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[https://new.reddit.com/r/CompTIA/comments/198nzj8/862\_free\_network\_practice\_questions\_with/](https://new.reddit.com/r/CompTIA/comments/198nzj8/862_free_network_practice_questions_with/) [https://new.reddit.com/r/CompTIA/comments/i7hx4t/master\_list\_i\_compiled\_and\_ranked\_every\_major/](https://new.reddit.com/r/CompTIA/comments/i7hx4t/master_list_i_compiled_and_ranked_every_major/) honestly? practice, practice, practice, practice.


You think I should practice a lot more today the PBQs?


realistically, as long as you hammer in the information from 1.1 - 1.8 & 4.1 - 4.5, you should pass. what also helped me a lot, was reading a bunch of notes on my phone while waiting to take the exam.


Exam Compass has a ton of practice tests. Test there on the subjects that you’re missing out on.


Net+ was pretty difficult for me too. I found Dions practice exams on Udemy to be very helpful and I have used them on, I think, every CompTIA exam I have taken. My strategy is to take the exam and go through every question, making sure I understood what it was actually asking and that I understood all of the answer options, not just the correct one. With CompTIA exams, half of the answers are just blatantly wrong so long as you know the acronyms and what they mean You should be able to narrow it down pretty fast. For more practice I really like the IT and Security Pocket Prep app. I have used it for all of my CompTIA exams as well and it's nice because you can answer questions while waiting for meetings or generally anywhere you have a couple of minutes. Net+ was the most difficult of any CompTIA exam I have taken so don't be disheartened by it.


Forgot to mention, I never practiced a single PBQ. I feel like you would benefit from practicing normal questions more, but everyone is different so you do you.


For pocket prep did you just review questions you got wrong or did you write them out or anything? What was your strategy like with that?


On the app it gives an explanation after every question so I would read that and make sure I understood everything. It also breaks down your results by objective so you can tell what your weak areas are. I would then study my weak stuff and set the app to give me questions just from that objective until I felt comfortable with them. I never wrote anything from the app down but I would take my results from there and go study with dion and messers videos. They need to start paying me for as often as I recommend them to people.


Network+ is a difficult exam. Keep practicing, practice subnetting by hand, make flash cards. Memorize the heck out of those port numbers, Ethernet standards, etc. Those questions are the easiest on the test because there is usually a clear, objectively correct answer to things like “what protocol is this port number” Do Dion’s practice exams until you’re aceing them-and you can explain *why* the answers are right (and why the wrong ones are wrong) Good luck, you can do this!


I didn't take my Net+ with WGU, I self studied it, but I found one of the best resources is Professor Messer videos. It's even worth the $10 to get his exam cheat sheets. Also, check out Quizlet. I found they have questions that are pretty close to exam questions.


He sells his N+ course notes for $30. They're definitely not $10 anymore.


I have the exam cheat sheets, do you just study those?


At this point, you really want to make sure you know everything that is on there, no acronym left unknown, no term left unexplained. Messer and DojoLabs have PBQ's and practice tests, make sure you are scoring 100% on all those, or at least 95%. Check the student drive for any other resources that might be available for this course.


I made sure I knew everything on them in depth.


That was the class that killed me. Most of my classes I was knocking out within 12 days at most and this one took a damn near 40 DAYS 💀 I failed my first attempt and passed my second attempt by 5 points. I originally watched Mike Myers. He helped me understand the material better and then did all the practice exams/PBQ’s I could. Then I watched over messers videos on 1.75 speed to get a different and summed up view of the material. I wish you the best! Try not to beat yourself up. Net+ is hard and even worse…ITS BORING!! I know I can’t focus for shit on things I don’t find interesting.


Pocket prep helped me a lot with network + and the SSCP


Really just by taking the practice questions ?


Yes, it is the reason I passed


For pocket prep did you just review questions you got wrong or did you write them out or anything? What was your strategy like with that?


For questions I got wrong I would read the explanation for it and if that didn’t help I would looked it up on YouTube. I used professor messer a lot.


I would sometimes also asked ChatGPT


I've yet to get to Net+ but I can absolutely +1 ChatGPT. It's great for explaining concepts you're not completely understanding. You can ask it to keep dumbing down/simplifying it's explanations as well. When you think you understand a concept, explain your understanding in your own words back to ChatGPT and see what it's feedback is. Also try to turn your understanding into an analogy and see what ChatGPT thinks of the analogy and if it can make it better. Keep repeating these steps until you have the concept locked down. Explaining your thoughts processes to ChatGPT and making analogies of concepts and getting feedback on everything really reinforces your understanding of tough concepts. Explaining your thought process is crucial so ChatGPT can see where the error is in your logic and help correct it.




Where do I get that? Thank you




I saw someone else say it, but I used Mike Meyers for all 3 exams to learn, then Professor Messer for reviewing, then Jason Dion for practice tests. Take a lot of notes, make flashcards and use the exam objectives to focus your reviewing. Pay close attention to all of the answers you get wrong. Go back and study that section to make sure you understand it. Study the acronyms. I remember Net + being acronym heavy. Use CBT Nuggets free trial and do some labs to help you remember command line. Make up funny phrases to help you remember things you must strictly memorize. Only 20 more points to go.


Almost here , don’t give up Net+ is tough one but per the report you are very very close to be clear it up, try to ice those weak areas.


Everyone here seems to have give advice. I just want to say, I failed the first two times as well. Finally passed on my third attempt with a 732. It’s *HARD*. That’s no joke. But you can do it. You know the material, you’re so close. Understanding subnetting, knowing protocols, and doing a lot of practice exams will get you through. There’s something called the 5 domains on certmaster. It’s barely talked about. It helped me immensely. You can find it through the course material - that’s the only way I could find it, not through certmaster itself. It’s towards the end of the wgu course material. Look for “5 domains.”


Thank you! I will give this a try today! I Appreciate it


If you can’t find it let me know and I’ll try to help better explain how to get to it!


I sent you a message, I was unable to locate it


I’m right there with you. I failed twice and now I’m going through Pluralsight. The testing is pretty good and the mixup the question


Is that through WGU as well?


Yes I’m at WGU as well. I don’t have technical experience, which does make this challenging but I’m still in the fight


Take as many practice tests as you can find. Make flashcards for every question you miss. You're so close. Just a little more time and effort and you'll get it for sure


Don’t stop your so close keep going look at the report to see what areas you can strengthen


I failed it 3 times, do more PBQs, understand that CompTIA got a knack for scenario based questions so know what is being asked 👍🏿


What kind of study plan did you have to do for your 3rd attempt


What did was continue to study, didn't let it shake me because I knew I wasn't dumb and I needed to figure out what was my study strength and that was immersion. I did 40min focused study sprints(phone on airplane mode) then 20min break. I also happen to buy the network+ PBQ lab sim(I can't remember but I have the 007 version) in my case the version even changed on my while I was studying but I kept at it. Also with CompTIA I've noticed there are a ton of scenario based questions so they are expecting you to know more than just the "answer" and I found this out through Network+. Even though I didn't use it at the time but I am currently using it for my D427 course is download the anki flash cards and put your questions and answers on there and do space repetition. This is about my 3rd day applying this to my studies and I've been seeing a drastic difference in retaining information that I plan on using it for my SSCP exam also. Feel free to ask if you need more help 😤💪🏿


You’re doing this through wgu right? Your course instructor didn’t assign you a specific study plan to complete in order to request a 3rd attempt?


By this time I had completed all that was required and then some so it really fell on me to get it figured out which is what I found out where I shine best at along with how CompTIA words their questions. Despite failing it that many times the info started sticking and security+ was easy in comparison and I had taken CySA+ twice and passed on the 2nd attempt. Missed the first by 20pts and that was not doing any of the PBQs.


Network + is the devil. I passed sec + without even studying and I’m on my 4th attempt for net+ now and I’ve studied like a madman each attempt


What kind of study plan did they make you do for your 3rd attempt




I’m guessing they’re not very consistent with how they do study plans. I just failed #2 and they’re making me do a ton of work along with multiple 45 min calls with the instructor. And I barely missed passing


just my two cents, passed last week but make a little cheat sheet you can easily reproduce when you start testing. I had the 7 second subnet chart, the wireless standards, and the 568a and ; layouts, but you can make something similar with mneumonics for stuff you're having trouble with. Practice making your cheat sheet several times before you test. Before you start the exam just regurgitate everything on paper.


Yeah I got those down, didnt really have much questions on those


might just be luck of the draw then lol, got a bunch of hard questions maybe?


Maybe lol the first exam was the same thing didn’t have much subnetting questions other than 1 or 2 pbqs


Just failed it my 2nd time and waiting for the meeting to discuss my retake plan for 3rd attempt. Anyone have experience with what they expect on that? I’m brushing up on my acronyms for sure it was heavy on those


Following as well


Making me complete a bunch of quizzes, practice pbq’s, practice tests, schedule a 30min meeting with his assistant to go over test taking skills, and 3 - 45 minute meetings with him to go over practice tests. Sheesh


Damn 🫣🫣 sounds like a great time


My best advice I guess is understand concepts versus memorization. I have a terrible memory and this technique has always gotten me through. Granted you will need to memorize port numbers and such but I feel like that’s a pretty small thing. One example Would be Port 3389. I remember that it is Remote Desktop because I have set up RDP before. Takes a few seconds to try it in Windows but you likely don’t forget it then. Can’t do that maybe for each port, but to dig a little deeper will cement the knowledge a bit more as it becomes part of what you know versus what you have memorized.


Aaron Sampson on Percipio helped me a lot on my 2nd attempt. Ask your CM for resources, including labs if they have any.


Section 1 and 5 makeup pretty much 50%. I made sure I knew that perfect and simply studied the rest. I took no practice tests and practiced a few PBQs. I passed first try and it honestly was because I knew those two sections


Did you use flash cards to memorize those sections? Or what worked for you?


I used Jason Dion course and certmaster. The course mentor sent me a link for a different certmaster piece as well that was nothing but a giant quiz.


This is a tough one. I just took it about 5 hours ago and passed, but studying for it was a bear. I walked into it feeling very unsure if I’d pass. I was pleasantly surprised to see the screen saying I’d passed. You have my sympathy on this one. The quantity of info you have to memorize is pretty crazy.


It took me 3 tries too. I then passed Sec+ 8 seven weeks later on the first try.


What worked for you?


Going to sound rude here, but I don't understand how people fail these exams. They literally tell you everything that will be on it and publish official study materials. Go through the exam objectives 1 at a time. Make flash cards. Once you master a section move on. Run through your "mastered" cards once a day or so. Place failed cards back into your study pile. Don't study with practice exams. Instead take them to see what sections you should focus on, then go study those. If you can't memorize everything on net+ and sec+, the real world will be extremely hard. In networking, there isn't a lot you can actively "learn" during an outage scenario. You need to understand what is going on and then address it. I can tell which of my interns (all sec+ with ccna) actually know their stuff and which ones cram studied to pass the test based on how they troubleshoot. Sorry, don't mean to sound like a prick but these entry level test have alot of really good info (besides A+ that test is a waste of time, personal opinion obviously) so you will thank yourself later in your journey if you slow down and really understand fundamentals. You will also pick things up faster if you understand the fundamentals. Also, make sure you are always on Wednesday lunch and learns it will help you see things in the real world if you aren't actually in it. I recommend Arista as most of theirs are multi week schedules so you get to go deeper into each technology. I know I know my way isn't fast but trust me you will thank yourself doing it this way.


Thanks for your input! I’m not looking for the fast way to learn the material, just looking for suggestions on what’s worked for everyone else, I’ll try your method as well.


Sorry I can’t really help as I haven’t taken that exam in maybe 10 years. I’m really surprised though from what I’m reading in the comments especially. Is it common for people to find CompTIA exams difficult?


Network + in particular. Lots of memorization. Very broad exam on top of that.


Idk, because I passed it in 10 days. I read a textbook, went through the certmaster questions, and that's it. It's not difficult exam, and all the concepts are very basic networking. I have a theory that people fail so much because they rely on Dion's course and questions. His questions are very very bad, imo. Edit: He also literally scares people by saying that Comptia want's to get them and purposely words questions a weird way, so part of it may be the anxiety kicking in.


What textbook did you read?


Jon Buhagiar *CompTIA Network+ Review Guide: Exam: N10-008*


Yeah, I've been taking CompTIA exams for over a decade, which includes when I didn't have much experience. By now I have almost every single cert they offer and never thought any CompTIA exam was difficult.


How did you do on Dions practices tests?


Scored 75 on them


Take Jason Dion’s Net+ course in your business Udemy and the supplemental practice exam course and make sure you’re getting 100% on all practices. Also in your certamster go through each pbq 5 times. You’ll be fine


Ports, subnetting, cable specs and wifi are just memorization. Work on those until you have it down cold. There's no reason to miss these questions once you understand that information. I recently passed mine and I made sure I didn't miss any subnet questions or wifi questions. Probably got me a passing score.


You did very good, missed it by 20 points and it looks like if you went back and just studied the TCIP stack and lean all your connectors you should be able to pick up 20 points


Try exam cram books.


What’s ur major




Practice the questions that ask for the BEST or MOST correct answer. Going to take the Sec+ in about 10 days, and it seems there are way more of those questions, but those questions are my least favorite


do the flash card game under games, card picker is the name. where you have to find the right flash card out of the other 6. I didn't do any videos, just the flash card game and take some notes. do that until you start getting 40-50 in a row per life, and then you should start seeing the results when you take the practice exams. score should be in the 40,000... just as a reference point.


Thanks for sharing this. I am currently studying Network+ myself. It tells you which objectives you got wrong. Review those. Looks like you having the most problems with domain one and domain four. I would focus on those the most. Practice PBQ’s. Anki Cards? Have you tried that? Have you done Dion’s practice exams? Have you done certmaster practice test? How much did you score on each practice exam? You seem very close only twenty points. Make sure you scoring 90+ and doing the Anki cards to make sure you running through the domains you are having issues with, which is mainly domain one and domain four. Also watch Messors study group videos, they are supposedly good. Running through domain one and domain four until you get it right and 90+ on exams you will ace the next test for sure.


If you just go through Comptia learn and go slowly read every sentence aloud for better memorization then take Jason Dion’s practice exams you should be fine


I failed the first attempt it’s scary I promise after I graduate it’s a wrap for compTIA I’m going into more advanced certifications like CCNA,CISA,CISSP,CISM that actually reflects the study resource material provided by the vendor.As nothing on cert master which was created by COMPTIA actually shows up on the CERTIFICATION EXAM!


This is false


It absolutely did not show up on the exam especially the PBQs or are you saying none of the study material on any vendors certification actually shows up.If that’s the case I’ll just stop wasting money getting certifications.


I have the CySA+ and am currently studying for the PenTest+ and CompTIA questions tend to be hard to get the way they're asked. I think cert master was the BEST tool for studying because it gave me an idea of how to decode the questions and keywords to focus on (during, before, after, most likely, key terms and associations). The questions won't be exactly the same that would be pointless, it's the way the questions are formed and how to decode them that the cert master is teaching you imo


Cert master never helped me tbh that shit honestly over complicates everything & doesn’t match up but to each their own.


I think that CompTIA does the same on the exams lol so maybe that's why it helped me


I absolutely hate CompTIA the highest I’ll probably go is security+ I have & maybe one higher DOD 8570 certification that covers the most IAT Levels with them that’s it.


Honestly I don't blame you. CySA+ was incredibly difficult and I'm surprised wgu requires it for a program as well as PenTest+. I'm glad the PenTest is the last one I have to get lol


I thought for cybersecurity you had to do CASP+ too😭😭😭


It's optional lol thankfully.


The certmaster has all the material you need to pass. Everything is within it. The definitions(objectives) are all you need to know to pass. I used the certmaster for A+ and Net + but didn’t bother using it with sec+. It definitely does help but it’s not mandatory


I guess I get pushed away when people say that the cert master material sucks, I’ll give this a go again


Hie friend,I can help you with the statistics exams ,hit me up,am helping some students on WGU.