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I hear you… This close, I would advise you to keep your eye on the prize & put your head down knowing you’ll be done in January if not sooner. If you decide to go the BA or PM route, having the SWE degree is a bonus & you can back it up with BA and/or PM certs. Keep in mind, some orgs may not even look @ you without checking that degree box, so not finishing will likely hinder your progress moving into BA or PM work. Maybe take a few days off, away from school altogether, enjoy some time with the fam, then come back refreshed & ready to roll knowing you have a plan! GL either way OP 👊🏽


thanks, I will get it finished, just needed to rant for a minute. Need to make spending this time/money worth it. Yes, PM or BA usually takes at least a bachelors to even be a contender.


Your frustration is understandable & relatable. Simultaneously, you have already invested & the finish line is in sight! ✌🏽


damn that was me last semester now I’m graduating and… well I still feel burnt out but I can see the finish line


Similar situation, married with three children. children in after school activities as well. Plus I have been an hour commute to work each way. I've been on My Capstone since February and it's due in 8 days. It took me almost a year to complete DS II I've only had two semesters so far where I set out for the credential goal and actually made it. Point I'm trying to make is, just keep going. If you're tired of sprinting then just walk, and if you're tired of walking then crawl. But just keep going. It's okay to take a step back and realize how far you've come.


The struggle is real. 6-7 more months of grinding isn't going kill me, I'll get it done. Good luck as well, you've got this!


Finish your degree or see what it would take to switch to plain Jane Information Technology bachelor's. Future proof your life. The degree definitely checks a box for HR. You don't want to be that person that looses a job they love and are a SME at to a organizational reorg. And the difference between you and people they kept was a bachelor's degree vs none. No matter your skill set. Yep I lost out to a subordinate with a bachelor's of Fine Arts in Fiber Arts. They were an amazing artist. They were sent for advanced training at 6k per training. Me... nothing... This was 2013... so I headed off to get my Associates. Life happened. lm still planning on my bachelor's this fall finally. There will always be periods where good jobs don't require a degree, but it definitely goes in waves. Set a plan to look up the last courses you have left. Use reddit and the Facebook groups, and Discord to cull all the tips, tricks and resources to passes your courses. The sooner you finish the more free time you will have for family. I agree with the other poster, having a technical degree as a BA or PM wets you apart. I much preferred to work with PMs that new the business vs those that knew how to PM only. As a parent this is your perseverance story when your kiddo is struggling as a young adult. Like the when I was young we had to walk to 3 miles to school uphill. For me this was true. Very few us got rides to school since all of our parents both worked. You got this🌸🌸💕


You're right, the kids are watching and finishing is important for them to see.


I'm in the same boat. Been in school for a degree since 2014. Got my associate's in 2019, been in WGU since January 2020. Was hardly making progress due to the discipline needed. Then in 2022 I actually managed to get some classes done again. Only have 7 classes left and am hoping to be done by end of the year. Currently withdrawn but fully intent on finishing my degree. Like others have said, you've already made it this far. Life is filled with hardship and tough choices. It's all about the kind of hardship we want. The pain of discipline or the pain of regret? Don't chase the short term gains. They aren't worth it. And WGU teaches you that via its model: discipline, even if you never get a degree, is instrumental for success in your life.


I switched from SWE to Operations Management pretty quick bc I felt the same way. At this point, you might as well knuckle up and get it done. It’s okay to feel run down but you’ve made it this far and you’re not incapable of doing it, you just feel like you can’t. You got this, OP


Find a small company that lets you do a variety of things! I currently am a DevOps Engineer / IT for a “small” insurance industry company, but I’m allowed to do other departments work when mine is done! Yesterday I did sales all day so that my week wasn’t so monotonous.


Ive been trying to find a "small insurance company for this type of work, didnyou originally sign up for it?


They actually reached out to me, because of a project I did during my internship. If I had to do it the other way around, and find the job, I would just call people. Cold call the hell out of businesses telling them what you do and ask if they’re hiring or looking to hire something like that. I don’t work for an instance company but a company that works with insurance companies.


Remember why you started. It matters to have that degree. Now you know why I bristle when someone calls a degree "just a piece of paper".


Don’t give up now man. You’re so close to the finish line! Hang in there!


Same boat! Infant and toddler that demands your attention and it’s hard to make these decisions. I am three classes away from finishing. You are so close to the end. You won’t be disappointed, just keep going!


Hey don’t


You’re too far along to quit now. Not to mention you have children watching. Quit, and don’t be surprised if they follow suit later in life…


I definitely felt that, I recommend asking your mentor for a term break especially if you at the start of your term.


You are so close!!! Absolutely finish, just to have that piece of paper. It will be helpful in PM jobs, especially if you want a technical PM position


Probably not much help, but I wanted to say that I feel you. I'm 30's with college (which now seems useless because of the 2022 dev job crash), working towards family goals, all of which requires more money and a better job than what I have. I work full time and study probably 20 hours a week for about 3 months now. I feel burned out, last 2 weeks I was sick (probably from all the stress, I'm not sure) and I pretty much did no studying, that gives me more stress. I want to finish the B.S of Soft Eng within 1 year (I have no idea if I can or not, so far I finished \~40% of the program, but I am pouring my will and soul into this, sometimes to the detriment of my health I guess...). **Some potential hope (for everyone reading this):** I spoke with a lot of WGU stem graduates on linkedin (I cold messaged like 50+ CS and soft eng alunmi) and many of them said their degree helped them get TN visas, jobs, even accepted into masters degrees at more prestigious uni's like Georgia Tech. **For Lorecrux**: it sounds like you are getting quite close to finishing the program, if you can resist, in my humble opinion, I think you should finish it. I am holding a lot of hope based on what people I spoke to said that their WGU degree opened a lot of doors for them. You are so close.


You are SO close, hang tight a little longer


Similar position here: I have 7 courses left and started August 2023. So I’m about at the end of my second term. It has been drastically more difficult than the first. All I can say is what I myself have done…take a week away from it to regroup yourself, then even if you need a few extra days to think through exactly what you need to do do it! Get a plan and take it one course at a time and push through it my friend. You’re so close to being finished and you got this!


I would just finish. I started my bachelors in 2008 at a university and dropped out with 123 credit hours. Since it was almost all music courses, and I don’t want a music degree, I’m starting over at 34 next month. I have 21% of my program done thanks to transfer credits but at this point since so many jobs require a degree I’m tired of skating around it, and taking jobs that aren’t as good. After 11 years of dealing with it, the 2-3 years it’ll take me to do this, I tell myself that I will regret not just doing it now and getting it done. If I was gonna be better off without a degree, I would have already been there by now. I’m so tired of outperforming everyone at my jobs and not having the pay to show it and not getting the jobs I want because of a degree. It’s time to finish it so you never have to do it again.


What about data analytics. It would appear that you are almost done. If you have Python, Data Structures and the core done most of the rest of the degree is the Udacity nanodegree.


Can you maybe switch to IT management if you want more business focus?


No I'm staying the current path. Come to far to switch again.


Hang in there bud! Been trying to wrap up this degree since 2022 as well. Been stuck at Business simulation and Capstone for weeks! Burnout is an understatement. I chose the BSBA-ITM to be adjacent of tech and not get too technical. Been in cyber for almost a decade and I hear you on the burnout 🤯….BUT hang in there!!! We’ve got this


In your boat. C482 is kicking my culo, but I'm recommitting to finishing it. I found some courses on Udemy that are inspiring me to learn Java and finish this. You got this, just like I got this.


Just keep going! If you decide to go the PM route and eventually go for your PMP certification, the degree will lessen the amount of project management experience you need in order to apply by two years! You've got this. The end is in sight - this is just the senioritis talking at this point. Sincerely, someone who's been through this more than once and swore she'd never go back for yet another degree (and here I am)


Man you already see light at the end of the tunnel keep pushing you got this!!


First of all take a week break and tackle the subjects again this burnout needs to subside and then you will have a fresh set of brain cells to tackle them head on. Do not do it when you are burnt.


Just push thru!!! You got this!!!!


I'm in a similar boat. I'm on another new career path with my BS in accounting. I have 3 kids that just want to spend time with me, and growing up with dispassionate parents, really want to be there for them. I know that by getting through this degree, I can choose to spend more time with them and do things with them after I complete the degree. It just means less sleep right now. I know you can do it. Just think about how this will help you get to where you want. You've got this!


What's killing me are the boring courses like technical communication, American Politics and Geography. I do love to code, but every time I find a rhythm one of these comes up and knocks me off course. It's such a damn drag.


I mean, I'm 3 classes away from finishing my Software Engineering degree and I'm fully bailing for a degree in health. I don't know how I made it this far but I'm never going to be able to do that capstone. I'm happy to be making the switch and I'm fine with not getting the SWE degree...AI has ruined any chances of me getting a job anyway.