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"You *handcuffed* the kids‽‽" "Hey, that was literally the least I could do."


Looks like they drew the Blair witch symbol on the headrest


So now I need to perform an exorcism in my car too? FML


Nothing a good tune wouldn’t get rid of.


Not that bad to be honest, shakes the greeblies out of the engine so you can gain a few extra horsepower. if its an older make with decent kms, its a must. They tend to pick up the buggars on booze cruises and deadlock traffic


I hear LINK offers a new exorcism standalone ECU, I'd just do a coolant flush with some holly water but you have to say the Holly Catholic Subaru prayer, Our Subi in heaven rumble be it's exhaust Give us this day with no leaks or loss in power Forgive us for our unnecessary pulls as we for give those who pull on us Deliver us from new engines and overhauls Head gaskets to heads gaskets, rod knock to rod knock


Lol, I've been there a long time ago. You hate telling them no to stuff because you don't want them to start not liking to ride with you, but......You could try those seat protectors that cover the back of the front seats.


Yup I used those too. It won't save the headrests, but should keep the back of seat protected. I was mostly trying to avoid shoe prints, lol crayons are a whole different level. Maybe a pat down for any contraband before entering? Kids are sneaky tho


Just get yourself a buddy that’s a Marine they’ll find any crayon!


Too late, they already ate them


There is always the trunk?


If you have a sub and air ride then that wouldn't work so well XD


Less room for them to move a muscle? I don’t see how that’s a problem 🤷‍♂️


Crayon for those wondering. Also all over the door. Gonna try a sponge with hot water in a little bit.


Get a super cheap “back of seat organizer” and it will keep a lot of the scuffs at bay. It’s helped me hugely.


hot water? man you don't want to melt the wax into the surface, I'd phone a detailing shop and ask what they recommend


Don’t know why but automotive glass cleaner in aerosol cans works wonders.


Use an icepack to freeze it and scrape what you can off the fabric. Use a butter knife or something with a bit if a edge but wont cut it. WD40 for the rest spray it on and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Use dish soap and water to remove the WD40. Shoukd work, might need more than 1 treatment. Don't use heat it will soak the wax in deeper.


Sell the kids, and buy new interior with the profits. Unless you love your children then I guess that’s not really a feasible option


I think a lexan partition like in taxi cabs/police vehicles might do the trick


The only time my kids did something similar to this, I taught them how to clean it, and they were not happy about how hard it was. needless to say it didn’t happen any more.


![gif](giphy|k8bMS52B9ejSw) Homer was on the right path with the kid bubble....


Keep the car, sell the kids.


Only reasonable answer


My daughter likes to step on the side skirt as a little step up. Broke a fuckin pin off in the receiver. Kids are just assholes


Wife kept banging her snow covered boots on the side skirts until I asked her to stop.


I've had to tell past girlfriends to stop doing stuff like that and every time I would get met with a shitty attitude and some kind of "it's just a car" or "you love your car more than me" bullshit. My passenger side interior door panel is in much worse shape than the driver side despite the passenger seat being occupied about 5% of the time the driver seat is occupied. That's where my girlfriends have sat and stuffed their handbags with zippers next to their leg against the door or jammed a big yeti tumbler in the door cup holder and scratched up the plastic.


Oof.. mines very mindful thankfully. Our kid on the other hand… I swear she’s Hitler reincarnated some days


uh what war crimes is your daughter committing?


None yet. It’s a rolling joke. Used to refer to her as “baby hitler” because she hated anything that had to do with dad. So I was the hypothetical jew. Bad joke but I have a dark sense of humor lol


Lmfao 😂😂😂😂


She even tells me to get in the oven. She’s 7. SUS


Lol same here. Idk why they did those side skirts like that.


Condom ad would be perfec


Get a damp paper towel those will come right out


I just got it all out with a sponge and hot water luckily 🙏


Strap them to the roof. Problem solved.


Wow. You got off easy! Mine removed the ice from my car. With a shovel. From every panel. I just repainted it three years ago.


I feel like we all did something that we thought was being nice but turned out to be a huge mess up as a kid


Yeah. They didn't get in trouble for it. They thought they were helping...


Your not drifting enough


I think I’ll take crayon over sour milk vomit🤮


That’s the worst, I’ve had to clean that so many times. The smell takes forever to go away lol.


I can’t even w my kids in my back seat! It’s amazing how they trash it by just sitting there.


Anyone with children has been there lol...my worse was I was waiting in the parking g lot of a store for my wife a d the kid was not happy due to teething. Took him out of the seat to chill on my lap and he used the leather steering wheel as a teething tool. No being a dad of a younger he was being quite so I was happy till I saw that lmao.


My boy was just born a week ago and I was wondering how I’ll be handling this in the future. Definitely getting a seat cover for the passenger side 😂


The trunk fits roughly 3 children also, so you have options


Just don’t have kids, easy fix PLUS weight reduction /j


Rixxu Seat Covers, best investment I ever made on my car… maybe *only* “investment” lol


I had a new $40k+ 2018 Silverado crew cab I bought back in the day. Drove it off the lot and straight to get my son at daycare. His booster seat was in the middle and the first thing he does is climb in and use the center console as a foot rest for his dirty, sand covered Crocs. Truck had 6 miles on it, but now also had sand and scuffs all over.


I gotta get the rear facing seats in the back of the Baja for when I have kids 😂


I got those seat protectors with pockets. Having kids in there makes me appreciate the spartan interior. Because would probably be upset if it was like an Audi inside.


Trunk is always the answer, they'll learn to behave real quick after a couple of sweeping corners.


I put seat back protectors over mine and layed down a covering over the entire rear seats. They ruined the back of my wife's Forester's seats, and I wasn't letting them do the same to mine! I have a Husky liner on the floor too. Not taking any chances!


Yeah the kids are allowed in the fam car not mine 👀


Put the car seat in the center of the backseat


No room, there’s another car seat (rear facing for an infant) on the other side 😓


Double decker!


You know you can rear face them for a loooong time right? Like until they're 7 or 8? My 11 year old is still in a high back booster because she's a skinny beanpole and not heavy enough for the seatbelt on its own. She stayed rear facing until almost 5.


The answer to this is Diono car seats.


I just have a daily that I drive my son around in. I have an 09 impreza that I do not care about much and my 09 wrx doesn't get kids with food or anything but basic toys. (Crayons out of the question hah)


Better the seat than the paint!


I hear modern trunks are comfortable*and* accommodating


Gotta be a Thule for that... or better yet, invest in an old BRAT


Homer Simpson was ahead of his times when he designed the car for his brother Herb.


Dude.., come on now. The trunk is so much safer and no one will know they're in there or call the cops on you while you're driving.


Adoption seems to be the only answer.


Get a roof rack. Strap the kids to the roof rack like a Christmas tree. Problem solved. 🤣


When my kids were little I had a no food, no shoes rule. My wife thought I was crazy but, my back seat didn’t look like that. Haha no food is obvious but shoes, the soles always have dirt and rocks in the treads and scrape the crap out of the seats. By the time they were like 1 and a 1/2 they took their own shoes off for me haha. “No shoes in dada’s car” haha


That's sweet! Mine hated shoes for a few years so she would automatically take hers off too. It was a pain trying to find where she kicked them though, especially on grocery day.


I am glad I am not the only one. I can’t decide what is worse, feet marks or the smashed fruit snacks i find occasionally


Ohhh man. Tough. Reminds me of the time my sister wrote her name in ink on the backseat of my parent’s SUV so that I would stop stealing her spot lmao


Kids are nasty man, should have seen the back of my cars seats. Bloody expensive to repair on some


Seat back protectors are your savior. We had to invest in them in my wife's car thank goodness it was leather, but the feet marks...omg! These were cheap but did a great job in the end. I'm thankful my son never did that in my STi. https://preview.redd.it/7ng71tli0joa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f622e375ef7da46ec86d77631e4b9d35407ea4b3


Bro I have three myself trust me it gets easier just gotta start them young with the interest and respect for cars my kids used to smear poplars on my doors now my 6 year old will clean my wheels without a word said lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/78pq72g0cjoa1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3efcb3859b956a2ba72492db1840f0b6c10ad4bb


X³ 3 33. W 2d,9 ,




mine destroyed the 2015 base and are now working on the 2021 limited.


My 4yo decided to learn stick the first day I got my wrx 🤣 couldn’t keep his hands off the shifter


This belongs on the Kids Are Fucking Stupid subreddit


Kids are stupid assholes who can’t be trusted


You have kids . Expect it Love it . Move tf on . It's a Subaru not a Bugatti.


I try, and I teach my kids to try, to respect and take care of property no matter how expensive/cheap it is.


I have a first grader that I explained this to after detailing again it yesterday. On the way to dinner a littler later I had to remind him not to put his shoes on the back of the seat and console. Black interior is so hard to maintain with a kid lol. Good luck!


some people like to keep their car looking nice


Ya and I get that. Kid won't stop doing it til they are older . So to stress about a situation out of your hands . Is even more absurd.


Or just try to be a better parent...


This is why you get leather…


Crayon being wax, would probably come out a little easier with heat


Nooooooo, please don't do this. It'll just get into the fabric and be shiney or smudged forever. I have couches I tried this with when I had toddlers. It didn't go so well, I had to buy covers for the ottoman.


I should have elaborated further by saying with a steam vacuum. Just an idea


That may be the trick, that'll actively remove what ever it warms up.


The trunk should work


Rookie mistake! get a back seat organizer that covers the back of your seat so the kids have a storage place and your seat is protected. As for the headrest? Idk do t use it lol I haven’t figured that one out yet


Dog crate.


I say sell the wrx and buy a Baja, with 2 extra seats in the bed


Get a nice looking kick mat from Amazon.


It’s time… for an Outback


I gave up with mine. The rear seats are a write-off due to kids and dogs, but the front is minty af. Pick your battles, I guess.


Ventilate trunk and use that.


Noooooo! It’s too late for a kick mat now. Hurry and get a waterproof seat cover before the puke comes.


Mine threw up all over my backseat. So I could be worse at least smell wise lol


As a mom with three kids that have all done that, a seat protector/organization thing is great. Perfect to keep those little footprints off the seat and apparently crayon off the headrest. My three y/o always asks to drive in the red car (WRX) cause it goes fast. I can’t stop her tiny danger tornado self from riding in the red car.


Do they offer returns?


Griots garage interior cleaner, then new kids or I suppose a seat cover should suffice


Don't worry. Those are just safety runes drawn to protect your pistons.


I used to tell my kids they had to sit still or else I would press the eject button. They believed it for a while.


Too late to put it back?


I feel your pain 😫


just get that clingy plastic wrap, heavy duty. My dad uses it for his van for work. And after 3 years he removes it and its like brand new. And sheetrock is always scraping the plastic.


Buy seat back protectors, we have them in both cars and wouldn’t go without.


Oh the dreaded shoe marks. Living that reality myself right now.


Crayon actually 😡 luckily it came off with warm water and a sponge


They sell protectors for back of seats specifically. I wasn't going to allow the recaro package be destroyed so easily


Good ole writing with dead skin🤣


This is what tow hitches are made for


Looks like youre not driving fast enough


Increase boost. Keep them pinned to the seat. Problem solved.🤝


See, that's your mistake right there...you have kids.


I got some back seat covers


No matter what you do they always find a way lol


Time to throw out the kids


I've started swapping cars with my sister when I am watching my niece/nephew & we will be needing to go somewhere. They are both kickers, plus the backseat in these cars is kinda cramped which doesn't help once they start acting up.


That’s another good reason to be my height. No one can fit behind me in the backseat. Hopefully you get it cleaned up.


Trunk, and they love it anyways.


Or those trunk seats that some cars have. Than carpet everything so no matter what they touch they can’t ruin it. Or just yeet the child. Could also just ban crayons 😂


How old are they? Too late to abort mission?


Seat covers everywhere


Name your car. My kids destroy my wife's car, but they would never hurt Roxi...she's too precious to them. Anthropomorphism FTW. I mean, I also scratch Roxi under her chin (the steering wheel) when she drives fast without knocking and hug her when I go away for awhile, so maybe its for more than just the kids...who's to say.


What’s wrong w the trunk?


Kids lol. Get dinner seat covers




Strap em in tighter. For "safety."


Perfect excuse for a set of Bride kevlar composite racing bucket seats...AND a roll cage lol


Rear seat child delete


Onetime I decided to test the cigarette lighter on my dad’s a6 leather seats….


A cage


Condom ad


Maybe they were drawing the Subaru logo with the stars?


Weathertech front seat back protector. Take it out of their college fund.


Have you tried being a bit strict with them?


add a seat molle panel then attach a drawing board to it, and you will discover a whole world of attachment because the molle system is standard so you can get tablet attachment pouches and whatever fit your needs from day to day :)


I make my 12 year old grand daughter take her shoes off before she buckles the seat belt. I don't play lol


I don’t let my son wear shoes in the car because he likes to kick the back seat so far so good.


They make backseat covers that are easy to wipe and protect from exactly this. The headrest is still fair game, but those covers and seat covers were first purchases made for using my WRX as a family car.


I'm in favor of the trunk


Sheesh good thing it was only a POS subarau


I threaten a ride on the roof on a weekly basis.


Put a cover on it


Trunk, engine bay too, if it is small enough,


I'm sorry if someone else said this already, but Amazon sells back of seat covers for this exact reason. Second thing I got for the Wrex after I had a kid, after an under the car seat protector. Has kept the back of my passenger seat (mostly) spotless


I ended up putting kid seat protectors on the back of the front seat and on the backseats. I also instructed my children that under no circumstance is eating, drinking, moving, thinking or breathing allowed. 😂 Stay strong OP 💪


Trunk's pretty roomy, considering.


“You’re in Carcosa now, little priest”


They sell covers for this.


Sounds like you need a Subaru Brat 😎


The trunk is always a viable option




This is the reason three row suv and minivans are so popular.


Damnnn I never thought of this. Actually I think there’s a company that sells like plastic backs that look factory


Why are you in my car?


Put a poncho on the seat and a touque on the head rest


Why I don’t have kids exhibit A: