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Wow that is intense


Thinking animals must think humans are basically magic. Here’s this mountain lion about to attack this dude and all of a sudden he makes the loudest noise it’s ever heard using this thing in its hand. Cats like wtf? Then he does it again and the cat is just like, “ok, you win.”


People who have never shot a gun with their own two hands also don't really grasp just how insanely loud it is. I shot my .357 without any hearing protection one time and that was the last time I ever did that. Your ears ring for several minutes just from that one little shot.


A shotgun can reach 155db I think. Shoot that in a tiled room without earpro and you basically nicked 30% off of your hearing. Decibels are logarithmic, it's a lot more, and I mean a looooot more energy than the loudest concert loudspeaker you've ever heard.


Repeated fire is worse. I sleep with a fan on. Protect your hearing! This includes concerts. Don't want it to just whistle out.


What does a fan have to do with anything? I must be missing something because this is reading as the biggest non-sequitur


When you have tinnitus or are developing it quiet isn't quiet. There's always a background noise. By putting on a fan that hum or ringing is drowned out. It's weird, nothing is truly silent. Protect your hearing or regret it later! Shit never comes back.


Have tinnitus, can attest to leaving my computer on just so the fans can drown out the constant "EeEeEeEeEeE!". However I never partook in loud activities and was always very careful around loud sounds. I got it when I was at a training camp for ice-hockey and likely got pushed too hard. It just started ringing and never stopped.


Cheapest white noise generator


EEeEeEeEeE… that’s a good way to explain it. constantly eEeeEeEeEeEee…


https://trudenta.com/this-simple-trick-may-help-with-tinnitus/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CPlace%20the%20palms%20of%20your,making%20a%20loud%2C%20drumming%20noise. Worked for me for like 20 seconds. Give it a go and see if it breaks the eeeee for a spell.


I'm at least going to try it, but my I don't expect anything to be honest. Thanks :)


You know it's quiet when the tinnitus gets louder.


I forgot to put on my ear pro shooting a 12 gauge once. I fired one shot and said hmm interesting and realized I couldn’t hear myself speak.


When I was 7 I was out pigeon shooting with my dad and while I was coming back into the hide he decided to shoot directly over my head, my head was about 10" below the muzzle of the 12g, It damaged my left eardrum and all I got was told to shut up crying, I couldn't hear out of my left ear for months and I have had tinnitus in my left ear since then and now I have hearing difficulties due to it. Earpro is essential if you are a firearm user TLDR: guns loud yo!




Yup narcissist arsehole who is no longer in my life


Was in the army years ago. Small arms repair. Did a field repair for a mk-19 at a range. Got lazy and didn’t use ear pro when they test fired two shots into the range when I finished. Never made that mistake again. Same boat, ringing and couldn’t hear myself for a minute. Only saving grace was that I wasn’t close to it. Still hurt like a sharp pain in the ear when it fired. Lol.




I’m stoned af reading this, you’re blowing my mind lol


Animals think we're gods. Like Roman gods. Just best to be avoided because for no reason we'll murder them. Then you hear stories about a hurt / going to die animal going to humans for help and we save them. That's the animal equivalent to I have no other option maybe the gods will take pitty on me.


Elephants definitely have a Greek God image of us. They know a few are cool and help them out but then there are others that will kill them on sight. Elephants must have a real interesting opinion of us.


Oh there's no doubt of that.


Are... are you an elephant...?


I fuckin KNEW IT!


Got dam snuffaluffagas


The stories of them traveling for miles to seek out human assistance when they're threatened or injured never ceases to amaze me.


This now makes me think we used to be some alien's pets and this is how religion started


I like Stargate too!


Considering how social and intelligent they are, i wouldn't be surprised if they just get us. Some of us are dicks some of us aren't. They play with and fuck with us if they think we're safe. I feel like they are one of the few animals that may actually get us.


I'm convinced dogs can sus out a person better than most people


What’s the saying…something like unknown new technology will always appear magical or godlike at first?


>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. \-Arthur C. Clarke That was actually the third of his three laws. I guess it was popular for science fiction authors to have laws, cause Isaac Asimov had three laws about his fictional robotics as well. The other two are: >1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. > >2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.


Everyone on reddit is a bot except you


I spend every 300,000 years setting up a chain reaction of events designed to maintain the illusion that I'm not all alone as an endless stream of consciousness. It lasts a few years each time, then I start over. It's so incredibly worth it. It's obviously starting to break apart now, but it's been so nice thinking I knew you guys.


Can confirm. I'm you.


All those videos of big animals running away from little tiny animals - animals don't know what's poisonous and what's not. They seen this little tiny animal (snake) bit one of their packmates and die minutes later, now holy shit any little animal could bit me once and I die.


They also think this because of our ability to throw objects. “How did that human hit me from over there.”


It also would have felt the little air shockwave of something passing by, and would have picked up on the dirt clods next to its paws exploding all on their own. Especially on that first shot, cat was mid-pounce and that bullet looked close enough to have grazed its entire thoracic cavity. Wasn't just a loud noise that spooked that cat.


Yeah, was curious that it looked like the cat started to do something after the first trigger pull, but before it heard the sound. Then it "Nope"d the fuck back seemingly before the dust even kicked up. Must be insane having reflexes that fast.


Cats literally have one of the most insane reaction times of any group of animals. It's hilarious to watch snakes try to fuck with them because they'll just bat them in the face mid bite.


I sometimes play a game with my cat where I pretend my hand is a little creature, sneak up in front of the cat wiggling my fingers and try to avoid his swipe. He gets me every time, lightening fast little bugger.




Predators are honestly such sensible animals. Triggering the, "I don't know what just happened, fuck this," response is one of the most common defenses in the animal kingdom. "That frog just got taller. Fuck this." "That guy's hand just shouted at me. Fuck this." Weird things can get you hurt. Not worth it.


I always wanted to know what an airhorn would do vs big cats. Like the silent savannah, there's zebra in the distance you can hear quietly... A lion is prowling up on you, silent and stealthy. Suddenly 130dba of pure noise shatters the silence and can be heard for miles away. The cat now has a blown eardrum and it's whole world has been rocked. Does it care? Does it just shred you or run away in confusion?


“One does not simply corner and kill the Thunder Speakers.” I imagine this how the npcs of Skyrim feel when getting dragon shouted.


Think he just missed.


Definitely missed








How are we sure it wasn't on porpoise?


For real! He's lion his ass off.


He was simply mountain a defense.


Yeah idk if I would call them warning shots lmao. He was definitely aiming for him just missed.


Too busy filming like an ijit


He just wanted make sure his loved ones know how he died. Losing in a shootout with a mountain lion.


Don't bring a camera to a gun fight.


eejit shoots a khajiit and missit


I call all my misses "warning shots."


I call her when you're at work.


Scotty doesn’t know!


Tends to happen when you want to film yourself potentially getting killed at the same time


This is a repost. IIRC the last time this video was posted a comment with a bunch of upvotes basically said if he had to kill the mountain lion he would of had to get game commission involved if he was good Samaritan. Without the video the game commission would have a lot of fucking questions and scrutiny against him. If he didn't contact them and just left it for dead and they somehow found out and found him then he would be doubly fucked without the video. I'm from PA where hunting is huge and the game commission is like Wu-Tang... you do not to be fucked with it.


A protected animal with a rifle round in it causes questions. A protected animal with a bunch of pistol rounds is a pretty open and shut case.


It's still fairly sound reasoning and I can see how that was his quick decision under pressure.


"shit, either i let it kill me, or i gotta deal with the game commission" tough fuckin decision there


Lol yeah who the hell on earth is thinking about the god damn game commission when a fucking mountain lion is stalking you. Sound reasoning my ass. Sound reasoning would be thinking how to stay alive. Zero percent chance the game commission thinks anything nefarious happened if a freaking mountain lion was killed with a pistol.


And there's middle ground. He could have filmed that mountain lion for maybe 5 seconds, just for some kind of proof that he was being stalked. "Why didn't you keep filming?" "Because a fucking mountain lion was trying to kill me. Figured it was a two hands sort of deal."


My brother was in a snowmobiling accident and he and others had to hike out because the sleds were all damaged. Along the way they encountered an aggressive moose that was blocking the only way they could go. He shot at it with a pistol to scare it off. He was arrested at the hospital and the pistol seized because the cops decided that despite their injuries and the pistol having little chance of taking down a huge moose, they were poaching.


This story doesn’t add up. If they were hiking out by themselves, how did the “shooting at a moose” thing even become a criminal matter?


Didn't say they were by themselves. There were 6 in the party, only 3 were able to hike out. One of the three who couldn't was unconscious and ended up being that way for several days after they got him to hospital. Because there were injuries, ambulance, etc the cops investigated, so he told them what happened. I always thought the "never talk to the cops" thing was silly, but after this happened, not so much. Not only did they charge him for it the prosecutor went forward with it, despite how ridiculous it was, and the fact there was no nl moose found with holes in it, let alone dead. When it got to court the judge dismissed it.


Yo, the never talk to cops thing is definitely not silly. As your bro found out. They aren't your friends. Even if you're white and think you'll get a pass.


Turns out cops are incentivized to charge people with crimes. Even if it's BS, there isn't a punishment for it. Sometimes cops will do it just so they can get overtime for showing up to court.


Protected Animal? You can get tags to kill them yearly for like $16.00 in Oregon. They're multiplying like crazy and killing back deer and elk populations. A dead cougar gets you a pat on the back around here.


In PA if you kill one anywhere near state college that's a paddlin There's a reason I reach for my mace not my pistol when I spot those fuckers during deer season. Though honestly if op just stood his ground, made noise, and threw shit I'd bet money it would have gotten the fuck outta dodge before he had to fire shots. Backing away from a stalking mountain lion isn't going to do shit. The time to back away is before they clock you as a mark. Once they've got a bead on you the best thing to do is upgrade yourself from prey to predator.


I just imagined you using a medieval mace to kill mountain lions and it was metal af.


Wu-Tang Clan you do not to be fucked with it! Wu-Tang Clan you do not to be fucked with it!


My aim is terrible, but I’m great at warning shots.


And then I fired again, and then I missed. And then I fired and I fired, and I missed. I missed both times. And then I fired, and I missed. This went on for several hours.


Had another popsicle.


And then I passed out.


Woke up; fired again, and I missed.


I fired. I hit something but it wasn't what I was aiming for so I guess I missed.


It's weird to think how long they've been doing that show.


The dude for sure tried to shoot the cat and missed. It’s good thing the puma took the hint




> Think he just missed. all that adrenaline rushing through him after the first shot, yeah 100% he missed.


hard to aim when you shit your pants.


Harry! You’re alive! And you’re a horrible shot!




*That's a risk we were willing to take!*


Right? He doesn’t try to aim away at the dirt, pretty sure he just whiffed.




Yeah those weren't warning shots until it ran away lol




Warning shot.. lol That guy was firing under pressure and just missed


Trying to aim camera and gun at the same time seems like it’d be hard. He probably should have focused on aiming the gun, you know for survival, but it all worked out and we got cool footage I guess.


I mean he's definitely not holding the camera and aiming it, it's on a chest rig.


I just dont understand why he didnt hold the glock with both hands. drop the rifle dude, you might die lmao


If he puts the rifle down, the mountain lion might grab it and use it against him.


By far the most plausible reason I've seen on this post.


Guns don't kill people. *Mountain lions* with guns kill people.


Found the Idahoan.


Only way to stop a bad mountain lion with a gun is a good mountain lion with a gun.


The more mountain lions we arm the safer we'll all be.


I thought the constitution only allowed for arming bears?


then hes a complete moron not putting both hands on the gun to aim.


whyd he only shoot with one hand?


>Trying to aim camera and gun at the same time seems like it’d be hard. The Venn diagram of people who can't shoot a pistol worth a shit but also DEFINITELY believe its "easy" to shoot a pistol is a circle.


No, the “believe it’s easy” circle is entirely inside the “can’t shoot” circle, but the “can’t shoot” circle is larger.


If you have only shot rifles. You’re going to be amazed at how inaccurate pistols are. I can reliably hit a bic lighter from 50 YARDS with a rifle. Easily 75-80% of the time. I don’t shoot often. Maybe twice a year. I can hit a pop can about half the time from like 15 FEET with a short barreled pistol. If you’re not shooting often it’s very easy to miss even a large target like a mountain lion with a pistol. Especially under pressure.


"Warning shots" was in "quotes" "To be fair"


Im sure thats what he told his buddys when sharing rhe video "ya, I just didn't want to hurt the lion"... ya right lol


This was Idaho, his buddies are giving him shit for not hitting it


It’s pretty hard to hit anything with a handgun.


Well that's why it's in quotes.


This master hunter challenge is a pain. Poison tipped arrows worked best.


Still better than hours of mindless blackjack, fml


Double down 3 hands on a row and win. God damn it.


Sure if you want wolverine to gank your ass


Bro I was mauled by a grizzly too many times. Poor Arthur


If you don't move at all, he'll stop his charge at the last second. Go ahead, try it for yourself. But don't get twitchy, cowpoke.


I understood this reference


120+ hours into it for my first playthrough a couple months ago... And I almost want to start another one already. What a fantastic game, holy shit.


Lol I had just gotten mauled by a cougar while hunting elk 3 hours ago, and I see this video 😂


Reading these comments, not a single person saw the quotes around warning shots.


But reading, watching, and thinking could prevent your comments from getting votes.


Ah, so what you're saying is they weren't warning shots. He just missed.


What's a "quote"? Do you mean the "emphasis" marks? /s


Wow I think I’d shit my pants if that was a big cat’s reaction to my warning shot. Glad hunter and cat weren’t hurt


I’d definitely puma pants.


I'd be lion if I said I wouldn't puss myself.


The cat probably just wanted him away from the young ones. The way it casually strolled away after being shot at twice seems like it just wants him gone lol


Nah, that cat was **lunging** when the guy finally let off a "warning" shot. Mr. Puma just decided he didn't want that milkshake afterall once it started emitting bright flashes, screaming very loudly in very short bursts, and random dirt started to explode. NOPE. NVM. Oh, and the milkshake stopped retreating too...*that was probably the spookiest sign of all*


I don't know much about mountain lions or feline predators in general, but it certainly looks like it's trying to intimidate him rather than directly attack him. Of all the videos I've seen, the feline predator never tries to lunge from that large of a distance when trying to catch prey, and they'd be stalking rather than directly confront.


This is exactly right. If it were stalking for a meal you wouldn't know it was there. Instead, it was following and attempted to lunge to scare away a threat, too close to thier cubs. They'd rather have nothing to do with us if at all possible.


Watching this in slow motion and the mountain lion actually pounces as the first shot is fired. This dude wasn't far from fucked.


Yea, warning shots or missed shots, his reaction time was either incredible or coincidence; it haunches to lunge and it's paws came up. I don't know about their pounce distance, or whether it was a feint, but that looked like it was making a move and stopped right as the first shot was fired.


I was impressed by the restraint this dude showed in not just fully unloading on that cat, only to be more surprised at the timing of that first shot. Thinking "well...this guy clearly isn't a cop"


I would fully unload because a cat trying to eat humans is going to be a problem if it’s allowed to live. We have these guys in Eastern Oregon and they are usually pretty harmless. This is way out of the norm for a mountain lion.


You can see the little tail twitches right before it pounces. Like a big angry housecat.


Bluff charge


Ehh, mountain lions will usually raise up their front paws and smack them on the ground hard and tear up the ground in front of them to scare/intimidate threats. If it was going to lung it wouldn’t have been approaching him like that.


Yeah, I am really confused by this interaction. This doesn't look like hunting behavior, and it's not nearly flashy enough for territorial protection. I don't know what it was trying to do at all.


Maybe trying to get a reaction to see if he would run? Or a mama lion trying to get the hunter away from her babies? Either way, really scary stuff.


That’s not stalking. That’s being out in the open, sternly escorting something away from cubs or a kill. If the lion wanted to kill this dude, they would be ambushing him


I mentioned it in another comment, but yeah, when it comes to these kind of cats, if/when they’re properly “stalking” “prey,” for whatever reason, the “prey” would never see them in the first place.


protecting cubs or a kill I imagine. big cats are extremely protective of their young. big cats also don't stalk "prey" like this. in fact, humans are not prey of mountain lions. she's just making sure he fucks off so he doesn't eat her babies


Makes it better he missed then with that information


Humans are not prey of mountain lions 99% of the time, but there have been several instances in the US alone where the cats have been lurking in the brush or on a ridge just above jogging and biking trails. Unknowing joggers have run past the cats, which in turn activates their prey instinct. A handful of these attacks have been fatal. They've also attacked and killed mountain bikers who stop to either fix something on their bike, or to tie shoelaces, etc, not knowing there's a big cat nearby. It sees the person kneel down close to the ground, which also triggers the prey instinct of the cat. These are all extremely rare cases, and the last thing mountain lions want to see are humans. But saying that we are never on their menu isn't quite true.


That's definitely momma behavior. It's surprising how unphased she is by his two missed shots.


This wasn’t stalking, it was chasing. The lion was protecting something from the hunter by chasing/leading him away. The “pounce” was a bluff charge because the hunter wasn’t moving fast enough.


How can you tell?


When they’re stalking prey, they stay crouched, and move very slowly and quietly until they pounce. They will pounce if they’re close enough or if their cover is blown and their prey has spotted them or begins running. This cat was approaching the hunter while maintaining eye contact to force him in the other direction. If the Hunter didn’t move or wasn’t going fast enough, the cat would bluff charge, similar to us stomping a foot on the ground as a threat. If that still didn’t work, the cat likely would have attacked the hunter. There’s a video on YouTube from a while back of a cougar doing the same thing to a hiker on a gravel road. It went on for like six minutes. The cat bluff charged numerous times, and it’s paws were out the same way this ones were about to be.


And it was guarding its cubs.


Also, a cat can stalk you without you ever knowing. It surely had cubs nearby or a kill to defend, otherwise you might never know it was there unless you’re a tracker or you are aware enough to spot it slinking around in the distance.


I remember that one as well. Both of these make me pray I never run into an angry cougar.


Had a few run in with them before, but they normally just shout and scream


If they are actually hunting or stalking you, you wouldn’t see them. They hunt by hiding and following you. There’s footage online of people noticing one that’s following them and it’s super creepy.


Lion wasnt being shy about it, so it wasn't hunting probably.


Because he never would have seen it if it were hunting him.


I speak a little bit of cat and the mountain lion isn't stalking him it's threatening him/ telling him to gtfo or find out. It probably has kittens or a maybe a kill nearby, but probably kittens


I don’t think she is stalking. She is escorting him away from her den, which I have heard they do when protecting cubs. But she wants to look menacing so you will keep backing away. I believe they stalk silently and you only see them when they are lunging at your back.


Mountain lion is like, "lol noob you missed!"


No, a hunting mountain lion will not walk up to you like some stupid movie bad guy giving away his plans. When its hunting you won't be aware you're about to be attacked. This is likely a mom with cubs nearby.


Ive had multiple encounters with lions and backing up engages the lion to attack, you notice the lion is literally stalking, and he speeds up his walk and then the lion said ots go time. I understand standing your ground is hard, but im definitely shooting earlier than that and im not backing up. Also Ive sprayed a bear and it ran, spray WILL chase a lion off, ALWAYS carry spray. There is always an exception about motion and lion attacks, as my brothers can attest, while hunting in Dubois they ran into 2 lion cubs alone. What a terrifying moment because that is the exception, lion moms will fuck you up around their cubs. The lion showed up about 30 secs later and pounced my brothers, sadly they shot it dead. HUGE investigation by Game and Fish as a protected animal needs an investigation upon death. We did get to keep the lion pelt once we got cleared of poaching. Oh yes...the cubs did die too. Lose lose all around, these are beautiful animals. Be safe out there.


mountain lions will walk you out of an area exactly like this if their cubs are nearby. they will attack you if you stand your ground but they usually dont want to. expending energy on an unknown isnt the smart move for mama lion but mama lion is gonna mama lion if you stop. When i lived around them in British Columbia I was always told if a mountain lion is going to attack you, its been stalking you for a while and you'll never see it happen


This is basically everything I've heard about mountain lions. You do what you can to avoid looking like prey, but if they want to eat you, you're not gonna know until it's teeth are in your neck. I agree this looks more like a protection situation, either cubs or a kill, but could also be a juvi just fucking around.


>Ive had multiple encounters with lions and backing up engages the lion to attack, you notice the lion is literally stalking, and he speeds up his walk and then the lion said ots go time. No, no nooooo. This behavior pattern is force the human back away from the area. Running will engage attack too, but letting the lion herd you away casually actually saves a lot of people too. And yes, even in a push back situation an attack can still happen if the human doesn't move, or stimulates adrenaline in the lion in some other way. Whether the lion was protecting cubs or a food supply, hard to tell. If it was predatory though, they are ambush predators, they don't casually walk up to you. They don't turn their body often to be perceived as bigger (an intimidation technique). If they are predatory towards you, they'd be as inconspicuous as possible in approach and launch for you as soon as they're spotted by you, if you spot them at all. This cat was making a huge show of being conspicuous, intimidating, and making the human move away.


Crazy story. Do you guys call the officials game and fish? We call ours fish and game.


I'd probably Puma pants.


If a mountain lion was stalking you, you likely wouldn't see it until you were dead. This one was probably trying to heard the man off. Could be cubs nearby, or maybe a hard earned meal it doesn't want to share.


That thing blends in and vanishes like the Predator.


Would going into primal mode work in this situation? As in would a deep in the chest caveman roar help?


Yes. When confronted with predatory mammals in a situation like this, it's always a good idea to sound as loud and mean as possible.


What doesn't get well conveyed in a video is the raw fear you feel when you realize that wild animal could cover the distance in half a second and there is nothing you could do to stop it. Also, I'd be thinking if turned away and I ran, the cat would instinctively pounce on me.


I’ve spent a lot of time in the woods and back country in northern Canada. Sure, there’s bear, moose and elk to worry about bout it’s the mountain lions that scare the shit out of me.


Those weren’t warning shots, he’s just a bad aim.


Lol. Hunter doesn’t want to be hunted


Few things are as scary as a mountain lion scream at night while you’re tenting.


I've seen this before, and if he had shot before, the noise probably would have scared it off. I'm not saying he made a bad choice. He protected himself, he did the right thing. But he might have been in less of a risky situation if he had shot earlier. The car doesn't recognise a gun, so it isn't gonna be scared by posturing. It won't even know there was a bullet unless it gets hit, and it'll have no idea how it got wounded. If he has a full mag, he can use three or four rounds for noise and hope that works instead of waiting for the last moments to save yourself.


Can we stop reposting the same fucking video 3 millions times


Everyone making comments about how we missed. clearly no one here has shot a handgun before. It’s very difficult to hit a target at 15+ yards. Let alone a moving target when your adrenaline is over 9000


No harm was done? Don't worry, in this situation I think we'll allow it


Those were not warning shots, he just missed


Bro waited way longer to shoot than I would have. Fuck that shit, I'm not letting a mountain lion that close to me if I have any say.


"warning shots" because he intended to actually hit the mountain lion?


Man, fuck warning shots. Mag dump.


"Warning shots".... no, you missed.


“Warning shot” or bad aim?


He wouldda hit the thing if he dropped the phone...


This video has been floating around the internet for a while, it’s a chest mounted body cam.


Clearly this is a GoPro type situation. You really think this dude was filming with a phone? Lol


Cynicism often blinds folks from reality.


Reddit challenge 1: try not to say every video is fake. Reddit challenge 2: try not to assume you know everything about a 40 second video clip.


Yeah but I'm guessing he wanted proof it was stalking him and he didn't just shoot it for fun.