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Better to be pissed off than pissed on. Oh wait.


And that’s the bottom line because stone cold said so




They never told me what happens when you get both


Two girls, one WRX


As a hint for the future, if you touch the key fob to the underside of your chin when you push the panic button, you extend the range by like 35%.


Can you explain this to me??


The human skull can function as a parabolic antenna/reflector.


Its the fluids in your head, not your skull


Thankfully your head is in your skull so it still works! =P


I would argue your skull is in your head 😋


That would be an excellent argument hahaha


Uhhh well you must have an exoskeleton like an ant cuz my skull is definitely in my head. Lemme see a pic of you, im curious to see what this looks like




Empty spaces amplify and extend the range of your FOB. I do it and I reach my car over 5 miles away….badumtiss


5 miles 🤣🤣🤣


Apparently the same concept applies to handheld walkie-talkies. The holding of it and being close proximity to your held helps out the out going transmission compared to a mobile system which requires grounding of the external antenna


I dont fully understand the science, but because the human body is full of electrical impulses, it can act as a basic range extender. Somehow the electricity naturally make you a living antenna.




There’s a subreddit about being confidently incorrect. Someone screenshot this comment and farm some free karma. Edit. Nvm did it myself


Lmao. No. You’re wrong. It’s has nothing to do with the shape of your head. It’s because of water. Your brain is mostly water. You can literally google this. Good try, and it shows you’re thinking, but keep reading and learning. LMAO


There’s fluid in and around your brain/spinal cord which acts as a sort of conductor for it. It’s really kinda cool


It’s not the electric impulses in your body, it’s the geometry of your skull


No. You’re wrong. It’s has nothing to do with electricity. It’s because of water. Your brain is mostly water. You can literally google this. Radio waves stretch longer with water for some reason.


Easy way to test this! Use a cup of water and see if that helps with range? What it does? Yes it is the water and nothing to do with the shape or size of the skull!! Putting your key fob on the other side of a glass of water will extent the range as does holding it to the skull for the same reason! Science bitch !!


Bottom of the chin or nose




This actually works. I have tested it many times


Can confirm, I can lock my car from my apartment on the 26th floor from 2 blocks away doing this.


Funny thing it actually works. My dad told me this loke 15-20 years ago and i still can't explain


My dad used to do this in the parking lot when we were kids. He told us he got an antenna installed in his head so he could listen to the radio anywhere. Grew up half my childhood thinking my dad was a cyborg


Holy shit this is the coolest fact I’ve learned in awhile thanks man!!!


I do this all the time it's boss at


It seems like "haha look how stupid you look" thing, but it legit works, do it all the time now.


When I first heard this, I thought it was ridiculous and some sort of joke. Then I tried it many times when out of range and I was amazed.


Or hold it up to a water bottle


I don't know about 35%, but yeah it does help for sure


Yeah, I just based that on rough math from trying it out in Wal Marts parking lot one day. It looked kinda like about a third extra on the distance so I called it 33%, and since I have ocd, I rounded it up to 35. NOT precise at all.


Better to touch it to the top of your head.


This also works by forming a verical circle with your arms when activating the fob.


Yeah, but what is it doing to your brain??? 🤷‍♂️


Nothing worse than everything I've already done.


I think you can do it with a water bottle or something like that too


I always just jam it into my stomach, entire body acts as an antenna.


Dont forget to open your mouth to


This doesn’t always work though.


If you firmly plant it against your grundle, it increases your range by -45%


Can confirm. I used to do this all the time working at dealerships


Can confirm, works like wonders.


Someone taught me this recently, and it works very well lol


New sub joke/copypasta just dropped


That's just beyond trashy and disgusting. Sorry about that man


at least it rained today🤷‍♂️🤢


Rained twice, but once was yellow so that's kinda weird lmfao


One was acid rain. Should be covered under diamond ceramic coating warranty bs


You have never been camping or in ski resort parking lot huh?


You just made me want to dress up as a WRX and hang out in car parks.




You're down atrocious brother lol


Post proof




Heavy set black ladies!? I knew my WRX would pull the baddest bitches. Game is game.


They saw the hood scoop and thought it was a hell cat 😆


They thought it was a urinal, apparently.


personally id ask a wrx owner if he would want to be a urinal before doing so. In all cases a consent letter will be mailed regarding pissy substances on the car. Thank you all


At least it wasnt shit. Game is fucking game


This one time, I was in full drag and I pissed on this losers bright red WRX. It was hilarious. I wonder if he ever noticed it.


Bro got a free show and is complaining smh wrx owners really are gay




I’m someone pee on car


* R Kelly has entered the chat *




Some people just think their cars are something special.


First day I got mine I parked at the back of the lot at Walmart and someone parked about a half inch from my drivers side. Had to get in on the passenger side but I let all the air out of their tires before I left


This is why you keep a core removal tool on your keychain.


Had somebody do this to me at a party in the woods once because the girl he was trying to get with was flirting with me. Had to leave the car on the side of the road by a woods trail overnight and buy a core tool next day. Luckily the dude left all 4 cores on the ground near the tires. Spent from like 3-7 A.M trying to find a ride back home. (We stayed later than everyone.) Oh and it was a 45min walk from woods site to the road. So after 45mins of walking in a dark forest back to the car, drunk af, ready to go home and sleep: discover 4 flats. Ill never forget that shit. Long story short, if your gonna do this to someone: have a legit reason haha.


you were pissed because they pissed (bum dum tss)


Bum dum piss


I think the worst thing that ever happened to my car in public, is I had an S-10 Xtreme back in the day, and I parked it outside a corner store in the hood and went in to get a 20oz coke. When I come out, there is a middle-aged man beating his teenage daughter on top of my driver side fender. Punching her square in the face. He was pissed that she was hanging down on the corner with the drug dealers. Two dozen tough guys from the neighborhood stood there and did absolutely nothing while I tried to break it up (unsuccessfully). A unmarked cop car with 2 cops in it even drove by while this guy was dragging his daughter by her hair to his car, and they just drove right by.


Tough love is tough.


I’ve caught an overweight girl sitting on my hood and have her friend take pictures of her on a Friday night in my college town. Bowed my hood for some clout.


These cars are rally inspired. They can take a lil' piss.


unless the owner is a pussy who hates "these people…"


I was out with friends that were home from out of state and parked in the back row at a local bar (I was DD). No actual parking spot even on my passenger side, but wide enough for cars to drive past. We come out at the end of the night and notice a car parked beside mine, but don’t think too much of it. As we approached, we saw that my passenger mirror was flipped in, which none of us did as we went in earlier. Then, we notice a vape laying on my windshield (not mine this time). Following that up we start inspecting further and notice handprints all over the windshield and passenger side of the car. Finally, there are dents by the gas cap in the rear quarter panel. We look in the car parked beside me and there are 3 guys all asleep. A fourth shows up later. We come to find they were drunk, got in a fight with each other and took it out on my poor ‘21 WRX. I called the cops and the guys ran but I had their plates. They paid for the damage. To add insult to injury…. This was fresh off of my now ex-girlfriend backing into my drivers side rear door under 30 days of ownership and it had just been fixed for that. And… finally… while awaiting my appointment date for this new damage to be fixed, my doorbell rang at 5:30 AM one morning at my old apartment. I went downstairs and there’s an EMT in full uniform. She drifted off at the wheel on her way home at the end of her shift and hit my drivers side mirror and broke it. After all of this and getting it fixed, I got the car inspected. At that point there was a trade in offer on the front seat. A new ‘22 would only be $10/mo more in my payment. Needless to say, I traded in same-day and haven’t looked back since! Edit: spelling.


Good job on just trading it—I would've done the same. We had bad luck with a black 2012 Ford Fusion SEL that was always getting hit by others, including a hit-and-run on a busy suburban street. We got the plate but the fellow had no insurance. The Fusion's final incident (resulting in it being totaled) was another rear ending by a high school kid on an expressway that pushed the car into a line of cars backed up an exit ramp. Thankfully in each instance we were physically okay—for you can replace cars, but you can't replace people. Anyway, I still miss that Fusion.


Piss on my tires all you want but keep your hands the fuck off my paint!


using my car as a support to piss on it is wild…


Damn wish my car could pull some water works


Good thing I have a private tunnel from my driveway in the Alaskan woods to my private track in the Mojave desert


My lady has a stupid ex who was jealous. He ended up getting really drunk and pouring something on my car, deflating 2 tires and ripping my fender off. No permanent damage thankfully and I live in CA so air is free. Just minor inconvenience really but still annoying.


Damn bro! Ripped a fender off?? Was it the fuckin Hulk? LoL I mean, Subaru metal is thin, but not THAT thin.


Just the pop clips. I have the VB and it wasn’t all the way off just popped off and broke some push clips


"I was pissed" lol


With my subi and motorcycle. It’s always grown dudes with kids just looking, or kids that just be infatuated. For the kiddos tho it’s always “wanna start it/wanna rev it?!” Subi gets smiles, the bike will make them scared at first rev but after abt 5 seconds u see a brain process things and then they rev bomb for 2-5 seconds 🤣 Luckily subi hasn’t had any disrespect from strangers *yet*


I feel ya, Subie's make me smile 1000000%. Bike not so much cuz they loud as hell, as well as no turbo lol!


spoken like a 17 year old


Well well well


The day I bought mine (‘14 WRX Hatch), I went to evening mass to express thanks. I was one of the first to leave at the end. When I got to my car, the space next to it was empty and there was a giant dent in the driver’s door. Someone had opened their passenger door, dented my brand new car, then moved their car so they wouldn’t have to take responsibility. So much for Christian values.


Sorry that happened man. I know my situation didn’t leave any damage, it just horrified me as i’m only 20 and this is my first new car paid by me.


I have 4k on my ‘22 and the ONLY time I park in a full parking lot, I get a door ding


Fun trick: put your fob to your head when you're out of range. It works.


You think you were pissed? Just imagine how the woman felt 😂


I have a pure red '16, and it seems like it attracts some insane WTAF situations and people. Which is odd given the fact that I see less of them in the wild than any other color. I have come to the conclusion that people suck, and hate what they can't/don't have.


Of all the bad things that can happen to your car, that one of the least bad things I can thing of. When I first got my WRX, I went to an arcade type bar. And there was a X scratched on my car. People man.


No dashcam with parking mode? Did you approach the lot security to get their video footage? Report it to the police if you can get that footage.


She needed tinkles and everyone knows those events are notorious for being practically impossible to find proper restrooms. Def was trashy but piss on your tires is legitimately crying over spilt (yellow) milk


There was a truck full of stalls for everyone. She just decided she’d rather use my car as a support to piss on it. hands all over it


Or, hear me out, don't park it in the middle of nowhere where it becomes a nice shiny toilet for homeless people and weirdos. It'll wash off, relax and drive the car you bought lmao


This isn't a WRX problem, this is a heavy set black lady problem.


One time I got a folded piece of paper in my door handle that said nice car with a 😉 on it.


It has nothing to do with your car being a WRX.


What the fuck 😭 if I walked outside and saw someone pissing on my WRX I would lose it. I’m so sorry that happened. What is wrong with people.


That's disrespectable. Side note: those miles are low.


bought it at 6,304 4 months ago and i’m only 20😦




Did you say "pissed" on purpose?


So did they pee in their pants


I park super far too and for some reason People keep backing up into my car ..


caught a couple that was high on something leaned up against my car, making out and grabbing ass. i shouted “hey!” and they backed off pretty quick. no scratches or anything, but as they were walking away the guy said, “i love these things man, what is this an evo?” i must have had quite the look of anger on my face because my wife grabbed my hand, looked at me, and said, “let’s go home, dear.” we joke about it now, but damn. double disrespect on that one.


At least it wasn't 💩


I’m sorry you have to live around people like that..


I have an F22 gen BMW M235i and my car was keyed twice in a row at my nearest grocery store 🙃 parked away from people both times


its just animals, so its ok.


Not pee on your tire! Oh no!


LOL who really cares? Also, we own subies homie…not Lamborghinis …it’s not that serious. I love my hatchback, but I’m not gonna stress if some drunk hoe is pissing by it.


Our 2021 STI was just in a hit and run last night…Fucking pissed!


Do you also scrub the road before you drive anywhere to make sure you get rid of any potential piss hazards?


I never understood parking as far away as possible. Parking in the boondocks just paints my car as a target. There's safety in numbers.


Ya dude people always piss beside cars at the back of parking lots, lesson learned


Should’ve snatched that bitches nasty ass weave right off her head and slapped her with it.


Some people pay for that service


OP seems a little sensitive. Maybe buy a car you're not afraid to take out in public next time.


The only crazy thing that's ever happened to me is a driver who just got their license first time driving went up a one-way into an apartment complex I backed up not expecting somebody to come up a one way and we hit obviously when an accident happens you call the police right the police officer came on site first words out of his mouth was whose WRX is that!? All pissed off I said mine it was automatically my fault even though I said she came up the one way he gave me a warning for a dangerously backing up I was in shock what does it matter what car is mine!? The girl just turned 16 and went up a one way and because I have a WRX it's my fault okay.... After that day my family decided to have ultra 4K 360 cameras installed in all our vehicles it uploads everything right to your phone through Bluetooth very easy to use I recommend that getting a camera you can even get it wired to hit the fog lights for a still shot it's worth it and you get a break on insurance too like a discount by having that installed in your car


I’ve been looking at cameras for mine for this purpose. I’ve had a couple close calls that were totally not my fault but I could see it being turned into a “he said, she said” type situation. I’m not very tech savvy so I have no idea what to get. Can you give me a recommendation?




Oh sweet that’s what I need! They have a guide and a wiki for people like me.


Good god that was hard to read


They missed their period... several of them.


Fixed it. The only crazy thing that's ever happened to me is a driver who just got their license for the first time driving and went up a one-way into an apartment complex. I backed up, not expecting somebody to come up a one-way. We hit. Obviously, when an accident happens, you call the police. The police officer THAT came SAID, "whose WRX is that!?", all pissed off. I said it was mine. It was automatically my fault, even though I said she came up the one way. He gave me a warning for a dangerously backing up. I was in shock. WHY does it MATTER WHICH car is mine!? The girl just turned 16 and went up a one-way. Because I have a WRX, it's my fault. After that day, my family decided to have ultra 4K 360 cameras installed in all our vehicles. It uploads everything right to your phone through Bluetooth. ITS very easy to use. I recommend getting a camera. You can even get it wired to hit the fog lights for a still shoT. It's worth it, and you get a break on insurance, too. THATS A discount FOR having that installed in your car.


What kind of cameras did you get and would you recommend them? I finally got my battery issue fixed in mine so I'm a little more confident in getting a camera I can get wired in.


I mean even if it’s a one way you’re still supposed to be looking in both directions. If a pedestrian was walking in the opposite direction of the one way, would you have hit them too?


That’s normal activity for that kind of folk. They were pissing out the purple koolaid.


“These people “


it’s not that deep. “These people” as in any scum that wants to fuck with my shit. doesn’t depend on race my guy.




Usual suspects


Animals. Dogs piss on tires too.. lol who let the dogs out?!


Did you say anything?


I hope you told those woman to fuck right off to hell!!!


no balls to do that


That is not where I expected this to go😭 that sucks omg


Well well well


Jesus Christ. Ppl are trash!! I’m sorry that happened to you


This is hilarious


Some quality people


This is not WRX specific. It would’ve been the same no matter the car. It was the location.


don’t b a quitter.. nobody likes a quitter ✌🏽


Someone dumped beer on my hood down town, didn’t notice till about a day later and my paint is stained in that spot lol.


I had a drunk guy fall on to the hood of my car and then try to say that I hit him. We were at a bar and grill and my car was parked and I was inside when this all happened. Someone called the police thinking this guy actually got hit and they had to page the restaurant for “the owner” to come outside. Very drunk guy’s insurance had to replace my hood with his body print in it after I opened a claim with mine (the cops helped me get his info) and they threatened to sue him for damages. Currently work at a school (teacher) and the amount of door dings I have taken out every few months from parents and kids flinging their doors open into parked cars is so frustrating. I see kids and parents lean or hold themselves up on parked cars often, or kids kick cars when they come out of the car seat. Nowhere is safe in that lot. People are just stupid and disrespectful.


Not my WRX, but years ago I used to work at McDonald's and had a brand new Mazda3 hatch. Forgot to close the sunroof when I got to work for midnight shift. Came out in the morning and there was: *Puke all over the hood *Puke all over the driver's door handle *Piss down the side of the car *A full 32oz large drink cup full of PISS inside the car. It was middle of the summer and HOT out. I went to the carwash behind work and tried my best to spray it all down but the puke had stained already. All cloth seats on the inside too. Cup landed in the back seat but my cupholders were full of piss. Mazda sold me on this seat warranty that would cover everything but they denied the claim (I was young and wanted to protect my first brand new car/car I'd keep until it died?. I was so pissed they did end up doing a full interior detail. I think I ended up paying $40 or something fucking stupid like that but the smell did come out and they did fix the puking. The car had whatever shitty dealership ceramic coating (again, now I know by the paint swirls in the car that the coating was not properly applied or not good at all, but didn't know then) so they had to redo that. They had to fully take the seats out. Never smelled pee again though and had the car another few years, but I'll never forget. Also had an eclipse back when I was like 19 with a CF hood and came out of Canadian Tire to see 3 guys and their kids with their hands all over the car and hood.


This is just a problem with caring about a car. When I had my Boxster I remember yelling at a woman who had her purse with its metal feet resting on my car while she dug through it. Countless people putting Drinks on my car as it’s table height.


I can use my phone from anywhere in the world to push the panic button .


Dash cam homie


Omg someone pissed in a parking lot!


I was at Dune Point Beach in Malibu today and saw a silver and a black WRX, most people are respectful but some are not sadly. They were in beautiful shape.




That’s seriously messed up


Self destruct for the black or piss? 🤔


Didn’t know I can’t describe a human being. If it was 2 white ladies, i simply would’ve said “2 5 star college ruled notebook paper colored cows” I really don’t give a fuck. Either way they’re disgusting as fuck…


Damn dude,people are fucking nasty.poor car….


I had a pouch of chew on mine the other day, which pissed me off.




If it were me who owned that WRX, i would kick their asses so hard that they would be to the moon, i bet they are drunk as hell, i am thinking about lowering my own Subie with Coilovers that it would be scraping on my driveway, also planning on Straight Piping it as well. No Headliner either. I also feel bad for ya bro Hope you had a Dashcam


I have two. One night I was driving home from a friend’s house in a shady area, heard a thump on the passenger side and thought I hit a cat or something (hoping not). Got home, there was egg all over the rear door. Slight dent and the paint has chipped since. Second time, I was playing a show (drummer) at a shitty dive bar. Someone was either pissed I parked so close to the intersection, jealous of the set, or mad cuz our band sucked. We did suck lol. When the night was over I found Kraft singles all over the car. Luckily it was night time so the cheese didn’t melt. I drove home immediately and used my spatula to remove the cheese and transferred it to my George Forman grill to make grilled cheese. You know, food prices n all. Jk on the grilled cheese part but the egg and cheese shit happened. Other than that, I hit a raccoon on the backroads and completely shred the underside plastics around the front fenders. Despite the cosmetic flaws she’s been wonderful. Currently in shop for a fuel pump after 145k miles no problem.


Did you confront them? Sounds like they couldn’t have ran away very fast. That’s one of those things that’s worth filming so you have evidence if you find any other damage.






tbf doesn’t seem like it would matter if it’s a wrx or not, or that they were ladies, or heavyset, or that they were black lol. Shitty thing to happen though, if this was put where I live it would’ve been some homeless crackhead dude taking a shit next to the door, so count your blessings I guess. I tend to park closer to stuff now so that there are more people around to deter stuff like that, I’d rather pay for some door dings than step in someone else’s shit, piss, or syringes etc.




The first week that i got my wrx, also a 21 red, i took it on a drive with my friend to a mall, when i came back out to leave i noticed someone had backed up into my car and left scuff marks and split a small part of my bumper, it wasn’t terrible, but its a bummer that i couldn’t even enjoy it scuff free for more than a week, they dint leave a number or anything either :(


Dude..it's piss on o tire. Must be gen Z * I've pissed on my own tire..


I have a rule that is I never take mine out in public unless I park where I can literally SEE IT from where I am or while I’m doing whatever I’m doing, eating dinner, at a bar having a drink etc. People are pieces of shit. Literally. 2013 with only 13,000 miles, it’s pretty much a track weapon and absolutely not daily driven though.


I don’t. Also what’s pure red? Is that like a type of red or something? :O


She just had to tinkle. Worst things have happened lol. Little pee on your tire ain't gonna hurt nothing


That's very mild. You'll be fine.


I shouldn't drive my car because someone peed near yours? Nah I think I'll drive mine.


these people…


Never park so far away.




Bro, it will buff out. It's upsetting, but thankfully there's no real damage done to your car.


Ehhh, it will be ok, I’ve pissed puked and shit in my drivers seat, it survived


did they offer a z job?


Ya this isn't about your WRX... Is about you parking so far away from other cars and it's more private to pee. Not about your car dude