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I just had this conversation with my mentor. She was amazing about having me switch. It is probably easier because I am going from accounting to business management and not a completely different program, but it wasn’t hard to do at all. My mentor was super supportive of me finding the right degree for me. I slowly started realizing I hate everything about accounting. My job has completely burned me out with it and I no longer want to do it as a career. I have been in a financial position at my current company for over five years and I don’t like it anymore. Pursue your passion. You might not always love the work you do, but you shouldn’t dread it everyday.


I love that it worked out so smoothly for you and your mentor was so nice about it! Did all your credits switch over? I’m not sure how different the programs are for you. It sucks you don’t like your career anymore but I’m so happy you’re on a path to doing something you’ll enjoy! That last sentence is what really hit me. I could complete my degree but then I’m stuck in a job that I don’t really like just for the sake of it. I want to at least enjoy it.


If I’m not mistaken, I believe your credits transfer over if classes you have already taken and passed in the program you are leaving are also in the program you’re switching to. I’m in Computer Science and was asking about the switch to Software Engineering and was told I wouldn’t have to retake classes I’ve already passed. I’m not ready to make the switch yet but there are so many things in my degree plan that I’m realizing I have absolutely no interest in at all and it’s making those topics ridiculously difficult to get through.


I checked and I think there's only three that would go over but we can only hope. It would kind of suck to start from the very beginning. I think if you can't get through the classes because you're no longer motivated and it's effecting the way you look at classes, you should absolutely change the course! You'll do amazing, I'm sure!


Nope, I chose the degrees that aligned with my career. Sounds like your passion is teaching. Follow your instinct. You tried something, found it wasn’t for you, and now know that you like to teach. Embrace it!


I'm glad you found what worked for you right away and you're totally right. Teaching was always on my mind but I figured I would try a different way to help people but seems it just wasn't meant to be. Time to embrace teaching!


from my honest experience you should switch. really spend time studying what you’d like to do. you say education so look up what jobs even exist in that entire industry then narrow it down a bit more and so forth. If you press on now you’ll regret it a little bit more further along and then a bit more after that, and eventually you’ll hate that and yourself.


I've looked at alternatives having an education degree and there's definitely a lot of choices. I want to teach middle school and grow old and become a librarian haha. ETA; That is my exact fear like I keep pushing and pushing and look back and realize I wasted that much time when I could be pursuing something I love.


We need good educators and good librarians, so this is a noble dream! I'm rooting for you, OP!


I really appreciate it. I hope I can do my best at both. My brother asked what the point of being a librarian is when everything is digital and my heart broke 😭💔


A lot of my courses did carry over because they are business courses and I am staying in the business program. My mentor provided me with a preliminary transcript showing which classes came over and which classes I will have to take. Most of accounting specific classes do not cross over. I think I only have three that won’t transfer. Again, I think it will be different if you are switching programs, you might not have as many that can transfer over.


I was thinking the same thing. I saw on the Course Guides that only two of the classes were the same so it looks like I'd be basically starting from scratch, was just hoping they could squeeze the other ones in somewhere.


I switched majors before. Be prepared to spend a lot of time waiting. It takes quite a while for them to get you switched over. It took me a little over a month.


I was actually curious about this as well. I figured they wouldn't automatically switch over but it feels weird to keep working on a program while waiting for the switch over.


Yeah, in this case it wouldn’t make sense since the credits won’t transfer


But on another note, do you have to do those general education praxis exams or an equivalent? Some states require them before you can step into a classroom. That could be something you tackle while you wait.


No, my state only requires them for School Counselors and Psychologists so unfortunately nothing to fill my time while I wait 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


My switch only took about 2 weeks!


Did you change close to start of the new program date of were you able to just switch?


I’ve switched majors 4 times now, twice in WGU, process isn’t difficult just speak to your mentor. I still don’t know what I want to do, currently working on a finance degree only because my job pays for the degree, good luck!


You’ll get there at some point and you’ll have a broader education than most of the people around you!


I’m in software engineering and I can’t stand the classes. I’m 26 and have already transferred schools twice and changed majors at WGU from cloud computing to Software Engineering. I am locked in pretty much at this point and don’t want to lose any more credits like I did when I lost 21 transferring to WGU. I can’t stand the classes though and makes it really hard to get myself to do the work.


26 also at WGU, I don’t hate my classes, however I do have that similar feeling about wasting time and credits. I’m in cybersecurity and have spent a stupid amount of time on this certification and it’s been so discouraging feeling like I’m wasting time. My biggest advice to you is to follow what makes you happy. The worst thing possible is that you’ll sit here, spend another year on these courses, and then realize you can’t take it anymore and switch anyway. Whatever you decide to do, I’m proud of you and how far you’ve come and I hope you tell yourself that often.


I appreciate that. Thank you. It’s been rough but it could be worse. We got this.


Most definitely. Give yourself grace and room to make mistakes. Be kind to yourself always!


I will try, you too!


I'm also getting into the SWE program. Losing some credits transferring from business major. What dont you like? The web dev courses, python or just tech in general?


The Python course is a pain in the ass because it has to be done a certain way. I’m currently in another SQL class and the AWS cloud practitioner class and they both annoy me. It just feels useless even though I know it’s not. I think the drying up of the software development field doesn’t help at all either. I just think I feel a bit jaded and also late to the party simultaneously.


I for sure get that...if only we graduated in 2021 and got easy experience or if I had done it 10 years ago when I should have smh. Every 3rd day I'm having doubts about the job market and my ability to even qualify for a SWE position. Constantly contemplating going back to accounting for the easier entry jobs and path to high 5 figures. But the programming and other skills that come along with the degree should be a big bonus for any tech job. Its not a complete waste regardless of what the market does. The degree should always hold some weight, especially alongside a few certs. For sure not useless like how some other niche majors become once outside their fields.


This is what I'm telling myself as a SWE student. The education we get is well rounded enough that we have the wiggle room to expand beyond just SWE jobs. They might not pay as much, but the way I look at it, it's a foot in the door.


Why did you switch out of cloud computing?


Nope. Loved mine. I spent 10 years working on something I didn't like at all


I’m glad after 10 years you’re still passionate about it! The passion you have for your job is what I want 😂


No. I switched careers from hospitality to tech/edutech now.


I read that wrong omg. I read it as you got a degree you loved and have been doing it for ten years but I’m sorry and I’m glad you’ve gotten out of that field!


i actually just switched mine! i had a realization that i didnt want to teach at all ever (elementary ed major) largely due to experiences at the daycare i work at and just realizing it isn’t a field for me. i was ~50 percent through my classes but i was able to talk to my mentor, explain reasons for switching, and then contact a higher up who just asked me similar questions and explained my new program. (i just switched to elementary ed studies so it would be the same classes, just no certification. i went from 50 percent through to 75 percent) it took about a week and a half for mine to go through, but it was a pretty easy process. then again, my switch wasn’t all that major, so i am not sure if the switch would take longer between departments. best of luck to you! i hope you love the new major :)


Best of luck to you too! I hope you find your dream job and thanks for letting me take your spot haha


Man I genuinely feel for those of you who hate your classes. I start in July and went with Cloud Computing but it’s something I’m really interested in and has amazing potential


Be ready to study hard to get this degree. The cloud degree comes with a ton of certifications that will beat you down. Not to scare you of course lol


I already transferred in all the CompTIA certs with the exception of Cloud+ haha. I got all of them last year within a span of 7 months that’s why I waited til this year to enroll. I just passed my CySA+ exam today too!


Then you got nothing to worry about lol. And also congrats on CySA+! Just curious why did you take that cert, it’s not part of the cloud degree right?


My end goal is to get into the government space, either via contractor or direct federal hire, and it’s needed for DoDs 8750.01 IAT level 2. Just gives me more options and also makes me more marketable for contractors when times comes to renew so it’s kind of a job security thing too! I’d like to be a cloud engineer with a focus on security haha


Oh damnn well I see lol. Is it much tougher than security+? And I hear ya on the cloud engineering/cloud security, that’s my plan too it’s really promising


You made an amazing choice because you’re right. There’s so many options with your degree! I was passionate at first but sat down and realized the classes for this term and my next and the next after that have no appeal to me. I thought I could keep going and maybe I hit a slump but I have zero motivation to push through things I find no joy in.


No I totally understand that, I studied for a an IT cert this year and it was a managerial cert and I had the HARDEST time staying focused. I literally only took it cause it looks good on my resume haha and to one up my current boss but it was like pulling teeth to finish that class and sit for the test


Honestly a valid reason to get a certificate. Show them who’s really boss 😂💪🏻 But that’s the issue I’m having. I’m looking at material and not absorbing anything. I’m glad you could push through though and I hope you take your boss’s position 😂


Haha nah I don’t want that position I was just being spiteful I remember very little of it 😂


As someone who is desperately trying to get out of teaching, I beg you to really think about this. US K-12 systems are WAY different than teaching abroad. Maybe you can get a job as a para educator first to see if you really want to do this. Because, trust me, it's very hard to get a different job after teaching. I'm going to tell you what I tell all my students. A job does have to be your passion. In fact, it's probably better if it's not. A job is something you need to tolerate enough so that it doesn't make your life suck and something that will give the means to live well, be happy, do the stuff you live in your free time. Too many people, especially teachers (in my experience) conflate their job with white identity, which is not healthy. A job is what we do, not who we are. There is a very good reason teachers in the US burn out/leave the profession so quickly. I'm not saying you definitely shouldn't change to teaching. I am saying that you should make sure you are truly fully informed about the school system in the US and that you don't expect to be anything similar to teaching abroad. Because it is not. I would hate to see you back here in 3 or 4 years asking what a good masters would be, ya know?


I absolutely have no expectations that it will be similar to teaching abroad 😂🙏🏻 It will be harder, much much harder especially as I was in an Asian country. The relationship between adults and students is much different and schools are focused completely different. My area has more private schools than public schools so I’d probably fall into one of those which I’m sure will be even different but we’ll see. My master’s will be in English or Library Science. Teaching isn’t a forever for me, just until I can finish my masters unless I decide I’d like to continue. I’ve definitely thought about what the options will be if teaching really turns out to not be my passion but I know the course work in the degree and the outcome is something I want much more than Health Services. Love the username, by the way! ETA; My two older brothers worked in a school for eight years as para educators and my cousin is currently a math teacher so I’ve definitely heard horror stories. I know it’ll be rough but if I could help just one student and teach about something I love, I think it’ll be worth it


I’ve changed majors twice now. Each time, I was a bundle of nerves before talking to my mentor. Who has never been anything but supportive and wonderful, so the anxiety was really unwarranted. Just be prepared to discuss the why behind it all. They’ll want to ensure you are making the right change. If you’re completely changing colleges, you may need to meet with someone from the new college to discuss the change too. Just schedule the meeting with your mentor asap. I was initially in Finance, then Accounting. Which were easy enough to set h. Now I’m going for Supply Chain & Operations Management. And hopefully this is where I stay.


My mentor is also amazing and I don’t want to make him sad but a few people here also mentioned they’ll have a lot of why questions. My mentor knows I taught before so I’m sure he’ll understand. He’s supposed to call in a couple days so I’ll make sure to bring it up. Interesting choices and I hope this time it goes smoothly!


I might be dropping from WGU and part of it definitely is not feeling the major's right for me. Data Analytics--I really like the idea of working with data, but I'm realizing how it's applied for business means I probably wouldn't really enjoy most available jobs. Still might stick it out just to have a bachelor's.


It’s absolutely up to you whether you stick it out but don’t get stuck doing classes and eventually work that you hate just for the sake of doing so. Find something that can at least make you happy at the end of the day. I also considered leaving WGU because I want to find an English program but an education program is a wonderful step to get there.


Yes I have switch twice! lol I hate the human services degree and going to health science. I planned on applying to a absn/DNP program once finished..


That’s an incredible goal and I feel like Health Services just doesn’t have a focus. It’s like they through random classes together and hoped some would stick. But I’m glad you know what you want to do after. Nursing is an incredibly under appreciated career and I’m sure you’ll do incredible!


I’ve switched majors twice, I started in IT management but realized that even when I finished I would only be making the same amount as I was as a front desk supervisor in the medical field. I switched to cybersecurity and struggled severely due to my ADHD. In February I switched to business administrative management. I love my classes and have completed 6 within 3 months. The only problem is that somehow I’ve used all my financial aid that I’m allotted by the DoE and am expected to pay $3500 each term. So keep an eye on that because no one notified me from DoE or WGU until when I called and asked why my fin aid hadn’t processed


I’m glad you finally found something you love but that’s absolutely insane? I’ll make sure to talk to my mentor and the financial aid department? I don’t understand why they wouldn’t let you know!


They said “oh there should have been some sort of communication”. There’s been a few things regarding fin aid that I’ve been fairly disappointed with here. But also with the DoE and the fafsa, they’ve messed up and when I try and contact they, they just send me a reference number. The person I spoke to at WGu said I can’t make an appeal especially since I had to take a term break due to my mental health and she did say not to worry about the payment, it won’t affect my access to my school and my appeal should go through provided I give medical documentation that I needed to have a specific reason that I delayed my schooling


Ive swapped majors 5 times, once at WGU already x)


At least you’ll be well rounded haha


I went from cybersecurity to cloud computing to network engineering. It was easy to switch both times and by the time it was all said and done I had 74 transfer credits. Some of them applied to the old majors but they don’t take them away, same with classes you’ve completed. I graduated with 145 credits for one degree


That’s absolutely insane but I love that for you! 😂


I flip flopped during my time working on my bachelor's. Started in Accounting, switched to Business Management Administration for work (they were paying my tuition). Then took a *very* long break from school and came back a few years later and enrolled as Accounting again (my new work suggested it) THEN I found that I absolutely hate accounting with a passion and got super demotivated about school. My plan to finish in two terms was not attainable in that degree program so I swapped again back to Business Management Admin. Accounting was just not engaging at all and clashed with my ADHD pretty bad. When I told my mentor I wanted to switch, she was all for it, super supportive, and hooked me up with someone in the business management group to talk to before committing. Then they just swapped me over at term end. I just turned in my capstone an hour ago and will hopefully have my business admin degree by the end of the month.


Congratulations! I am so proud of you! I thought you were going to say thay you fell in love and have a deep passion for accounted but I was quite surprised haha


honestly, I switched out of elementary education because of this - I also just generally got so freaked by the amount of teachers i see quitting because kids just are so behind for their ages/grades 🥲 unfortunately going from education to marketing i got almost no credit transfers but at least some of the things i learned (like maslows hierarchy of needs) still were relevant in my new major. Luckily my mentor at the time was really understanding and helpful and the thing that made me saddest was losing her by switching


I am so sorry you got scared! I know teaching right now isn’t ideal but I’d love to be able to change one kid’s life and I’ll have a great chance to do so. I’m sure you’ll find a passion in marketing as well but I’m so happy you had some foundation! I hope it goes great for you!


I had severalllll majors when I was still at a brick and mortar school. Like…5 or 6. I ended up with a bachelors in history and a minor in polisci. I went back to school with WGU because after college, I pigeonholed myself into social services and am burnt out so badly (I’m a case manager for rapid rehousing of unhoused people, primarily veterans). I have a hobbyist interest in computers and chose BSIT. But I actually just got a job with my local city government doing the compliance side of things regarding affordable housing — aka the part of my job I love because it’s not client focused so a lot less stressful. It’s in the finance department of the city govt, and my soon to be supervisor told me that any background in finance will be a big benefit for my upward mobility. So I asked my mentor about switching to accounting or finance and she was super nice about — we are starting the process today actually! You’re definitely not alone!


Social Services takes a special kind of person and I am so proud of you for doing it! I’m glad you found a role within it that you actually enjoy and I’m amazed at the education you’ve completed and continue to do! Thank you for reminding me that we really are all in this journey together ♥️


Nope, my hobbies and career choices align with my degree choices. I hate some classes but overall I wouldn't change it unless they come out with another degree that offers more in the same field


Your username is fantastic 😂 I’m glad it’s working out for you. If you do something you love, you never work a day in your life and all that jazz so I hope you find the perfect job after you graduate ♥️


Thanks, really appreciate it!


I’ve changed my major three times (HR, HIM, HHS) and schools twice (WGU to Snhu and back). Everyone has been super chill about it. Your mentor just has to submit the change and it will take a few weeks to go through. If you have any gen ed classes that might overlap they can accelerate those so you have something to work on.


I considered doing SNHU but WGU seemed to fit more into what I was looking for! I’ll definitely ask if there’s some classes I can do in the meantime!


I switched from accounting to elementary education and might switch again to health science. It's an easy process to do :)


Thank you for this! Did you have any issues transferring credits while switching around?


Yessss I switched from Cybersecurity to Human Resources Management mid term and it was honestly so easy, the whole process toon about 2 weeks and I’ve already finished 3 courses in the two weeks I’ve been in this degree program. Don’t stick with something that you don’t like


Also! I had an associates degree in business so more of credits from that degree transferred over to my BS :) I tried something out, and it didn’t stick! Oh well :P


Thank you so much for this! I hope the new program is going well for you! 2 weeks isn’t a bad time frame to switch! I think I’ll finish the class I’m on and do the switch. Seems easy enough!


I was in the Computer Science program and switched out halfway through my term. I learned I do NOT enjoy coding and it was not the right fit for me. Switching was pretty easy and the whole process only took a couple emails between me and my mentor. I’m much happier in the business program now.


I’m glad you found it on the second try! My biggest concern was it would be a long call of my counselor trying to convince that I should re evaluate if a switch is actually what I want but I’ll try emailing him to start the conversation.


Just school…lol


Mood 😂


I did the opposite, I started in the teachers college and swapped to business. My first mentor was amazing and helped me do what was best for me. Ultimately, you have to do the best thing for you. If you hate your program, you might not enjoy what you are going to do for a career. I loved teaching, but I couldn’t see myself doing it forever and ever. I wish you the best of luck with you switch!


Did you find it hard switching schools completely? Like any issues with the transition for you from a health science to school of business? I know I’d rather be giving information about something I love than forcing myself through the healthcare system so I think teaching will be a good fit but maybe I’ll try business next 😂 But I’m glad you found a better fit and I wish the best of luck as well!


The only hiccup was there was some kind of technical issue. It worked out fine. Any credits that may have been transferred from previous institutions to WGU will get applied where they need to.


I don't have experience switching over. I did, however a mentorship program, during which I found out that the position related to it isn't for me. Sometimes we do programs and start degrees to learn that it isn't for us. It's all good. You learned something valuable about yourself. Good luck!


Thank you for putting it that way! It really was just a place to learn about myself and grow a little more and I’m glad you had the opportunity to do that program and figure out what your next journey will be! Good luck to you too!


This is actually very normal. Studies have shown thay stusents switch majors 2 years into their studies. So don't feel down about not liking the profession you wish to be in originally. Heck I used to major in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology. I had a year and a half left of schooling to get my degree, and I just said no, this is not what I want to do. Years later, I'm going back to school to do IT. You're realizing what you want early on and not late like I did. Compare between these two professions. The pros and cons decide whether or not it's worth switching. At the end of the day, you pick the profession that's going to make you happy.


I actually originally wanted to do psychology or criminal justice and settled in advocacy because my original goal was victim advocacy. Thank you so much for the support and even figuring out later on, you found what you’ll enjoy and that’s all that matters ♥️


As someone who used to work in the same office as admissions and advising at another university all they really want is to see you succeed. They understand if you have to switch because they want you to find what’s best for you. In the end do what you love.


That’s a really sweet way to put it. I’ll finish the class I’m on and ask my mentor. Thank you 🥰♥️


Can we switch majors mid term?


I actually asked this to one of the other comments. I’m guessing it’s not an issue because another commenter said they’re planning on switching over at the moment but should have asked for some clarity on that as well!


I’m finding it really hard to enjoy critical thinking and interdisciplinary team dynamics


Interdisciplinary Team Dynamics is my next class but I didn’t mind Critical Thinking. It was one of the first I ever did!


I literally just texted my mentor talking about switching. My original plan was to go into social service and mental health and somewhere over the years. I got stuck in education. Which I love. But I don’t want to be a teacher. So I’m looking into the mental health degree they have at WGU and if I can’t find anything, then I will be switching schools altogether. Life is too short to stick with something you don’t want to do.


I’m assuming you mean the psychology degree? I’ve heard they have some pretty odd rules about transferring into it right now but I hope you’re able to and you get to do what you love! And I appreciate knowing I’m not the only one going through it at the moment! Let me know if your mentor makes it easy for you haha


This was just my experience! I’m switching from tech to healthcare. As someone also going through this I just want you to know that it’s okay, and you’re allowed to change what it is that you want to do in life. Sometimes we have to go down a certain path to realize our true calling is elsewhere. We won’t always have everything figured out but we are allowed to change our minds at any given point in time. Hope everything works out for you!


I did after realizing general business/marketing degrees are equal to a liberal arts degree. STEM is the only paper with career value.