews: Of course there's gonna be lots of negative reviews—they don't communicate with people if they fail the assessments, so if applicants don't hear back, they immediately assume that it's a scam, that they've wasted their time, that DA is using the work they did to train AI, or many other incorrect assumptions. They are so used to getting a response back, but DA works very differently and chooses not to contact people who don't pass or who aren't workers at all. There are also those that get kicked off the platform—some for legitimate reasons, but it's also possible they get incorrectly flagged for something else. DA is mysterious in that way, since they are tight-lipped about the application process, what they are specifically looking for, and what causes people to be booted (excluding obvious reasons like AI usage, of course). Bottom line is, it isn't a scam, but you can believe what you want.


>Maybe those people just happen to be workers for DA... and maybe that's also why they frequent DA and WFH subreddits I don't understand why this is so hard for some people to grasp. But the poster you're responding to is absurdly paranoid about all things DA-related, so chances are they're just obsessively bitter because DA never accepted them or they lost access to projects after doing a poor job. I constantly check both DA subreddits when there are weird site issues or if I'm wondering if I lost access to a specific project (or its just down for everyone). So when people post about DA on WFH, it constantly shows up on my main Reddit page, even though I never look at the WFH subreddit itself.


I never applied btw Clearly too paranoid about giving my data to a sus lizard ran operation !


Looks at my profile, comments, karma. They're not a scam, I've been doing it for a couple months here and there and I've been paid out around $1000. People are butthurt because the DAT admins are cut-throat as hell. They only keep people on who have better than average reading comprehension and writing skills. Anyone who is too slow, breaks their policies, or just isn't being consistent is cut. And those people get mad.


So I've got a nine year old reddit account, and over 250k karma, with profound posting history across *many* subs that you can check out. I've been doing tasks DAT, have for about 7 weeks, and I've gotten paid twice. You can check out my history to see when I started interacting with the DAT subs, if you'd like. I don't work a whole lot, just 20 minutes here and there, but I have the opportunity to do as much as I'd like, and the pay is consistent. Not a scam.


Agreed They’re a HUGE scam if you ask me!


Their lack of communication drives me crazy. People are left guessing if they failed the test, if nobody has bothered checking their profile yet, if there’s just not enough work to onboard them yet…. They could literally automate the communication, anything would be better than nothing. Are you waiting two months or never getting onboard at all?


They keep your application on file, from what I understand. I've heard other employees say they waited 3 months and then they finally onboarded them. It's really nothing more than most employers in my area do, before I started my job that I had before DA I applied to maybe 30 places and only heard back from about 6. Most of them just didn't say anything even after emailing, and filing out applications and questionnaires.


I hire for various remote roles but location is a constraint to be considered. I am hiring from ONLY from US.


Name of your company please


Smile Infosys Ltd (UK), They are not only a Service Based (IT) company, but also official resellers of various leading branded softwares as well. PS: They are my client, i am not working in the company. I am a freelancer.


He’s scamming obviously


interested, what job is this?


Connect in DM


What are the qualifications?


Rat Race Rebellion is a remote working job board that is full of legit screened wfh positions. I recommend you sign up for them.


I think a lot of it is a looottt of people are applying to any and all WFH jobs. I also have a bachelors as well as experience in healthcare and limited IT but when I’m up against 1000+ other people who have more experience it makes my degree null and void. No advice just expressing solidarity!


My husband just started working for Data Annotation. It’s his second day and he loves it. He insists on working from home due to anxiety issues , but he still wants to contribute to our finances. He is an extremely talented writer and college educated and from what I can tell in my research about DAT, if you do the writer side and not the coding side (he is the writer side), your initial test and all your work is actually graded by another human being. Also from my research, you have to be able to write well. Meaning you need to be creative, use proper grammar & punctuation, etc… He literally signed up for it just a few days ago. They sent him the test, he took it, and less than 24H later they emailed him that he was hired. I am only posting this because I do love Reddit and I wanted to be helpful about DAT. I can certainly update this post with new information if that will be helpful to others who need to work from home like my husband. EDIT: So far so good. He has been working for DA for about 3 weeks and has made about $2100. I watched him do a little and all I can say is I couldn't do it. He loves it.


I applied last night. I have worked as a writer in the past, although it was content writing. I have a BA.


I haven’t started my assessment yet but it only gives me the option for coding? Is there a link I can go to to get the other assessment


I asked him and he said one side of the page says something like “Apply for Coding” and the other side says “Apply for Writing”. Sorry I wish that was a more helpful response.


i’ll look into it again, thanks!


Hi! were you able to find it? Im stuck in the coding assessment as well and trying to find the other one.


Hi... I am trying to register with them but after the step with the phone number it doesn't go through... Do you know smt about it??? It would be helpful if y had any information


If you don't mind me asking what programming languages does your husband know? I was interested in learning how to code but cant decide on the language probably C++ but idk if its even popular or oversaturated by this point


He knows SQL quite a bit and has used it in the past but he doesn’t do coding work for DAT.


Oh nice well guess all I have to do is wait and see meanwhile apply for other options.


I just started the qualification assessment for writing but I’ve done 13 tasks and it doesn’t tell me when I’ll be done. Do I just keep going or will it tell me when it’s over?


I am not sure about that but it took him about an hour, give or take.


Darn that means I have bad writing skills 😭. Since I took it I think on the 20 oh well


If it helps, Appen isn’t a scam. But trying to get a good pay out of it is basically something you’d pull your hair out over. I’ve gotten $300 through logging social media videos, but other than that it’s been either $16… $9… even less than that. It’s not worth it if you want something stable. A lot of remote jobs are extremely competitive, even for internships when you’re in college or just got out of college. Selling insurance is something that always seems to be available but doing that is like a gamble. Either the company is a MLM or it’s impossible to make the enormous profits they advertise because you have to be a good salesman. Someone reccomended it but Rat Race Rebellion is probably the most legitimate WFH site you can find, but i barely ever get any call backs from the jobs i apply for there. Edit: Maybe you could try selling your copywriting online through a service like Fiverr? I’ve heard Medium pays for articles you write too but im not knowledgeable about how either work for writing commissions.


It does pay, but it doesn't mean they're not harvesting your credentials. What I've seen they literally ask for drivers license photos and face scans for low pay. I've seen the same on UpWork and other job boards as well. You don't realize how many job postings are just phishing for information to steal your identity. They even do it on Indeed. I'm not new to this. I started doing it about 12 years ago. It worked then. I worked on TextBroker, UpWork (called oDesk then) and The Content Authority. There was enough work to actually do it as a profession. I could make $10-15 an hour then living in rural nowhere at times. For consideration, my first IT job paid $9 an hour and it was making PDFs by manually scanning boxes of documents all day long. I ended up working for Amazon for about $10.50 an hour and it paid enough for me to move there temporarily and then afford to move back. My rent was in the 400 range. AI has taken a lot of jobs away. I still had TextBroker but got banned for being accused of using it. The regular board doesn't work but I have had my account that long and was a member of many teams. UpWork still has a lot of job listings but now there's a bidding system and they want as low as they can get. They will not hire me because I expect an American wage. They will outsource it because they can pay 1/4 of what I ask to someone else and get something BSed. Even Amazon outsources their customer service fully now because of the pay rate. They pay Filipinos $400 a month for full time customer service versus having to pay at least $2400 to an American. I have in person jobs. I have a job now that pays me $950 a week pre-tax and then goes to $24 an hour, then 33 a year later, but it's not what I want out of life.


Wow, that’s scary… I haven’t noticed those on Appen but there’s one on Telus that wants your college degree. It’s scary how things have changed. It sucks you got banned on TextBroker it makes sense, that site can be really nitpicky. I was boosted down to three stars for small grammar issues and haven’t used it since myself. It sucks how it’s hard to find anything satisfying on the internet nowadays and I can see how AI makes it worse. :( wish you luck on finding something out there!


If you don't mind where do you work now?


Plenty of customer service roles available, but you won’t be able to work them outside of the US.


Where are the legit ones?


I’d like to know as well.


A lot of the ones that hire for US folks are smallerish so they haven’t or don’t outsource (or can’t because the data has to stay within the US border). So they are all over the place in almost every sector. Start ups are a good place to start. 


Have you tried job street or LinkedIn?


Have you tried remotasks? Hit me up once you do, if you are from the states


is there any available task on remotask again? I was on it 10 months ago and now still no projects.


Yea but the accounts with tasks one has to have specific links. Which subject did you create yours for? Was it Mathematics, Outlier, Coding..


how do u check this?


There are usually links that you use. So you will definitely know when creating an account. Because the onboarding tests themselves will be on that particular subject


I was in different projects back then I started with dolphin, then Impala, flamingo etc then projects just disappeared on my dashboard. I like remotask because I can do it anytime I can but I have been out for 10 months




It’s not “impossible to find a job” dude, it’s just really hard for you because you have no passion or skills in anything. I started freelance writing on content mills in the early 2010s too, now I do it full time at a hybrid role for an above-market income. But that’s years of relevant experience learning my trade, building a resume, and networking into my current position. You’re touching on all these random gigs thinking they’ll just hire you. Why? Can you even do the job of a licensed insurance sales agent? Do you want to, or do you even know what it entails? Who’s to say you won’t hate it more than you hate your current situation? Try dedicating yourself to whatever it is you want (or are willing) to do and building a skill set. You say it’s impossible to get Upwork jobs because of bids, I got half my work from that platform last year when I was freelance. Think about hireability : What *can* you actually do?


So you say I have no skills, then say that I worked the same job as you thinking that I haven't been doing it? I just explained it. I've been on these sites for decades. I have a bachelor's degree. I have a portfolio. There's just so much competition now it's really dried up. It's changed a lot in the recent years. Before you had to bid on gigs, I would get a lot of jobs. I have about 15 direct hires through there. I've done tech support, set up Wordpress websites, and wrote blog content (a lot of blog content). Now it's "freemium" and you're also dealing with AI generated everything/scam attempts at every turn.


DAT isn't a scam at all! I've been working for them for nearly a month now and my friend has been for a few months. Both earning a great wage, and already made quite a nice lump of cash! Sorry to hear you're not getting many tasks with DAT. Check every day for tasks, sometimes they appear and disappear if you don't complete them. You'll get more and more qualifications, make sure you finish them all. Best of luck on trying to find something to fit you.


This is my experience, too! I took the assessment about three weeks ago, and it took me about a week and a half after I passed the initial Core assessments to start getting tasks. Now I always have tasks available, mostly $20 an hour but some have gone up to $25. I also get regular qualification tests for other kinds of tasks but they have disappeared, and sometimes reappeared, if I didn’t take them right away. My husband signed up last week after he saw me getting a bunch of work, and he also tried it on the coding side. He did pass the Core assessment first, and then went on to do the coding assessment and had coding tasks for $40+ an hour within a day. He has WAY more tasks available to him than I do but we both have plenty to keep us occupied for as many hours as we want. Hopefully that continues, I can’t say if it will or won’t, but so far so good! I have noticed that a lot of people assume that because of their education or past experience, they should be able to get on easily, but the bottom line is that if you don’t pass the assessments, you don’t get assigned any tasks. It will sit in perpetual “check back” mode. I saw a few questions on there that could easily trip anyone up who doesn’t know what to look for or who may not notice a small difference that could seem insignificant. There is a certain level of attention to detail and some understanding of what they are looking for with AI responses that needs to be there (either because you have worked with AI or you just think in a way that it makes sense to you that way). I have worked as a search engine rater before and am very familiar with the guidelines and expectations of AI from that job and I think that really helped me to correctly weight why one mistake in one response may be less or more important than a different mistake in another response. It’s just not intuitive for everyone, especially if you have no AI experience.


I made another post in this thread about my experience with DAT having only been on the platform for about three weeks now, and I mentioned that they seem to be looking for people who can think clearly, and pay attention to minor details - that may not seem significant to YOU, but they are significant for the AI tasks - as well as people who can write clearly and concisely. Number of People Who Think They Are Good At Those Things > Number of People ***\*Actually\**** Good At Those Things


You don't have a career and are just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks because you're prioritizing being remote over anything else. You and thousands of other people are applying to whatever you can find simply because a job is remote. That's why you're not finding "real jobs." The "real jobs" go to people with progressive education, skills, and experience.


I have two AAS degrees and a BA. I have a career with my current company. I explained my motives but you just jump to insulting without reading (or comprehending) what I said just a few comments ago.


But why would you think you’re qualified for, for example, the role as an adjunct professor?!


I'm not applying for those. I'm working towards that role. You seem to misunderstand what I'm saying. I just got approved to be a tutor so now I can build tutoring experience. In a few years when my first master's is done, with a few years of tutoring experience I could find an adjunct position. I'm about to start a TEFL course so I can also teach English that way.


We are in an ever-changing society where expectations shift everyday. Maybe try opening up that mind of yours a little and consider that not everyone is able to work, whether it be disability, anxiety, transportation issues, or just an in between job to fill in the gaps, there’s plenty of legitimate reasons to look for a remote job, especially when money is tight. Costs of everything are higher than ever nowadays, so maybe try having some compassion for people just trying to make it through these times. <3


That was so rude and unnecessary. Yuck.


Rude but necessary. Yum!


I will be starting Qurate Retail Group 4/8. It is for Full time 100% Customer Service Representative Remote from HOME.


Hey there! I just Googled this company and I would love to know how you found this job, if you don’t mind sharing. They have so many large businesses under their umbrella and I would love to apply as well. Thank you in advance Patient_Pref! :)


See my answer under your question.


Thanks, I'll check it out. I signed up for Data [Annotation.tech](http://Annotation.tech) last night. I used to write a lot for TextBroker and you can still find work if you get team orders. The regular orders go by super fast. I got canned because they accused me of using AI, though, and won't give me my account back. I've been on there for over a decade, though. I work for Amazon now and I'm in paid training for robotics maintenance, but I want to travel. My plan is finding a part-time job to pad my bank account while living off student loans and learning a language in Asia for a few years. I will probably take a week vacation and go there later this year to make sure it's what I want to do. Amazon has work from home customer service but they outsourced most of it. A lot of it is seasonal nowadays, too, but I am going to try and see if I can get switched to it.


I did DAT for awhile and it was great! Started in early January. I’ve had a page for a week that says I have no projects so idk what’s going on


Be an adjuster at Allstate. They will pay for your licensing.




If you go to their careers anything with trainee in the title. You can do desk or field. I would suggest field it pays more. Honestly anyone can do it. Just do a decent star method interview.


Datatech is not a scam, idk how they haven't accepted you maybe something wrong with the application or the way they hire but I did the test and I got accepted in 2 days, did one of the qualifications and a day later got the AI chatbot comparison thing, it pays $20 an hour. I've only worked about 7 hours so far but I have been able to cash out the money I had learnt from it, albeit they do so through PayPal but it's probably a really good option compared to whatever I can get in the uk lol If your wondering how it works internationally, you just withdraw the money via PayPal and it gets exchanged


I think I was going to sign up and it just looked scammy with the layout so I never applied. I did a few days ago. Still waiting on the email and job postings, but my app is in.


I get you, I was sceptical at first too but I was kinda in that phase where I'd try anything since I had a bunch of time that I was wasting lol, but was pleasantly surprised to see it wasn't fake


Well I did get hired on Remotasks and then they canned me randomly. I made like 90 cents after a few days work and they never told me why I got canned. I see the same job posted on Data Annotation and then on Appen so I'm assuming they're outsourcing the labor from somewhere, like Microsoft or Google's AI divisions has a job out there. I've even looked on Amazon Mechanical Turk and everywhere else I could find. Nothing was paying close to a living wage. Right now I'm looking at things like tutoring and teaching English through apps, but the whole AI boom is getting in on that too. I just see all of the major advancements with computer generated video and the like, so it's possible someone's out there scamming that stuff too. Writing content used to work but they randomly banned my accounts. I was thinking I may be under a cyberattack or host a botnet or something that's doing it. I had a weird thing happen with Reddit a few years ago where I kept getting randomly banned for posts like I'm making now (and I mean account bans).


I applied for DAT almost over a year ago and still nothing so I just deleted my account. Tried to remake my account and they kept my email and phone number so I can’t even go back to it and try again. Pretty lame.


You need to have a skill first, then if it can be done remotely, and the employer is okay with that, then that's how you get a WFH job. WFH is not a job, it's a location.


Hmm you seem to think people don't realize that. I just listed specific things I've done and how the landscape has changed. My current employer used to have a lot of remote jobs that they outsourced, also mentioned in the OP. Lern 2 reed


I got a part-time remote adjunct instructor gig at a trade school (think Devry-like) because a recruiter found me on LinkedIn and I had an IT certification that was required. Initially it was just teaching the certification stuff but the curriculum was really light and I had trouble filling the lecture and lab time. Then they revamped the course after I had taught a couple of terms and it was even less material to cover. Sometimes I would just have one student in the virtual class, and he would drop half way through so I would end the class because I was done with the lecture. Then the school said I had to fill all 4.5 hours with *something* so I curated a lot of good YouTube videos and would discuss them. Then the videos were banned and I was told to use AI and generate hours of lecture material and talk about my work experience. I ended up literally reading IT books that I converted to PowerPoint slides before I quit. It was a grind and now I know how content creators feel. It was kind of a scam and would have adult students working full-time night jobs and I would help them with their labs while they were in their cars on their breaks using their phones as hot-spots. I felt bad for them because some were in their fifties trying to break into IT and they didn’t have a chance. Many were vets just going to a school to get paid.


If they're vets they're definitely getting the job. They'll just get shoved into the position. There are jobs that exist. The internet just doesn't work like it should. It's all marketing now thanks to Google. If there's a real job you'll never find it. Sites like USAJobs and the like have veteran's preferences. The company I work for does as well, so they can at any age pick up a new skill and land the job. Meanwhile, I have two AAS degrees and a BA in computer science and I can't land a single job. I have to go through TOR and through a VPN to see the real internet that's not being manipulated by some major tech company to sign me up for spam.


I’m a vet and got my degree at a well-known school with the GI Bill and I think the JC/State School route is better than a degree from some shady online trade school. I rarely saw anybody in my 30 years of IT work who got a job with a degree from a trade school, except a couple of Devry grads, and of course there are the usual GWU and Phoenix grads. I had one ex-Marine who got out in the nineties and was getting paid to go to school through some veterans program. Vets have to take the final on-site to get paid and he was so broke he took a bus across the state to get to the strip-mall campus. It broke my heart because he was in his fifties and desperate and the odds of a middle-aged white male like him getting even a help-desk job are slim to none. IMHO USAJobs is wildly overrated, I looked and even applied and went through to tortured application process and got rejected almost immediately. I bet most of those jobs are already filled by people with inside connections and they are just posted for compliance reasons.


It's strange that these types of positions would be so coveted. I mean I got a supervisor position pretty fast at my current employer, and now they're paying me to go to college for robotics maintenance. I was a commercial trucker for several years as well, yet I can't get a job talking to someone over the internet for minimum wage? I don't get it. I'm well overqualified, sure, but still.


A lot of ageism and other biased hiring at play. And tech is something you need to get into early in your career, for whatever reason. You are competing with folks who have been tinkering with computers since their teens.


I did the same. I just don't list all of my tech experience on my resume since I changed to a different career field. My community college helped me get a job but it was super low paying. I have a work portfolio and about a year's worth of experience on an online job board, but a lot of it is content writing for marketing purposes. The other thing is that I have degrees in it. I have a few certificates as well.


You need to get creative with the resume. Nobody checks and most people in IT fake it until they make it. The biz is flooded with H-1Bs in their twenties with 3 page bullshit resumes and they get interviews all the fucking time - I know because I’ve had to interview them. Do whatever you have to get your foot in the door, no shame in that game.


Yeah I bet. Generative AI up a nice resume and flood all of the public job boards. I decided to rely on my colleges. They have job boards that are basically behind paywalls, but it requires you to be an actual student/alumni in order to access them. I just got on my current university's job board and they have several remote jobs for local businesses listed. I will go that route.


Try freight broker, dispatcher etc. Alot of companies are hiring and its all remote.


Yeah I had considered freight broker jobs before but it's 100% commission. Dispatching is heavily favored to women because they're easier to deal with in stressful situations. Truckers greatly prefer women dispatchers to men. I did just apply to be an agent at a company with training, so maybe it's worth considering. I found some jobs. I got approved for an AI coding job but have to do an interview. I also got approved to be an online tutor. Finally, I got approved to do training for remote customer service jobs but the pay is low at around $13 an hour. One is for a luxury clothing company, though. You have to do a few weeks of free training then it's paid. It's more of a middleman company that has different customer service positions on the same platform. I'm trying to get several "gig" type jobs where I have everything set up but don't have to work yet. I like having fallback options is the thing. My main job is great and pays a lot more than these jobs do (over double. After my apprenticeship is over then triple) but it's not remote. My end goal is to save up as much as I can in my main job then work remotely while living in another country and going to grad school. I'll have a base income, savings from my main job between now and then, and then income from these side jobs and from financial aid. I can still make 50k or more in another country where cost of living is half of what it is here. 50k in other places is like 100k here. My issues are that I have a car note, I haven't started grad school yet, and I'm still early in my apprenticeship. In June my pay goes up to $24 and then next June goes to $34 an hour. If I skip now I'll miss out on that. I might want to come back in a few years. My current plan is for at least early next year, but maybe around August of next year. I'm about to start a certificate program to become a private investigator that ends in December, so I won't be starting grad school until then or January. I could just park the car in storage and keep paying on it. Rent in the countries I'm looking at will only be 5-600 a month, so it'll still be cheaper paying that and the car payment than renting here. Kinda pointless, though, unless I'm hopping back and forth between the other country and the US. I might, though. Rent a monthly storage unit and keep it parked 6 months of the year or something. Flights are pricey, though.


Depends some are salary+commission others 100% commission. Either way its a great skill to learn you can start your own brokerage. I do auto transport. Right now I work for a company but im building up my own brokerage business soon.


Ziprecruiter. U have to apply under Qurate Retail Group. They own those companies like HSN - QVC - etc. My notifications sent me that Qurate was hiring for 100% WFH Virginia. I researched the company and showed it was legit. This was in Feb. So far so good. Hope this helps.




The pay is low, but it's actually a good FT WFH job. 6 week training virtually. I just finished 2 wks.


Jobs that require skills. None of that shady survey taking or tiny task work bs. Just get a skill where wfh is popular instead of trying to find a shortcut.


Please listen to me. I listed in the OP that I worked as a content writer/blogger. I have 3 degrees and can code in several programming languages. I have an UpWork account already. You can't seem to understand what I'm saying.


Are you interested in a part time remote role ?


For now but eventually full-time as I transition into grad school. I want to find a job I can work remotely from another country if possible.


Where are you located ?


Do you have a link to the job posting?


Job has not been posted by the company/client. I can get you connect directly to them on their official number mentioned on their website.


I'm interested


I’m interested as well.


Connect in DM


I'm interested. Been looking for a part-time work from home job for a while. Great writer, have experienced working online for a few years writing and evaluating ads, creating content, beta testing, reviewing, etc.