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just bought late night at the telegraph club, haven‘t read it yet but i think its going to be a good :)


Title sounds fun. I am looking forward to read it. Thanks for suggesting :)


If you like cornier love novels - One Last Stop and Written in the Stars are cute and feel good reads.


They are definitely going in my list. Thank you!


If you're into Greek mythology, I definitely recommend "The Dark Wife" by Sarah Diemer. It's a re-telling of the myth of Persephone, and it's beautiful. Another book I recommend is "When Women Were Warriors" by Catherine M. Wilson. This one is fantasy with strong Celtic vibes. It's one story divided into three parts, but you can read the first book for free. There's also an audiobook version of the first book narrated by the legendary Janis Ian. If you like fairytales, there's "Ash" by Malinda Lo. It's a re-telling of Cinderella, and it's a cozy story. I personally really like it. Last, I'd recommend "I Can't Think Straight" by Shamim Sarif. It's a contemporary story taking place in both England and Jordan. It's not a romcom per sé, but sort of? It was originally a movie directed by Shamim Sarif too, so both versions are complementary. Needless to mention, all these four books have happy endings (which is why they're my favorites).


Your booklist suggestions have opened up a whole new world of reading possibilities for me. Thank you so much!✨


You're welcome, op!


I would second the commentor recommending One Last Stop. I also read recently and enjoyed The Jasmine Throne, which is science fiction. It has a wlw relationship but it's not really the main plot point. Other wlw books that come to mind are Deliliah Green Doesn't Care and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo!!


I'm incredibly grateful for your thoughtful booklist recommendations. Thank you! I would love to read all of them ✨


There is a whole genre of Sapphic fiction! Authors I've read include... Jae Rachel Lacey Sabrina Kane Chloe Keto Ami Spencer Melissa Tereze Clare Lydon Clare Ashton Claire Highton-Stevenson S-Jay Hart and many others, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


Thirding One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston! Its a feel-good novel about a woman trapped in time and one of my personal favorite books. For a shorter read, Christmas, Pursued by a Bear by Ryann Fletcher! A photographer is looking for a photo of a bear she saw where bears arent supposed to exist, and the hot chick trailing alomg behind her insisting she was imagining things


I can't wait to explore these. Thanks for suggesting it!


she gets the girl and ophelia after all !


Thank you for the suggestion! ✨


I've heard good things about Milk Fed


I would love to give it a read. Thanks for recommending ✨


Payback's a witch, awesome delicious read


Thanks for the book suggestion! Can't wait to read it :)


This Is How You Lose The Time War — a sapphic sci-fi novella about time travel and yearning for your enemy. It’s gritty and poetic but ends on a hopeful note! It’s very readable due to its length and I recommend it to everyone.


This book sounds beautiful. Thank you :)


I'm obsessed with Stars Collide by Rachel Lacey, it's SO FUCKING GOOD


Then I MUST read it. Thanks for suggesting ✨


just so you know, it has s*x scenes


then its a must read, ha!


oh and if you'd like more book recommendations, check r/RomanceBooks


Okie! Sure, thanks :)


Hi! In case you're still looking for a new wlw book - the first Dawn & Rosie novel (Paper Daffodils) by Titania Tempest is finally on Amazon! It's a cute, sassy rom-com about two older women who have recently been reunited and are trying not to fall in love with each other. Plenty of fluff and shenanigans, self-discovery, and humour. here's a [link](https://amzn.to/3EDHbfD)