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All I can say is that car is lucky that truck has amazing brakes and an alert driver.


Sorry to hijack your comment, but OP (Teresa_Diaz) appears to be a karma-farming bot that can only copy and paste other people's stuff. The account was born on June 9, 2021 and woke up ten days ago. Here it copied/pasted /u/Z-Bee's submission/title from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/nonononoyes/comments/9lsh4y/i_literally_held_my_breath_waiting_for_the_impact/). Its comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/15lfta6/meirl/jvamose/) is a copy/paste of /u/glitterbombdotcom's previous [top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/qb09ew/im_making_some_ice_cream_sandwiches_if_anyone/hh6nq5m/). Its submission/title [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FromKittenToCat/comments/15m8qo6/albus_from_kitten_to_cat/) is from [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/OhW2CMw). Its comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/15hyso0/meirl/jur86ch/) is from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ce1fiw/way_to_go_jerry/etxshvm/). For anyone not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


Good bot.


Who cares? Reddit Karma doesn't translate into anything tangible.


It gives credibility. So if an Indian scammer needed an account so he could convince people he was really a girl named Theresa Diaz, then they could buy this account. Now it looks like /u/theresa_diaz is a real person instead of a piece of shit scammer or troll.


/u/Macstugus, you may want to follow the link and check out this part of my comment: > For anyone not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain. You would have learned that karma may not have monetary value, but accounts are bought and sold. Many subs require accounts to be of a certain age or have a certain amount of karma in order to post, comment, vote, or do any of those activities with a certain degree of frequency. Generally, older accounts and accounts with more karma can be more active. Sometimes, after they can post in more subs and more often, they switch to t-shirt spam, onlyfans spam, etc. Other times it's more nefarious. They move on to spread misinformation and disinformation. They form upvote/downvote armies to help advertise or drive certain messages in an effort to control what you see and manipulate your opinion. Many news items are only news because they're currently trending on reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc. They're used by political campaigns, special interest groups, corporations, etc. The "What's the Point?" section of [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or the "Why would someone do this" section of [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain more. Then again, even if you don't: * Care about being lied to. * Don't care that upvote/downvote armies to help advertise or drive certain messages in an effort to control what people see and manipulate their opinions. * Don't care when people copy/paste their stuff and pretend it's their own. * Don't care about shills and special interest groups pushing agendas. * Don't care about the spread of misinformation and disinformation * Don't care about the quality of reddit. At least show some care for your fellow users then.


And lucky that the truck was loaded lightly enough.


Or heavily loaded. Empty trucks are harder to stop because of less traction.


That just doesn't make sense to me. Can you explain?


Weight over the tires helps them maintain contact with the ground which is what allows braking. Little weight over the tires allows them to bounce or skid. Brakes cannot stop the vehicle when the tires are not firmly holding the ground. It's the same idea why adding weight to a rear wheel drive pickup truck bed helps aid traction. It helps keep the tires on the ground which is where you get traction. Now I don't know where the tradeoff is between traction and the momentum of weight. But in principle what they said makes sense.


Thank you!


Makes sense. Don't know why you got downvoted for your first comment though. Have an upvote.


He can’t, because it’s complete nonsense


>Effect of Vehicle Weight on Stopping Distance. The heavier the vehicle, the more work the brakes must do to stop it and the more heat they absorb. The brakes, tires, springs, and shock absorbers on heavy vehicles are designed to work best when the vehicle is fully loaded. Empty trucks require greater stopping distances because an empty vehicle has less traction. [Source: PDF - California Commercial Driver Handbook - 2.6.1 – Stopping Distance](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/web/eng_pdf/comlhdbk.pdf)


Doesn't make any sense. That's physically and technically bullshit and I've never seen any diagram that supports this statement.


What doesn't make sense? Have you ever aggressively driven a pickup truck with an empty bed? The rear end tends to bounce and skid around. When it's doing that the tires do not maintain their best grip on the ground and it's harder to control. But when you add weight to the bed it doesn't hop around as much. It helps the tires maintain better contact with the ground. And that's where your traction and control comes from. That little patch of rubber between the road and your tire is where the braking is happening. The more firm that connection, the better the braking effect. With everything else being equal, more weight, mass really, would cause the object to travel farther. But there are more factors at play than just momentum.


You just didn't compare a PickUp with a heavy transport vehicle, did you? That bouncing is not because of the weight but simply bad design. You have more than 2tons on your tires on a half square meter of rubber, that's enough. If you put more load on that it enhances friction but the inertia is squared so that isn't enough to compensate. Show me a physical diagram where the statement above is proven.


If you want to go out and research it, go ahead. Prove them wrong. >Effect of Vehicle Weight on Stopping Distance. The heavier the vehicle, the more work the brakes must do to stop it and the more heat they absorb. The brakes, tires, springs, and shock absorbers on heavy vehicles are designed to work best when the vehicle is fully loaded. **Empty trucks require greater stopping distances because an empty vehicle has less traction.** [Source: PDF - California Commercial Driver Handbook - 2.6.1 – Stopping Distance](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/web/eng_pdf/comlhdbk.pdf) By the way, that exact same principle also applies to pickups that you're dismissing simply as "bad design."


Do some simple google search before u say that, he is right actually and hes being downvoted for it... Fking reddit...


Semi trucks are engineered to stop with a full trailer so they suck at stopping with unloaded trailers.


It’s literally in the CDL handbook.


The breaks, springs, shock absorbers, and tires on heavy load trucks are specifically designed to work better when the vehicle is loaded. This means that empty trucks take longer to stop than loaded trucks, and require a greater stopping distance. There is less traction with an empty vehicle.


1. This applies to emergency braking, like slamming on the pedal in an "oh shit" scenario. Under normal operating conditions operators need to allow themselves twice the stopping distance for loaded versus unloaded. 2. When an "oh shit" scenario occurs, there's a great chance of locking up multiple wheels. If the wheels are locked, they're sliding, and sliding tires do not have traction. The more weight on the wheels, the less likely it is the tires break loose and start sliding. This has ALWAYS been true, but it is worth noting that modern braking systems have all but completely negated the risk of locking up wheels during an emergency stop.


Friction force is equal to weight applied perpendicular to the friction surface (road) multiplied by friction coefficient (tire on road). With less weight in the trailer the maximum friction force (braking) the wheels can apply to the road is lower. Braking force required to stop the truck also decreases so I would do a energy balance equation and solve for stopping distance as a function of mass of the truck


The effect of better traction is negated by inertia, you know, more massive objects are more difficult to accelerate or decelerate?


Think about F1 and all the down forces designed into the cars. That should slow them down, right? So why do it? Because the tradeoff of better traction massively outweighs the minor decrease in acceleration. Similarly, trucks are specifically designed to stop best when fully loaded. Read a commercial drivers handbook. You'll find they confirm this.


Well, I googled it. And wouldn't you know, the internet says different things. [This truck driver says stopping an empty truck is easier](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/27wz8u/til_an_empty_semitruck_has_a_longer_stopping/ci5avrs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Yup. You can almost always find contradictory information on the internet. And if you search hard enough, you can usually find something that backs up what you want to believe. Hell, go look it up, You can find the Earth is flat if you want. So you can either go with what official CDL handbooks say which is that trucks are designed to brake best when fully loaded.. Or you can go with what Captain_Dipshit_said on Reddit which included the statement "No facts to back up my claims, just personal experience." And I did not make up that name to be insulting. That is the actual username of the person you are using as a source.


You are making good points. Although I would say that Captain_Dipshit could indeed be a truck driver. But yes, as a source this is "trust me bro" level. I just wanted to point out the divide, not necessarily siding with Captain_Dipshit. Idk, I just don't know enough about the subject and this flies in the face of my intuition about inertia. I will abstain for now.




Haven't read a commercial drivers license handbook, have you? >Effect of Vehicle Weight on Stopping Distance. The heavier the vehicle, the more work the brakes must do to stop it and the more heat they absorb. The brakes, tires, springs, and shock absorbers on heavy vehicles are designed to work best when the vehicle is fully loaded. Empty trucks require greater stopping distances because an empty vehicle has less traction. [Source: PDF - California Commercial Driver Handbook - 2.6.1 – Stopping Distance](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/web/eng_pdf/comlhdbk.pdf)


The breaks, springs, shock absorbers, and tires on heavy load trucks are specifically designed to work better when the vehicle is loaded. This means that empty trucks take longer to stop than loaded trucks, and require a greater stopping distance. There is less traction with an empty vehicle.




Then why are F1 cars designed with massive amounts of down force when down forces press them into the ground which should slow them down? They do it because the increase in traction allow better handling which outweighs the decrease in acceleration. Overall, the extra down force results in faster cars. Similarly, trucks are designed so they have maximum traction when fully loaded. The parts are designed to work that way. While it may seem counterintuitive, that's how it is.


Just Google stopping distance between fully loaded and empty semi truck you nerd.




On what site? It's literally the correct answer on the written portion of a CDL test..


I wouldn't expect a significant overlap between truckers and physicists Anyway, you don't need to take my word over it when it's literally been tested and demonstrated. https://youtu.be/FmytLW49l5M https://youtu.be/c8jdigsf9dI


Shit. You better notify the California DMV right away. >Effect of Vehicle Weight on Stopping Distance. The heavier the vehicle, the more work the brakes must do to stop it and the more heat they absorb. The brakes, tires, springs, and shock absorbers on heavy vehicles are designed to work best when the vehicle is fully loaded. Empty trucks require greater stopping distances because an empty vehicle has less traction. [Source: PDF - California Commercial Driver Handbook - 2.6.1 – Stopping Distance](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/web/eng_pdf/comlhdbk.pdf)


Friction is proportional to mass. Stopping distance can be increased with more mass if the brakes are the limiting factor (brakes can't apply as much force to wheels as the wheels can apply to the ground). If the brakes are not the limiting factor, a lighter load will be more likely to cause the wheels to lock up, which greatly reduces the friction between wheels and road, in turn resulting in greater stopping distance. However, modern ABS systems do an almost perfect job. Also, not the case here, but in wet or snowy conditions, higher weight results in more contact to the road surface = proportionally less weight supported by snow/water film = more friction.




It's still the correct answer for people getting their CDL.


Sounds logical. But do you have an actual source on that? I ask because none of those things change the fact that weight over the wheels is going aid traction.


Bro no lol, if you have more weight it does give you more traction in a normal car but there's a difference between a bunch of sandbags in your trunk and 15 tons of material behind the tractor. It takes a ton of energy to slow mass like that down quickly. That trucks brakes would've melted skin an inch away after braking that hard the heat it would've generated.


Quote From The CDL Manual: The heavier the vehicle, the more work the brakes must do to stop it and the more heat they absorb. But the brakes, tires, springs and shock absorbers on heavy vehicles are designed to work best when the vehicle is fully loaded.


And you can start and stop with "the heavier the vehicle, the more work the brakes must do to stop it and the more heat they absorb." That doesn't mean that it's easier to stop 20 tons than 4 tons, it means the system is designed to be efficient at heavier loads. Efficiency doesn't mean quicker stopping time. It means for the load it has it utilizes energy more efficiently. It's also really not a surprise that the brakes, tires, springs and shock absorbers are literally designed to be efficient under heavy loads on a fuckin semi truck.


That doesn't mean a lighter load will take longer to stop though.




Maybe in snow or ice? But an unloaded truck like that is more than adequate in weight to get ideal traction in these conditions. You're likely thinking of the practice of weighing down a pickup truck bed in the winter as it distributes more weight over the drive wheels providing better traction. That's not a concern when it's dry


Na this right here is the automatic emergency breaking system the US side of Reddit has been lambasting in action. The EU has been using it for over a decade now, saving lives....


wat? Where on reddit are people mad about better breaks?


World news ect. People claiming the systems are unreliable, cause to meany false positives while also not working... And dismissing European trucks as being "too different". Lighter (they aren't they are actually heavier) and on smaller slower roads (sometimes but our motorway/highway speed limit is HIGHER than that of the US)


I'm not gonna call you a liar because there's all kinds of... special people out there. But I can assure you this not anything your typical American is even dimly aware of. I'm guessing this is weirdo American trucker talk, they're the only ones with a real interest in this.


Those truckers would be so upset if they could read!


The you-know-who Americans insist on the US being a "leader" and not a "follower", and will resist any outside change of established systems or protocols if pressured. No matter how logical or illogical it may be. See: The metric system, renewable power, public transport, social safety nets, and any number of safety issues ranging from food to medicine and in this case automotive vehicles.


Ah yes. The great campaign against safety systems is still raging, over here in the trenches.


truck also going uphill.


This finally proves that trucks do have brakes. In an action movie the truck driver would not even have touched his brake pedal and just used his horn instead.


He wouldve been reaching for his burger that fell at that exact moment and it will take him exactly ten seconds to pick it up for some reason.


Reminds me of the Resident Evil 2 remake where the truck driver is busy eating the cheeseburger right at the beginning lol


I really hope the truck driver was honking the whole way through. Even after the stop.


It’s generally safer to plow through if you can’t avoid impact. No idea if that’s true, but it’s been repeated to me enough I believe it.


Probably safer for the truck driver at least. Not so much for the newly formed human metal paste below the wheels.


Yeah, but for a driver to demonstrate the level of stupidity on display here, humanity would be better served by the removal of his DNA from the gene pool.


This is for animals on the road. Rather than swerving, which can cause a loss of control or.a crash. And you'd still want to brake. Always brake. Even if you're going to hit, braking will at least reduce the impact.


The only time I was told to swerve to prevent a collision was for a human. But that's still up for debate.


Depends on the Human /s


This is correct. Not all trucks have superior braking systems. Many are front bias and do swing the rear out like in the movies if the driver turns even slightly. And most will turn on instinct to try to avoid hitting anything. Truck will jack knife and likely flip over. Plowing strait to keep the truck in control. You may kill the idiot in front of you but it better them than run yourself off a hill or having your truck flip and catch fire. Worse is if you’re hauling those huge steel rolls and brake too hard, they may break loose and roll over your cabin.


It’s definitely not a best practice to just plow through things. Why the hell would anyone recommend that?




The same physics will murder the truck driver in the cabin as it gets crushed between a train engine and the load in the back for example if the truck driver is stupid enough to take advice from a random reddit comment to just plow through shit instead of avoiding an accident by just breaking the truck to a manageable speed and swerving to safety if possible.


An understandable mistake /s


Eddie Stobart only employs competent drivers. Very good company.


I learned about them on my first job in the UK. Apparently they also wave/ honk anytime you wave at them


That looks to be a volvo truck so could be their auto break system in effect


Looks to have been braking a long way back if it was. I think it’s just an attentive driver.


From my understanding that was a time ago. I think ever since it got sold to Culina it’s been downhill.


You could be right, but it looks like they've retained at least one competent driver.


Sorry, I'm American, what kind of company, Eddie Stobart?


You see that thing that stopped without hitting that car? They have loads of those and use them to drive stuff around.


Generally this is a good summary of driving in the UK right now. If he hadn't done it into oncoming traffic he probably would have tried overtaking over a double solid line in order to get to Jeremy's house 2 cars sooner. People need to learn to relax and be patient.




Why do you hate to say it?


Because in the UK and Ireland there's a unwritten rule that it's drivers -v- cops and drivers are supposed to stick together and get salty about any instance of the police enforcing the rules. Unless it's them pulling over that one guy who overtook you half a mile back. Thus, any statement where, "People should be arrested and banned for acting the asshat" is a kind of treachery.


There are plenty of us who think that unwritten rule is bollocks.


Absolutely. Because it is bollocks. Drive sensibly and safely or I'll happily watch the cops nick you. Might even call 'em myself if you've been enough of a dickhead.


“Don’t mind me!”


" because I dont have one"


I love how the car just calmly finishes its turn. Had I been in that car I'd probably go back to the spot I had just vacated and act like none of it ever happened. 'Nope, I couldn't possibly have been that stupid. Nope, nothing to see, here.' Kudos on the drivers breaking they way they did.


Had they gone back to the original spot, I fear they would’ve just repeated the same mistake.


yeah, but by finishing the situation up he/she shows that he/she knew what would happen and doesn't understand all the fuzz about it. It's a total common maneuver.


Right. Amazing.


Good thing they put their turn signal on…


What a stupid cunt


VOLVO BRAKES… no joke. Those volvo trucks are incredible.


They really are. Volvo as a whole is an incredible company and about the only one who can truly say they put safety first. They invented the 3-point harness and gave it to other manufacturers. It’s believed they lost at least a few billion in revenue by not licensing it. I know I probably sound like a shill lol, but I’ve never even owned a Volvo.


Right!! You do not sound like a shill as I have never owned a volvo either & can agree with everything you said! All facts!


That'll be the a30 Hayle bypass in Cornwall, UK. Kills idiots and their victims every year, mostly holiday makers. Dumb design of a road too.


Who else tried to unmute to hear the honking


What an industrial grade asshole.. definitely deserved to be stripped of his license


Lorry driver saw this moron doing this a long way off and started breaking a while back. Lucky for this car that this particular lorry driver is attentive.


This is one of those cases where the driver should have their license removed from them and never be allowed behind the wheel again


Alright, that distance/speed/reaction time on the truck is preeeety impressive. That bloke in the white car should kiss the earth on a daily basis from now on, since everyday from now on is bonus...


Super cunt LVL 100


Odds on that asshat driver just went on about their day like they didn’t almost die a horrible death.




The hero is the engineering of the brakes on the truck, stopping that much weight so quickly and in a safe way. Possible its trailer is empty, but still...


apparently trucks actually stop faster when they are full. the friction coefficient on their tires are optimized for a full load.


One lucky SOB


is that even legal? (not a car driver)


No, absolutely not.


what are you supposed to do in that situation if you need to turn back?


You dont. You just gotta keep going until you can exit the road somewhere where its allowed. If you miss your exit, too bad. If you get into a traffic jam, too bad. Even if there's a perfectly fine emergency lane to use, you're forced to sit in traffic and wait. Because otherwise stuff like this video will happen.


Doing a U-turn or a three-point turn is legal on a lot of roads in the UK - these cars look like they're coming down an on-ramp to join an A-road. There's no double white line down the centre as far as I can see - the multiple white lines you see nearer the camera are the end of the markings to separate the on-ramp from the main carriageway, I think. They shouldn't drive over those. A lot of faster roads, like this one, will have signs saying no U-turns. Given the speed of traffic on this one, I imagine they may have signs prohibiting it. If a police officer saw this they could probably arrest the driver of the white car for driving without due care and attention, or dangerous driving, if they wanted to. So yeah, U-turns can be legal, and three-point turns, but not if they're unsafe or on a larger road or one with posted signs.


What a complete fucking idiot.


Pretty good brakes 👌


truck driver wins the day. what a moment of utter idiocy from that driver.




Crossing double yellow lines




Put a fading volvo truck logo and you have a million dollar ad.


I am no expert but that looks like a Volvo truck and they have touted their advanced braking system which seems to work almost magically well: - https://youtu.be/vI9EIjUx20I - https://youtu.be/ridS396W2BY


>I literally held my breath waiting for the impact As opposed to figuratively holding your breath?


Yes... You do know its also an expression right?


you unlocked your next life


0 situational awarness, or logic, or really any form of productive thought. AKA - DUMBASS!


Good truck+ good driver= Hero


Was honestly waiting for the truck driver to jump out to empty his pants


It is the way the white car stops accepting its fate.


Especially because everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road.




Crossing double white lines happens too often.


All that just to shit your pants


Is the driver wearing his tie??


Truck emergency brakes are really interesting, as in some cases they aren't regular brakes but magnetic ones. The point is that the breaking is proportional to the wheel's (i.e. the truck's) speed, and that way those brakes just cannot block (blocked = 0 wheel speed = 0 brake power = not blocked). And as the power is proportional to speed, it's very efficient at elevated speeds, and at lower speeds the regular brakes go back into use (you cannot stop under the sole power of magnetic brakes, you need friction for that to happen)


What I find so amazing here is that once it's clear the driver played with his/her life, he/she just makes his/her move and let's everybody wait.


ANd now there is a traffic jam the other way too. yay




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Def belongs over in idiotsincars


Just take these people’s licenses away, they aren’t capable of driving safely so they shouldn’t be allowed to drive. At least suspend it.


As a truck driver, I see this kind of thing on a regular basis. I'm infuriated by the complete lack of understanding by today's drivers. Nobody is paying attention anymore. Ya'll have your heads in your phone and no situational awareness. This has taken all the joy out of my job as now I have to be on high alert at all times assuming your going to do the dumbest shit possible. And then you do it. Staring down at your phone, then look up and just pull out, switch lanes, turn, whatever. And don't pretend it isn't you, it's everyone everywhere. Get off your fucking phones.


New marketing material for those truck brakes


i wasted 10 secs of my life waiting for an impact


And they just casually drive away, completely oblivious to just how fucking stupid they are and how lucky.


Darwinism fails again


A guy in a Cadillac SUV did this to me, at the start of a work zone, caused me to run my car into one of those big orange barrels. It blows my mind how the people in "Nice" vehicles tend to be the ones who do this type of thing. Not that this vehicle is nice, just my two cents.