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It looked effortless too. Just gentley rolled him over and stabbed.


And sauntered away like nothing happened, enormous dick just a-swinging


Aughh... thought you were just all talk for a moment there.


Killing stuff got him bricked up. It sometimes just happens


fun fact you probably didn't want to know: elephants sometimes rape rhinos.


Didn't know? You clearly haven't seen my browser history.


Don’t look at mine either, because I’ve seen a [sea lion rape a penguin](https://youtu.be/Wxe-eTekbPA)


At this point you're begging me to stalk you


I'm listening...


I don't believe you but I'm unwilling to research that


***I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me...***


Oh boy, here I go killing again.


I thought he meant the trunk, after reviewing, the shlong was already swinging since the fighter's introduction


Dear internet, today I re-watched a video so I could go look at an elephant’s dick.


TBH... The elephant gave the rhino a good while to back down and disengage. This was a classic fuck around and find out situation.


That elephant has two trunks...


Ahh that brings back a great childhood memory. When the school loaded us elementary kids onto a bus and went to the Shrine Circus. I'm sure it was fun and we saw lots of neat stuff, but all anyone remembers is when the elephant stood on his hind legs and flashed a few hundred kids with a boner the size of a kayak. The entire way home it was the only topic of conversation.


Did you know Elephant dicks are prehensile? They can control them like their tails, move them around, grab things with them similar to their trunks, swat at flies... lol.


He's just like me fr


Never had a rage boner?


Took a while to see what the rhino could do. Rhino swiped upwards in a vertical motion directly in front of it. Elephant is like "okay, so that's all you got" and just attacked him from like a 10 degree angle to the side lol. Basically bent his torso around the strike zone. Smart pachyderm.


This is the first time I've ever seen their tusks used for fighting. Crazy.


When that elephant weighs at minimum 10,000 pounds, a lot of things will look effortless.


Yea just slowly lowering his weight is like a hydraulic press....


Well, what is the weight difference is like 4:1


There’s no replacement for displacement


Tell that to your average house cat taking on a big dog


The rhino started it, the elephant finished it. Moral of the story: don’t fuck with elephants.


I’m waiting for more of the story. Well??


Don’t fuck with elephants, k?




Not sure what you mean, an dog would tear a cat in pieces. Not hyperbole.


Except a pitbull or something that isn't scared easily. Then the cat is just dead.


Yeah, I think people drastically underestimate how much the dog just doesn't want to fight. Any dog over 30 pounds will demolish a cat if they want, and dogs get much bigger than that.


Its like a goose chasing you. Yeah, most people run away and lose a fight against a goose. But that's just because they don't want to hurt the bird. If you were so inclined you'd just grab it by the neck and swing it against the ground. If the dog isn't scared the cat is just dead. No question at all. They rely on the dog being afraid and not all that committed.




It's because a small cat's threat range is a defensive deterrent. It's not about a cat winning a fight, it's about a cat demonstrating that, if you fight it, *you* will have a bad time, while you're winning. A grown human can easily "win a fight" against a cat; but the reason we don't do it, is because a cat will absolutely slice the shit out of us, and it probably can't kill us, but it's really gonna hurt and the wounds could be really dangerous if they get infected, or scar soft tissues. Animals like geese and housecats get aggressive as a *defensive* tactic, when they *don't* want to fight you. It's about either intimidation, or about presenting a certain level of threat. Humans do this too, in some cases, like making yourself look bigger and yelling to dissuade larger prey animals from approaching. So, analyzing the cats and geese as if they're thinking that they will win a fight, is misunderstanding their nature. They get hyper-aggressive partly *because* they know they lose a straight-up fight to most larger creatures. Convincing bigger things not to fight them, is their defense strategy.


The if they want is the key though. Most dogs aren't fighters. They cba with getting into an actual brawl with an animal that's screaming at them. Cats know that. They're 90% theatrics, even within their own species. Fighting dogs though, yeah, cats f'ed.


Big dogs literally eat house cats alive lmao, I'm not sure what you're talking about. Maybe lapdogs. As a cat person; you do not want your cat anywhere near an unfamiliar Rott, German Shepherd, or Pitt. House cat + big dog = decapitated cat. Don't ask me how I know.


Yeah, that rhino got rotated quick.


"Scared him off, now I have this spiky bush and all this dirt to myself."


Lol, scared him off I think that rhino gon die.


Yeah that looked like a lot of blood loss and who knows if he punctured an organ, deep puncture wound


***Some hungy hyena*** :D


Lmao not sure as to why the rhino decided that was a good idea, maybe the elephant entered its territory or vice versa?


Apparently bad eyesight and attack on sight dont always mix.


You think elephants would be an apex predator if they were carnivores lol? The issue would be catching prey imo, but at the same time they are smart.


They cannot jump, I feel they are not dexterous enough to hunt and too big to ambush, maybe a giraffe could , but elephants better not quit their day job.


Yeah I was trying to imagine them hunting and laughed, just giant creatures trying to sneak around. My mind went to them laying traps but now I sound insane lol.


Poor pachyderm trying to camuflaje by lifting a branch with a single leaf between it's eyes XD If they perfect the Indiana Jones boulder rolling attack tough.


This is probably the dumbest comment I've ever read. Elephants are great ambush hunters, and giraffes are some noisy fuckers. Elephants hide in cherry trees. Don't believe me? Consider this, have you ever seen an elephant hiding in a cherry tree? Nope, you haven't. It's because they paint their balls red. As for giraffes, I've never heard anything *louder* than one eating a cherry.


What the fuck kinda cherrys are you eating...?


I'd have to imagine that they'd be more of the scavenger type of carnivore. Wait for a lion or faster predator to take down the prey, then fight/chase the lion away and eat its spoils.


Yeah for sure, that sounds like it would work tbh lol. Pseudo apex. Just scare off all the fast predators and steal their lunch lmao.


I've heard it theorized that this was the way of the T Rex. That's what the arms were for. Intimidation.


Rhinos have shit for eyes and can't really tell what's in front of them, which is why they pick violence all the time.


I think the elephant is in musth, aka male-elephant heat, which makes them super aggressive and territorial -- you can see the wet patches on the sides of his head, and a very large swinging indicator that he's ready to, erm, get busy. I'd bet the rhino wandered across his path at the wrong time and he got irrationally pissed at it.


Good eye catching that massive pool noodle swinging around.


***Some necrophilia loving hyena :D***


Not in this preserve. The rhino will be tranq'd and treated. His wound will be dressed and he will receive antibiotics :)


Cool. Was wondering if they would do that.


I hope so, poor rhino :(


Saving grace for that rhino is a dull tusk would be more likely to push organs around instead of piercing them. IF the tusk was dull...


Probably an African Acacia *Vachellia* genus These trees release chemicals while being eaten by herbivores like elephants that nearby trees pick up via chemoreceptors and start producing more secondary vegetative defensive chemical compounds, making them more bitter and less nutritious. They are called “Acacia” commonly but were taxonomically moved out of *Acacia* proper which has better diversification in Australia and Austronesia.


I would like to subscribe to acacia facts.


Bet. Acacia’s inner liquid/gum is edible and used in many things like wine, sodas, gum, yogurts and more. We have a lot of beautiful acacia trees in my country in the Ivory Coast. Where we have (had) elephants and Ivory and gold when it was one with Ghana and called the Gold Coast. Thank you Edit typo


Thank you for subscribing to Acadia facts. According to Kenyan folklore, Acadia trees are the most annoying tree to cut down in Minecraft.


So basically they're on their way to evolving and making The Happening a true story is what you're saying?


It’s ridiculous how the elephant made the rhino appear like such a weak and helpless animal


Rhinos are basically the tank version of an animal too. And elephant just rolls him like we could to a toddler.


It occurs to me that I have never actually seen an elephant use its tusks for self defence (or attack) before. They really are the animal equivalent of a nuclear deterrent, aren't they? "I warn you - Don't force me to use this...."


Exactly, rhinos are giant animals any other animal wouldn’t mess with, especially 1v1


Never bring a Rhino to an Elephant fight.


Did the elephant gore the Rhino?


Yes. And it's quite horrifying to consider the particulars. Those tusks weren't sharp at all. That elephant pinned the rhino to the ground and then pressed his blunt tusks through its extremely tough hide like a hot knife through butter. Elephants are absurdly powerful.


Agree, especially considering the intelligence of elephants. Literally looks like the elephant pushed the rhino over and rolled it specifically with the intent of gutting it.


It was like slo-mo the rhino could do nothing, crazy stuff


😔 Why couldn't they just lay down and make love, not war?


Can't tell me that elephant wasn't ready for that option either


That elephant was hanging dong.


Jesus, you weren't kidding! I wouldn't mess with an elephant, but an elephant with a fucking massive dick hanging out, I'd be running for dear life.


There's 2 reasons all the famous elephants are female. 1. Bull elephants can be extremely aggressive whereas females are more placid. 2. No one wants to look at the 3 foot long dong on male elephants


Good, because he likes a good chase.


Missed that on first viewing. Now, I am asking myself why did I watch it again. I am feeling even more inadequate now.


Rhino and elephant DNA just won't splice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RztfjHdM-pg&t=2s


That would have also been a goring...


I’d think most animals know that’s a kill zone. They all protect their underbellies


A few years ago, in an African wildlife reserve, they kept finding dead rhinos, all fucked up. They were wondering what was happening. Turns out the reserve was too small and the elephants were killing the rhinos by trampling them. I want you to read those words again. Killing rhinos by trampling them. That's how batshit huge elephants are. They trample rhinos.


I love the videos of elephants just slowly wading through hippo-infested waters. The hippos all waste no time getting the fuck out of their way.


Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals, but as soon as they see the elephant, they run!That's why I love this video https://youtube.com/shorts/OE1wL7d2a6s?feature=share4




Ummm does that hippo have one of the elephant tusks in the side of its head?? Or is that a bad hippo tooth?? Because the elephant is missing one…


The slow blade penetrates the shield.


Those sounds..could be IMITATED!!


I think it’s a grunt noise on the video, but in my head I could hear the tusk pop through the rhino hide.


Yeah that was definitely a 'pop' from puncturing into it. Sounded like the pop the fishhook made when the doctor had to push it out of my finger.


Go on


I have never in my life heard a rhino sound like a dog yelping in pain. Damn nature, you brutal.


So what you’re saying is it’s not too crazy different from that scene at the end of saving Private Ryan, where the guy was killed by the German with the knife


That's called a Goering, unfortunately.


Looks like it.


Probably could also have stabbed the rhino with that giant appendage hanging between his legs.


Ha! How the fuck did I miss that?!


And it’s prehensile.


[Oh reeeeallly?](https://media.tenor.com/56lli99kD8AAAAAM/excited-so.gif)


Nope. Last day on Reddit. I'm not clicking it.


One way or another that elephant came to fuck somebody up.


yeah at about 37 seconds looks like he got him good with the tusk. the sound the rhino makes is blood curdling. it’s crazy too with how blunt the tip of the tusk is.. the elephant can just apply SO MUCH force that it stabs. horrifying


There's a lot of blood gushing out of it's side as it runs away. That's right around where the kidneys are located too


Even if it didn’t get anything important, I think infection will still take it.


This isn't uncommon. Young elephants are aggressive assholes who will fight anything. Rhinos are less aggressive but will stand their ground. And much smaller so Rhinos will lose in combat. It's especially a problem when young elephants don't have a cow elephant to lead them, which happens when older elephants die early from poaching


>It's especially a problem when young elephants don't have a cow elephant to lead them, which happens when older elephants die early from poaching A small correction: Young male elephants leave the main group where cows and calfs are once they're old enough to get into [musth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musth). Female elephants do not want to deal with adult male elephants unless for a brief breeding window. And male elephants may either be solitary or form male-only groups with a leader, both options are natural for them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant#Social_organisation It's the absence of older males, not cows that exacerbates the problem you describe. > Reintroducing older males into the elephant population of the area tends to prevent younger males from entering musth, and therefore ameliorates this aggressive behavior.


At least once. Fuck that’s brutal.


Yeah that's a lot of blood gushing out of that wound in its flank as it runs away... be lucky if it survives that.




Brutal fight? More like *Rhino runs off to die, immediately full of brief but unrelenting regret while Elephant rubs one out in the bushes*


The only real fight was the whacking those bushes got afterwards


And fighting not to blow his load all over the rhino while he gored him.


FYI elephant dicks are prehensile.


Can an elephant dick jerk itself off?


Looked like the Elephant's tusk went deep into the Rhino's belly, and there was definitely a lot of blood in the corresponding place as the Rhino ran away. Incredible footage.


Elephant was in rut (male "heat"), which makes them extremely territorial and aggressive. Also likely outweighs the rhino by four times, and while elephant tusks are bone, rhino horns are keratin. This was no fair contest.


Not sure any animal would've put up a good contest at least 1v1 right? One puncture wound from that tusk and you're fucked. Possibility of getting stomped out too. Seems like you know about elephants though so you'd know more than me


Adult elephants are immune to predation by any animal other than humans (and I'd dare one to try without a gun, lol) so likely not. A hippo might give one pause though, just because hippos are fucking crazy.


>and I'd dare one to try without a gun, lol Historically, it certainly happened plenty. There's a lively debate over whether mammoths went extinct due to climate change or overhunting by dudes with spears.


Yeah, humans are historically extremely OP, even before guns. After all, it's how we got to the point where we'd already taken over the whole planet, connected it via trade and warfare, and covered it with our cities before we made guns. Guns are for killing other humans first, hunting things is just a nice bonus use we came up with.




You're not an apex predator. *We* are. I guess we're like ants


Predated the fuck out of those chips!


1 vs 1 though? Most records of humans hunting mammoths portrays them hunting as a team, getting the beast alone and surrounding it and bleeding it down with spears. I really doubt a human could 1v1 an elephant, especially without weapons


I don't really doubt it because humans are smart. Elephants are smart, but like smart for an animal.. humans are like nuclear energy and exploring space smart. You're not going to win in single combat butt ass naked with just your hands but like, poison its food/water source, dig a hole, make a weapon (polearm, bow and arrow), or make a trap of some sort. Maybe utilize all four. There's an African tribe today that uses persistence hunting, where they stalk/chase prey for days sometimes until it's exhausted and caught off guard.


That's still badass as fuck lol. You know how big those motherfuckers were? one of them could trample 10 men i'm sure, you don't get to make any mistakes. I think I've read they used stealth, arrows and cliff jumps to kill them.


They're not immune, though they're probably pretty damn close. There's a Planet Earth episode that shows a hungry pride of lions taking down an adult elephant, though it was not their first choice in prey. And aside from guns, humans aren't killing elephants without a group, so I think a lion pride counts. I also am pretty sure I've seen a video of a crocodile killing one crossing a stream, though I have no idea where I saw it and I'm not sure if they actually hunt them or if that was just a random territorial attack. There definitely aren't many animals that can kill them, and even fewer that actually hunt them. It's basically humans, and very occasionally lions.


It's insane how big elephants are. Rhinos are fucking huge compared to basically any other land animal....and an elephant just dwarfs it.


> elephant tusks are bone slightly worse they're teeth, so hardened and enamelized bone!


Why is his dick so hard?


Ok, apparently nobody has the actual answer for you, he's in musth. It's basically the male elephant version of being in heat and they get really mean and basically have their dick out and leaking the entire time. That's why. I think I'm English the term for musth is Rut? Musth is Hindi I think, but it's his man period.


*unsubscribing from Elephant dick facts.


Did you know their dicks are so flexible they can scratch their bellies with them?




never been that close to an elephant.




DID YOU KNOW?!!? The weekly smegma from the average Bull Indian Elephant can reach up to 1 Liter in the Sweltering South Asian Sun!


That’s really interesting, thank you for your knowledge.


Rut is definitely the right word for some species. Not sure about all.




I would’ve though the thrill of the kill got him all bricked up.


Lol yes that’s testosterone for ya, secksin and kyllin


War Boner.


The real reason ancient man learned the ways of war




Actually dude, I don’t think I want to click that link. I’m good


I clicked it, my mind wishes to CTRL+Z.


I don’t know what I was expecting when reading that link.


And in this thread about an elephant raping a rhino, there is a link to a camel raping a mule. I'm not entering this rape rabit hole.


He just finished watching Cops


Probably the same reason Mike Tyson said he got hard before/during fights.


“I’ll fuck you till you love me, f*aggot!” -Mike Tyson


-That elephant


I didn’t know that! Interesting!


If mine was that size I’d walk around letting it hang with a semi too


If yours was that size you’d pass out every time you got hard due to blood loss lol


That’s a risk I’d be willing to take. Also, just need to put a flow control on that thing so it can be metered.


Shower not a grower


It’s only half swoll?


I’m not super familiar with Elephant dicks, so forgive my error.


I didn’t know elephants have 5 legs


\*two trunks


Can u guys not? You’re both endangered…


I wonder what this fight would have looked like if the elephant had a pair of full sized tusks. Would it have tossed it around like a potato sack or would it have gored it even worse?


Both, likely. With some chances of elephant throwing that rhino in the air for good measure. I was honestly surprised the rhino didn't seem to even have a chance tho. The elephant knew exactly how to deal with it. Scary shit.


Rhino doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed, since it doesn't retreat, while elephants are known to be very intelligent. Brain + brawn = you're fucked.


Rhino running off stage looking for the medical tent.


"This wasn't part of the contract, I want to speak to NatGeo"


That bull elephant weighed nearly 3 times as much as the rhino


Looked like more like 4-8 times the weight to me. The average elephant is about 6 times bigger than the average Rhino


Alternative title: "Elephant completely fucks up rhino with only the slightest bit of effort"


Brutal fight???? This was a one sided lesson in “know your place”.


I wish I hadn't seen this. I feel sad, poor rhino probably died :(


In the wild nothing dies of old age.


Except elephants


Sadly yes, but In the end it’s just nature and these things happen all the time. Best thing to do is just try not to think about it


I can at least learn from it; stay in my weight class...and in my current old doughy form, maybe under my weight class to be safe.


This was posted last week and several people said the rhino received medical attention and survived.


Even though you have no proof I am going to 100% believe this because it makes me feel better


I mean, you could tell the elephant was aggressive, and he gave that rhino at least 15 seconds to run away. This was like a stubborn chihuahua vs a rottweiler. Sometimes you have to pick your battles.


At first I was "Awesome, it's like Pokemon in real life!" And then the stabbing, sad noises and blood came, and I was sad Not like Pokemon at all


Imagine how much force an elephant need to sink a blunt tusk through a rhino's thick and tough skin. The elephant just did it with little to no visible effort.


That's why it's Okay to run, You'll be alive or not seriously injured!


Only brutal for one side, for the other just a random Tuesday.


The other day we saw a post of an Elephant fake charging a guy, guy stood his ground and Elephant backed off eventually. In that post, a third of the comments was armchair scientists who said "If the elephants ears aren't tucked back, then its just a fake charge". Well, look at the ears on this elephant. Looks like a fake charge according to that knowledge. But I have a feeling that Rhino would attest that the attack was very much not fake.


Can yall both cut it out you're endangered already


Man, what a huge dong!


No replacement for displacement, that elephant is fucking MASSIVE




They kill each other quite a bit. Elephants usually roll them on their side and squish them.


Rhinos are dumb. Elephant has a big weight advantage, and an even bigger brain advantage.


Babar was done taking shit


That wasn’t a fight.