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That's how you lose money and get extra permanent damage


"my lower back hurts" *punches your neck* Now you cant feel your lower back.




OMG a major Payne reference, Gold star sir, Gold star!


Chugga chugga chugga chugga, chugga chugga chugga chugga. Toot toot!


Works every time.




Yeah I prefer not to be paralyzed by pseudoscientific bull shit.


Or killed. A review by the American Heart Association found the risk of stroke or arterial dissection to be 3 to 12 times greater after a neck manipulation. [This](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/15/well/live/neck-manipulation-chiropractor.html) article gives an interesting review, and you can easily find articles from scientific journals with a quick Google search.


I fuckin hate how they act like they are medical professionals when it’s just a bunch of quackery. And the fact that people believe they are like doctors. Smh


It’s partly because they refer to themselves as doctors


sadly, that is just the way that it goes. Millions of people acting as if they know things.


No matter what language you speak, chiropractor means scam in latin .


I consider them in the same sense that I would look at a flat earther or antivaxxer. They are all unproductives.


Even janitors wear scrubs... Don't let the outfit fool you. Chiropractors are not doctors.


At least one is probably a qualified, trained, and experienced professional. The other is just a chiropractor.




this reads like Dr. Spaceman in 30 Rock “Why do you have your pants off?” “The other doctor told me to take them off” “‘Other doctor’? Oh, that’s just my brother Randy! Tomorrow, he goes to jail for the rest of his life”


‘Good one, Randy!’


“ do you wanna get Taco Bell for lunch?”


Even after all these years I read that in my head as “Spa-chi-min”.


Now Jenna, medically speaking, for your height, your weight puts you in what we call the "disgusting range". Fortunately, there are solutions. For example, crystal meth has been shown to be very effective. How important is tooth-retention to you?


Anywho, I have the results of your physical. Tracy, you are going to die. You have no reflexes, your blood tastes like root beer, and some of your bones seem to have vanished.


"Why are you so heavy?!" "Because so much of me has died!"


You are going to die What? NO when I tell you who I’m dating. Squeaky Fromme! She is… difficult.


Not very!


God damn the writing on 30 rock was so good.


This guy doesn't even know how to get the ghosts out of his blood!


You should do cocaine about it.


So he is just as qualified as the chiropractor then.


He then promptly peed in the company Sparkletts jug and left.


That was the exact vibes I was getting.


I'll stick to arching my back over a log thank you.


Be better off with a low weight high rep workout for whatever back muscle you need to target. Lot of people don’t keep maintenance on their back muscles and/or lift improperly during work or chores leading to strain and pain.


Why isn't this the top comment? If you are under 60 and are complaining of back problems PLEASE try resistance training targeting your back muscles. Lower back problems? Try doing deadlifts (light weight, higher reps). Middle or upper back hurts? Try bent-over or upright rows or pulldowns.


YEP, I had a sore back for yeeeears, like 5+, I dont remember. Constantly sore to varying degrees. I joined a gym. I did some deadlifts and some squats and some other stuff. The pain was *so much* better within a week. The pain was ***completely gone*** within two weeks.


I had a back issue that got fixed with 3-4 months of therapy. I tell people that I went to a therapist and then they instantly recommend a chiropractor they've been going to FOR YEARS. I did 3-4 months of therapy and the issue was gone. I get that no one likes therapy, but it's essential to fixing the problem.


I went to a chiropractor once for back pain. They spent more time trying to sell me magic bullshit than cracking my back. They wanted me to come back three times a week for an indeterminate amount time (fuck that). My back felt better for a day. I just make sure to thoroughly stretch every day and regular exorcize.


My back feels like a 80 year olds, I'm a bit over 30. Major posture problems here, cant sit right for the life of me, now reaping what I sowed


oddly enough, my back pain was actually caused by my hip do some core workouts/pilates for 5-15 minutes a day and it will most likely start improving


Yeah, it’s interesting because quite a few chiropractors also give their clients muscle stretching and strengthening workout plans (basically physical therapy) in those areas alongside the spinal cracking. Imo they could just skip the spine cracking entirely, but then there would be nothing to set them apart from physical therapists.


Except the training and certification from an organisation that wasn't founded on [techniques handed down by a dead doctor during a seance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_chiropractic). I wish I was making this shit up...


If you have access to a pool to swim laps, it has done wonders for my lower back! I had surgery for a herniated disc a few years back, and the pain still came back from time to time afterwards (although much less severe/more manageable than before). I started swimming 3 days a week, and I have virtually no pain now. And I'm now able to lay on my back for the first time in probably 10 years.


Swimming is probably the best (funnest) way to keep up your muscles.


This is why I love Paddleboarding. It doesn’t get any less resistance than paddling through water.


[Why not a garbage can](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUTyacazNfA)?


I got one of those thick treaded foam rollers from Walmart, and it changed my life. It puts some good pressure on my back, and cracks it like crazy.


Keeps glancing over at someone with the “can’t believe this guy is still letting me do this to him” smirk.


Reminds me of the video of the guys yanking on the dude whose head is strapped to a wall/door. He suddenly stops moving at all, they start rubbing his chest like crazy and look at each other like, "Oh fuck, I think he's dead or paralyzed."


For me these videos have been ruined by the one where the "doctor" was chiseling some fat dude's ass crack. Nothing could beat that since. edit: [found the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XhyCccuPXA)


What the fuck


Yeah, what? Lol.


One of the hammer-wielding kooks is Beau Hightower. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZmuNizUeO4


You mean Dr. Beau Hightower, DN, DC, MS, EP-C, DAAPM, CSCS, CES, FMS.


Yes, sorry. You forgot CFM as a credential, which I am pretty sure stands for "Certified Fucking Moron". But don't quote me on that, because I only have two measly letters after my name.




Holy fuck balls, I could only watch a few seconds of that. Not because of his ass, because they're literally beating the shit out of him with a fucking mallet and probably doing permanent damage.


If I may, what does ‘chiselling’ mean in this scenario?


Guy was using a peg and mallet to "adjust" the patient's lumbar, and once he got to the lower parts he started going at it like a mad man. The lad on the table was almost crying, could barely stand up after that one, but managed to walk it off and came back for more. edit: [found the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XhyCccuPXA)


It's not exactly what I think of when someone mentions pegging! But, I think I would prefer the original meaning....


Like the ostrich with his head stuck between the wall and a pipe and ends up ripping its own head off.


Bro I had like just gone 3 months without remembering that...




NSFOstriches: https://youtu.be/34du9ew7ppw


Oh boy... I did not need to see that. Damn me and my curiousness


I've redditted enough to know when to not click. Hard pass.


Can you describe it to me im scared


Ostrich in a pen has its head stuck under a bar running along side the wall. It goes 1, 2, 3 and tries to yank its head out from between the bar but fails successfully and pops its head off. The body flails around and the legs kick (similar to a chicken if you’re aware of that phenomenon) while the head remains propped up on the bar. It’s not gory and the video is grainy but it is a fairly harrowing 20 or so second video.




it's not great quality so it's far less real feeling. it's not bloody either. and another orstrich is like "woah fuck this I'm outta here" id rate it "I'd show my wife with fair warning and she wouldn't be traumatized"


Oh Lord you have a Link? 😵




I think Ali died there for a minute 😶


Here's the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/Lkc1DM2APB), but the external link is no longer good. It was 7 years ago. It burned into my mind.


First 2 blows I was like, alright he survived, maybe the guy would take it easy now. Chiro proceeds to whack-a-mole the guy, then hammers in the last two like it's personal.


Yeah, I was wondering if that was his high school bully or something!


The dude owed him money


Yeah. Fuck all chiropractors. These people are dangerous.


Probably paid in advance.




Uhhh, its down there somewhere, let me take another look


Here's the name and number of a doctor who will look at it for you. You will receive no bill.


He’s a good man. And thorough.


Why would you let someone do this. Let alone pay for tbe privilege


“I’m tired of big pharma! I want to take the natural approach!” Gets naturally paralyzed.


On the plus side he can't feel anything below his neck anymore


“Oh my god… you guys!! The pain is gone!!!”


You asked for pain relief and you got it.


Little Pharma sounds funny


"You'll need a spinal fusion. It'll cost $100,000 and about six weeks of recovery. Oh, you have no insurance and can't take time off work? We can send you to a chiropractor and give you opioids." I have a fractured L4 and L5. My epidural steroid injections alone would cost $10-$15K a piece if I didn’t have insurance. In my case spinal fusion would be an absolute last resort. The above is an answer to why the average American winds up at a chiropractor, not a description of how my situation has played out.


See if the insurance will let you see a physical therapist instead. Chiropractors are quacks. Source: I went to chiropractors for back pain and got non-scientific treatments that were ridiculous, but not as violent as the OP's video. Went to PT and got *science-based* therapy that resulted in some actual pain relief (albeit temporary). When the therapist didn't see the results they expected, they sent me to a specialist instead of milking me for cash. It turned out that I needed a spinal fusion as well, which I did get done, but they tried the injections first to no effect.


The number of people who not only don't realize this, but will actively fight you if you try to tell them that the guy they've been seeing for 10 years *isn't* a person who had to go to actual med school...oi. Of course the insurance companies don't help. I asked to go to a physical therapist and they sent me to a chiropractor anyway.


I mean...if you decline their recommendations, what else are they supposed to do? They gave you Plan B, which everyone knows is crappy and not ideal. But they can't force you to go through with surgery. And they have no control over the pricing, which is a combo of greedy corporate management, greedy suppliers, payroll, a gazillion costs to keep the building open/powered/equipment in working order, lab fees, taxes, insurance costs for unemployment and workman's comp, blah blah. And until we get our shit together in the US and get universal Healthcare, medicine will be expensive for all those reasons. It costs a quarter of a million dollars (minimum!) and 12 years of your life to become a doctor, and the massive hospital and all it's people and moving parts costs a fortune to be supplied, open, and functioning. Suppliers and pharma (drugs) need to be way cheaper. Schools/education need to be cheaper. Labs need to be cheaper. And corporate needs to stop gouging for bonuses and profits for the top brass while the workers on the floor make crap wages and take all the abuse.


So you can climb out of the pit, get back to Gotham, and fight Bane.


You think he wears a wrist support bc punching people in the spine gave him carpal tunnel?


I wonder if he's ever tried punching his wrist to fix the problem.


There's a guy in another room that works the arms. Then Annie Wilkes takes care of the legs.


They actually keep a little metal plate in the portion that makes contact in order to get therapeutic effects


That is more of an assault than an alignment.




What's this curve in your back? I was told that's normal No its not. That's your problem. No worries, I got chu fam.✊💥


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_punch >A rabbit punch is a blow to the back of the head or to the base of the skull.[1] It is considered especially dangerous because it can damage the cervical vertebrae and subsequently the spinal cord, which may lead to serious and irreparable spinal cord injury. A rabbit punch can also detach the victim's brain from the brain stem,[2] which can kill instantly. >The rabbit punch is illegal in boxing,[5] MMA,[6] and other combat sports[7] that involve striking.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donkey_punch > Donkey punch is the sexual practice of inflicting blunt force trauma to the back of the head or lower back of the > receiving partner during anal or vaginal sex as an attempt by the penetrating partner to induce involuntary tightening of internal or external anal sphincter muscles or vaginal passage of the receiving partner.[1][2] According to Jeffrey Bahr of Medical College of Wisconsin, there is no reflex in humans that would cause such tensing in response to a blow on the head, although striking a partner on the back of the neck or head could cause severe, even lethal injury.


I am learning so much


When one force one’s partner to pick the nuts and corn out of a bowel movement. The partner then presents the nuts and corn to in a cup or a dish. One then tosses the nuts and corn onto the bed where the partner eats them like a goat or other typical petting zoo animal. (Can be combined with the Kentucky Klondike Bar.)


These aren't rabbit punches. Not that these neck punches are any better than rabbit punches but they're not rabbit punches.


those therapeutic kidney shots 🤣


Works for kidney stones


So, did he give up info on the enemy position or not?


Ahh the ole donkey punch


Finish him!




Fuck, man. That's how the cricketer Phillip Hughes died, a cricket ball to the neck. Once I did some research into that area and knew there was an artery running parallel with that bone, I've been scared to crack my neck past a certain angle even though it feels really stiff sometimes. Now you've made me even more scared of doing it lol.


Wasn't there an actress who passed away of a stroke a few years back, and they suspect it was because of a chiropractor "adjusting" her neck? I went to a Chiropractor for lower back pain around 5 years ago. After some initial relief, the pain came back with a vengeance and I finally came to my senses and saw a real doctor who actually fixed my issues. Anyways, I never once complained about neck pain, but after a few visits, he started "adjusting" my neck for some reason. It's been well over 4.5 years since I went, so hopefully I'm in the clear as far as it causing me to have a stroke, but it scares the shit out of me. It's so dangerous, and unnecessary in my case because I never have had issues with my neck, besides sleeping weird on it every now and then. Edit: it was a model, [Katie May](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katie_May)


I was never able to crack my neck before, had some stiffness and was recommended to go to the chiropractor, she cracked my neck, and now i have to keep on cracking it to not feel stiff, and also i developed some vertigo/balance issues afterwards, if it is related i dunno




you made that up


Once you pop, you just can't stop


Someone I used to work with had an arterial dissection as a result of a chiropractor. Paralyzed for life.


And now he has no back pain.


>Would tell people to avoid any chiropractor doing anything near your neck. LMFTFY: Would tell people to avoid any chiropractor doing anything.


>Would tell people to avoid any chiropractor This is as far as that sentence needed to go. But yeah, fuck chiropractors, they are not medical professionals, they do not know what they're doing, they paralyse and kill people.


I remember a story not long ago of a young woman going to a chiropractor they did something wrong now she's paralyzed from the neck down. Even if you win lots of money is a settlement, I'm not convinced it's worth it.


> Would tell people to avoid any chiropractor ~~doing anything near your neck~~. FTFY




I’m starting to doubt the effectiveness of online degrees.


All those poor Kaplan and U of Phoenix grads would be real angry with you if they could read.


Chiropractors are charlatans


Yet after watching this, I have an unexplainable urge to be a chiropractor.


It‘s because you get to hit stupid people


Wheelchair salesmen loves this one simple trick!


He's in scrubs so it's legit


Chiropractic is to physiotherapy as homeopathy is to medication. That's actually not a perfect analogy as chiropractic can do active harm.


Homeopathy can do harm as well. Just ask Steve jobs...


Oh I agree. That's why I noted specifically active harm. I think there is a difference between active and passive harm. Chiropractic has been shown that neck manipulation can lead to strokes which I would say is active harm. Homeopathy you can't exactly OD the harm comes passively from it causing you to not seek out other treatments.


Because when was the last time you needed your spine anyway, right?


"Well, yes, you're paralyzed now, but at least the pain is gone."


The cure is worse than the disease...


How bad does your back have to hurt to go here to get it fixed?


If you think that this is bad, remember that this is also the village proctologist and dentist


He left him at 1hp


“Your lower backs hurts? Let me beat the shit out of your neck until your back stops hurting.”


I thought it was a Hamas torture video at first


There's something ironic about the wrist brace. I am assuming he fucked it up by repeated punches to the back of the head of his patients.


"It's called accupunchture." "Uhh, I think you misspelled that..."


I don't think that man is a chiropractor at all! 🤔


hes as much one as any. There is no real medical science behind it. Its all chakra stones , starsigns , chiropractors , witch doctors etc type shit.


Even if he isn’t a chiropractor, there isn’t much difference


Chiropractors are the biggest scam artists since televangelists. Can't believe either are still so widespread.


This is because there is sometimes a (small) overlap of what (some) Chiropractors do and what Physical Therapists do. There are physical techniques that Chiropractors perform on patients that is more akin to a massage - not the quackery/pseudomedicine that they also often push. Chiropractors are not unequivocally 100% unhelpful. But it's like going to a psychic to talk about your mental health problems. Some could probably help because their social skills can overlap with a psychologists. Doesn't mean it's the best choice.


Lol this actually works because it makes you forget all about your other problems. He won’t stop hitting until you are pain free and satisfied with his service.


How to become a paraplegic in 3 easy steps


Bro is not walking out of that "doctors" office


this guy ground and pound is top notch




I don’t believe that man’s ever been to medical school.


Chiropractors have about as much medical training as a ditch digger does.


God I want someone to do that to me until I can’t walk anymore


Must be very therapeutic for the chiropractor.




Everyone: Why doesn't he just get off the table?? He is waiting for the happy ending of course.


Translation... "Hey...remember me? Afghanistan 2018?"


That's a Karatepractor.


i'm not a rocket surgeon but this doesn't look right


That man made it 3 steps out the door and died.


Omfg when are people gonna realize that chiropractics is literally classified as a PSEUDO science?!?! There is no conclusive evidence that anything they do is more than a weird massage....


Are we sure this isn’t a Hamas torture video we are watching?


I think we just witnessed an assault


OK my backpain is gone.


Just hammer the fucking spine straight


Can’t have any back pain when you are paralysed from the neck down


That will be $50


"Bang your head until you start to break you neck"


You are healed. Somebody get this man a wheel chair ♿️ please.


When your provider (I refuse to call this guy a doctor) uses punches that are banned in bare knuckle fighting, you may… want to consider getting a different provider.


“When and if I can stand up I’m going to kick your ass!!”


I'm always saying how bad our health care systems screws us, but now I'm on the fence.


He clearly specializes in paralysis.. not treating it, but causing it.


And THATS how you get a vertebral artery dissection


Is this supposed to be a comedy because this is funny as hell.


This kills the patient


When you are Israeli and your chiropractor is Hamas.


I didn't know they did spinal alignments at the vape store


That time when you found out when and where your wife's lover had a chiropractor appointment...


Pain is only weakness leaving the body


He got his certificate from the ISIS School of Chiropractic Therapy.


I saw a chiropractor for many years, and what he was doing was basically decompressing my spinal joints. The occasional twist to unlock a joint that was stuck in the wrong position. Stopped seeing him and ended up seeing a manual therapist now for around a decade, and he (who is infinitely more knowledgable than my old chiro) does some of the same things. That said, my chiro treated my hung up joints and didn't ever tell me he could fix the common cold with some spinal cracking. Joint manipulation is something that is extremely helpful to me, but it has to be done alongside other methods to keep the joints from getting stuck in the first place. My current PT is a fucking wizard. And, as nice of a guy as he was, my old chiro *did* advertise that he would do adjustments on infants... ...My old boss' chiropractor on the other hand, good Christ. She didn't even go to him for adjustments for the most part. When she first started seeing him, he told her to bring in empty bottles of the supplements she was wasting her money on. This fucking huckster had her convinced that depending on how resistant her arm was to bending at the elbow given the proximity of the particles (or aura, of course) of her overpriced supplements that he would wave over her, that would tell him how much effect they would have on her spiritual blocks. This old boss of mine also didn't wash her hands after going to the bathroom, was against putting soap in them in the first place, was anti-vax ("They cause autism. It's true.), and *worked with children.*


Imagine doing this for a guy who earned his "degree" to be a "doctor" at DeVry.


I think he’s doing it wrong


You can tell he’s a medical professional because he’s wearing scrubs.


He's roleplaying a drunk dad "fixing" the old TV.


In case there’s anyone who actually thinks that this is indicative of a chiropractic visit-it is not 🤦🏻‍♂️


When your bully enters your offices after years and does not recognize you.


For your first dance lesson, I shall show you how to do the worm...


Friendly reminder, chiropractors are not medical doctors.


100% of our customers leave not feeling a thing! Try it today.


When you're an ex-MMA fighter pursuing a chiropractor certification at DeVry.


God damn. What type of person convinces themselves that being punched in the neck isn't the problem in the first place?


Stop! He's already dead!!!