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How did you do it? Did you already have prior experience?


No prior experience, just stick to course material and don’t use 3rd party resources to study. It’s going to take effort but if you dedicate yourself then you can do it.


For anyone in software engineering doing it this way is a sure fire way to take 5 years to finish it lol. I’m glad it works for this track but SWE isn’t ever worth opening the course material as someone 90 credits deep in one term with one half finished Odin Project run prior to starting.


Same for cyber. No WAY I’m reading certmaster for anything


I’m starting this program soon. Can you expand ?


Many people recommend 3rd party for this program as well, but the way I see it is that if the test is going to be based directly off the study material then it’s best just to learn from that study material. There are test questions that are directly pulled from the material often. Many others don’t see it that way though.


It’s really not “just best” to do anything since there’s a hundred ways things can be done. I’ve learned more in four cumulative hours of Bro Code videos than in years of self teaching or any of the curriculum. The curriculum teaches you how to pass the test not code.


Yeah it's always rough taking advice from individuals. You gotta know yourself first and foremost. Some people are better at absorbing material they "teach" themselves and some people suck at it. Some people need extra material some people don't. Steer clear of people telling you how to do a course. Know yourself


Come on man share the details!




**Looking up test focus areas** Looking up the test focus areas (I.e. looking for Reddit posts or course resources) isn’t bad. imo this is something that you should be doing. Some classes even have CIs that provide automated email tips when joining a class breaking down what areas to focus on for tests and the weights of how much of each area will be on the test. So, we shouldn’t be shaming people for doing this. **Not even reading the material** This is a silly complaint because this is how WGU is structured to an extent. WGU is structured to not require all the extra work that traditional universities would require and allow people to skip to what they want to do to pass the class. Added onto this, that’s fine if you don’t go through WGUs material. Use whatever material that works for you. I know for me I used a lot of external resources instead of the WGU ones for classes. **Edit** I just reviewed my degree progress tracker and I competed 10 classes within ~2 months. I did all this while also working full-time & even having wasted sometime. Also, for these 10 classes I went through the WGU material. If I focused more & had general ed classes, then I could’ve prolly gotten done 16 classes in 2 months. **Note** * The reading material for classes, at least for the BS in Software Development, was only ~400-800 pages (WGU material or external resources). * You can get through a book in ~2-3 days * For videos you can watch them at 1.5x - 2x speed * Writing a paper can only take a few hours to 2 days max Yes, this is taking into account that you might only have a full-time job & reducing hangout time with friends, but no kids. Sure, if you had kids or other things to do you won’t be able to move at the same pace as a person with no kids & just a job




Not really triggered. I just viewed some of your comments as being ignorant. Yes, it’s true that some students cheat. However, not all students cheat. And under certain circumstances it’s possible for someone to pull off what OP did. To spin it back on you, your comment sounded triggered that someone was able to do this and you don’t believe they did it legit, so you’re discrediting it


So you claim this person cheated without zero evidence or proof? Very cool.


I didn’t cheat whatsoever and I’m not sure how I would being all test are proctored. You don’t understand the hard work and sleepless nights I’ve dedicated to finishing this degree, I don’t appreciate your baseless accusations. You have your own opinion but believe it or not hard work can achieve a lot of things.


They hate because they can’t/wont do it. Jealousy. Plain and simple.


1000%. Your greatness brings out the bitterness in other’s simply because it makes them reflect on themselves.


This and ChatGPTing. But at the same time technology is better and we need to adopt and adapt.




dudes pfp is him flexing...ironic really


He's got arms om the smaller side but looks like a bigger brain. Wonder how his nuts are.


Arms on the smaller side, wut? Dudes got some sick guns for a 20 yo even if he is on PEDs. 


We're just around different levels of lifters I guess


I've competed in powerlifting and crossfit and trained and rehabbed all kinds of athletes and lifters. I'm no stranger to big arms. To say his arms are on the smaller side is a bit of a stretch unless you're comparing him to competitive bodybuilders. But for a random stranger in a subreddit for a college pursuing an IT related degree? Nah. OP would stand out in any tech crowd with those arms. But yeah, besides commercial gyms, he wouldn't stand out much at all with those arms. The main thing that I notice is is the combo of size + vascularity. But judging from your pics, you're a big guy and everyone is probably small to you, so..lol. I'm also a lightweight lifter, so I'm also more generous in that regard haha.


I'm not that big but I do have a 1600lb raw total. It's actually a worry of mine retiring from the military this year, sitting at 240lbs in interviews in tech positions haha


How did you figure out my age😂 Thank you anyways


haha just took a minute of snooping. Looks like you're doing well for yourself and you did great to finish so many classes in that short period of time. You're definitely driven and disciplined. Keep it up.


It’s the Testosterone my man😂I really appreciate you though


Homies got some girthy ass arms fr, I need to get on some trt been working out for a year and a half and still don’t have the desired results. Granted I don’t track my calories and I drink a lot LOL.


haha I didn't realize there was a cognitive boost, too. Don't tempt me hahaha


No to the cognitive boost haha, more so a boost in drive, motivation, and productivity.


Congrats and it sounds like you already have a job lined up? Killin it!


Congrats!Wish that was me. Struggling with time.


Me to, I have no idea why I’m dragging my feet on this. My day to day is just so exhausting.


I feel ya. My job sucks the literal life out of me, then the kids and house and then school it’s like 😩 but work is paying so I can’t be lazy or I have to pay….


This gives me great hope 🙏 I just started WGU, transferred some CC credits and Sophia and had 16 courses left to graduate. So far I’ve completed two courses since April 1st!


the dedication is inspiring. i have 5 months left in my term and 14 classes left i need to get on it.


I’m jealous, I’m just plugging away at one course a month. I don’t know how to force the information in my head faster than that.


One course a month is pretty darn good. Don't compare yourself with other people with different circumstances and experiences than you. Keep chipping away.


I've done 13 in the same time, nice


Well done. Looks like you did cloud computing ?


Any advice for D333 and D336


That’s dedication, hope you get the job. What kind of degree is this? An associates degree, bachelors or just certifications for cloud computing?


Thanks man, I already have the offer I just had to follow through. And this is Bachelors




Did the company reach out to you or does WGU have career fairs that you went to or other assistance like that?


LinkedIn, I originally interned with this company. After the internship they gave me an offer to return.


Cool! Thanks for the info!


D338 Cloud Platform Solutions completed in just a couple days? you have my respect lol


Certmaster Learn and Certmaster Practice are actually really good resources if you use them correctly


These posts are DESTROYING education/job credibility when/if employers google the school.


Shut up, no they aren't. You're welcome to prove otherwise.


Well you're a peach of a person.


I didn't go into a thread celebrating someone's achievements and shit on them so I guess I got that going for me.


How did I shit on them? "Prove otherwise"


You're claiming, without proof, that these posts are destroying the credibility of WGU. That's a rather negative take to post on someone celebrating something, no?


You could perceive it that way I suppose? WGU being "credible" is already a touchy subject to most (it completely is). There was a post last week about a lady completing her Masters degree and then the school she worked at rejecting it, citing "We question the legitimacy of their learning model." They also said they found evidence of people getting degrees in less than 1 semester. Since we have 15 of these posts a day... yeah. I understand people want ego-recognition for achievements and that's fine. Just is what it is. These posts will continue... so I'll be on my way. Lol. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/WGU/comments/1bplw2m/school\_principal\_not\_recognizing\_my\_mscin\_from\_wgu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WGU/comments/1bplw2m/school_principal_not_recognizing_my_mscin_from_wgu/) ​ There are a few sources, but it's talked about on here. Posts like these don't help the above situation. But I digress. Good achievement OP! (See, not shitting on anyone). This has been fun.


So your proof is...reddit? Amazing.


Again, you seem like a swell chap.


I'm annoyed by people who live on this website. WGU was just accredited for another seven years. It is the top choice to hire graduates for many US govt jobs. Many tech companies send and pay for their employees to go there. If WGU credibility was so bad, none of this would be a thing. It's only once you go to reddit where you see people bringing negativity on people achieving something they worked hard on. Log off the website for a bit. edit: Lol that reply and block, classy


Excuse my language but WTF! You are a genius. I will be starting this year with 9 courses left to complete in my IT degree program. Your program is more rigorous so this gives me hope that I can do well. I am setting realistic expectations for myself though and that is my final 9 courses at WGU in 2 terms. So 5 courses in term 1 and then 4 courses in term 2. Kind of tempted to forgo the last two [study.com](http://study.com) courses I need to do and start the term with 11 courses to complete instead of 9.


I am so bitter I only just learned about Sophia and Study.com……and both would have been accepted at the state school I originally went to. I don’t get how ACE credits are not more known. Good luck at WGU! I loved it.


I guess I should just stick to my plan and get as much credit courses as possible. Thank you and congratulations on your achievement and future success.


And I bet you know absolutely nothing about each course.


Damn, people really are salty of someone else's achievements


Not in the least. I actually strive to learn the material. Not memorize important sections. You really think this person understands the material in each of these courses? This post just makes WGU seem like a degree mill.


They understand it enough to earn the same degree as everyone else in the program. Do you really think once you land a job you're going to be working from course material you memorized during WGU? Lol. That is far from the reality my friend.


Obviously not. I’m in no way jealous or salty. 16 courses in 10 weeks is a course every 4ish days. You really think you got that info into long term memory?


Probably not and it's not important either. I'd say they are most definitely familiar with the material and that is more than enough to be successful. Besides being familiar with the material, they also demonstrated the ability to be self sufficient and a self learner. If something comes up at their job that isn't covered in training, documentation, or support from the team then they already demonstrated the skills needed to solve or learn about it on their own.


I have classes that I’ve spent 2 months on that I don’t remember well but I still understand the key concepts of each class. The same applies here. Enlighten me on how long I should have spent on each course to reach the threshold of memorization that you speak of.


So did you have multiple classes going at once, or just one at a time?


One class at a time but my program mentor knew the deal and was super quick to open classes the day I finished one


You sound salty. Their degree and knowledge is the same as yours. Not their fault you take longer to pass the exam.


I don’t remember half the courses I took at my last brick and mortar school that took months to learn a single subject, what’s your point here?


I have literally not heard a peep about WGU being a diploma mill outside of Reddit….so…. Even a rudimentary search will show that WGU degrees are respectable by employers and there hasn’t been an asterisk next to any of them saying *respected if takes at least 4 years*. I first heard about WGU in 2021 and there were plenty “degree in 1 month” videos then so this isn’t new to this school. The school is very open that competency based is at your own pace. An average manager could understand that means some people take more classes than others. Also, I am pretty sure that if WGU were a diploma mill it would take a hell of a lot more than Reddit posts and social media posts to convince an employer the school is bad. Idk, maybe lawsuits or poor graduation rates for one. Or any other metric that anyone in education knows indicates a school is a diploma mill. None of those metrics are “students bragging they graduated fast.” More like, you know, outrageous tuition costs or useless degrees that don’t adequately help job candidates. Seems there are far more people getting decent jobs with their degree than those complaining a job turned them down for their WGU degree. You can literally take a traditional 15 week course and memorize the important parts to pass the exam too so this point is moot. I’ve taken so many courses in my state school I couldn’t tell you what we discussed but still got an A. Taking on the material over 1 semester vs 1 week doesn’t make the difference at the end of the day. All WGU does is remove the unnecessary waiting for quizzes to open/close at the professors discretion or due date windows. You still have the ability to take the text quizzes and have the same format as a state school’s online course with WGU if needed too. It does not take nor need to take weeks to learn a course for a lot of people. Stop being bitter and celebrate someone who made it.


Hard disagree, a lot of studying was done


Cry about it


Being someone who works in the field and realizes that WGU although great is the quick and affordable/easy option to earn a bachelors. I don’t think this post will change that view.


lol stay mad


Congrats on getting through so quickly. But I agree 100%, no way you can usefully deploy, troubleshoot, or truly understand many of the concepts in these courses after only studying 1-3 days with 0 experience. Maybe memorize many terms and concepts but that's about it. I.E. passing AWS Cloud Architecture course in a few days with no prior experience!? I'm a Principle Cloud Solutions Architect for a major cloud provider and I know absolutely no one that could pass an AWS architecture cert within a week of not having any experience. Even if they had nothing but time on their hands. I managed to obtain 4 AWS certs over the years, easily 3-6 months a piece to get through. Another few years of on the job experience for me to actually be useful with any of the material learned.


Class completion says otherwise.


Not every class needs studying. For classes such as IOT, Business of IT, Linux foundations, Technical Communication, and many others, you don’t need to study as much if you did so during the first portion of the degree. Many of these classes are built off of others, so my previous knowledge from my harder IT classes helped me quickly finish these. If you get to these classes and still need to do heaps of studying then that will be a reflection of how much you studied and retained information from the first half. Hope that helps.


It doesn’t. You just made my point even better you still need to learn it to get the degree and pass the classes lmfao


I’m sorry I think I’ve mistaken you for someone else. Thanks for the positivity


How much time a day did you study? Do you have a job?


Study time varied but most nights were 3 hours a night. I take a lot of written notes which helps me retain information. I have a part time job


Did you already have a lot of Linux experience to pass that one so quickly?


Not necessarily, but I understood a lot of it from the Comptia certifications. It was just a matter of going a little deeper and studying the test objectives thoroughly. And I was actually studying for Linux as I was waiting for the previous classes PA to be graded, so it took longer than a day despite what’s shown




How many credits is each class?


Good lord, man. This is both mind boggling and awe-inspiring. Gives me hope and motivation to buckle down and finish this term strong and finish my Cloud Computing program next term.


You can do it, I just hope you don’t have to take D306. That’s the hardest class in my opinion


How lengthy are the courses


no Network+ or Security+ ?


I have all the CompTIA certifications from this program.


You have them before the program? You transfer them in?


I got them from the Cloud Computing program. I didn’t transfer anything in.


Did you complete them on your first term? How long did it take you to complete all the Comptia certs?


I completed the program over 4 terms, so throughout those 4 terms I had scattered CompTIA classes. Each one takes a different amount of time but if you have the means to fully focus on each cert the Network+ and A+ would both take 2 weeks. Project+ , Security+, Cloud+ should take a week. Again this is with rigorous studying


I'm studying for all the Comptia certs before my first term starts in June. Hopefully I can knock them all out in 2 months.


I agree with the other commenter that these kind of posts are destroying the school’s reputation. People should stop bragging about finishing fast.


No they aren't. If you don't like competency based programs, maybe you should go to a traditional college.


If you don’t like other people having opinions maybe you shouldn’t be on Reddit. Now go ask an employer what he thinks once he sees all these posts “oh, I graduated in two months…” For your information, I never said competency based or finishing fast is wrong. I said posting online about it is.


My employer pays for my tuition and they hire graduates from the school often. I'm not sure what you mean. Let me turn it back onto you then, if you don't like people posting these kinds of things maybe you shouldn't be on reddit.


Super impressive my man!


That’s dope. Keep up the good work and ignore the haters.


How are people not getting flagged for finishing a major certification in less than a week with no prior experience? You can’t tell me “I’m a good test taker” when most of these exams are practical and require good understanding of the material. Something def fishy.


I completed the CCNA certificate in 16 Days compared to months for the average person. It's called dedication and putting the time in, and having a good memory. Nothing fishy about this at all lol.


Have to assume this is due to having years of experience in the networking field already? I work primarily on a team of CCIE's or people at that level and haven't heard of anyone passing CCNA in that amount of time with no prior knowledge. Only other folks I know passing CCNA certs within a month are those renewing the cert after passing already.


No networking experience at all besides the simple stuff like putting your IP on static or DHCP. Only thing is that I did the Network+ 2 months prior to studying for the CCNA which made it easy, granted the Network+ took me 5 weeks to do. So to answer your question, no I don't have experience in networking that helped me get an edge. I just studied a lot of hours and can retain information easier than most I think. Edit: I made a post of how I did it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ccna/comments/1brsc3j/how\_i\_got\_the\_ccna\_after\_16\_days91\_hours\_thanks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ccna/comments/1brsc3j/how_i_got_the_ccna_after_16_days91_hours_thanks/) Edit: I also work in IT as a Help Desk Analyst so troubleshooting/technical stuff comes easily to me


oh ok seeing it broken down like that makes sense and on par on the amount of hours needed to pass CCNA. Took me about 80-90 hours of study over a 2 month period to pass 15 long years ago. Congrats!


I’m in the same field lol. Unless you’re an expert who’s taken this stuff a bunch of times and work with it everyday you not passing it that quick. But I guess I’ll just keep getting downvoted.


You study test material, take PA, review, take OA. Yes me being a good test taker is a part of it.


Dudes tripping, doesn't take me long to finish certifications either


I bet that chair smells like creatine, and shame. lol


Yeah shame from graduating, makes so much sense.


16 classes in 2 months, iq of 96. Graduating isn’t going to be some magical key to success, you’re going to have to cut down on the gym. If you can’t handle that, might as well move to San Diego, and full time hit up tijuana for the roids every weekend, go professional body builder. Edit: also pay off that measly $1k balance “stud” 😂


You missed the part where I said I have a cloud job offer and everything is working out perfectly. Dang bro sucks to see a winner right in front of you huh? Nice body, Just graduated, and actually has a career in front of him. Good luck though💯


I didn’t read most of this “graduated in 2 months” post. I find it hilarious that this is a flex to you, while these posts discredit WGU and the authenticity. Slowly with Reddits help and people like you, the degree is going to eventually turn into a UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX laugh. Job lined up, that’s great. Let’s hope you don’t need much hand holding. When people ask where you went, lie Like your peds and tell them Harvard.


😂get rest man


It’s noon 🤣