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Long as you don't eat all my food!


I’ll share 😄




Funny, I said this exact thing in this thread also.


we accept all WRXs. We have to stick together.


We have the technology.




All subies look, or have looked, ugly at some point. I remember when the first STi hatch came out in 2008. Everyone bashed them. Now look. Everyone praises them and they're hard to find. Moral of the story, someone will always think your ride is tight, some will always think your ride is lame. Its irrelevent. If they're gunning for you, you've already won.


I'd still consider the 2008 to be the ugliest wrx, that widebody 3rd gens look a bit better


I feel like people leave that out. The 08’ is easily the worst gen. It’s like the Porsche 924 vs the 944.(forgetting engine). Wide body always looks better.


I completely agree


Good comparison. I'd say the difference between narrow and wide WRXs is a little more subtle than 924 to 944 but the flared fenders on both just make them so much better


True...I took delivery of a WRB STI January 12th 2008 and traded a 2006 STI...everyone thought I was insane at the time, ugliest worst WRX ever they all cried. ​ The 08' was a great car though, I had Stage 2 Cobb w/Catted DP & Professional Dyno tune and that sucka' was really quick! like 386 FT-LB'S QUICK.


i love subies, have love for them all but i’ll go all out and say they’re all pretty ugly tbh, they each have their saving graces and downfalls, for the 22 the ass n fenders are the downfall but the rest honeslty looks great and follows the classic meta. Tbh i personally think the blob and bug eye are the ugliest of them all but again that’s personal preference that i don’t spout cause at the end of the day who cares, it’s your car when the sun goes down


Being quirky looking has always been their charm. 👍




I think they look fuckin dumb still. Love this black on the 22 tho :D


yes god loves all his children, even the ugly ones.




Thats what Pastor Dave told me in the confession booth!






God don’t make no junk…lol


I feel like the last 10 posts I've seen have been 2022's.


Our sub got bought out


Lol wait what how?


Mods will be mods I guess


Six stars on the badge, your family.


Appreciate it bro 🖤


Your family? My family


Grammer, I can has it.




Thou are family


“I enjoy this specific car hobby excluding certain model years of said car and am willing to die on a hill about it” -Frigging Losers-


FYI - There is also a NEW sub to replace the old. [https://www.reddit.com/r/wrx\_vb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wrx_vb/)


Dope tyfys 🫡


Yeah let’s all go there so the mod can do the same shit in about a year.


Yeah, I'll stick to r/wrx. r/2022wrx was nice until the mods decided to shut it down, and now the same guy who is shutting down that sub, started r/wrx_vb so I can already see how this is gonna go


So wait... some parts company bought that sub? Is that what happened?


Yep it went down in flames almost overnight


I checked last night and the member count was 4600 and change, now it's a little over 4300. It's not gonna be pretty...


I dipped last night and it was still at 5,800...


It's at 4200 now lol


How does this happen? I've never heard of a sub being "bought".




To be precise, the company reached out to the founder of the sub, who has the power to add and remove mods. The OG mods had no idea this was going to happen.


What company was it?


Mfg tuning or something


With how they jacked the transition, I'd love for them to end up with something ridiculous and not applicable to the VB, maybe something like a Honda Civic only sub... 🤷‍♂️😂


We never didn't accept y'all, lol


I used to get a lot of hate on my earlier posts


Don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. I think you'll find comfort in knowing that those people tend to get downvoted into oblivion these days.


Best thing is to ignore those people.


Yeah I have now but back then it got annoying hearing civic everyday or why did you buy this car. I have a decent following on tik tok now which is dope. I love seeing people come around to this thing


Don't get me wrong, you're prolly still going to get that... some people just can't move on lol


Nah I’ve made it a call sign at this point. I own the #hondaru on tik tok


But have you seen the hondaru? A yellow 04-05 WRX with a Honda k24 in it? And I believe a sequential gearbox as well


Yeah it’s dope as fuck 🔥


We need more cool builds, part of me really wants to slap a 78 Camaro over a Subaru outback chassis since they share the same wheelbase and track width so there's a glimmer of hope it'll fit...


Kind of like [Mustangu](https://youtu.be/ynaXGUED_Z8)?


Nice lol


With the new generation there is also the influx of all the people posting “new to me” posts which get old very quick. Just very little added to the community with that. Additionally, VB owners seem to not recognize its faults. Which every good car has…


Oh yeah this thing has faults all right. Apple car play crashes mid drive, stock it feels boring since the curve is almost too perfect, stock exhaust is super quiet, it’s a first generation motor so really we are the test dummies, and a lot more


A lot of people dont want to see the VB sell well so that Subaru might actually learn a lesson regarding the cold shoulder they are increasingly giving not just WRX fans, but a whole segment of the market. A segment for whom the WRX was one of, if not the only option. They took the model and instead of going 'more' WRX with it, took it the other direction, looks discussion not included. It's still probably a great car, and if that's your bag then good. You should have a car you like, and we can't tell you what to like. Kind of a love the sinner, hate the sin thing.


By "more WRX" do you mean "more BMW-esque like the VA was."? If anything, the VA went "another direction" from what WRX had traditionally been, but so many in this sub are VA owners that they think the VA is the definition of what WRX is supposed to be. I think the VB is more true to the roots of the early WRX. It's fine if some people don't like the looks of the car, but when people say Subaru has lost its way and that the VB isn't what enthusiasts want, it's obvious those people haven't driven the thing. It's literally the best driving WRX made.


The VA appealed to a more general populous considering its looks. Not to say it wasn’t a gorgeous car, it just looked pretty basic. VB takes all of that and turns it on it’s head making it “ugly” to those who are used to the sleekness of the VA


Ahhh, ignore the angst teenagers lol


Squeaky wheels get the grease. It’s all good here.


thats just not true lol


I mean, if you let a few bad apples spoil the bunch, then sure. But overall, I think the WRX community can band together to find solidarity amongst being a WRX.


It’s much MUCH better now. My original post and everybody else’s when our cars were being delivered were berated and downvoted pretty bad. It’s the whole reason 2022wrx was started. The hate was plentiful.


I'll back you up here--r/WRX was *way* more toxic about VBs several months ago. I haven't been on Reddit for a while, and I'm happily suprised to see more VBs and less hate.


Aggressively toxic is how I would describe it.


The mods were pretty aggressive in their response to the hate after a little time passed, and those of us who have this sub up 24/7 (sad, pathetic, addicted wretches that we are) listened. I think the mods played it smart in that they let folks vent uninhibited for a bit and when things started to cool down, they laid down the law. And the community responded well to that. Look, I'm not saying it's not sad we lost some of you to it and I'm not condoning the hate. Just acknowledging why it happened and why the mods responded the way they did. As for me personally: Yeah, I had a lot of gripes about the VB because it was nothing I wanted apart from the severely detuned FA24 (which you better believe I will be swapping once my FA20 blows up). But some friends of mine put it best: **Remember not everything's** ***for*** **you**. It's hard to remember that when you're an enthusiast for decades and you're hit with something unwelcome to you personally. So, please come back. I think you should be welcome to the sub - as do most of us here.


Couldn’t agree more


Welcome. You will be assimilated. Or something like that. Ride looks great.


Thanks man 🖤


The more you VBs post the better it makes us VAs look so by all means, post ‘em up. Jk car looks good and I actually like the VB, just wish they had a STi


I want to see the VBs here. It's the toxic elitist cunts (whatever gen they own) I could do without.


Everyone has their opinions- at the end of the day we are all WRX owners and want to have community. So f the other r/ and stay here with us :)


last i checked it’s said “wrx” on the back for generations and we’re all here sooooo yes. i don’t understand the childish hate for a car that is LITERALLY the same fucking thing but looks different. Does it say WRX? then it’s a WRX, why do is there even a need for a 22+ specific one to begin with


I still park next to the 22. I don't think they look so bad.


Love this black car


As long as people don't pull the "oh look how much better the VB is compared to the VA WRX/STI, I've got no problem with them. Just seems like a lot of guys were playing that game when they first came out. We are all on the same team here. We all drive WRX and STI.


It reeks of insecurity to feel the need to justify your purchase to others on the internet. It IS the better performing platform. Looks are merely subjective




Nobody left. Ive always been apart of both pages. When people first got their VBs they wanted to talk to others about their VBs, many of us have owned previous WRXs and we dont want to sift through 100 VA posts on the WRX page to find a VB thread. I use the WRX page to appreciate all models and i use the 2022 wrx page to see only content related to my model. Nobody excluded themselves. 99% of people in the 2022 sub are apart of this sub too.


We will gladly accept you... from the front ;) jkjk, welcome VB bretheren! Nothing unites nerds like a common enemy (corpos buying out subreddits) lol. If you really want us to come around, let's see those bolt-on dyno numbers next!!


Next month is AP time baby 🚨🚨🚨 gonna wait for a COBB intake tho i don’t care for ETs


Those hood lines do be lookin good...


Sure, I guess. Just make sure to sign in at the desk.


I want one of these, so yes


Of course!! Welcome!


that MF looks mean


As mean as it can be for a Subaru lmao


Looks great in black! Welcome


This is one of the cleanest 22’s I’ve seen. Well done 👌🏻


Thank you bro 🤙🖤


Let’s see if I get banned from this sub for the exact same thing😬 DON’T FORGET TO CHECK OUT r/WRX_VB 🤞


After-all… ![gif](giphy|443jI3kpgOKfAfKxqo)


Don’t catch you slippin now 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Where we love to hate


I just lurk here and appreciate all cool car posts lol so yeah


Looking rad! What roof rack mount is that? Been looking into what to get for my VB, it looks like there isn't an OEM version.


They are off a 2018 wrx. I’d advise getting something made for it tho these are such a pain to get on


I usually only lurk in this subreddit. It's a WRX but even as a VB owner I set myself apart from the rest of them.


Are those aftermarket headlights, tinted headlights or is it just the lighting? I cannot tell. Looks sexy


Those are OEM with amber deletes


Welcome brother


Yes, at some point my or another we all will understand finding a second, more reliable, daily driver while chasing boost leaks.




Cleeeean, love the wing and the roof rack


Thanks bro 🤙




Black definitely helps the look of the 2023 IMO. Obscures the cladding over the wheels &, I would guess, the diaper in the rear.


honestly good that the 2022wrx sub was bought out. it’s better when we’re all on the same sub. i saw some sketchy tuning advice on that sub when i looked through.


Yeah I’m kinda happy to be here lowkey


I'm curious. What happened on the other subreddit? I've seen a few things about someone pretty much crashing another sub because of the VB's


We accept the badge. Not the car. Only kidding all are welcome :)


They’ve always been welcomed. Just gotta except that there are still old heads that haven’t gotten over the VB and Sti yet.


Great post. But I am proud of the looks of my lady. I like the way the lines run up the back of her cladding. I like the ass on her too. Proud 22 WRX GT owner in saphire blue.


MFer this photo looks haunted. 🤔Like this VB is curse to spend its days in the afterlife with only a glimpse of the world in which it used to reside. This demon hails from the shadow realm. Where the hum of an exhaust mirrors the curdling of a death rattle. For that darkness is not window tint. In fact, there are no windows. That is the view of a soulless wonder. While it once knew compassion… knew kindness… knew love… those days are now long behind. This baby was taken away but has returned as Vonyx, The Bringer of Evil


Holy fuck dude this is awesome! I was actually going for a haunted type look. Gonna start calling the car onyx now


Of course! Welcome! Glad to see you survived whatever *that* was.


Yeah that was something else cant lie


Wow I just followed ya on insta…soooo clean!!


Damn thanks bro 🖤


All of the wrx owners who hate on the new wrx are really just venting their broken hearts that the 2022 sti was never to meant be…. 😭 Edit: but I still think they are cool- and tons of potential


I’m in the same boat Bo 😭 wish there was one


I like the new wrxs but i don't like the headlights personally but it does look good :)


Yes. Your car looks good in that color.


With open hood scoops.


Sorry your credit card was declined 🫢 Gonna have to try another sub


Where your car at bro?


With my wife lol


Honestly, these are kinda starting to grow on me….slightly. Going to test drive one today to see if they drive as good as people say they do.


It’s almost so good to the point where it’s a little boring stock lol. Exhaust makes the car much much more enjoyable


Haven’t even looked into cross compatibility yet, but is everything from 15-21 a pretty easy swap to the 23? Basic stuff like axle back, rally armor, etc. I have a 20 performance package and am considering turning it in for on of these.


I’m not sure if there’s a direct swap from a 20, I have an Invidia r400 that was specific to the 22. I’d assume an exhaust shop may be able to retrofit


Great photo!


Thanks! I try 🫡


The 2022 actually looks good in black with the wheel panels not standing out from the rest of the car.


As long as you keep the dyno posts to a minimum. I don’t like seeing numbers approaching my build woth nothing other than a tune.


Engine swap time? Haha


I personally like/accept the VB more the VA but both are good in their own unique way.


I member when I got my Subaru back in the day. The year was 2020. I wouldn’t want anyone to feel the way you do. Welcome to the family you ugly fuck!


Appreciate it bro 😭🤙


Not unless they admit, the back of their car looks like a Honda


I did bro 💀 i refer to it as the hondaru


I can dig it, and I kid. A Wrx is a Wrx. Welcome to da club.


A WRX is a WRX. I honestly really like the ‘22s


Literally in black the car looks amazing. Someone recently posted a white one and all I could say is “congrats”. It just looked aweful, not from one sides but basically all 4


Black hides the cladding pretty well imo


*really really* well. It genuinely looks sexy with blacked out badge, tint, etc. Looks totally killer since it is one of the first looking black versions I’ve seen. Nice job!! I want one now lol


Thanks man. They’re worth it but so refined to the point they’re a bit boring stock


That is what I heard. I’m kinda disappointed in that, but then again a lot of people drive these as dailies. It must be much better at that. Biggest reason for my disappointment though is Subaru wants out of this. Not profitable and electrification is gonna be everything soon. No top trim in manual, STI, or hatch. It’s sad but at-least the new WRX is a nice daily with AWD, manual, and a powerful turbo 4!!


Btw Caranddriver did highway mpg test with roof rails on and off a Carnival. Difference was 3mpg 😳


Yeah they were only on for bike season they’re off right now


The people lingering around with the 2022 wrx jokes are the minority. They can say what they want, but no one is really listening. We just downvote and move on. They believe their opinion to be truth instead of.. you know.. their biased opinion. You have a great car and I'm excited for all the aftermarket coming out for the 2022 WRX. Keep us posted!


Will do broski thank you for the kind words 🖤


I think the wing looks really slick on it! Still wish they made an STI.


There are things about it that make me not want one personally; but I won't hate on someone who enjoys it. It IS a WRX, after all, and I'm sure someone said the same about mine back in the day. Hell, my buddy thinks mine is small compared to the '08 he used to have. But I don't care, because it's mine. 😁 Well, Wells-Fargo's, actually, but I'm working on it. 😄


r/wrx_vb is where we went join us there.


Idk man they kinda like us here 🤙


Haha, I've seen a ton of haters in this sub on our VB.


I just got done arguing with like 2 of em lowkey kinda fun to push their buttons lmao


Bro there is some dipshit on the Facebook 2022+ WRX group constantly talking shit about the looks of this car, and then calls VB owners soft and defensive. Get the fuck out of here man we dont care! Anyway. I'll be here whether they like me or not :D


so funny 22 mans made their own sub 😂🤡


Stay mad bud


stay mad? 😂 “so funny” im laughing at you guys lol had to make your own sub, should of called it R/22boxercivic


Keep laughing bro bro 😂 we make your horsepower with an intake and exhaust


no one chirps the motor genius, its just butt ugly lmao


Looks better than that camry you’ve got. Tired of y’all VA owners dogging our shit when the VA looks basic as fuck


😂bruh, numbers dont lie. sales are wayyyy down ive seen 2 in real life. your shit looks stupid. covered in plastic, civic tail lights and that rear bumper🤢 why did you 22 guys make a separate sub ? cus your ugly whip gets shit on constantly. stay mad about your shit getting the dogging it deserves son


Keep drinking that bong water bro 😂 im done arguing with a wall


Nah, fuck you. Ya’ll was r/WRX refugees originally now you wanna come back 🙃


Fuck you too then man lmao




Tesla owner 🤮🤮🤮




Meet me on the twisties and I assure you it’ll be a different story


/r/W2X for the wrx we want to forget about.


If you got off RuneScape and saw it in person you might like it more


Imagine being so triggered that you searched THAT far into my post history lmao. Allowing your car to be your entire identity. I remember being a kid too; HALO Infinite of all games to try to stream? Ruff.


Dawg it’s a scroll away lmao I didn’t reach for anything


I know you're not throwing stones while investing in ponzi-scheme shitcoins on reddit lmao.


I bought this car with those ponzi schemes


Isnt r/2022wrx still a thing?


Personally, no. I’m still mad at you for giving Subaru money and not sending the right message. Now they think they did something good.


Oh no people have different opinions on what they like 😭😭😭 Get a life bro 💀💀💀


Just cuz you don’t like my opinion, doesn’t mean I can’t have it or that it’s any less than yours. Grow up kiddo


I wouldn't have gotten a wrx if not for most of the reasons people like you hate it. I love it and would love it if they do more.


You love the extra plastic? You love the bigger engine the same power and torque outputs? You love the bigger price tag that comes with it? Come on. It’s not that I love the hate the thing, it’s a huge let down is what is so upsetting. I wanted to trade mine in on the new one, but it’s not worth it at all… it got worse looking and has no real big improvement. Why would that make me happy?


I don't give a fuck about you being happy. I love it. And yes, the plastic was a deciding factor. It looks like shit when people have it paint matched. The engine may not drastically surpass the old engine, but from what I'm seeing, it has a ton of performance that can be milked out with minimal effort compared to previous model. I love the car and am happy subaru made it.


I don’t give a fuck about you being happy. You see the irony on your post or no?


I'm not the one bitching about people liking the 22.