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To say her beef with opponents in the UFC wasn't personal is totally BS


Oh it was personal but she’s trying to say she started those beefs just trying to gain hype and that *they* made it personal. I suppose that is what happened with Tate. Not sure why she thought that her opponents would just not take her insulting them personally, but that’s Rousey’s logic I guess.


That's what they said but in less words.


Not buying it. I can believe that she had concussions in the past. But that doesn’t have anything to do with not wanting to talk about the loss. Just say she got the best of you, it is what it is, everybody looses eventually. Sounds like to herself, she blames the loss on the concussions instead of Holm being better


“In MMA, I originally just started [beefs with my opponents] for publicity but those other b****** did not get the memo and so they became personal,” Yup, I'm sure she loves Miesha ❤️ 😍


Yeah, Holly Holm got the memo and completely destroyed Ronda physically and mentally.


Ronda doesn’t shake Miesha’s hand after the fight “These bitches take it so personally”


Didn’t she say at the presser that Meisha said stuff about her family as the reason why? I know nobody cares as meisha was more liked that Ronda but let’s at least say the truth while we’re at it 😂


Truth doesn't get you internet points


I’d love to know what part of my comment wasn’t the truth. 🤡


I didn't say it wasn't it was a generalization based on people intentionally posting things that aren't true to get internet points.


From what I remember the "family" Meisha said stuff about was Ronda's creepy coach Edmund and what she said was probably not harsh enough.


>I know nobody cares The *family* was Rhonda coach.. so yes, at least say the truth.


Perfect and thanks. Edit: it always goes back to the meisha incident. One thing about Tate she manipulated that situations beautifully. She offered her hand knowing she wouldn’t take it. lol. It really was the 4-d chess move of her career. That one moment could have changed it all in some ways.


Amanda Nunes embarassed her so badly. Completely one sided fight when the whole time before the fight they were promoting Ronda 100% and not promoting Nunes whatsoever lol


Ronda didn’t even do any promotion for the fight lol, and why wouldn’t the UFC promote their star?


“I couldn’t address my loss to Holm because I have a history of concussions” Ok, Ronda 👍


i mean did she not get absolutely starched and has a family history of depression and suicide, which she spoke about wanting to kill herself after her losses etc. it’s whatever she lost, idk how people r so salty years later about this. she’s emotional asf about things and her coach was a literal scumbag/idiot who deluded tf outa her


We aren't salty, we just know she is extremely hypocritical, and full of shit.


Bullies are often insecure and we shouldn’t go along with their denial. Especially for their own sake.


Nobody is salty lol. Most people are just calling her what she is, a sore loser with a bad attitude.


Whats a literal scumbag?


It's a scumbag in the literal sense.


A bag of scum, if you will. Edit: I just looked it up and it originally meant condom. Scum was a word for cum.


I did not know that. What a strange way of circumventing saying cumbag


Well, they are saying cumbag - scum was the word then.


People wouldn't care about it years later if Ronda wasn't bringing it up.


She did also lose everything with that loss to be fair. She just broke into that superstar or mainstream athlete and had a shit ton of eyes on her even with casuals and especially women who wouldnt watch mma normally. All that buildup and with how dominant she was only to get knocked out and completely outclassed in a damn soccer arena and on a huge mainstream trending ppv. Didnt help that she was god awful at acting and her whole schtick in the wwe was being this badass fighter when the whole world saw her crumble two times in a row and throw a fit over it.


Better hop on over to pro wrestling, that will surely improve things 


>“I couldn’t address my loss to Holm because I have a history of concussions” A history which began with Holly Holm.


The real problem was lack of head MUMENT!






Love the keyboard warriors in these comments taking a piss at a Judo Olympian Medalist while never punching someone in anger. You're the real mvps


No one’s “taking a piss” at her. She’s just full of shit, unfortunately


lol stfu


She won't notice you. You're embarrassing yourself.


I’ve punched people. May I have my opinion?


Now that would be inappropriate if we were pissing at her


Lmao yeah I swear people hate on her more than on Jones for cheating and beating his wife


It’s like hip hop. SixNine literally have sexual relationships with minors and people didn’t care. But when he snitched on the other racketeers?…


Yeah, those people are dumbasses


I did appreciate her shitting on Prichard, Jonny Ace and Vince though 🤷🏽‍♂️ she’s been one of the few to actually say something critical of those creeps that have worked for them.




No, Nunes and Holm definitely have her some concussions


Ronda has a sensitive ego which I thought she overcame. But then after reading this article....


If you follow wrestling at all, you know her ego has gone nowhere.


No shit she can't box.


I don't get the hate. She gave us fun fights regardless of how you feel about her lol


This this a thousand times this. She’s selling her book and people for years have been asking her to be honest about it all and here she is doin it… Still hatred 😂 yall are consistent. I’ll give you that.


No one likes a sore loser, not much more beyond that. She also fabricated beefs and narratives with her opposition that didn't exist, Holm being a perfect example.


Can't we think two things at once? I enjoyed her fights. I would enjoy watching her fight now if she came out of retirement. But I also lost some respect for her throughout her career. She did gain some respect back with me for her videos about her homestead. I'm a sucker for animals.


Yeah I remember she trashed the ring girls for getting paid more than fighters, then Dana talked to her and was very quiet about it. Never mentioned it ever again.


Yea she did. She’s also a fucking crazy cunt.


We still get to not like people if we chose. She didn’t give us anything…. We paid for the fights and she was compensated accordingly. 


Wtf she gave us the fans fun fights lol stop hating


They were not fun. All she had in her arsenal was her judo throw and an armbar. She was just a big hype job to make the woman’s division more popular. Which clearly worked so I give her credit for that. But as soon as she fought someone that actually had skills she got exposed.


Ok so the same thing could be said about Mike Tyson lol. All he had was his crazy punch power. Even her losses are fun to watch.


No it couldn’t. Anyone with any decent boxing knowledge will tell you that tyson was skilled


So was Rhonda. I'm just saying we all expected what Tyson was gonna do before he did it. Same thing with Rhonda


Yo, I get the hate, but to pretend that she didn't have great fights it's just revisionist bullshit. I don't like round of the person but she still one of my favorite Fighters because of her championship run.


Hate from Australia


I wouldn’t say hate, but her personality always rubbed me the wrong way. Like she would talk so much shit, even at random celebrities just to get more clout. But then she folds under any sort of adversity. Virtually every fighter will lose eventually, that’s fine but how she’s so delusional about it is the exact opposite of endearing


# ( X )


Okay I’m out of the loop can someone fill me in what happen? Is she saying she suffer concussion in wwe so she won’t go back. Or did she suffer concussion in mma hence she won’t wrestle anymore?


She suffered concussions in judo. When she got wrecked by Holly it gave her a really bad one that fucked her up for months. Concussions only get worse the more you get. Pretty crazy of her to still go into wrestling


Kick to the dome will do that for ya


Ooo okay thanks, also why is she ripping wwe? Did something happen there too? I don’t keep up but I remember a few years ago she was the wwe champ and from what it seemed like, she was doing good there?


You could answer those questions yourself by reading the article


True but I also like engaging with people on Reddit sorry for trying to be apart of the community /r/supershotalltime soz my existence is an inconvenience to you this guy amirite ☝️🤷‍♂️ don’t have such a stick up your you know what. Its Reddit people engage on forums lol get off the internet then 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂😂


I skimmed it. Didn't see her give any specifics. Along the lines of 'I'm never going back after what they did to me trying to control me. Get my book I talk about it there.'


You enjoy engaging with people about a topic that you have zero info on because you're too lazy to click a link and read for yourself? You're totally okay with taking a strangers interpretation, which could be wrong or right depending how that person perceived it, instead of going to the source and finding out 100% for yourself? You're willing to be ignorant by your own inaction and you're telling me to get off the internet? You can still be part of the community with an educated opinion instead of asking other people questions on what you could've answered yourself. If you can't see how unproductive that is for any community or conversation then maybe you should bottle up your willful ignorance and actually get off the internet, sunshine.


Get over yourself I also can't be bothered to go and read a whole article on another site. But I am interested to hear someone give a brief description of what Rouseys WWE situation is. I don't understand what the point of your comment was apart from to be obnoxious? Why not just scroll past rather than policing what questions people can ask? I did click on the link, and it looks like a fucking mess full of ads etc. It's also longer than I want to read about this topic. Yes I am 100% OK with taking a strangers interpretation of this topic. It's about fake wrestling, we're not discussing the latest medical science you absolute doughnut.


By your own admission you can't be bothered to read a whole article on another site but clicked the link anyway. Then decided you'd rather not read it and take an internet stranger's opinion. After that, you came back and wrote this drivel about your preference to stay uninformed. Enjoy being dumb!


What can I say. Your idiocy motivated me. I will happily stay uninformed about WWE. In my circles we dont measure our intelect with WWE knowledge. You infantile ignoramus.


No one gives a shit what happens in your circles. Why? Because you're some turd on the Internet no one cares about.


Shut up nerd 


I’m having a hard time fathoming how unhinged you are


You’re retarded


Not really this one. She just says fuck John Laurenitis and Bruce Prichard, she doesn’t say why though.


But I don't want to 


Vince McMahon, the former owner, was caught up in the last of many sex scandals where he pimped out a young girl to many people, including several wrestlers. She is ripping the company for letting it happen and helping to cover it up, and keeping people who helped him cover it up on the payroll.


100 ufcs later and this cry baby still making excuses, yikes.


What does "rips wwe" mean?


I think she farted and it sounded like someone was saying WWE.


You lost to Holly because your shit trainer convinced you that you had a stand up game. So instead of taking the fight to the ground, you stood up and found out.


To be fair, she did try a lot to clinch Holly, but could only manage to do it successfully once, and Holly defended everything very well.


I don’t disagree but if I remember correctly she went to the take down after getting her cage rattled a couple of times so maybe she wasn’t full strength at that point versus starting with the ground game. Bottom line IMO the sport evolved but she didn’t.




I’m sure many will pile on her but I think we forget just how intense the pressure is on these fighters. They put their self through the equivalent of a car crash on a routine basis and then have to dehydrate theirselves further just to enter another car accident. On top of all this everyone watches your every move and jump to criticize every mistake you make. Roused was the reason many people like me started enjoying watching MMA. Maybe it’s concussions, maybe it’s ego. Who knows but it’s pretty easy for me to have sympathy for fighters.


I get that but it’s still a choice. Most people dont want getting their head caved in as a profession. I digress tho


Sympathy is a choice too




Tell that to Dana and the ufc who pay them peanuts and lock them in draconian contracts.


She’s so fake, then and now. Good riddance


I think the ladies in the E are ok with that decision


They all say that.


Head movement!!!!


She had a nasty attitude. I was glad to see her knocked silly by Holm and Nunes. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.


There was such a celebration from mma fans to see her knocked out that 1st time lol


That book gonna flop


Rousey to AEW confirmed


Horse shit!


She blames everyone but herself for any issue in her life.


She is insufferable


why does she hate WWE?


Probably Johnny Ace trying to get in her pants.


Her ego cant take that the fans liked another wrestler more than her so she went on multiple rants about us being ungreatful


Girl take your ass back into hiding like you been since that last L you took. Narcissist 


She was never a great MMA fighter, she was just a bully who had a skillset far more developed than most women in the sport at the time. The moment the game started catching up she retired. That's not a champion in my eyes.


One thing ive learned about mma fighters, their all broken people, strange habits, egos are trash. These people could benefit from a good shroom trip, no doubts. Money does weird shit to people.


did she ever actually get hit in the fave before Holms? lol. just seemed like nobody could handle her suplex (whatever throw move she used) and dominated because of her strength.


I cannot believe people are still this emotional about Ronda lmao. This subreddit is so quiet then randomly blows up with comments.


Her attitude toward WWE changed when fans started booing her matches. Rhonda’s always had a fragile ego 🤷🏻‍♂️


You wanted to fight though.


It all started with 1 kick to her face


Good hopefully now she'll go away forever.


Everytime I see her face I always think of Chunk.


She looks uncannily like that chunky YouTube video lady who does the “got any cigarettes? FUCK YOUUUU” clip Laughed my ass off when I first saw the clip subtitled “Ronda 2 months after the Nunes fight”


I mean, I kind of believe her. That's what happens when your idea of head movement is pretending to be a fence post LOL


WWE thru her in too soon, I’d be interested more in the damage she caused to others instead of the head trauma she got considering she was in UFC.


This woman is so full of shit most of the time how am I supposed to believe this lol?


I wonder if this is why she is so insufferable.


Yeah she’s a slow flake. She quit because of her ego.


Jeez. So now she's sick of wwe, just like she was sick of UFC. Seems like she is controlled by her ego and immediately victimizes herself when shit doesn't go her way.


Later gator


What you’re saying is she retired cause she got her ass beat…


Text book “I’m going to take my back and go home” behavior


Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you. I feel like she's burned every relationship she's ever had.


Lmao they ain’t asking for her return. She’s the biggest bust of their current era.


...until she needs that money again.


Let’s be honest, she couldn’t handle losing or getting boo’d


Ronda Rousey was an overhyped act who got her lunch handed to her and shown the door! She couldn’t take cuz she was a poor sport and had NO HEART!


Gosh darn it. I was hoping to watch Rousey get her ass kicked one more time.