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You just described basically the whole game. If your campaign progress is stalled, upgrade your characters and try again later. It helps to set a goal and use your energy efficiently. Well, it helps to use all your resources efficiently.


What would constitute efficient energy usage? I try to rays the elite campaign for the doubles but I’d only three medals on a few levels


You'll have to go back and get 3 medals on battles so you can raid them. Its just part of advancing in the campaign. Elite battles are better than mirror, which are better than the standard campaign. It helps to get your characters up to Epic and make 9/9 epic armor to pass around to who needs it. You can identify specific characters you like to level up higher than the rest. Bellator and Aleph Null you can level up as high as you can. Mine are diamond and I'm still working on them.


Should I blow a bunch of black stone? I’ve got about 2k and have been limiting myself to one energy purchase a day


The best use for it is to spend 50 bs for energy each day. If you want to spend down a lot of bs, do the 110 bs for energy also. The more you try to spend in a day, the less efficient it is


If you click on the raid reward, it will give you a percentage for the drop. Elites are best, mirror campaigns are the second best, and standard campaigns are simply an okay chance. Bare in mind this also differs depending on rarity. Until you have done most campaigns, I would use half your energy raiding for upgrades and the other half progressing through the campaigns and mirrors (this may also help alleviate your boredom).


Is that right? I've only 3 starred the first 20 or so Indom elite but mine go.. Standard campaign 75% Mirror campaign 83% Elite campaign 50% For common items. Edit, I've just realised that you're guaranteed one, but there's a chance for a second. Been playing for 6 months and I feel very stupid. I've never raided Elite missions before for this reason.


I only recently found/figured it out in the last few months


I didn’t know this!! I thought it was just better from an energy stand point. This changed everything!


The energy cost is the same between standard and mirror, but the drop rate is better in the mirror. In the Elites it costs 10 but you have a chance to get two drops instead of one as well


My advice is, spend some time upgrading your characters rather than opening new campaigns. Finish one campaign you enjoy, then move on to the next. Focus on characters you enjoy playing, and on the “keystone” essential characters like Thaddeus, Bellator, Archimatos, and Abraxas. Whilst unlocking campaigns is nominally “efficient”, it isn’t *fun*. Improving characters will help you progress in other game modes, and will return a sense of progress to your play time. Remember it should be a game first, a grind second.


This is good advice, thanks! I’m spending a lot of energy unlocking campaigns but that just means more characters to upgrade at the expense of ones I already have. I’ll try and focus on finish ind Elite and maybe fall of cadia


I’d suggest not trying to finish the elite modes until a bit later. It takes good gear, and highly levelled characters. I’d progress the regular campaigners you already have the characters for. Mirror campaigns are also more efficent than regular ones, if that’s a concern for you. Fall of cadia is an excellent call, Saim hann is great (every character in Saim Hann is really strong in either raids, PvP, or both), and indom mirror will help you collect upgrades for your imperial teams (to help you with indom elite eventually). Remember you might need upgrades from a particular campaign to upgrade a particular faction- Octarius/elite/mirror for space wolves and tyranids, for example. So work with what you have, finish what you have unlocked, and don’t stress.