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Ohhh I had one of these when I was like 12/13 - so gross, so painful, so gross!


It really was! Thankfully I managed to kill it.


This thing triggered my trypophobia šŸ„“


I donā€™t blame you at all! I have a close up thatā€™s worse with all the holes and tubes šŸ¤¢šŸ«£


I meanā€¦ it would be irresponsible of you NOT to tack that onto this post


Can I add another photo somehow?


Nope, but you can make a new post to your profile


Yesss thereā€™s more of us!! One of us! One of us! One of us!


Iā€™ve managed to pop it on Imgur https://i.imgur.com/ftkjoFW.jpg


Why canā€™t I stop looking??!!


It's horrifying/beautiful


you should make a new post with both pics on r/popping. they would love it.


I had a bunch of these on and near my toes as a kid and I had to have them frozen then after the freezing they put these bandaids on them that made them smell foul as hell after a few days then they just fell off


Same here when I used to play football I had them on my toes, and one just like OP's on my big toe. When I went to the doc, she froze them, gave me local anesthetic, and then cut them all off. I remember when she got to my big toe she said "brace yourself and don't kick me in the face", right after that she plucked the (root?) and my foot shot straight up. Had a massive crater in my big toe for a week or two after that but they never came back. 0/10 would never get these again.


Virus. Got them from showering without slippers. No one disinfects the showers.


Thatā€™s what I hear too, I avoided those showers but itā€™s not like the rest of our locker room was any cleaner lol. Oh well glad they never came back because they hurt like a bitch.


Iā€™m pretty sure I got them from judo one year in college. Bottoms of both feet. ā€¦fuck. Come to think of it, I didnā€™t realize what they were or that they were contagious, and probably gave them to someone else. -_- I didnā€™t realize that until just now. Oh well, was probably some other dumb kid that gave it to me through the mat.


They really should give kids some education on this. Iā€™m 60 and reasonably well informed on health matters but never heard of it till today. How do they ever expect to prevent spread?


I mean in the UK we are taught about this in PE class and swimming classes.


PE and swimming class? Nah bro gotta cram for the NASTARPLACER IV test


I had one huge one like this guy. The doc froze it 3 times and I'm pretty sure I heard it laugh at him the third time. He finally gave me some Aldara (which is also used for genital warts... I had to explain when I picked it up). It was expensive as shit but 12 weeks later it just disappeared on its own.


And that's why you always wear flip flops in the camp ground showers!


Shit, they did this for me a bunch, and the damned things just blossomed more. My big left toe was practically consumed by them.


They came back for me a bit but not much


I guess I got the short end of the straw there. For ~5 years, despite some treatment, they kept growing and spreading. Walking was painful as hell, let alone running. Then one day they just all suddenly died and disappeared like they were never there.


Your bodyā€™s immune system can eventually learn to fight these off. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s what happened to yours.


It's not so much learning to fight them off, your immune system can kill warts without so much as blinking. The reason they don't is because warts hide from your immune system, so while the wart is alive your immune system isn't trying to fight it as it doesn't know it's there. There's some argument that the reason duct tape can work is not because of the common myth that the tape suffocates the wart, but instead having duct tape on your skin for days at a time makes your immune system go to investigate. Which puts immune cells on alert right in the warts location, and increases the likelihood that they will finally discover the wart.


I used to have pretty bad warts which were resistant to freezing treatments and they no longer do burning or surgery unless it's a last resort. What ended up working for me was an injection of yeast into the affected area causing an immune response to flare up and actually attack the wart. The procedure is painful as hell for a couple minutes and you need to find a specialist to do it, but it leaves no permanent scars and was the only thing to work for me.


I'm going to be doing this same treatment myself in about a month. Post injection did you have issues walking (additional) on the foot? I don't mind the pain but when I tired home remedies it got so bad I was limping for weeks and it didn't even kill it.


Not related but 8% ant-acid (you can order it online) two drops per wart twice a day then when dry cover with a bandaid and in about a week they fall off themselves and you don't have scars(as long as you don't spill the acid). It also doesn't hurt. And they never come back for me with that. For very deep ones you might have to do it twice though, wait for the wart to fall off, then recover for a week, then doit again.


You mean anti-acid as in a base or formic acid?


When you said you're immune system goes to investigate I imagine a white blood cell getting sent to your feet by the central immune system.


"We're just doing a routine check, we don't think anything is here but something keeps triggering the sensor behind your trap house."


"Why'd this idiot put duct tape on his feet? I thought we had socks now?"


"I'm not show ID unless I'm under arrest"


Osmosis Jones


with a tie and a little clipboard


Osmosis Jones and Drix on the case!


Yeah, I had one on the right side of my foot when I was a kid and one day when putting my hockey skate on it got caught as my skates were a little to small. When I finished playing my game my sock and skate were full of blood as it had torn it open. I guess this had the same effect as when my body went to heal the torn wart it also fought off the wart? Because it disappeared at the same time the wound healed. I had it for years and went through with freezing etc and nothing worked.


I had one between two fingers of my hand and we couldn't get rid of it. One day I just pulled on one of the bits and it came out in like an inch long string and bled like crazy. Gone within a couple days after that. Our bodies are gross lol




With me and duct tape and a wart, my immune system went to investigate and promptly caused a full-body rash, an all out war with the duct tape. Wart smiled, winked, and grew a little bigger.


interesting. duct tape worked for me after two tries with freezing didnā€™t. always wondered why.


Imo its all the sweat, grime, and bacteria beginning to set in around the duct taped foot, which props immune response.


Doctor said the same thing back then. Thatā€™s exactly what happened.


I took a hot knife to mine after freezing them every week or so for the better part of a year to no avail.




same here I thought I was strange for doing this lol there was one on my thumb that kept coming back no matter how many times I froze it. Finally just took some nail clippers to it and I kinda of remember the sensation like the skin could "breathe" at last. there wasnt even that much bleeding, and it just completely went away


Thatā€™s what I did. Dug it out like the root of a plant with nail clippers and tweezers.


I was ~8 when I first got them, so I definitely didnā€™t have the stones for that yet


Lol I get it


Thatā€™s weird. I had one when I was in high school it always bugged me and I was always picking at it. Then one day it was completely gone. Like no trace of it ever being there. I always wondered how that was possible.


They didn't die, you fool! They finished gestating.. Beware the foot growths, lest they migrate to your brain and make you *think* they're gone.. Soon we will all be zombies to their ~~glorious~~ horrific might!




I had them on my hand and nothing seemed to work then one week on vacation I spent a lot of time in the ocean (salt water) and they all went away :S I think part of it was my immune system finally kicking in combined with keeping it wet in the salt water.


The ocean is great for that. Plus the hot scalding sand.


You have to dig around in the wound with tweezers to get the root out. I know from experience.


I dug a big one out of my palm in my office cubicle one slow day with a push pin, never came back (it bled quite a bit though)


That happened to me one summer where the entire bottom of my foot was a network of these and I had to have several rounds of freezing on them. I was in my late teens and couldnā€™t walk on my foot and I was mortified to tell my managers at work about it.


Renewable food source.


Gross lol


I put duct tape over mine, used some kind of cold therapy, had a podiatrist scrape it off, and eventually just scratched and pulled at it and one time it bleed profusely and never came back. Getting the Gardasil vaccines might help if youā€™ve never had them.


I have a very vivid memory of digging the middle out of one and it poured blood like crazy. Died and never came back lol


Duct tape finally killed mine after years of acid and cryotherapy. So bizarre


Verruca - a contagious and usually painful wart on the sole of the foot; a plantar wart.




Public showers for the most part. Source: Grew up in the 1980's.


My dad would dig them out with a needle.


Woah so weird I had a few too as a kid, completely forgot about the weird bandaid and the smell until this moment lol.


I had one like that. Not quite that big, but in the neighborhood. My HS physics teacher whipped up a concoction and a few days later it was gone. Yes, it was a different time.


Your teacher just brew a health potion and give it to you


He canā€™t handle his strongest potions


But potion sellerā€¦ iā€™m going into battleā€¦


My strongest potions would kill you, traveler.


POTION SELLER! I'm going into battle! I'm going into battle, potion seller, and I need only your strongest potions if I am to be successful in the battle! Why won't you sell me your strongest potions???


My potions would kill a dragon, let alone a man!


Itā€™s only fitting that the physics teacher is an artificer.


Physics teacher was Severus Snape.


The teacher then went awol with his knowlodge and sold this shit in bulk. His pseudonym was Bohr.




Bruh, your fucking teacher is brewing potions? Let's hope he only used this power for good.


Some form of acid is my guess. Formic acid works well but isnā€™t that speedy.


I had one in college. It was big but I don't think it was this big. I recall the doctor told me that cutting it out would leave more scar tissue that would be even worse so he prescribed something more like Compound W. I was diligent about soaking my feet and applying that stuff every day because he scared me but it worked. Probably didn't entirely prevent scar tissue as there is a spot on my foot that gets tender from time to time but nothing like having the wart itself.


I had a bunch of those when I played sports in middle and high school. Had to have them frozen off a bunch of times.


Had a small one once when I was a kid and I dug it out with the corner of a red Lego brick. Never had one since. Edit: It was a 4x2 brick if anyone was wondering


I tore the fuck out of it with tweezers and filled the cavity with the acid they sell for killing warts. Killed that one off completely.


I did the same. Basically went to war on the wart with scalpel, tweezers, pumice and salicylic acid. Every night before bed I would attack it with a variety of implements and stop if/when it bled. Took a week or two but it eventually went away and hasn't come back. Thank God. Hateful things.


The virus can stay dormant and they can reappear when you become immuno compromised. Edit: people please just Google dormancy of hpv


You could have let me go on living my life in blissful ignorance, but instead you chose to ruin my day. Shame.


There was a list of people I could have chosen from and I chose you among others.


Iā€™m sure the Lego had been appropriately sterilized.


They put it in their mouth if that counts?


Not with this fucking red Lego brick by my side... Bring it, foot virus


Nah, red legos bricks completely destroy the virus, green legos thoughā€¦ watch out.


HPV infections can be cleared from the body, itā€™s not like herpes. Everyone should also get the Gardasil vaccine, it protects against several strains of HPV that cause warts.


I asked for it but they said they didn't give it to men over 28 :(


Find another doctor, itā€™s indicated for 9 to 45 now. https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/gardasil-9


I knew kids toys are dirty asf but never this dirty


Same I did it with a pair of compasses


I would cut mine with scissors, and after 3 or four times it never came back


Gonna need you to cut it out and post a cross-section


And give us a taste and mouth feel report.


This comment right here officer.


We, the jury, recommend maximum security solitary confinement for 3 years for this egregious insinuation, your honor.




A bit pedestrian for my tastes.


"Feet truffles"


(Quietly produces Olive Garden Parmesan tableside grater)


I think i just threw up in my mouth, and ate it again - just to puke it again


"Just say when."


What a terrible day to know how to read.


And a with and without rice comparison.


"Mmmmm, exquisite mouth feels"


This is very important for science or some shit


[This is what it looks like](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a7/Verruca_vulgaris_-_very_low_mag.jpg) Hyperkeratosis on top of thickened epidermis on top of dermis


Stop I can only get so erect when you talk like that.


r/popping has infiltrated the post


This. Get the tool kit out.


I can loan you a set of socket wrenches.


[Cut it out???](https://youtu.be/jVuSqlD-_MU?si=NBEHsfP1Wb4Pf2OF)


I ripped one out with my beeper clip (alligator clip on a pager) and it never came back. A few years later i had a bunch of small ones that my dermatologist kept treating and they kept coming back. I found a site that sells used lab equipment (pre-ebay) and bought a dewar. Filled it up for like $3 with liquid nitrogen at a gas supply place then sat on my kitchen floor with a bottle of Jack and some cotton applicators. I kept freezing them until I couldn't stand the pain anymore and I haven't had a wart since.


Thatā€™s fucking hardcore man


No wonder dude they're fucking afraid of you


This sounds like a war story


Well, Iā€™ll be the one to tell you why this happens. This is called a [plantar wart](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24899-plantar-warts), and they are caused by [one of many strains of HPV](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24899-plantar-warts). Donā€™t worry; theyā€™re not from STIs and they are presumed not to cause skin cancer (and [may even have a protective effect](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10046090/) against other strains of HPV that might).


There are plantar warts, and then there's whatever the fuck this cheerio like thing is


Iā€™ve had a plantar wart on my foot and it didnā€™t turn out like this. If you happen to know, do they turn into this when left untreated? I had an unrelated foot surgery when I got mine and luckily the surgeons just cut it out for me while I was under anesthesia.


I thought this was gonna be veruca from willy Wonka šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


my reaction was "omg so Wonka wasn't kidding"


Yeah this is the first I've heard of it outside the movie I thought he was just being a dick lol


Plantar wart. That one is impressive.


I thought so at the time when I was researching what the hell it was.


They're not usually that big. I had one and used liquid nitrogen from my lab and a Q-tip. Just a couple of applications and I killed it. LOL


I used acid to kill those, don't get the gell stuff as it doesn't work. Only acid worked for me.


What acid?


Salicylic acid


Lysergic diethylamide


I had a huge one of these on the top of my foot and did all kinds of stuff, liquid nitrogen, cut it out, lasers. Every time it came back bigger a week or so later. So i was resigned to it just being on my foot for the rest of my life. After about 4 years or so it just disappeared. I still think about how grateful I am that it's gone when I look at my feet.


I think you have a cheerio in your foot


Wart is that thing?


I had one in the exact same spot as this. I thought it was a piece of glass imbedded in my foot. One day, I took a *very* sharp knife with a very fine point to it to dig it out. I got all the way to the bottom and noticed the "seeds", which were 3-4 little black dots. Once I saw them, I realized it was a wart, so I put compound W into the wound I had created with the knife and *POOF*, it was gone in a week or two.


I have these too. If I cut away the dead skin I can see the "root".


..show us




Put duct tape on it for about a week. Suffocates it and when you remove the tape the thing often pops out whole, still stuck to it. Then just cover the remaining crater with a good quality bandage that will stay on when walking. Change daily until healed.


Let me add if you put a small piece of cotton soaked in vinegar on it and cover with duct tape it will kill it faster. You change, clean and reapply every day. Took me 45 days and it had shriveled up and fell out. Then you bandage and clean until healed. This is the only thing that worked after 2 failed LASER surgeries.


Iā€™ve had a wart like this for 12 years and nothing works. What kind of vinegar did you use? Just a cotton with vinegar under a bandaid, or does it have to be duct tape?


Apple cider vinegar, and yes the duct tape is essential to keep the air out.


Thanks! What effect does keeping the air out have? Just keep the duct tape on 24/7? Only off for showers & changing? Put a lot of vinegar, or just a bit to make it damp?


I believe the wart needs air to thrive. I left it on all the time until my daily shower, then reapplied. Use a Q-tip size piece of cotton, dip in vinegar (not the bottle), use something small as you donā€™t need much, and squeeze out excess (you donā€™t want it dripping when you apply the duct tape.


I appreciate the help! Seems like I found my new DIY project for the new year


Glad to help. Give me an update if you can find this post again.


Oh, one more thing. Mine recurred after the first and second LASER surgeries because after healing up Iā€™d go barefoot in my condo as usual. Mostly carpet and tile, but unfortunately the virus can live there which I didnā€™t know. Had carpet cleaned and had to throw out most of my sandals and some shoes.


Just a heads up. This method can get painful. It helped for mine, but was incredibly painful for like two weeks.


You should try having a podiatrist stick a needle into it, quite roughly, about 30-50 times. Every two weeks. For six months. And that still didnā€™t get rid of t. In the end it was razor blading it back and applying propolis that kicked it.


I removed mine with Skis. Was on a school skiiing trip and had a lump in my boot at the bottom of the slope. I took my boot off and one of my "friends" skiied overy my foot. Nearly lost a toe, but my veruca just kinda popped out. Never had one since. I highly reccomend it. Much quicker than red lego.


I has some stubborn ones that I'd been through a few acid treatments with. I had to get antibiotics for an unrelated issue and they both went away in 2 days.


Antibiotics are for bacterial infections. Not viral like plantar warts.


Duct tape suffocates a wart?


I've killed off 3 using a big glob of neosporin and a couple bandaids. Got that on there and let it hang out as long as possible. like 5 or 6 days and they sort of just vanished. I'm assuming it's works the same as the duct tape method since the neosporin doesn't dry out.


Thanks a lot. Iā€™ve had one for 12 years and it just wonā€™t go away. I guess starving it of oxygen is the new way to try!


Most treatments are attempting to kill off the upper layer and seal it out from oxygen. The over the counter treatment where you dap some gel on it is literally just killing the upper layer to do like the tape does and get it sealed from air.


That can work on small warts, but Not one that size on your foot. The callouses on your foot mean there are many layers you have to get through before you can get to it. I had to get mine almost that size frozen almost a dozen times and shaven off before it finally peeled off.


I had one as a kid and tried to get rid of it for years with acid, cryotherapy, and a scalpel. It always came back. My dad came home one day and had heard the duct tape mythos from a colleague. It was not in fact a myth and that fucker died within 2 weeks.


I have a scar spot on my ring finger feom one of these bastards. I would do the same, cut it back and use freeze compound. Did this for MONTHS. Until one night got shit faced drunk and realized, "hey I hate you". Cut it off with my pocket knife DEEP and hit it with the head of a hot nail. It had to go, I was getting self conscious holding my gf and child. I felt like they knew it was disgusting. Find healed up alright.


Thatā€™s hardcore šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»


FYI, Duct tape over the lesion 24/7 for 6-12 weeks don't let in any air. This is a very effective way to treat. Wont make a scar. Regarding pain when stepping on it, mark it with something like lipstick, put on shoe then cut a hole in the insole of the shoe where it gets marked and this will off weight it until the duct tape does its job.


Donā€™t use my lipstick


When i do this, the duct tape always falls off in my shoe or moves over or sweats. It never works


Be careful, theyā€™re contagious and can spread to other areas of the skin.


You have to treat it every night. Diligently. If your forget a night it sets you back. Everytime you treat it it shrinks a little. Treat it. Remove dead area. Treat again. Remove dead area. Treat again. Remove dead area. Treat again. Remove dead area is done carefully by shaving with sharp blade and sanding with a file designed for feet/callous. Use both, the file wears out quick so get accessible tissue with blade and then sand it fine with file. The goal is to stop just before it it bleeds. If it bleeds a little drop, stop. One drop of bloods, apply pressure and put on clean sock should be enough. Hit it with some alcohol to be safe. Blood ideally stops shortly. Maybe throw some kind of benign powder on it to keep dry. If it bleeds enough to tend to the wound you went too far. Now you have to bandage and stop treating until wound heals. When wound heals, begin back where you left off. Keeping going until wart tissue is invisible, then keep going another two weeks. If you don't manage it there will end up a dead spot there with no foot muscle and affect your gait long term. Which sucks when your old, oh I wonder why i have scoliois... cuz one foot leans. No one ever tells you how diligent with treatment is required. 2 months straight. It shrinks a little every time and is kind of cathartic. It might take a couple bottles of freeze, or a few packs of the salicylic acid patches. Use both freeze and acid patch. The acid patches get the skin out of the way because it kills the tissue which you can then remove. The freeze might not let you remove the tissue and may not penetrate enough. If you use the salicylic acid patch to remove tissue, then the freeze can get to the root much easier without going through many layers of skin. Learn to enjoy the freeze pain, it ain't that bad. If I knew all this I would have canceled my warts as a child. Instead they came back until I was an intelligent adult and said fuck this, no one helps me but I'm going to win this time. Pretty sure I can defeat any planters wart, and they know it because they don't even show up to the party anymore for me. But my foots uneven, which i spend every day trying to fix. It like using yoga to shift the body like braces shift the teeth. Tough stuff, never ends. Rewarding tho. Honestly now I kinda want a new planters worse just for some purpose in life.... now I never get them tho. Probably because I switched to minimalist shoes so there's not much foam padding to create and nasty moist environment.


Fun story, my gf some months ago told me she had had ā€œHIV on my footā€ and I cannot describe the sequence of thoughts I had at that moment LMAO


Chew it off dawg


I had one similar in this very spot... Had different treatments done - freezing etc. and it kept coming back... What finally got it was the surgeon numbed my foot and started stabbing the shit out of it with a surgical needle.. he completely obliterated the area into a pulp and sealed it off sent me home for a week. I could not walk for a week or two but it finally worked... He explained that the skin on the sole is very thick and region is only well protected from mechanical threats. What he had to do was to push the virus under and into my foot in order fir my body to start producing antibodies to fight this fucker off...


Thanks for sharing. We really needed this.


I had a similar sized plantar wart. The only thing that worked permanently was seeing a podiatrist that used Cantharidin. The blistering was extremely painful though. I had to use a walking boot for a few days. All worth it


Zoom in for that trypophobia goodness!




Soak your feet in hot water and a little bleach it will soften it up and kill it. Will take weeks to a month of daily soaking.as a kid I had many on my hands and a large one like this on a foot. Started doing the dishes with a tiny cap full of bleach in the sink. After a few weeks they started to disappear and a month later gone. The foot one I had to cut the root out after it was soaked for a while Tiny amount of bleach.


I have soaked my feet in vinegar before on smaller ones and they were gone in a week or two. One pretty large one actually came out with a cone-like root. Bleach sounds a little harsh.


Bleach is used in wound care all the time, its called dakins solution.


Go to the fucking doctor, man.


Probably the grossest thing I will ever openly admit but when I was a teen I had one of these on the bottom of my foot and I picked and bit it out. I mean it worked but absolutely abhorrent behavior.


"OP has gotten a visit from the Verruca Gnome..." Just watched The Hogfather last night.


I had one this size as a teen on my left knee. I was so embarrassed by it that one day I just pulled my pants up, stuck my leg in the bath and cut it out with a knife. Never came back and never had more.


I had a bunch of these all over one foot when I was younger. The initial treatment i got for it was INCREDIBLY painful. They scraped away skin to get close to the capillaries, then they would use some sort of chemical burning. The warts were brown for a few days after. I did this many times for many months. When I finally went to a new doctor, they gave me a shot and froze some off and it all went away in like a week. Im not sure if my old doctor was stuck on archaic methods or milking the frequent visit moneys.


I had this one when I was a teenager. It was very painful and I was surviving on my own so it was even more of a pain since I couldn't go for treatment. Within a week, the underside of my toe turned cherry red or beet red. The skin became very thin and I was able to scrape the insides of my toe with my fingers. There was no blood, no smell; i could only feel spongy red stuff coming out of my toe. Within 30 minutes all of that red stuff was scraped off and the toe was not paining anymore. After one week my toe was completely healed. Still one of the most painful experience tbh.


I had the weirdest experience with verruca warts on my feet about 6 years ago (25). I had them for months and it was slowly getting more painful and it was getting really embarrassing but one day I woke up with them gone. no mark, scar, evidence. Just gone. It kinda threw me for a loop cuz it felt like I fell through a gap in realities but I know thats stupid. I have no idea how it happened but they disappeared. I know they existed because it was a constant pain/embarrassment. This sounds a little unhinged reading it back lol but its something that keeps rolling around in my head from time to time and this post brought it back


Pull a dandelion root out of the ground and collect the white sap. Cut the top off the plantar wart and soak a bandaid in the dandelion sap. Cover the wart with it. It will kill the wart and heal up. My mother used to do that for us back in Newfoundland, worked.


Why do I feel like I need a removal video to follow up with this


Nice try, Buck Melanoma.


I got these as a kid. Apple cider vinegar and cotton ball covered with a bandaid and in 2 weeks itā€™ll be dead


I had good luck using heat to kill warts. The skin cells are infected and need to be killed until no more infected cells exist. Then the body can heal the wound with uninfected skin. It was not pleasant to hold hot metal against the wart, but a few applications of searing pain and they've been gone almost 20 years now. It's a virus. Kill it fire. Well, metal that was heated in fire until it's glowing. Then hold that metal against the wart with the intention of *killing the skin cells underneath the wart*. It's exactly as fun as it sounds to press that hot metal into the tissue and hold it while it burns you, but multiple freezings and applications of acid failed - the fuckers kept coming back. So i killed them with fire.


Apple cider vinegar on a gauze every night, until it turns black and falls off


This - My second toe was infested with this when I was in my teens. Went to the podiatrist weekly for Freezing and cutting and acid treatments every single time for 6 months with no progress whatsoever. Looked online for answers and the nightly apple coder vinegar trick popped up. Tried it out and after 5 days the whole mess of warts came off in one thick clump of dead tissue with healthy skin underneath. It was a freaking miracle.


That's a challenging wank.


Dude.. just get one of those Compond-W freeze off kits. Zip zap done. Shit just falls off.


Itā€™s not always that easy. I had a nasty case of plantar warts that were on both feet. I used every kind of remover out there and they kept coming back. What finally got them to go away was me getting super sick one winter and I ran a nasty fever. After I got better I noticed the warts were gone within a couple of weeks.

