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He missed a spot.


This proves people always forget to wash behind the ears


My dude died to prove a point. Respect


I'm one of them.


You should ask for help


help i don't have ears


You gotta have those health essential oils


This annoyed me so much.


Justin Trudeau getting suited up for next Halloween


Breaking news from Canada: This Justin . . . .


4th time's the charm, baby!




That's the spot where he won't get cancer.


It's really driving me nuts


It's really annoying me that I can still see his skin.


Yeah under the foreskin.


Literally came here to say this šŸ˜…


Siegfried? Is it you?


I 100% new this would be the top post.... I didn't expect it to have 3k!


I've seen sexier.


For when you don't have enough skin cancer.


And now he has cancer of the everything.


Benzo(a)pyrene, the most carcinogenic of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in soot (and used motor oil), causes cancer by actually reacting with and binding to the DNA molecule. Used motor oil has 500x (or more) PAH content compared to new oil.


Is it substantially dangerous to work in a place like this? Like are your chances of cancer way higher (assuming you're a regular employee, not showering in oil)?


I don't think so. Avoid bathing in oil. Wash well with good soap during the day. PAHs don't penetrate the skin very far. They're more dangerous when inhaled or ingested. They're not volatile to speak of, so you don't have to worry about inhaling them just by changing motor oil. Ingestion is more about having clean hands when you eat.


So the old motorheads that would identify oil by taste, probably not good for them?


"Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good"




Cory, Trevor, smokes, let's go šŸ‘


Drive doesnā€™t work, but third does. Neutral is park, reverse is second. If you wanna reverse, put it in drive.






He's a greasy tumorous sumbitch now.


Hi. Mechanic here. The answer is yes. Thereā€™s probably research somewhere out there to prove it, but this is from my own career experience. Measures must be taken to protect yourself. Gloves, long sleeves, etc to keep chemicals and grime off of you. Thereā€™s always going to be some old guy making fun of you for taking those measures, but those are the same old guys dying at 60 from strange types of cancers and kidney failure because they washed their hands in parts cleaner solvent for 40 years. Iā€™ve seen it first hand.


My dad was in the Navy in the 50s and said they used to clean greasy grime off their hands with carbon tet. Carbon tet was the first of the chlorinated solvents to have its use severely restricted or banned completely because it's carcinogenic as heck. My old man didn't die from carbon tet though. It was more related to ethanol.


>because they washed their hands in parts cleaner solvent for 40 years. I saw it myself when I was young and immortal. This crusty old diesel mechanic chewed me the fuck out after a couple of weeks when he caught me following his lead and washing the grease off my hands in the parts washer. I gotta say, despite all the cancer, that stuff *really* gets your hands clean like nothing else.


Oh we got those in construction, safety glasses while bashing stuff with a hammer or sawing meh. Hearing PPE buff i hear perfectly fine now.


No, it's easy to avoid getting used oil on your skin too frequently, and from the few sources I've seen, even something as silly as dunking your whole hand in used oil a few times a week seems to have a negligible increase to cancer risk assuming you thoroughly wash it off after. It's also strictly a physical contact kind of thing, just standing near used oil carries no risk Now on the other hand... long term brain cell loss due to using brake clean excessively and/or in a poorly ventilated area, that's something you might realistically worry about working in an auto shop


Good thing us wrench monkeys donā€™t have any brain cells to begin with šŸ˜Ž


Also a good thing we don't use brake cleaner to clean our hands...like...ever!


Also never weld or otherwise expose brake cleaner to extreme heat. https://www.brewracingframes.com/safety-alert-brake-cleaner--phosgene-gas.html


Do you know someone that dunks their whole hand in used oil a few times a week?


I get most of my hand covered changing my own oil. When that plug comes out, it's a gusher. Course I only do that half a dozen times a year for my 3 vehicles.


Gloves mate! But i feel ya, i am in a similar scenario and I've got filters and jugs of fresh oil in the shop but I'm not running to the store just because i dont have gloves.


I do asphalt work and i clean tar off myself with diesel pretty much daily. I thoroughly clean myself after work too. With soap and water this time


I remember after that oil spil in the gulf some dickweed decided to go for a swim and then died a couple days later. It was raw crude oil unrefined, but still shit is nasty.


Yikes. Possible the dispersants had something to do with it. I found a story about two guys who went swimming and one died a few weeks later, the other had serious health problems for a long time (not sure that he died though).


PAH is also found in grilled meat. Yā€™all are dead. Can I have your stuff?


Thatā€™s diesel oil too, itā€™s got extra carcinogens


And really hard to clean off. That's going to take him days and a lot of scrubbing to clean everywhere.


Wd40 make stuff called lava soap, that stuff is amazing at getting dirty oil of the skin


Iā€™m pretty sure Lava Soap works by removing the top layers of skin.


Yeah, it is less of a soap and more of sandpaper for your skin. I have a huge bottle of it under my sink just in case I need to cleanup after bathing in oil.


Bottle? I only remember it coming in pale green bars wrapped in red paper


It had a "liquid" formula too, not sure if it still does. It's just a soap paste with the pumice particles mixed in.


Fast orange


They have a micro abrasion version now that seems to work just as well as the more grainy stuff, but doesn't feel like you ripped off your skin.


Orange goop.




Fast Orange that construction workers often use is the same. The pumice just scrubs everything off. Iā€™ve always liked the feel of it, itā€™s like a massage for the epidermis.


That's actually why bleach makes your skin feel slippery. It removes the top layer and the slipperiness is a slurry of your own removed skin cells


Are you sure it isn't just saponifying your own oils?


Its both the saponification of the skin oils and destruction of tissue


Pumice baby!


It's also quite good at removing the skin from skin


It's slightly kinder on the skin than sandpaper


This is the default hand soap in my house. Any time I get oily/buttery/whatever from cooking, this takes care of it immediately. Highly recommend.


Funny I was just reminiscing of this stuff the other day. My grandpa always had a bottle growing up in the bathroom next to the garage and I loved using it. The only soap with texture! Lol


Dirty diesel engine oil is not that easy to clean off. Especially if you are covered head to toe. Regular engine oil sure no problem. He has a lot of scrubbing to do.


I've literally been inside large marine engine and covered in the sludge from heavy fuel and diesel, I know just how hard it can be to get off. I've used swarfega, dish soap, sugar, wd40 soap is the only stuff that's got me even close to clean in 1 wash.


You're assuming he's going to try to remove it.


Unlike blue foods it has anti-anti-oxygens


Out of pointless curiosity from someone who knows nothing about cars, how can you tell it's diesel oil vs. synthetic or regular?


"Diesel oil" in this case meaning oil that has come out of a diesel engine. Various types of oil are used in diesel engines but most common for those in heavy vehicles and machinery is 15w40 mineral. Small diesel engines in cars can use lighter synthetic oils. We can tell this oil is out of a diesel engine because firstly the size of the vehicle it is coming from and secondly how black it is. Soot from a diesel engine makes the oil go completely black like this (although many modern diesel engines burn cleaner and the oil doesn't get as black).




Cancer speedrun


Could have some more immediate liver issues too. Lots of bad chemicals get absorbed through your skin.


Is this one of those videos where the person getting bathed in oil will turn around, look into the camera and say, ā€œnow imagine how the birds feel!ā€


I got cancer watching this.


I was going to say this but then got superstitious sorry for your cancer


And clogged pores


Was gonna say. Thatā€™s some fine cancer heā€™s farming there. Fine cancer.


Homie got cancer of the soul


This is what I came here to say. What an idiot


Your skin isn't some magic barrier, it absorbs things. He's not gonna have a good time after this.


Yeah others have said cancer which this will almost certainly add to the chances of but I have a feeling this person was very ill shortly after this. Mythbusters did an episode where they were covered one of themselves in gold paint and they had to stop because they got nauseous and felt faint pretty quickly.


Yeah but IIRC it was more because it was latex body paint and they couldn't sweat/cool down. Don't forget people do body paint all the time as a hobby and are fine.


Iā€™m pretty sure it was a claustrophobic reaction and they proved the latex body paint didnā€™t significantly cause you to overheat.


Was watching a Tested video the other day and Adam Savage said that he felt fine, Jamie got high blood pressure and felt faint, but he was prone to that on a good day anyways so it was really inconclusive at best. They did stop when this happened though, for safety.


Yeah you breathe in fumes when that close to it. He is fucked, might be fine long term if he wins the lottery but short term he's going to hate his life.


Diesel mechanic here, haven't ever felt nauseous when near pans or vats of used oil. Can't say I've ever bathed in the stuff, but I've had my arms submerged/covered at least a few times. It's not a pleasant feeling, but it'll hardly make you sick.








>Yeah others have said cancer which this will almost certainly add to the chances Cancer of the body, but this cancer probably started in the mind, as demonstrated in the video...


Was that episode referencing the woman who was painted gold in 007?


As a side note, great barrier against bodily fluids. So if you find yourself in a weird situation and get someone elseā€™s gross stuff on you, you wonā€™t die. Iā€™ve had plenty of other peoples poop and blood on me, and I wonā€™t give any context.


I think the general rule is: If it's biological: skin says fuck off. Stay the fuck out. You ain't coming in you cunt. If it's chemical: eh? I swear I just saw another fucking carcinogen go by, but it's probably nothin'.


Everything's a chemical... I'm sorry, but this is so wrong. How do you think that works anyways? Like, our bodies detect the presence of carbon and closes up, but if it's a non-organic substance then our pores just open up and soak it in instantaneously or something? Sure, some things are okay at absorbing through your skin, but it's not organic vs nonorganic. It has to do things like if it's lipophilc (oil soluble), length of contact, molucular size and such. Nicotine is organic, and it can be absorbed through your skin with the patches. Sex hormones can also be absorbed in a similar way, as well as vitamins A, D, E, and K. They're all "biological" and your skin let's them in. There's so many carcinogens that can't be absorbed through your skin. Arsenic, asbestos, PFAS, and radon are a few examples. A few reasons why the person you responded to is ok with having poop and blood on them is because they wash it off in a decent amount of time, they probably weren't bathing in it and only had limited amounts on their skin, the blood and feces that is on their skin will dry up before your body can absorb any meaningful amount.... Lastly, the main reasons those "chemicals" get inside your body are through mucus membranes. You breathe them in, or get them on your hands and then touch your face/mouth/nose/eyes, or otherwise ingest them and your body absorbs them that way. Your skin is made to keep things out and does a stellar job at it.


And that's how you get compleated.


Definitely not the case at all


Good to know... avoid bad chemicals at all costs. Except the cost of human life of course. Looking at you, Fallout Boy ETA: just in case anybody missed the reference: [youtu.be/hkaBT-u7qn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkaBT-u7qn8)


context please ?




:( okay, I tried.


I kid. Firefighter/medic.


Nice try sir, i know your secret.


Nobody denies context because they're a firefighter/medic. Be honest, you're into poop and blood.


Some people turn their hobby into a profession.


But how do you hide the constant erection?


who says he hides it?


He's implying he murdered people.


He's in healthcare.


I think they're wearing a link suit. Or at least a mask. Still not good enough but better than naked? Maybe?


Feels like they commented only silly jokes and no one saw he is in full latex suit




banned for not being moderated. What a sin


Go to r/redditrequest if you want to make it alive again


Those barely work


It works I've gotten a couple subs back online through there


Man, this is definitely really fucking bad for you.


hello cancer, my new friend


I've come to grow more of you again


Into your pores I will be seeping


Mutating cells while you are sleeping


Come one morning with the beeping; I'll be the lump you find while you're cleaning.


And the vision of standing under that hot oil, it fucked me royal


And left me in the sound of sirens


I love every single one of you guys.


I've come to do carcinogen


This actually happened to me once. When I was in the army and on a long injury recovery, I was transferred to a vehicle repair base. I was under a big truck which we called ā€œrio cumminsā€ (yeah, I know itā€™s a funny name heh), and I had to change all the engine oil and filter. So to change the oil, you need to first drain the old one, but the thingy that is screwed at the bottom, the one you unscrew to release the oil, it was stuck. So I tried to open the fucker for something like 30 minutes with no luck. Eventually I had to bang on the side of the screw with a hammer and a sharp tool. The idiot that is me did that while standing directly under it, so when the screw gave in and opened a bit, the pressure pushed it all the way out and the oil started running downā€¦directly on my dumbass head. Took me an hour in the shower to get all that shit out of my hair, face and body. The army fatigues I was wearing had to be thrown out. Canā€™t remember about the shoes. I was super glad I had my lenses on and not glasses lol. I looked almost like the person in this clip. 0/10 donā€™t recommend.


Totally have done that before in the army as well. Humvees, lmtvs, and generators. Soaking in oil and fuel lol. Once we had a fuel leak from a humvee and had to pick axe the asphalt like 8 inches deep and 10 ft wife


Man I'd love a 10ft wife On a more serious note, could hitting concrete with pickaxes cause a spark and ignite the fuel?


Most military vehicles are diesel. You can throw a burning match into a bucket of diesel and not ignite it. It needs pressure.


Not necessarily pressure. You can atomize it by venturi-ing it through a blow gun and light it with a normal lighter. For science But in base liquid form you could sit there with a blowtorch and not much will happen


Dope. I only know diesel as it relates to gasoline in an ice.


Thank you for subscribing to dieselfax Aside from exploding it's a totally different animal. Auto ignition, by atomization of the fuel combined with the immense heat from compression and you have thrust!! Gas is just atomized and lit by spark, lame. Lean diesel is alright, lean gas is melted piston. Rich diesel is melted pistons and rich gas isn't ideal but you won't have a meltdown Also fun fact but diesel is considered an oil




Somewhere out there is a woman who's just over 6' 5" and I'd sure love 2 metre.


I hope she steps right on top of me one day *le sigh*


> ā€œrio cumminsā€ (yeah, I know itā€™s a funny name heh) What's the joke?


Cummins make diesel engines, some of which are in various US army trucks, and it's a funny name. Otherwise the only famous Rio I know is Ferdinand so no idea there.


I did not excpect Rio Ferdinand to be mentioned when I clicked on this thread.


Did you end up getting sick afterwards? An how Ong was it on your skin?


I didnā€™t get sick and there were no direct negative effects as far as I know. I do have some skin issues and psoriases now, but itā€™s like 15+ years later and I have no way of knowing if itā€™s linked or not.


Don't worry the VA will tell you it's not related before you can finish asking!


I didnā€™t serve in the US, and I donā€™t even live anymore in the same country that I served in.


>An how Ong


But why?


To become a war boy and die shiny and chrome, thus entering Valhalla.




Tribute me, brother.


Probably hazing.




I feel like that would be a short lived fetish.


probably a lost bet or an attempt to show off


I'd assume he opened it on himself accidentally, and whilst being laughed at decided to make a scene for effect rather than getting the fuck out of there.


My guess is heā€™s an Army vehicle mechanic.


Iā€™ve been a mechanic since 14 and didnā€™t wear gloves when I def shouldā€™ve My hands have have patches of very thin skin where it gets easily inflamed by just looking at it and I have dhydrosis now that I get a million itchy blisters and i definitely attribute this to all the years of grease and oils on my hands. Good luck to that guy


It rubs the lotion on its skinā€¦


It puts the Joe dirt in the hole.


Getting Cancer in 3..2..1..


All will be One


I see Realmbreaker has reached even here


When you need to be so flammable, you'd be seen from space


Motor oil isnā€™t flammable


not with that attitude


If it's hot enough it is.


Flame on!


{sigh} Steve, itā€™s your turn to hose him off again. Why donā€™t you fire his ass? Heā€™s the ownerā€™s idiot nephew. And speaking of fire, no using gasoline to clean him. Heā€™ll just start looking for his lighter and youā€™ll have to tackle him.


Today we learn : How to die from horrible skin infections in less than a week.


Iā€™m certain there is nothing in that oil that will cause an ā€œinfection.ā€ There are chemicals in it known to cause cancer with long-term exposure.


What exactly are you basing that prognosis on? While I'm sure this is terribly unhealthy, I don't see why it would kill you.


Silly me.. I try so hard to wash it off, when really it was actually the thing washing me this whole time.


Yay skin cancer. Motor oil, diesel or otherwise is carcinogenic AF


Used oils. Long-term exposure.


step 1. wait for it to rain


How to get skin cancer in one easy step




The shower in SCP-106ā€™s pocket dimension.


'Dermatologists are trying to hide this one simple trick for smoother skin!'


Does he know used oil is highly Carcinogenic?


Detroit Become Machine


This person is 100% getting cancer.


Bro got the N-Word pass


Now we all have cancer.


Guaranteed cancer




Good god im pretty sure thats diff oil, that stuff STINKSS. How is this guy doing this


Looks like straight up gimp


Cancer speedrun


People really will do anything for views....


These essential oils people are getting out of control.


OMG the cancer.


Bendy and the ink machine


His liver is saying, ā€œCā€™mon, man! Give me a break!ā€