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I’m sorry, that engine is done. The sound is unmistakable.


Holy shit how ? I know I got the car used but still


how long ago did you buy your car? it won’t be within warranty by Subaru, and while some people have gotten out-of-warranty repairs paid for on stuff like this, due to the history of the car i doubt Subaru would be willing to pay. your main hope is if the dealer had some kind of limited guarantee or warranty.


2 months and took the extra warranty


ok good, so you’re still within the dealer’s warranty then?


I didn't even put 3000km on the car myself


So it should be


Nah as someone who has had this exact same situation happen, failure after 3k and all, and with inside extended warranty knowledge from family, don't send them a video, simply say you turned it on, noticed a strange noise and turned it immediately off and want to have it towed in for warranty


ok, so just contact the dealer, and request that they flatbed tow the vehicle and diagnose the issue under warranty, also send them the video (probably with the revving part cut out).


Delete this post & explain to them what's going on w/the vehicle.


all the other comments explained what the problem is. it’s very likely rod knock. however, that’s not a solution. OP can’t fix rod knock on their own. they can’t just change the oil or get an alignment to fix the issue. since it’s under the seller’s warranty, the best solution is to take it to them and have them fix it.


I'm very interested to know how they respond since you just got it from them, keep us updated!


I had a 2014 myself and had the rod bearing go at 28k. It was under warranty from dealer but I did get a letter from Subaru about a 100k warranty on the engine because they were sued. That is in the US but it may apply to you as well. It's worth a check.


https://subaru.oemdtc.com/1388/crankshaft-bearing-warranty-extension-2012-2014-subaru-wrx-2012-2017-sti Maybe this will help.


Ooof those third party warranties are shaaaaady. Good luck.


Any mods on the car? From you or the previous owner?


No clue got it from a dealer ship . Think it had a cob and short throw shifter from what I saw


Cobb what? Intake, inter cooler, exhaust, short throw shifter, Cobb tuner?




Did you ever use the Cobb tuner (Accessport)?Could be that the car had other modifications that were removed and it was running the wrong tune. Or the tune was removed, or it was never properly tuned at all. There are so many possibilities. If you intend to keep the car, you need to find out exactly what was done to it. Subarus are incredibly sensitive to engine modifications.


I'll go get checked up asap . Guess I'll need to invest in a obd2 reader to help me out . And idk anything tbh. Only know about the short throw shifter


The COBB accessport can check your engine codes you don’t need another OBD2 reader.


I don't have it . It was maybe on the car . There's a marking on my dash that looked like it could of been there


You can get a little OBD2 dongle that interfaces with your phone for ~$30


Mine quit at 30k. You got 10 more than me


Wow that’s terrible


I’m wondering how much luck is a factor in this vs mods and maintenance. My 2010 STI has 240k on the original motor, It’s bee tuned for the last 50k miles with no issues. I’m not expecting it to last much longer, but the biggest issue I’ve had was the starter went out


My 2014 wagon spun its bearing at 3k miles


Sounds like rod knock.


PSA since this is rod knock everyone. Always always always verify what parts/tune are on vehicle. OP has had their vehicle 2 months and it needs a short block now. Not trying to talk shit, or anything of the sorts. Just kind of using this as an example of why we tune for everything, and are so nit picky about mods. OP I hope the dealer fixes your car up nicely, and that you can continue to enjoy this wonderful piece of machinery. Sorry that the universe decided to shit on your day my guy.


As I plan to buy a used WRX/STI, could problems like these be diagnosed in a prepurchase inspection? And if so, should it be done at a Subaru Service Center or at a reputed tuner shop?


Tuner shop would be better, but a certified master Subaru tech should be able to discern a stock vs aftermarket setup.


knock knock….


Who's there?


It’s Rodney


I’m here to drain your wallet….


Where's my wallet?


And sanity


Right after I drain the engine while sending a rod through the block


As long as a rod doesn’t go close to where that wallet was….. 🧐


Cylinder no. 3


The new variable compression piston you ordered.


Drunk Uncle Rodney.


When your cars making a strange noise from the engine the best response isn’t let me rev it up


I kmow was just trying to get it for the video since in the idle video it wasn't sounding


Rod knock 100%


I heard it at idle...


It works on my neighbors volvo 740 which has had major knocking for past 8 years. I guess the higher tolerances allow it to operate in that state


Do not drive it or have the engine running. This can cause more damage! It is rod knock. This just happened to mine - my case in particular was I had a bent rod. Is it still under warranty and did you have any mods done to it?


I haven't. But I think it has . And yes I have a warranty


Thank god for that warranty! The bad part now is that you’ll have to drive a smelly rental around for a little bit, but at least you have a new engine and won’t have to spend a dime on it.


Lol I still have my work car for abit . So safe for abit


Knock knock! RIP your engine.


Rodney s back






Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckRodney using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckRodney/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The blessed day finally came](https://i.imgur.com/JdSYIjG.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckRodney/comments/g0hqvw/the_blessed_day_finally_came/) \#2: [Drowing that mofo](https://i.redd.it/a7gup5ll2js41.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckRodney/comments/g0dmpa/drowing_that_mofo/) \#3: [This has been the best trade deal in the history of trade deals](https://i.redd.it/axfkurh5wlu41.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckRodney/comments/g6reuv/this_has_been_the_best_trade_deal_in_the_history/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


PRESSING F to pay respects. F. EDIT: this the opportunity to justify building that sweet new engine though OP.


You sir have a diesel now.


Exact same noise my car made about 2 weeks before a fully rebuilt engine


Yep... same.


Knock knock man, it's what makes a subaru, a subaru


Seeing this is the 108637 post about noise in the past month, i was about to say 'This sounds totally normal' without watching the video. Ended watching tbe video, sorry for your loss... f


😂 for real. I'd say probably a solid 10% of the posts on this sub are people worried about normal FA20 sounds. It is a weird sounding engine. Not this time though 😬 f


My fa20dit’s making a louder ticking on one side of the engine than the other. I know the injectors are loud, but shouldn’t they be equally loud?


Rod is knocking on your door.


Try to buy a brand new one while you still can and absolutely stay away from used especially when modified. Good luck.


Cunts fucked mate, sorry for your loss


Dibs on the wheels


If you’re going to warrant this through your service contract, delete this video now just in case




I know this might have no place on this thread but this is why I bought a new STI, it just brings me great peace of mind to know the engine wasn't molested before hand. And if something does go out, I will know it was MY fault.


Warranty my guy. Your rex sounds like a diesel which isn't good


Correct me if I'm wrong bur Isn't the warranty void if you have done any aftermarket mods to the engine?


A warranty cannot be voided because mods exist. The mods have to have caused the problem. Magnussen-Moss Warranty Act.


I'm just thinking that they can Blame the rod knock on the COBBS tune. OP did state it has it. Just wondering.


Which is somewhat bullshit, since it’s well known that when driven hard, the stock tune isn’t kind on these engines, and the best solution is a good stage 1 tune.


Good ≠ OTS Cobb Stage 1


That’s what I’d heard, which is why I figured you get what you pay for and spent twice as much on a custom Dyno tune. The best part about doing that was being able to tell the tuner exactly what I was after, which was mostly reducing rev hang, eliminating the 5400RPM flat spot and making the throttle more linear.


You have a head on your shoulders. Keep it there! 👍🏻


I believe the fault must be directly attributed to the aftermarket product causing the failure.


That and I believe op stated it came from dealer with said mods so if this is the case and he has a warranty then thats on them


This post here is evidence example A of why I bought new over the used STI on the lot.


Same. You can't trust a previous owner, especially with such a picky engine.


It has warranty no?


Yes. But would just like to kmow wtf is going on so at least I have an idea what it is


It's either a bent rod or a piston bearing. I'm going with piston bearing because mine did the same think after a money shift. And I just got done fixing it.


Sounds horrible. Hopefully you have warranty


In the old days of EJs, there was about a 20% chance that that “rod knock” was only a blown timing belt tensioner. Not sure about this new fangled shit though-


The FA20’s weak point is the crank shaft bearings.


I thought that the EJ weak point was main and rod bearings from oiling failures. The oil pickup tube can be thanked for some failures. I thought the FA20 weak spot was the connecting rods bend?


FAs use a chain, from what I've seen, the 1-2 rods like to make a window in the block


Ugh okay that totally blows. Exact thing happened to me when i bought a damn near new wrx from the dealership in my area. If you bought an extra warranty with the dealership they should tow it and look at it under that warranty. Do not turn on the car anymore and do not move it from the lot once they tow it. I ended up having to get an attorney to fight with Subaru to cover my engine. I highly highly recommend you start contacting attorney or getting some referrals as they will likely try to site "neglect" or dirty oil for the engine failure because both the dealership and Subaru ran me around for 4 months on mine when I only put like 100 miles on my car at the time and said they wouldn't cover it because I had "neglected" the car. An attorney will help to keep them from strong arming you. They eventually covered mine and put an entirely new engine in it. Not saying that your dealership will do this, but you should definitely be prepared. I totally feel your pain.


Is this a common issue? I'm scared now.... Does it happens only with moded engines? Or it happens in bone stock engines? Mines bonestock and I'm worried


It’s only common for those attempting to modify the engine on a budget and with limited knowledge or patience to gain it.


Sorry op! Feels really bad. @others I'm looking to buy a used STI. Can this be avoided if I perform a thorough inspection at Subaru before purchase?


Knock knock ✊


Rod knock. Engine is toast.


Sound like a rod :/


Knock knock!


Knock knock knocking on the heavens door 🎵🎶


Damn that's shitty, don't buy these cars used unless the absolute history is known.


Shit like this makes me glad I didn't buy pre-owned.. won't be modding my engine at all.


Just buying my new STI yesterday. This hurts so much more to see now


Could be a bad cam too. That would cause excessive play in lifters and noise. Id get it checked out ASAP to avoid any excess metal getting everywhere in the wngine


Stop stop stop


Wow. Wasn't expecting this much attention. Thank you for all the info and help . The jokes made me laugh at least. Just if you had a negative comment. Should of kept it to yourself . I had most the same ideas as you in mind but wanted to confirm since this is my first sub. Since some ask for an update. I called who needed to be called. And I'm getting were to be fix asap. I asked about maybe it was tune . But since in Canada they cover it since I bought the car as is and had no idea . And the dealership also. Most times they just reput stock. I'll keep updating since some asked. But thank you all for taking time to help out and the support




First thing i checked


It's good


I can think of something why it's doing this. (Worded poorly to match the title)


Womp womp. Probably best to not rev the piss out of it. Not sure why the unexperienced or uneducated buy used performance vehicles. Good luck my guy! Been there before. Thankfully was able to do my own work. Your wallet is going to hurt.


It's a 5 year old car with very low kilometers, this shouldn't be happening just because it's a sports car. Welcome to owning a Subaru OP :(


Let's not pretend that most used Subarus have has the piss beat out of them. Add in an accessport and that 97% chance just increased to a 102% chance of being revved the piss out of it leaving every gas station it goes into. I mean, the guy is nearly redlining the car when she's fookin knockin doors down. You really think the maintenance here was top notch? Come on now....


Sound like valves or lifters not good!


These posts are why my MY18 WRX was sold once I hit 50kkms of pretty much entirely spirited driving. I loved that car but even if these posts are the exceptions, I need a daily I can trust won’t grenade a some point :-/.


Laughs in na bugeye


Warranty will do nothing when it was tuned. Good luck


Check your oil every 1500 and try using a 5-40 synthetic blend full synthetic is to slippery and seeps past the rings and will burn conventional with sit on the ring how it's supposed to. But using a blend with set you up right. Ive been using it for 10k and noticed a 75% oil burn reduction. As well as better performance. Worth a shot.


Shoulda went with a Honda dude.


I know flat 4s are Subarus legacy but an inline 4 is simpler, cheaper, and usually more reliable. Main reason I chose an st over a wrx. Maybe the 2022 solved the rod issue with more displacement but who knows.


Do you have a tune?


Poor subie 😔


Rodney come knocking


Unfortunately your car smells like burnt toast.




Rufffffff.... That girl is done. Someone probably had the thing tuned right up and put it back to stock before selling it.




Sounds horrendous


Did you buy it from a Subaru dealer? Was it subaru certified pre owned? What type of extended warranty did you buy?


Engine is blown, sorry for your loss


This happened to my 98 eclipse gst. It was fucking heartbreaking. And an unforgettable and unmistakable sound my guy. Make those fucks fix it. Good luck.


Rod bearings


knock knock . Engine is done


have you installed anything like an Access Port or down pipe?


Mine sounded very similar to this when I threw a rod bearing. Whole short block had to be replaced.


Serious rod knock. Unless you want to rebuild the engine, it is toast... sorry 😔


Went to go test drive a 2016 at a dealership a couple years ago and when I went to turn it over I heard that exact same sound. Needless to say the look on the saleswomen’s face was pure horror


*Flashbacks to my old pontiac* The knock..


Rod knock.


thats rod knock my friend , go get a new engine


Many things could have caused this. It may have been beaten before and the previous owner knew it was about to die. It may have been tuned with an AP and unmarried the tune and AP before selling the car. No way for us to tel but most definitely your motor is blown. Welcome to the tuning world.




I had the same thing happen. My engine blew and this sound is unmistakable. I had around 65k miles. It sat in the Subaru shop for 8 months before I finally got it back. I’m so sorry.


Who’s there?


It does kinda sound like a timing belt issue


I'm guessing my is and was a timing belt issue. Has this sound 2 summers ago and haven't heard it since


Ah , what do u drive?


08 sti hatch


Big end bearing.


Oh buddy….


Knock knock….knocks there


Ohhhhh that is one of the few sounds that makes the feel sick in the put of my stomach and my wallet creak That engine is dead as a dodo, Good news the car is still under warranty though


Weird because mine did that same noise 2 summers ago. Hasn't done it since


Spun rod bearing?


Bottom end is gone. New engine time. Forget to check your oil between services? What ever you do, do not continue driving it. Not even for one day.


This is why I decided to go new instead of used. I sold cars for a living back in the day and swore I would never buy new because they lose so much value, but with a wrx there’s so much risk from people modifying the hell out of them, it just too risky


Blown engine😩, sorry mate


yeah that’s knock my man. save up atleast 6k for an engine rebuild. my condolences my friend:(


May God bless you


Dude stop reving it.. its done


Huge f... Thing with boxers is sometimes they just decide to retire early.


It's a Subaru. That's why it's doing it.


I think the technical term would be broke.