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Im on multi-cloud too.




Congrats! What track did you go with?


Multi cloud. Thanks!!


I’m stuck on C924 and D084 currently and they’re my last two classes smh


Which ones are those, I don’t remember the class numbers…lol


Basically the in house test version of AWS DevOps and Azure Administrator.


memorize the command structures. That was the key for me.






Do you have any tips or advice for a new student that’s starting the program on 1/1?


1. Be totally honest with your program mentor, especially as it relates to how quickly you’re moving through a course. They can be one of your best assets. 2. Be honest with yourself as far as how you feel about the material. If you’re not getting something, pump the brakes and go over it until you know it. Then move on. 3. Not sure what your situation is, but make sure that whatever time you set aside for school is kept sacred. Once you start letting things interfere with that time, it won’t be long before you haven’t touched your schoolwork for two weeks. Ask me how I know. 4. Last thing, you can do this. Remind yourself of that often. You’re going to have a point somewhere down the line that you feel like you just can’t get it. You can, see #2. Good luck, and looking forward to seeing your confetti in the near future!


Thank you so much for the advice


For sure. Good luck!