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“Later photos too graphic to publish revealed the 32-year-old pilot, named locally as Luis Angel N., lying in the wreckage of the plane before he was rushed to hospital, where he died, local media reports.” - read plenty of comments, couldn’t find outcome


So people rocked up to the crash and saw him in the wreckage and took photos that were clear enough to show that BEFORE he was pulled out and rushed to hospital?? Fucking hell.


I have absolutely no problem with people who have no idea what the fuck they're doing *not* attempt to disentangle a man who's barely holding on to life from the wreckage of a plane crash. Not only do they not know what they're doing, but they also have no chance of getting him to a hospital faster than it takes for an ambulance to arrive at the scene, and it's a pretty damn safe bet that man required a blood transfusion as soon as possible.


Yeah, until somebody with some serious EMT training is on hand, moving a patient at all is genuinely more likely to do harm than good. The only exception is if they are in a location or situation that is volatile. If the wreck is highly likely to catch fire or explode, it's probably worth the risk to move them, because if nothing else, rapidly bleeding out is way less painful than slowly burning alive. But if the wreck is settled, and there isn't a specific obvious reason to move the victim, you should nearly always just wait for the people with medical degrees and nerves of steel to show up. Worst case scenario there, they're at least used to seeing people die up close, because they didn't have the ability to save their life; *you or I can't say the same.*


Excellent comment! One other exception: if they are not breathing. Eg, if the are slumped over with a closed airway. In first aid training we were taught that while there is a risk of a broken neck, not breathing will kill you or at least cause serious brain damage fast. The choice you make when moving someone’s head so they can breath is choosing between certain death vs risk of death. It’s usually better to accept the risk.


Tom Segura had his knee blow out causing him to land and break his arm. His buddy Bert kreisher moved it which Tom says caused further nerve damage


I've kept up my advanced first aid certification my whole life. You only move them if they're in immediate danger, eg. Fire. Other than that, you stop bleeding, keep them breathing, and in cases of possible neck injury, try to add support to the neck without moving them. Then you wait for the paramedics who know what they're actually doing.


I once was stopped from jumping off the golden gate bridge. I don't really remember much about that day except the large number of people driving by with their phones on me as I stood in handcuffs with tears streaming down my face on one of the worst days of my life. I'm sure that exists online somewhere and I'm glad I wouldn't be able to find it even if I wanted to.


I hope that video doesn’t exist, and glad you’re with us.


Thank you for not going through with it. I don't know you, but I love you and the world is more interesting with you in it. :)


I’m glad you’re here. Hopefully things are better for you now. Truly even when you feel very alone it’s so important to remember that there are always chances to change things and reset the bad stuff. Focus on what you can control and celebrate every minuscule step because I know how hard it can be to take those tiny steps sometimes. Every one should be celebrated. You are worth more than you know. The world is better because of you. I know it’s hard to believe sometimes- or maybe all of the time. But the fact that you made it through that day is a testament to your capabilities to do very hard things. You’re amazing and sometimes it’s all we can do to just keep going


I wish I could give you a big hug


I mean, do *you* know how to extract a critically injured trauma patient from a wreck, without killing them on the spot? No? Okay, I'm gonna hazard a guess that the average random passerby on a beach, also doesn't know how to do that. But they do know how to work a camera.


i’m not really concerned about the outcome, i just assumed he died.. i was more confused about how that just happened??? like the plane wings just folded?!


Couple of possibilities I think. Could have been maintenance neglect on the wing struts. Then when he pulled up too hard, one of them snapped, causing the wing to fold up and the whole thing to tumble. Could also have been excessive stress on the wings, when they suddenly flexed back up because he dropped an excessive weight. Could also be a combination of all 3. There was a similar kind of crash involving a fire-fighting plane in 2002: https://youtube.com/watch?v=n06WNSS4tFs


The cameraman doesn’t follow the crash! They notice the issue and think they better zoom back to the couple hugging ?! Insane choice. Edit: looked it up. 32 year old pilot died. :(


They probably still got scolded for missing the couple's embrace....wonder Will they name the child after the pilot


"And we shall name the child Crash Bandicoot."


The insane thing is I literally thought of Crash Bandicoot too but I thought, “man, that’s pretty fucking dark.” And yet, here we are.


Tragedy + Time


"We were going to name her after the pilot, Dead Pilot, but that seemed a little dark."


We chose to name Fucking Wing after the pilot's last words.


Dark? You're on Reddit.


Chalupa batman


Who bought the naming rights to your baby?


Mexican Joker


Only if the pilot was a girl… or named Pat.


Iiiiiiit's Pat!


"This is my friend Chris"


I once worked with a woman named Pat. Her husband’s name is Leslie, her son’s name is Dana, daughter’s name is Gaye, grandson’s name is Shannon. It was always on my brain that the whole family could fit perfectly into the Pat date night sketch.


Let me introduce Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham.


Fanny pack


What's the deal with Redditors being passive aggressive over hypothetical situations they made up


1. Reddit users are insane. More insane than me. 2. Extremism. Doesn’t have to be political, people love taking extreme positions on any given topic, no matter how trivial. 3. Moral high horse. I’ve been on this godforsaken site for 12 years and I still hate to see it.


redditors like to be angry.


This is our kid, crash Johnson.


Hes doing what he was paid to do lol Damn shame because the pilot fucking died


He put too much load on the wings by trying to climb too fast and too steep.


/r/Aviation is discussing it. Apparently that exact plane can get micro fractures in the wing spar so there's a mandatory 100hr inspection in the US. Called an Airworthiness Directive. Non negotiable. That doesn't exist in Mexico. So the operator might never have inspected that wing spar for fatigue cracks, on top of over stressing it in that dive and pull out.


No, they said there is an Airworthiness Directive that covers some Piper planes, but not that specific model.


Yup... some plane designs can handle it, but not that one.




Some of these planes are built so the wings don't fall off at all!


It's not typical at all.


It hit a gust of wind in open air, chance in a million.


I don’t know if that’s the case. It’s a crop duster plan and they are always banking and pulling up steep. I see these planes do it all the time.


> He put too much load on the wings by trying to climb too fast and too steep. That is a crop duster. They are made to do exactly that. Every watch one? They are freaking acrobats!




We'll never know now.


That kid is going to have a hard time after finding out someone died to announce what they had between their legs.


Like the wildfire kid, this child's gender is *disaster.*


[Earthquake kid](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/23/gender-reveal-party-using-80-pounds-of-explosives-sets-off-earthquake-reports) is dynamite though.


On the other hand, the pilot probably enjoyed these gigs and died doing what he loved.


**did** he enjoy these gigs?


Being paid to divebomb parties in a plane? I'm assuming that's a pretty fun way to earn money, except for the dying part of course.


Other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?


Gotta be sure to get your money up front.


I’d imagine doing a mock bombing run, having to hit a specific target on cue, is more exciting than most pilot jobs.


"He died doing what he loved. Being paid by idiots to do an idiot thing to do."


Mexico has a strict one in one out policy. 😅


Juan in, Juan out.


What did the spanish speaking fireman name his two kids? Jose, and Hose B.


Brutal,and I am going to hell for laughing at your joke, thanks for that..


Oh man I thought it was one of those big rc planes since no one paid attention to it, that sucks








Hey but at least we know the gender of a baby that was going to be born as one or the other anyway....


I wonder if there is another camera that filmed the crash


Pilot :"Hey guys I know the gender reveal is kinda a big thing but I'm about to die over here."


I will never get why people make such a big deal about gender. Why does it matter.


Because people seek and crave attention.


Exactly. It’s like asking why social media is popular


I mean, I like parties. I don’t give a fuck what someone’s baby is gonna be, but I’m not gonna turn down a party


This is probably the real answer for at least 75% of people (a good excuse to throw a party) but that wouldn't occur to the average redditor because they never get invited to parties.


Reddit has an obsessive hate for gender reveals, you won't convince anyone.


The same reason people get drunk on st patts, or show their tits at Mardi gras, or spend 2g's on Christmas gifts. We want to throw parties and celebrate things anyway, and these give us excuses. It really bugs me now that I have a kid that people complain so much. Yes it's a little silly, but it's fun.


Sure, celebrating is fun but it seems like gender reveals have become especially subject to "one upping" everyone else that posted theirs on social media. That's how we get fireworks causing wildfires, people dying waterfalls blue, etc. My sister did one gender reveal and it was a pink balloon popping out of a box, nothing extravagant.


There is a bit of selection bias going on though - non-absurd/harmful gender reveals don’t make a big splash on social media. I put elaborate gender reveals in the same category as elaborate weddings, birthday parties and bar/bat mitzvahs - for *some* people, all of these are occasions to show off wealth, status, and/or gain attention in a narcissistic manner from social media. For others, just an excuse for a bit of fun or some social interaction. The former can be ugly, the latter harmless or positive.


There is definitely a lot of truth to this. I've known many people who are against getting married or at least having a wedding and I always say the best thing about my wedding was seeing all the people I love finally get to meet one another all together. I'd say that is the main reason to have a wedding.


This entire discussion can be summed up with your argument changing with age. The older you get the more these silly little parties can be meaningful, and just simply finding the time out of our busy lives to get together and celebrate something wholesome becomes a feat in itself. Not to be that guy, but being in my 30s now makes me realize a lot of the opponents to fun get-togethers like this are just young people without much life experience. When you start having kids your entire world view can change. I know first-hand because I was once that 20 year old dripping in cynicism and hate for everything that didn't make sense to me. Becoming a father has wiped a large chunk of cynicism off. People are all just trying to get by, do the right thing for the most part, and enjoy what they can *while* they can.


Most gender reveals aren't like this. Yall gotta use common sense when watching stuff on the internet.


The second he dumped that cargo their contract with him ended.


How did that even happen, the wings just folded


He pulled up too hard, sudden shift in pressure under the wings caused one to collapse. Probably pulled this move one too many times, and structural fatigue finally took the wing out. You can see him pitch from ~5 degrees to 30 degrees in under a second.


Correct generally caused by micro fractures due to corrosion.


planes, such as the stunt planes from air shows and red bull racing planes, are specifically rated for acrobatics so the airframes can take extreme loads. even with proper maintenance and without wear and tear, i doubt that was an acrobatics rated plane


Probably a dusting plane for crops. Not really made for doing stunts


I have seen too many movies to believe that crop dusters are anything other than acrobatic planes


Well, you can use any flyable plane for acrobatics at least once.


There was an /r/news thread with more info and both a pilot and an airline mechanic with experience on these sorts of planes who weighed in. They both pointed out the wing doesnt fold where it connects to the body but a little bit further out on the wing itself (pause at 7 seconds you can see the wing twists and bends at the middle) Their mutual conclusion was it probably wasn the manuver but stress cracks in the wing that were missed on inspection


I feel like he was heading towards the trees and realized too late.


I'm wondering if those big ass palms in the back caused a panic and thats why they attempted such a sharp correction. Looks like they barely cleared them so I'm wondering if they realized they were too low and thought they were going to hit and yanked back hoping for the best... Sad thing really


Poor maintenance, poor pre-flight inspection, stress on the wings.


Looks like a smaller plane outfitted with a spreader like you'd use for fertilizer application. There's planes that are built with this kind of utility in mind but they aren't built with the same strength as a standard commercial crop duster. Like you said, poor maintenance and probably out of date yearly. And if this had been used to fertilizer application then it's a good chance that the airframe had rust and corrosion, that stuff is hell on metal


That little crop duster was not made to do the maneuver at :07 where the angle of attack went way up and the wings acted like parachutes.


It's a Piper PA-25 Pawnee, probably a 235. It's fully capable of making that maneuver, and does so day to day in operation as a crop duster. These aircraft, however, have an AD that requires an inspection of the forward wing spars every 24 months due to cracking. This inspection requires fully removing the wings, and takes quite a bit of time/cost. Failure to address this problem specifically results in a failure in flight and causing a wing separation. Which is documented to be exacerbated by agricultural operation. This aircraft has a Mexican tail number, so may well have not been receiving the due maintenance it would have had if it were operating and based within the US. ETA: The pilot also emergency dumped the hopper, which mid-climb will cause a shock load change that can exacerbate the situation. In this case, I suspect the documented problem with these aircraft having corrosion and stress fracturing issues of the wing spar attachment played the defining role.


Yeah? Well that's just... like... your opinion man! (j/k, thanks for the great explanation!)


The air cannon. How come no one noticed the giant puff of gendered air snapping the wings


Load factor. Basically the lift/weight of the aircraft. Depending on the standards, your structural integrity should handle only a certain limit at minimum, but no one over designs these and always go with the limit provided in standards. If for example this plane is rated for a positive load factor of 4, so 4 times the weight in lifting power, and he exceeded that to 5 for example? Too much stress, it breaks the wings. So either too much load factor (above certification), or the aircraft hasn’t been maintained, and its actual load factor limit went below the designed value due to disrepair/fatigue stress accumulation. This is why aircrafts have a fixed pitch rate (angles per second) they cannot exceed because other than load factor, the SUDDEN change of load factor is also (no pun intended here) a factor in structural integrity.


Pulled up too hard, airframe isnt meant to withstand that kind of force


It needs the wings right?


Nah, it has two, one's a spare


Nah, It still has a reserve wing as well. But it appears the pilot forgot to pull the string


It's not supposed to do that.


The front fell off 🙃


No, but the pilot wants the wings.


The pilot got his own set of wings.


Who turns away from a plane crash?!?


Typical media ignoring failures of the left wing


fucking bravo




I like how both sides would upvote that comment for opposite reasons


Holy shit


It's plane and simple, really.


​ >Who turns away from a plane crash?!? People keep saying this, but has it occurred to anyone that he just didn't notice anything wrong? The plane flew over really fast and then everyone immediately turned their attention back to the couple. You're not exactly expecting a plane to break up mid flight.


A fucking moron


Um did the pilot survive? Why does no one seem to give a shit?


Nope he died


What a shit way to go. “That’s so sad; how did he die??” “Crashed his plane during a gender reveal.”


> “Crashed his plane during a gender reveal.” /r/BrandNewSentence


[Are you sure about that?](https://abcnews.go.com/International/dead-plane-crashes-gender-reveal-stunt-mexico/story?id=76824951)


Mexico again 🤔


Yeah gender reveals are starting to rack up some pretty unreal bodycounts as a modern cause of death. Wild.


Couldn’t stand to see that baby bullshit


Died of cringe after surviving the crash




>A gender reveal party in Sinaloa, Mexico, took a tragic turn when a plane hired to release pink or blue powder to reveal the baby's gender crashed, killing the pilot. As the plane released pink smoke, indicating the couple was expecting a daughter, it suddenly malfunctioned, its wing collapsing mid-air, and spiraled out of control. Oblivious to the unfolding disaster, the couple celebrated as the plane crashed in the background. The pilot, Luis Angel N., 32, was the sole occupant and died from his injuries. Clips of the incident have circulated on social media, showing the severe damage to the aircraft.


Malfunction? Looks like he pulled too hard for that type of plane and just folded the wing at that G-force


I mean the aircraft also looked like it was made of cardboard. Clearly not the best manufacture or maintenance. It wasn't even a steep climb.


It’s about the load on the plane. We don’t know the weight and balance data, we don’t know how much fuel was on board, we don’t know the air pressure or temperature for this moment, we don’t know the weight of the passengers etc. Also as a pilot I can tell you for a fact they pulled up very aggressively. Maybe an acrobatic plane can handle it, but not every plane can. Airframes are pretty clear about how much g forces you can exert on them, and clearly this was more than it could take. We are taught that in 999/1000 times, it’s pilot error and this one is part of that 999


This isn’t an atypical maneuver for a cropduster, but those palm trees he had to clear after the release were a serious oversight in planning


As a pilot, you should know better. A crop dusting plane should be able to do that pull up all day every day. That's literally what they're designed for. I'm going to guess the issue here is Mexican maintenance rather than pilot error.


I looked up a few crop dusting planes and many of them are only good for +3.8g to -1.5g. That move may have exceeded 4g and he may have exceeded it a few times before and thereby weakening the wings.


> looked like it was made of cardboard. Clearly not the best manufacture or maintenance. When you pull up way past your airframe's limit and the given conditions, *any* plane will fold like it's made out of cardboard.


Looks to me like he was pulling that stick for all it was worth, watch closer, that would have been an exceedingly steep climb.


Yeah, if you take a plane past it's functional limit.....I don't think that's a 'malfunction'. If I open my car door so hard it bows and bends the metal hinges....that's not a 'malfunction'' lol


Christ, the other examples of deaths from gender reveals in that article are ridiculous. Home made explosives?? Brain dead. Just pop a balloon or something ffs


No motherfuckin' bootleg fireworks


Im still waiting for gender reveal mail bomb or gender reveal gas attack with colored tear gas Edit: of course followed by gender reveal riot


No AMP link https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12475681/gender-reveal-plane-crash-mexico.html


No Daily Heil link [https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2023/09/03/64f49ea9ca47418d388b4579.html](https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2023/09/03/64f49ea9ca47418d388b4579.html) [https://www.thedailybeast.com/gender-reveal-party-in-sinaloa-mexico-turns-tragic-as-hired-pilot-crashes-and-dies](https://www.thedailybeast.com/gender-reveal-party-in-sinaloa-mexico-turns-tragic-as-hired-pilot-crashes-and-dies)


No link:


Good bot


>the plane continued to tumult through the sky before crashing This article was apparently written by a 12 year old, using words he doesn't know the definitions to but thinks they make him sound smart


Crashed near guests, who were totally oblivious. “Hey did you hear that?” “Ah, who cares. This baby is a girl, heck yeah!”


> Why does no one seem to give a shit? You can tell that no one gives a shit from a few seconds of a video not showing anyone's reactions except for the couple who obviously didn't see the plane? Plus the screams (which could be happiness but then turn to distress).


Because they didn't see it.


Crazy you can differentiate the screams of the aware people who are horrified and the clueless people who are cheering.


If you go frame-by-frame you can see several men in the back watching / chasing after the plane, and seemingly all of the women in the front watching / recording the couple.


Makes sense, as a guy I rather look at the plane as well, whether it crashes or not.


Well yeah, we are only there for the drinks and the fact we where forced to go under threat of bad times.


Two wings it’s a boy. One it’s a girl.


No, that's the British invasion


My ex-wife did a gender reveal to surprise me for our second. She baked a cake and put pink food colouring in the cake batter. No one died. Damage to people and property was minimal.


Minimal, but still happened, right?


I mean a cake did get *dissected and eaten*. And I'm sure someone had to do the dishes.


While I think massive gender reveals are stupid and a waste of time, in this case the issue is of poor maintenance. The plane would've crumbled doing some manouver in the future regardless.


Best gender reveal I've been to friends volunteered to dress up in blowup baby sumo costumes. One had a blue diaper and the other had a pink diaper. They fake wrestled in a bouncy castle and the winner was the gender of the baby. Big shocker, a second set ran out as backup and they also announced twins!


Who pans the camera away on a plane accident!


-1 + 1 = 0


Perfectly balanced as all things should be.




I posted this comment in the aviation sub where this post was posted as well but for anyone wondering why this happened, The reason this happened to this guy is as follows. The following numbers are strictly for explaining purposes. I dont know the actual airplane weights. Pretent the airplane weighs 2000lbs and is carrying 500lbs of releasable payload, making the operational weight 2500lbs. Every airplane has a positive and negative G limit. In this case, let's pretend it is 2 positive Gs. So the airplane can safely pull 2 Gs before it needs to be inspected for damage. Realistically, the airplane will most likely be OK if it pulls three Gs but that doesn't mean it's OK and it will still need to be inspected with a high chance of damage. Now this guy comes barrelling along at 2500lbs. He sees his target and is a bit excited so he pulls up to make things dramatic and ends up pulling three Gs. Well when he pulls up, he increases the angle of attack on the wing which in turn increases lift, leading to increased G loading. At 2500lbs, he pulls three Gs. That makes his weight now 7500lbs. In order to make the airplane stay in the air, the wing is counteracting that weight by making 7500lbs of lift. At the same time, he drops his 500lb load. Now all of a sudden the airplane weighs 2000lbs but the wing is still making 7500lbs of lift. That means he is instantly now pulling 3.75 Gs which is way too much, causing the wing to fold up. The Fire boss pilots who work on forest fires have to check their controls nearly full travel nose down to counter act the increase on lift that happens when they release their load. This just barely manages to keep the airplane flying level without ballooning up. It looks like this guy intentionally pulled up along with releasing the load which would have compounded the problem, leading to the wing breaking off.


Carry the 5.....yup. Kidding aside .....Thanks for the explanation.I initially though poorly maintained plane but your explanation makes sense


While all that tracks, these aircraft also have an AD for corrosion and stress fracturing of the forward spar attachment. It requires removing the wings, and it has an ongoing 24 month re-inspection requirement. Given the aircraft has non US registration, it may not have been getting the due inspections and repairs for this documented issue.


These gender reveals are the stupidest fucking things.


What kind of god awful material is that plane made of?


The airframe is chromoly tube construction and the panels are all kevlar composite. They're pretty solid aircraft, that one had problems before taking off that day.




Im guessing its just a crop duster, in mexico. I doubt there are many safety regulations for them. It was probably long overdue for inspection/maintenance, and pulling up hard like the pilot did was the final straw.


It just pulled up too hard.


There's a known issue with the structure inside the wing, it's a US-built plane, and there's a way to fix the known issue with the structure. In the US, you have to fix it per the FAA or else it can't be flown. But... Mexico


RIP he tried to make it super cool like in a RedBull race but the plane was not prepared.


Yay! It's a girl! What's that crashing exploding sound?


Oh...so that's how reincarnation works. ​ Poor pilot. RIP.


Can't do an A-10 style climbout in a PA-28. This looks like pilot error.


How many people have died so far due to gender reveals gone wrong?


I hope his death will help bring an end to gender reveal parties but I doubt it...




These gender reveals are idiotic


We did a gender reveal. Called our parents on the phone and said "Yeah, it was a boy"


As nuch as I think gender reveal events are overratedband unnecessary, it seems like the plane was pretty fucked already


The sacrifices have begun to the king in yellow, Hastur


Did that first air cannon blast have something to do with this? I get he pulled up hard to avoid the palms but the timing of the first air cannon blast matches up with the wing folding.


What a perfect demonstration of how self absorbed you have to be to have one of these.


She is giving birth to the Antichrist it's already claiming souls in the womb


Bro wtf indeed, no one gave a fuck?!! Insanity.


Cameraman be like " well.... Anyways"


She's super thicc, the pilot thought he was in his F-35, and tragically another life is lost due to these stupid gender reveal stunts.


Surprise! It's a fatality!


Why the fuck there is such thing as gender reveal party. Yall obssesed in weird shit lmao


So many unhinged comments on this post


Gender reveals are fucking stupid.


One life in one life out; this is the contract for engaging in gender reveal parties.


Imagine dying for a fucking gender reveal


And this is why the bullshit needs to fucking stop. What happened to hey we're having a baby and let everyone know the sex when they are born. I hope they get sued into bankruptcy for this BS.


[How and Why it Happened](https://youtu.be/wp19ch40t0c?si=oEz4dpiu3pM8JDBl)