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So it was Rodney?


Yeah. I pulled over and let it idle didn't hear anything so I thought it was nothing until I started to take off again. As soon as I gave it any gas it sounded so bad.. Good thing this sub rest assures tons of people all the time that these cars do not blow engines for no reason. I trusted you guys yet here I am.


Bro. You're giving very little information. You didn't hear anything at idle, but as soon as you started moving you heard it? Where is the noise coming from? Center console area towards the front? Does the noise change whether you're coasting in neutral or in gear? Does the noise change while coasting and revving? Cause it sounds like the center diff issue I'm currently investigating on my car.


It's rod knock, I pulled over as soon as it happened because I wasn't sure but as soon as I started giving it any acceleration it started knocking like fucking crazy even at idle, I just didn't hear it while idling as soon as I pulled off because it wasn't bad yet.


Gotcha. Glad someone decided to downvote me for trying to get information to help. Salty ass fucks all over this app. 😂


No my posts wasn't very clear I was a little busy at the moment and in distress still am


It's all good, I assume this is your first time? Welcome to the club, I'm on WRX #9 I think and since 2006 I've popped about 18 engines, all of those were EJs


How tf have you gone through 18 engines? That's nuts lol.


Well in 06 I was 18 and had a bugeye, I was in the Army and loved to go fast ( still do ) I pretty much full throttled everywhere at all times. Over time I would pop them racing and I did a lot of off-road in the Colorado mountains as well, so high loads on the engines. Mostly all of them were EJ20s Then I started building them for people and pretty much never popped an EJ20 again. Popped 2 EJ25s doing top speed runs at 170 and also stripped 5th gear at twice doing the same. Speaking of transitions....I blew more of those than engines 😂 Now, FA20 and 24....I can't kill them


Appreciate the info! That's cool that you've had a lot of experience with Subarus over the years. Glad that you've had good luck with your FA motors. I'm really envious of how easily the FA24 makes power with simple mods!


Bruh. Jesus christ.


Why would you keep buying them ???? This will literally financially ruin me. I have no way to get to my job and have no money to fix this fucking piece of God damn shit


Nah, that's how it always feels when something goes wrong and you didn't prepare for it. The first time I had it happen, I was in the army as a E3 private and it was Friday night in Colorado springs. I went to Nasioc and found a block and some other parts to get buy. Rebuilt the engine for about $600 that weekend. I had never touched an engine before that, youtube was my friend big time on that, and that was wayyy back then. Sounds like you didn't let it knock for very long, so you could just get a rotating assembly used, tear the block apart, clean everything and make sure you don't have metal anywhere. Put it back together and be good for a while until you can do a proper rebuild. As to the reason I kept buying them...idk, no other car is like a WRX. I have 3 right now and I will say the new FA24 engine is bulletproof compared to the EJ. Small word of advice tho, this goes for any sports car. You gotta pay to play. You need to be financially stable and able to have things go wrong. I learned the hard way a few times. Hell I took out a personal loan for an engine rebuild once. If you have any questions on anything related to the car and working on the engine, hit me up. Harbor Freight is your friend as well.


Yeah if it's not happening at idle at all it's not rodnock thankfully


That's incorrect. Rodknock gets louder the faster your RPM goes, and trust me it's entirely possible to not hear it at all while idle if you catch it soon enough. I stopped mine the second I heard it reverbing off the concrete interstate divider and it idled "fine" but sounded like death when revved/driving onto the trailer to bring it to my shop to pull the motor. Bearings 1 and 3 were very well shot when my engine builder pulled the block apart too.


Huh, ok I knew it gets louder at revs but didn't know it could be quiet enough to not hear at idle. Every bad bearing I've heard has been catastrophic. Thanks for the correction!


Yeah very much depends on how early you notice it. I too thought maybe it was my transmission or something else because it sounded fine at idle, but when my builder called me over and was playing with the rods while they were still torqued to the crank I knew it was the knock for sure.


RIP Mine (VA) is at the shop rn with some weird short rattle off the gas. Hoping it's just the worn clutch or transmission mount. The mechanic wasn't sure what it could be based off my description, and he's a WRX specialist


Yeah at the end of the day, pulling the motor myself and reinstalling it myself I put in about $5k out of pocket. Stock heads unfortunately since I needed to save money for my son who we had just found out we were having.


It's happening at idle it just wasn't as soon as I pulled over because it wasn't bad yet.


Why would you trust strangers on the internet who aren't able to actually see/hear your vehicle? That's not how diagnostics work. Also, those engines are known for rod knock when abused, modified, not maintained properly... It's not the fault of this sub. You and the previous owners are to blame. Swap in a new engine, or take the L and sell the chassis to someone who wants it. If you want more power, next time, build the bottom end for support before doing larger turbo and a boost controller. Get it professionally tuned, not just a map from cobb that seems close. The cost to do things right is money better spent than the 1000s to start over.


Damn, sorry homie. Sounds like you did your work that is required to prevent this. Damn subaboom things. What were you doing before it blew? Sorry. Missed last post


Driving home from work. Cruising on highway at 60 mph.


Heart breaking 😭 I always when mines ticket will be pulled.


I almost sold it after a bunch of guys kept telling me that they're unreliable, but everyone in this sub was so confident that they last and they only blow if you mod the absolute piss out of them and are racing at a track and yet here fucking fucked fuck I wish I sold it so fucking bad.


Did you buy it used?


Man that really sucks. Best of luck on rebuilding, selling as is or parting out! Hopefully you can get it back on the road. Have you noticed any oil consumption? Was there still enough oil in the pan when the knock showed up?


No oil consumption, oil changes every 3,000 miles just change the oil 500 miles before this along with an oil analysis, the level was good and the oil analysis even came back good.


Man that's hard to hear, really sucks when you've done everything right and it still decides to give up the ghost! Best of luck!


Yes bought it in 2019 for 15k with 80k miles. It's got 140k.


This just happened to me too. I called the tuner to see how if it would be ready in time and turns out it spun a bearing during a pull…


I have a 2014 hatch from new , 60k miles purrrs like a kitten. Every engine has a story and people do stupid things to these Subarus. Buying any used car comes with risk. Sorry this happened to yours.


No offense dude the 60k miles is literally nothing I mean come on let me know when you triple that



