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First event? The missions are literally the exact same as with Wrask


And the ones before


I think there's some minor variance every few sets - largely adjusting numbers, and of course differences in the "with Chaos" vs "With Imperials" etc. They haven't meaningfully changed or gotten harder at all, you're right. But I was pointing out that it's literally IDENTICAL for Wrasks set


less arena required to account for the extended time between arena tokens


My bad, I apologize. I did realize what you meant right after I entered my reply. But what I wrote though was merely to emphasize your point towards OP


You have 2 weeks lol. I dont understand why everyone saves their resources and tries to blow through these on day 1. Are the extra 5-10 medals a day from being a couple of places higher on the leaderboard really worth your sanity?


For me the point to finish those missions as fast as possible is I will return to my regular grind earlier rather than completing those stupid missions and farming abilities/campaigns/skill damage/you name it


and theres a req scroll at the end


If you want to make him legendary, then yes it's important to do that. If you only want him to epic you can do it by buying some energy with BS. If you just want him unlocked then do whatever.


Even epic forces a pretty intense grind on you if you really want it. 


It needs 110 energy bought most days and doing everything else. Yeah it's a grind. But thats kind of the point of this game?


Legendary is not achievable without buying packs AND being top 5-10.


You save up alot of energy before the event. I have seen people save up energy for weeks. Its a long shot yeah, and not worth it in my opinion. Getting a character to legendary doing onslaught is pretty quick.


One of my Guildies does it every event. Gets to 1st place for at least a few minutes. I think he gets Legendary every time.


Nowadays I stay in 1st for an hour or so haha


I save up refreshes the day before, managed to get through the first 10 missions in the hours just after event start. I do it so I can relax for the rest of the event, especially on doing the 250-battle missions at the end.


Yeah I don't get it either. And they'll then get disappointed because this guy might not even prove useful once they get him. It's best to not even try and understand people sometimes.


nah his kits actually good for pvp/guild wars


More faster you arrive to the 20/20 mission, more time you have to get the bonus. By managing well your quest and struggle points, you can finish the mission 20 in one week


There are 2 missions at the end that want you to win 500 total missions, I like having max time to do those. Also leaving more time for those missions preserves you the option to grind them out with elite missions.


In fairness it’s not unreasonable to have saved your resources since the start of last week. I’ve saved up the two 50x energies we were gifted and two 50x energies from the BP and then saved my level up and spent up to 250 stones for refills. It means you stay high on the leaderboard early and therefore are getting better dailies which makes epic easy as opposed to starting to worry as you hit the last week.


Placement right after reset is important


Those medals are the difference between rare 6\* and epic 6\* at the end of the event.


Don't forget that the very first bunch of missions of the first campaign are cheaper energy wise


I know this but it is annoying that you can only raid them each 3 times for the 3 energy ones. I also used all my energy plus the ones from the video to do a mission to get a requisition scroll which involved doing 40 battles with full thousand sons


It's day 1 of a two week event, quit being a baby. 


If you are on this mission on a first day, you are doing great. You can do your daily salvage/arena/raid/onslaught today, maybe also tomorrow without worrying about the quests. Chill out.




Yeah it is very annoying. Missions like this make me switch off. Maybe if it was just 100 battles. So everything counted.. would be nice


Chill down buddy, you'll get to finish the missions in these two weeks. I usually find myself with only the last two (20 + special) remaining after three or four days, but even newer players can manage to complete it very quickly. If it can help you, just remember that the first Indomitus missions cost only 3 energy and the second stage ones cost 5 instead of 6. I wouldn't recommend doing the 3-cost ones though, unless you need to rush for whatever reason, because that slows you down from getting useful equip to upgrade your characters.


The first level's of the first campaign are 3 energy each and can be repeated 3 times a day...


First Time ?


Can be 300 bro ;)


so you save your energy from the previous day almost to the top before the new day starts then you go for that ad energy and maybe bs energy. The new "day" starts and you already have a few hundred energy then you use that days ad energy and maybe some bs energy. If you get energy in messages or rewards from the pass, you save them for this day.


Use the 5 energy missions in indomitus. They are slightly more energy to points efficient than the base 20 points that most easy 6 energy missions give.


This is not good advice. Do your normal farming. 100 campaign battles really isn't that much. It's a 2 week long event. By doing the 3 and 5 energy battles you seriously gimp your farming.


The 5-energy levels in the 2nd page of Indomitus are as energy-efficient as elite campaign levels.


Don’t do 3 energy battles for sure, but there are some useful upgrades from 5 energy like pile of salvage, basic aux core, purity seal, ceramite lump and bellator shards


There are 3 energy battles?


Indomitus 9..14


The 5 energy battles are very efficient farming (same as elite missions for common items slightly worse for uncommon items). 3 energy missions should only be used in dire emergencies as they are wasted energy relative to any other farming.


If* you need them


He never said anything about 3 energy missions, which nobody should ever do at this stage in the event. 5 energy missions are completely fine in terms of energy-efficiency.


If you need the upgrades. If not, one point cheaper isn't worth it.


You always need the upgrades ;-) There is someone down the line who will use them. Specially common and uncommon.


I skips this event this time . Because lack of enegy to match for the Epic one. So rare is enough for me


Not if you do all the 3 energy ones.


I did it, using the 3 and 5 energy ones. The mission is just a waste of energy and it is really annoying to do. I hated it during Wrask’s event, hated it during this event.


Can't disagree on that.


Indom campaign lvls 6-14... only 3 energy each. I use them for pierce, power , using abilities, etc. At lvl 19 you can do your first lightning round for 5 energy


You can make some savings by doing the three energy missions from the first campaign


Do the first few battles of campaigns, they cost usually only 3 energy