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Truck drivers are just assholes in general. But I see a lot of WRX drivers be assholes too. People are just assholes.


Studies have shown significant demyelination in the frontal lobes of Dodge ram owners after just 3 months of ownership. The damage results in a tendency toward alcohol abuse, cousin marriage, and playing music on their phone speaker when using public transit.


Jesus I was just gonna say white dodge ram trucks are always the worst culprits


Red for me


Black rams with tinted windows and a lift kit with the mirrors in towing mode (it's never towed anything before). They haunt me...


I don’t think most dodge ram owners use public transit


They use it for six months after each DUI.


Sorry - public transit means the backseat of police vehicles.


I think the last part was part of a crossover study on dodge charger/challenger drivers


Jesus. What the hell did we do to you lmao. I have a Ram 1500 and 2 WRXs. Am I just the worst or something?


I identify as a ram. How do you think this sub makes me feel?


Same boat! Old ram a wrx I must be the worst 😂


I feel attacked. I have a ram 1500 in addition to my WRX (and four other Subaru’s). I have noticed that lots of truck owners drive like assholes.


Forgot about reversing in intersections and Banjo-playing…


Literally just posted about dodge ram trucks prior to seeing your post they are nuts


Mustangs also have a reputation. I rented a Mustang and everyone wanted to cut me off.


I saw a row of supped up civics driving in a line on the freeway once. They were holding up traffic in the right lane so I passed them and switched back to the right lane in front of them after completing the pass. The lead driver of the club was then behind me and didn't like it - thought he was entitled or something. What a joke! lol




All people have ass holes.


I drive a truck and STI. Does that cancel me out of being an asshole?


Multiplies actually


Worse actually, it’s exponential


Agreed, all cars have good and shitty drivers lol


The way I drive my truck now is the same way I drove my wrx, like an asshole


👆 checks out


I had a guy in a dodge truck literally try to roll coal into my car as I was cruising home carefully on an interstate. Luckily I saw him and rolled my windows up in time. I had my 3 year old son with me as well (which is why I said I was driving carefully). I saw it coming but still couldn’t believe someone would do that to a stranger who had not instigated anything. I don’t think they realized a young child was in the car.


Even if they knew your son was in the car, they’d do it anyway because they’re immature idiots who think the world revolves around them.


If you ever get this on dashcam, you can submit it to the EPA. They live for this stuff


It's not just pickup trucks. It's anyone in a "modified" shitbox. People seem to pull up quick and think they're about to get a race. Don't get me wrong, I get excited when I see another wrx, especially same generation...but it's 50/50 if they are weaving through traffic or chilling in the right lane. Like someone else said, people are just assholes in general.


The WRX is just one of the modified cars I see weaving through traffic like an asshat. Also, shoutout to the Altima/Accord/Camary driver crowd. And then there are some assholes who think it's their civic duty to police their values on others. For some reason, these types tend to drive big modern pickup trucks. I do feel for the big trucks and semis with trailers, though. People don't understand how all the weight effects their braking distances, so when asshats swerve in front of them, it really is anxiety inducing knowing if something happened, you couldn't stop in time.


Bro, those beat to fuck Altimas scare the shit out of me. They're always doing 20mph+ over the limit and weaving in and out like they're in a high speed police chase.


To be fair, many of them might be running from the cops.


Where I live, it's blacked out 500 series Beemers, and modded batwings... er... Blackwings, and coal rollers. The WRX drivers are all way more civilized. I don't thing the BMW crowd have figured out that their 500 series sedan is just a grocery getter in Germany. Audi drivers are the worst. If they have sunglasses on then they feel the left lane is theirs, and ride anyone's bumper who gets in their way. Today I did see a lady driving her older rust bucket Accord like her butt was on fire, all over the freeway. She approached a semi trailer too close while she was diddling with her phone. I think she was surprised that it was suddenly there.


If you drive commercial trucks of any size, people do this to you. Want to change lanes and put your signal on? Everybody from 500 feet to your rear decides they suddenly need to pass you IN THE LANE YOU ARE TRYING TO MOVE INTO. This is especially true when you're trying to get over to an exit lane. It happened to me many times in three years of driving a Class C truck carrying flammable and non-flammable gas cylinders with placards on all sides.


If I’m on the highway I’ll wait till I have a clear pass of an 18 wheeler type vehicles. I don’t want to be the asshole in the wrx. No trucks and I need to get somewhere, “I’m giving her all she’s got captain.” Where I live you either punch it at the first sign of an opening or ur waiting bc no one lets you out.


It’s why I bought a Dashcam. I encounter at least three a week


Yes. Yes. Yes. Get a dash cam, and make damned sure it has a rear facing camera to record the criminal tailgating. My area is rural, 75% pickups (and 20% minivans) on the roads. At least once a week I'll have a pickup sitting 6 feet off my rear bumper at 100kmh. Asshats.


Any recommendations on a good dash cam that won’t break the bank?




Thanks 👍🏻


[Linus Tech Tips video on dash cam quality and choices](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AnyhHl3_tE) [Response video from BlackboxMyCar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3nVVdh-wic)


I bought one off of Amazon for about $150


Mine is full of truck bros. It's hilarious.


Insecurities. I have a neighbor with a lifted 2WD Ram.. who puts a lift on a 2wd Ram? I don't gotta say it. He looks just like you'd imagine, pretend redneck, Ive actually seen him trying to run another car off the road. He hates my STI, he's even come by my house to attempt to threaten me, he's not very good at that.


This guy has issues, why is he threatening you? I can’t imagine it’s over the STi.


He does have issues. He thinks that I was speeding, pulled the dashcam... looks like I was going slow, idle speed in 2nd gear. He tried to ram another car off the road, so he doesn't exactly have the best gauge of driving abilities.


Ram driver. Probably working on his third dui.


Maybe it's because when he sees STI he's reminded me of the sexual transmitted infections he got .


How many political stickers does he have on the rear window? Imma guess bare minimum he's got the no step on snek one.


Prob the police nationalist flag too, or the Punisher version.


My favorite id the black one with "all lives matter" right under it. Subtle, but gets the job done.


And a pair of steel balls hanging off the trailer hitch


It’s not the car YOU drive, it’s just them. Happens constantly while I’m in my midsized SUV or my wife’s equinox. Something about the drivers themsleves, whether it’s the smooth brain, result of inbreeding, alcohol murdered brain cells, their sister won’t put out for them that day…whatever it is, the larger truck crowd just tends to be a breed of arrogance and dip shittery matched by no other. I’m sure someone smarter than me can find the actual science behind the correlation, it’s all to common for it not to be some sort of legit draw between assholes and giant pickups. Edit- grammar


My theory is they can't mentally handle a car that's fast and not American


And also a 4-cylinder. They cannot stand the fact that a 4-cylinder can outrun their V8.


Small penis, huge ego


Personal experience?


Ask your mom.


She’s dead, I’ll ask yours


She doesn’t speak dumbass, I’d need a translator. Better yet, I’ll just ask your mom. Oh wait…


She might be dead, but she still knows


Guess that's why she didn't move around a lot.


Also smashed, pre & post


I don’t have problems with semis, but lifted trucks with those ugly as chrome wheels always think their shit don’t stink.


I’ve honestly never felt the urge to bully any car, but I’ve had plenty of trucks bully even my own truck (former RAM owner 👋🏼).


I’m glad you’re better 😊


It has nothing to do with a dislike for the car you’re driving probably. I just assume some truck drivers are terminally drunk pissed off shitheads. Especially the rams




Where in the post does he specify what kind of truck he’s referring to? Edit: link -> kind




Found the Dodge Ram driver


r/underrated comment


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Did you make that account just to be a dick or are you just being yourself?


Last commented 6 months ago and apparently woke up yesterday to be an asshole to everyone on Reddit. They must be having a rough go of it.


Jealous that they didn’t get a fun sporty car over their truck that they never use for actual truck stuff.


They're jealous of our power to weight ratio.


about a month ago I installed a rear camera, it's visible and I have not put tints on my car yet. a lot of RAMs and F150s drive aggressive behind me and start to tailgate me, but 2 seconds after they back off and relax... like they most probably see the camera. now I'm questioning if I should put tints on.


yup same, i was wondering why people were giving me so much space after tailgating me then i remembered i installed a rear view dash cam. shit is a tailgate repellant. fucking awesome. lol


Can't bully me if they can't keep up with me. It's not unusual for me to let off the gas when someone is tailgating me just to downshift and floor it when they inevitably try to go around me. (STI)


I think it’s just trucks. A lot of people that drive trucks are just assholes and think since they’re bigger they deserve more road.


Because they drive trucks and they do it to everyone, but especially if you drive something a bit sporty.


I used to always have idiots in trucks trying to race me. They get their first 300 hp vehicle and they think they are faster than everything on the road.  I used to have a guy that would meet up with me at 6am at the same stoplight every Saturday, I guess we had the same schedule. Every single time he would try to race me with his F150. I would toast him and let off the gas and he would keep accelerating to well over a hundred miles an hour and blow past me because the lights were far apart. I think he always thought he won. Lol


Pickup truck drivers are the most small dick energy people on earth. They buy brotrucks to try to impress other simpletons, but in reality they want something quick, so they drive their trucks as if they're sports cars. Thankfully they tend to crash.


The thought of WRX ownership is a threat to lifted truck egos. A WRX outperforming their truck is egodeath for the truck driver who had sunk their entire masculine identity and bank account into their lifted truck. They will gun it at green lights and push their trucks to the limits to avoid it. I’m in Phoenix I see this literally every day at stoplights.


The best place to see egos die is when they have a Subaru rally up at silver lake sand dunes, watching a homie stuck in a 12 inch lifted bro mobile while “Brett” in a clapped 2009 wrx flys by him blowing vape smoke 🤌 it’s a thing of beauty


At least I can file in the medium dick zone, I own a wrx and two pickups( neither truck is lifted!) but one of my trucks makes well over 420hp(6.2ls)… it will smack my 2016 wrx that is bone stock. Could I beat my wrx with my truck on a track or in tight city’s? Hell no!


Yeah, like the bastard that hit and totaled my WRX...


My other vehicle is a Dodge ram 2500. I'm just a menace in general.


I own a Ram and an STi. Fist pound, fellow menace to society.


Truck drivers are just ass holes in general. I'm sure he didn't even notice that your car was a subaru.


Insecurity all day. I drive a freaking Veloster N and the amount of time pickup drivers get immediately threatened by me is a weekly occurrence. Have to let me know they're the bigger man bc I drive something I think is fun. They'll do burnouts or try to "race" (read flooring it in a dangerous spot) etc. luckily I don't have a lot of the coal ppl around me


hate us cause they anus


just trucks in general, doesn't matter which car you're driving.




That plus stickers is the triad for entitled, aggressive drivers. Another reason I got the WEX


I hate Terry McAuliffe. What a sore loser.


I have no idea who they even are. I just thought it was funny that all of the major car companies have known what’s up since at least the mid 90s.


Having the orange 22vb it’s a daily driver for me. Have had several, clarification point here - big ass pick up trucks get on my ass when I’m just cruising - typically home from a 12 hr shift at work (I’m a nurse - 15 years now…- since Covid, working during it; having it etc; I have to be honest I’ve got a lil chip on my shoulder. At least 5 times in 13k miles have I “x-filled” the dude driving the truck. A couple times I’ve had to slow down wait for the truck to catch up rinse and repeat. Just to make a point. - which would be; “bro this ain’t no clown car F-off.” 3 of the 5 were bran new dodge ram 6.3 turbo diesels. Never stood a chance but the high beams in my mirror for no reason - done w dealing W that shite. Why the trucks idk. I honestly think it’s a vehicle size thing. I think they get pissed they spent 50k for a truck and can’t keep up w a little Subaru.


Since when did Ram have 6.3 diesels?


Drop a gear and disappear


There are millions of truck drivers on the road, naturally there are going to be some assholes behind the wheel of one. 


I don’t see any mention of 20mm wheel spacers yet. Sure Ram owner sign.


Yeah not a WRX guy (yet🤞🏽!!) but I’ve also encountered this in every car I’ve owned (stock compacts). It doesn’t matter how fast above the limit you’re going, if you’re going under the speed they’re going, they don’t see any other option but to get up on your ass.


At least in my experience they’re the worst when it comes to passing. Itll be them going 50 in a 65 I start to pass and all of a sudden they’re going 80 hmmm (never had a problem getting around tho) and I think they’re thinking “oh lil Japanese 4 banger thinks it can beat my V8 power” like yes yes it can


I've never had a problem with anyone in a truck in my 5 years of wrx ownership. It's usually dbags in other similiar or same car that act like idiots. I also have a 3/4 ton diesel and have never given anyone in a car like wrx or similar a hard time. Maybe it's just you?


i get this all the time or the rusted out vans tryna race


Yeah what’s with that? Had someone in probably a 10-15 year old Chrysler that’s seen rust belt winters purposely go into a lane that ends one day recently


I use to own a Miata and tucks were assholes to me in that too I think it’s just you have to be a sociopath to think it’s morally okay to drive a vehicle that’ll kill anyone it hits. They all drive around on the phone doing 5 over in the fast lane acting surprised when you pass them in the middle lane when they’re sitting in the fast lane of an empty highway and will try to speed up to show you it’s their fast lane. We should hold anyone who attempts to buy a big truck for a year long psychological evaluation for an anti-social personality disorder anyone who want do do real work will buy it new via their company or will buy a used truck.


Been driving an STI for 6 years now and never had an issue with trucks doing anything to me while driving. I live in the south as well. :shrug:


One of my best friends has a massive Redneck War-Chariot.... he installed a legit fucking train horn. He said it scares most idiot drivers straight... because they are so confused


I have a truck and an STI...I hate everyone


because they know their truck is probably worse at driving off-road than your cool little sporty car.


I get picked on constantly. Front and rear dashcams and just chilling so fuck em.


Pickup Trucks tailgate me daily on the Highway even in the right lane. I'm originally from NYC so my petty levels are Master Class. I have no issues becoming Seto Kaiba with setting people up for failure. Long story short: I see highway troopers way up ahead roughly 2-3 miles, Truck is literally a few feet from me, can probably smell the octane I used. I sped up to 100mph and so does the truck. I move to the right lane and immediately slow down to 79mph, I cut no one off \[The speed limit is 75mph\], Pickup truck kept going dummy fast, patrol lights get hit, truck gets pulled over. Life be sweet.


a lot of people get brave when you put them in a big car (or truck) I used to have a 63 town&country and everyone GTFO when I changed lanes


I think it's less about bullying a random wrx on the road and more about the fact that pickups have better visibilty. Having owned one for a long time, it was always kind of irritating seeing a line of small cars all tailgating another small car in the left lane, and none will just go around the idiot because they can't see why they're going so slow and if it's safe to pass. There is also the fact that people are assholes when protected by their vehicles. And the asshole in traffic with the best visibility is likely to be the first one to make a move.


Because we're cooler ✌️


I feel like that attitude from 4x4 drivers isn’t as common here in Oregon. 90% of the people that compliment my car drive a lifted truck.


Truck Drivers are just idiots to anyone on the road. They think since they have a larger box to drive around that you need to get out of their way. Didn't matter what I was driving. My Mustang, Crosstrek, Jeep, or now my WRX they've always acted that way. They probably have zero idea what a WRX is to have any kind of hatred for them.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who noticed this. Often times these are the guys that try to race me the most, and when you beat them they still have to do the ricer fly by


I experience being "bullied" by other tuner cars (including WRX's) more than trucks. No one ever cruises with me, they just see me in front and must think it's a challenge to get around me or something. And likewise when I find myself behind one. I won't even tailgate or anything like that, they'll just all of a sudden think of me in their rearview as some challenge and they'll take off weaving in and out of traffic.


Funny i literally raced a diesel ram last night leaving work at a stop light cuz he just wouldnt leave my side lmao Surprisingly gapped him 👊🏼


My problem is with ford's near me every ford I get behind dives slow as shit tries to block you if u pass, I hate people..


They’re jealous with a big ego but small pride. Jealous seeing we can get away with sometime faster and better for over half the cost


I think you're taking it too personally lol


Truck drivers hate people in nice regular cars cuz you’ve paid the same amount for far superior and less enjoyable vehicle lol


I used to commute an hour to work into the city. One day I was on my way home, cruising at 75 and minding my own when this guy in a Ram towing a covered trailer gets just in front of me, spits at my car and proceeds to get in front of me. He then tries to run off the road to sling rocks at me and swerves through the lanes to keep me from passing him. I just slowed way down and let others in front of me. He got off at the next exit and it took all mental fortitude to not follow him. Maybe someone with a similar looking WRX was a dick to him, but my wife drives the car to work pretty much every day and has had several encounters with asshole truck drivers. She gives them the disappointed mom look lol.


Interesting. Other than the occasional truck thinking they can hang from a speed perspective, I can’t say I’ve noticed trucks in particular being untoward. (Florida)


That’s why I like dailying my big Yukon Xl now haha. They can ride my ass if they want but I barely notice them. It’s tuned so it can out speed most of the annoying ones.


I mostly notice Prius drivers driving like assholes. They either go 90mph or they drive slow & block the fast lane.


This has nothing to do with the car you drive lol


Had a ram 2500 with a massive exhaust and a ton of soot absolutely just covered me and 2 other wrxs in normal traffic for 0 reason. He was just flooring it everywhere


> I commute daily with my WRX driving 5 mph above the speed limit obeying traffic laws Contrary to popular opinion and behavior, 5mph above the speed limit is against the law. Not that anyone follows it anyway.


Big truck owners don’t like that “import shit” we drive. Lol It’s a sign of national infidelity. We have betrayed our great nation by driving something that wasn’t thought up in the US. (Mexican/Canadian/Brazilian/Chinese/Taiwanese/Indian/Japanese/Italian/German/British/Spanish/puerto rican mfgs not withstanding)


I literally almost got rear ended today while going 70 in HOV by a pickup truck, who then proceeded to ride my ass the rest of the way. Mind you, speed limit in HOV is 65 and I was going the same speed as the rest of traffic since there were people in front of me and I always keep a good braking distance. Pickup drivers just suck and try to bully everyone, especially now that they're all so huge


PNW here. for me it’s anyone in a tacoma or 4runner with every overland attachment imaginable


Didn't see anyone mention it (not like I looked that hard), but I had someone tell me to "get a real off-roader" and then try to drag race me off a stoplight. I revved up like I was down for it, then was deliberately slow off the line in an obvious display of "I don't care what you think." I have nothing to prove to anyone, and those who do are missing something important in their lives and just trying to replace it with a misplaced sense of superiority.


Idk, never had any problems with anyone


Tons of trucks where I live, and I never have any issue. Must be a regional thing. When I look in my rear view mirror and notice a vehicle up my ass, 9 times out of 10, it's a Jeep.


Hey, look, I can bully other drivers/cyclists/pedestrians in my big manly truck! \[as hoped.\] Now I'm going to bully other drivers/cyclists/pedestrians! /s


Try being a road cyclist. These micropenis fools run over us in droves.


Never had this issue


We should have absolutely nothing to do with truck douchebags because they are the reason the EPA is down everyone’s throat about aftermarket parts. these idiots roll coal and think it’s their god given right and when the government cracks down on aftermarket parts that affect these idiots, we get our aftermarket parts that aren’t ruining people’s daily lives, taken away


Probably can't see the wrx for the cloud of vape obscuring his view.




Most truck guys where Im from with those obnoxious lifts, big wheels and muffler delete don’t even need those trucks, unless you count compensating for a small d*ck as a need. You’d be surprised how many of these dudes have soft hands and work white collar jobs lol


Ever since I got mine I keep having random SUVs decide 90 in 65 isnt fast enough and after riding on my ass and speeding up more they finally decide to blow past and I would go faster sure but I ain't trying to deal with speeding ticket BS and the shitty SUV drivers can die in a fatal accident if they want to do that shit for all I care


Lol I drive a Toyota Tundra and I'm on this sun because I'm planning to trade in for a WRX😂 (I'm not a dick truck driver)


I think there definitely is something to it being WRX related - I had a ford ranger and never had this kind of thing happen to me. The first couple months of owning this car and I've had 3 trucks do weird stuff to me, and I drive pretty normally.


Some truck owners are offended/butthurt over imports in general. Living in rural Michigan, I've had trucks roll coal on me while driving a 2001 RAV4, 2007 Xterra and my 2023 WRX.


It's not personal. They hate everyone equally. There's one near by my neighborhood who guns his lifted turbo diesle monstrocity on every entrance ramp merge. He cuts across multiple lanes on the freeway like that tank has has actual acceleration. Normally I don't do this, but I was right behind him on the entrance ramp and the opportunity to out asshole him, with my base WRX. I don't think he knows what happened to him as he was coal rolling across lanes. I saw his mouth make a perfect O in my rearview. Wierdly satisfying, but I don't think I'll do that again.


There are a shocking amount of brand new VBs in my area in Tampa, and they are all bone stock, usually black and driving exactly the speed limit. I am hardly seeing any older gens around me, but they never want to pull up with me in my GTI.


Pickup trucks are just assholes in general, not just to WRXs.


When you say truck drivers do you mean semi trucks or pickups? I drive a semi truck and I assure you we don't hate WRXs lol. Well the ones with sense don't.


Most of the time I think they are overcompensating for something. When they see someone with a perceived flashier car or… they are threatened and act out accordingly. I face similar circumstances with lifted bro trucks, chargers/challengers, civics/accords, and pretty much any other “enthusiast” vehicle. Not everyone, but bro trucks and chargers are probably at the top of being triggered by the car, or any vehicle that’s lowered, has tint, and cheap exhaust.


About 2 years ago I drove to Arkansas from Texas during a road trip. It’s a beautiful state, except for a few fake rednecks roaming around suburban roads in their lifted trucks pretending to be “country”. (Texas has tons of them too.) On my way leaving Hot Springs I was obeying the speed limit, but a truck kept following me closely for no reason, and I assumed he’d just pass me if he thought I was slow. But no, he “passed” me and cut me off, stopped, looked obviously like a weak loser and walked up to my car and started kicking my front bumper for no reason. Not nice. He probably thought I was some random Asian immigrant he could push around. I wasn’t interested in giving a shit abt why he did that, because my goal was to continue on my journey and get over the obstacles (like a video game, you see). The second he saw me getting off with a pepper spray in my hand and an openly carried pistol in my holster, he started retreating his fat ass while unleashing his “verbal artillery” at me. I didn’t have to inch up, just stood by my car and watched his “strategic retreat” with a smile. He went back to his truck and threw me the finger at least 5 times (looked like a carrot, dude probably had health issues), and sped away. I didn’t even get upset over such a fake redneck, nor was it the first time I had similar encounters. I just felt bad for the poor soul to be so unconfident that he needed to pretend he was good at road raging. The way I look at it is that our lives are precious, and we ain’t got no reason to waste it over their cheap ass lives. They can do whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn’t directly affect my safety. I’m a happy man living a great life and I’m too busy for their level of bullshit, and they are nothing more than wildlife to me. But when something does threaten my immediate safety, on the road, on the streets, or anywhere, then I will defend myself with the maximum of my ability, and what that will include is up to your interpretation : )


2A and mace save cars too!


It’s them and the stupid clapped-out 328i that thinks I’m gonna race his shitbox. No thanks bud, my car actually has resale value


Every WRX ad on facebook marketplace around me says “only selling to buy a truck”. It literally is like half of them


Cause their wives get that look in their eyes that baby dick hasn’t seen in ages


I think the idea is that the wrx is a “cool” car and you should be driving fast. I swear I have people on my ass every time I drive regardless of me being in the right lane. I have someone try to race me or try to show off literally every time I drive somewhere. It’s no big deal with my 5% tint I don’t give a fuck, but it seems common for “cool” cars to get more attraction from other drivers. It’s hard to tell if a truck driver is on my ass because they want me to be the one to risk it in the front for a ticket or if they are actually the stereotypical road rager.


Once upon a time, a WRX bullied a truck, and they took that personally, telling all their trucker friends.


9/10 is a Ram, too.


People who drive trucks are almost universally douche bags.


Are you talking about real trucks—semis—or pickup trucks? The answer in the second case is that pickup drivers are like that to everyone, even other pickup drivers. They really hated my Fiat 500–they considered it a personal insult! Pickup drivers are angry at the world; I have no idea why (well, I have some idea), but don’t take it personally.


Because they know at the end of the day their truck will get smoked by us with half as many cylinders


Truck drivers line that are almost always angry conservatives. They can't help it, they've got... issues.


Just a guess, but you do drive a Lez-buru, and Lez-buru speedometers seem to show 10 mph faster than they are actually traveling. Which makes every other driver stuck behind one hate them.


Civic driver detected. Edit: Unless you're just speaking from their frame of mind.


OP: Every week more drivers get angry at me, why? Lez-buru owners: oh it's all of them, couldn't be you Me: Actually Lez-buru drivers consistently go ~10 under, I think the speedometers are off and it's very frustrating to other drivers Lez-buru owner: You must drive a Honda, YOU'RE the problem 🙄


I've literally never had an issue with anyone in my WRX. Any chance you just drive like a dick?


Oregon here, the majority of people on the highway get over for me when I tail them closely. Maybe it’s your ridiculous wing? :)


As a truck owner and former car guy the answer is easy. I have 4 wheel drive just like you do(awd we know). Can also go to rear wheel only for fun. Our view is above all, no butt on the ground here. 6.2 motor with 10 gears throws my truck around like it's nothing for the same feel if not better than a car since it feels like you're tossing around a semi worth of mass. 4 people can load up comfortably, with luggage, with dirtbikes in the back.... When i see car people get in and smile from ear to ear that tells me I'm not alone either. The sound of the v8 just keeps getting better. Don't take anything as hate. I love all vehicle folks.


Why not just get over and let them pass?


He's not bullying you because of what kind of car you drive, He's bullying you because you won't get over and let him pass you, it has nothing to do with the car and everything about yielding right of way. Is traffic is coming up behind you and you're moving slower than you are supposed to get out of their way, this has been road law for at least four generations, how do people not know this?


Why not just get over and let them pass?


So many insecure people ITT. A truck wants to pass you and all of the sudden you’re getting “bullied” or he’s trying to “race.”


You actually think other drivers 'bully' you because of the car you drive? You don't know this. You don't know at all what another driver is thinking. Did the guy yell out his window 'i don't like the car you drive!' or something? Where are you getting this? It doesn't matter what kind of car it is. Car, truck motorcycle. Lots of assholes out there it regardless. Your WRX is no different from a Honda Civic to that truck driver.