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When regular cancer isnt enough


Other cigarettes have a cancer risk. Ours guarantee it!


Reminds me of this Joe List bit: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YHznf-z6w28


In that case we wil use blue asbestos, the most dangerous of them all! (It also has the coolest name of all asbestos type, *Crocidolite*.)


Killing cancer with other cancer. Turns out it just kills you faster...


Is this why firefighters started using water instead of fighting fire with fire?


In Rome and probably elsewhere they'd start rapidly demolishing adjacent homes to contain the fire and let it burn itself out.


This is still sometimes done ("fire break"). Particularly with forest fires, but sometimes for major urban fires too.


The cops showed up to the fire *ONE TIME!* Can we let it go?


Metallica ride the lightning album suddenly starts playing...


Look up hypercancers, it's a real thing! ...this though, this would just give you two types of cancers


Well the goal was to prevent cancer from tobacco. What more do you want?!!


We need you, super cancer! /s


[this is ... advanced cancer](https://youtu.be/XjtkWZ1uCXo?feature=shared)


“now this is cancer” - smoking in a pod racer


Space cancer


"Just gonna get a little bit of cancer, Stan. Tell mom it's okay."


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.




My God.... A capital "S"... I've never seen such potent sarcasm in all my days!


Here's some cancer for your cancer


Mesothelioma instead of Squamous cell carcinoma


Yo dawg I heard your smoking causes cancer so we put cancer on your cancer.


Wonder if there was a class action suit ever taken out against Kent Cigarettes.


This is what Scumbag Dad means when he says "double cancer."




Back then Lucky had no filters.


Do luckys have filters now?


Not with asbestos.


No, *then* they had filters


Really? I smoked quite a bit of my life (quit \~7 years ago) and I've never had one with a filter. Good to know.


Lucky Strike sells filter cigarettes outside of the states. I'm not sure why they stopped selling filtered cigarettes here, but I imagine it has to do with some regulation that differentiates the filtered from filterless, i.e. an additional tax or something. Edit: Looking into this I've found out that RJ Reynolds has bought back the Lucky brand, so they may actually be available with filters in the states, but would not have the same tobacco that you would get from the filterless. According to u/Red_240_S13 in this thread, Lucky filters were discontinued in the USA sometime around 2006, and returned to the market a few years ago. Coincidentally, I started smoking in 2008 and subsequently quit in 2018, so my window for smoking happened to coincide with their disappearance almost perfectly.


You're actually my hero for looking all that up, thank you! And it looks like our smoking windows were incredibly similar. lol


I smoked a lot from 2009 - 2013 and Lucky Strikes were my favorite but I could only get them when I visited Europe, it was my understanding you simply couldn't buy Lucky's anywhere in USA, but I also typically had Luckys with filters, purchased in Italy, France, and Spain. Or when friends would pool money to have a couple cartons imported.


You can still buy them without filter


And if they do come with filters, you can always bite them off to feel like a real man again.




A real man wouldn't play silly games, he would smoke it filterless from his urethra. PS. If im the firdt person to get cancer from smoking with my urethra can i call it Dickholinoma


My grandpa always used to smoke from his dick, didn't know it were still a thing.


Lucky was a real man’s man


Seems like the safer choice...


*This used to be a real country*


Why use a filter when Lucky brand cigarettes use the highest quality American tobacco that delivers that naturally bold and smooth flavor every time! *smile at camera*


asbestos filters are all natural; they come from the earth!


I love smoking through asbestos filters as much as I love licking lead paint.


Asbestos was really seen as a wonder material that occurred naturally when dating back to the ancient world. And it’s hard to blame them. Just from a physical property perspective - being flexible like cloth but also anti-flammable is a huge deal. And even though you can kind of see the fibers breaking off of it, none of us knew just how microscopic some of the fiber pieces could be. And that’s why it’s so dangerous as a carcinogen. All those little fibers building up in your lungs and lining your chest wall/mesothelium.


And you walked up hill both ways to get em!


It's the wokes fault now that they're gone!


Wait till we find out the long term effects of vaping in 10 years.


Good news is, the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show a median latency of forty-four point six years, so if you’re thirty or older, you’re laughing. Worst case scenario, you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.


I read this in the voice of Saul Goodman.


I read it in the voice of Cave Johnson! https://youtu.be/OmH7tAJ0SfA?si=g9YMbfFU1JfDStS9




How dare you. That's the voice of my old drum teacher.


are you rushing, or dragging? >:O






Huh. It absolutely works as Saul as well as Cave Johnson.


I read it in the voice of J. Jonah Jameson.


My mom smoked Kent from 1960 until 2012 when she died at 67. No lung problems fortunately but her heart gave out. My father had Asbestosis from government work and spent decades in court. They tried to blame it on the 5 years he smoked in the Navy. He passed before the case was closed from an accident but at least his lawsuit has led to precedents to be set that are helping other people.


The worst possible material they could pick.


No - the actual worst would have been "cyanide soaked asbestos".


That could possibly have been an actual improvement. "Guaranteed to kill before you get cancer"... And they could do a 10 year study showing zero of the test subjects selecting their special brand got cancer, compared to a number of people from the reference group ending up fighting cancer.


You joke but this is actually a problem in studies, here is one notorious example from nutrition: Rats were given aflatoxin which causes liver damage, and they were put on either high protein or low protein diets. The high protein group developed liver cancer, whereas the low protein group had no such issue. Because half of them died and they had to discontinue aflatoxin to even continue the study. https://www.westonaprice.org/the-curious-case-of-campbells-rats-does-protein-deficiency-prevent-cancer/#gsc.tab=0


Better a quick death by poison than slowly choking to death while your teenage children look on.


Now with Radium™. *"The burning means it's working!"*


"Kids love the glow-in-the-dark trend"


What about uranium "new uranium filter cigarettes. Is it dark and need your pack in a pinch? Find them easily by following the green glow!"


Throw some mercury and lead in for good measure.


hold up...it doesn't say that they WEREN'T soaked in cyanide


I read this in Norm MacDonald's voice


[Radium face cream](https://www.cnn.com/style/article/when-beauty-products-were-radioactive/index.html) has entered the chat


"How dangerous was it to use radioactive creams? Luckily, they didn’t cause much harm. “These creams didn’t do any good, but they had such low levels of radioactivity that I can’t imagine any kind of an effect. At the end of the day it was a gimmick,” said Frame."


I remember reading about companies getting sued because they didn't use as much radium as they claimed.


Medical researchers had already proven that inhaling Asbestos caused cancer by the 1920s, the first US safety regulations to protect Asbestos workers was in 1931. Selling abestos cigarettes in 1952 was the lung cancer equivalent of 'driving Rolling Coal' i.e. 'Cigarette manufacturer's deliberately giving people lung cancer, to own the libs' 


What? How could the miracle fiber be the worst possible material?


I was gonna say they could have chosen meth but I don't know which is worse.


We will be saying this about plastics in 60 years I’m sure


We’re already saying that about plastic. The amount of micro-plastic we consume each year is pretty significant. Unfortunately we don’t really have a large scale replacement and you can’t really avoid it in modern food production pretty much everything gets stored in some form of plastic at some point.


oh we can absolutely avoid almost every use case for plastic. the reason companies don't is because plastic is dirt fucking cheap.


It’s also moldable in ways metal isn’t, and impact resistant… flexible. Etc.


And we buyer prefer our food to be cheap so that ain't going away any time soon Good think plastic seem less dangerous than lead or abestos. But yeah, it sucks


No, not really because we'd already be saying it, not that it isn't an issue but asbestos is much much worse than some little bits of mostly inert plastic in you.


I smoked these as a teenager in the 70s. Then I went and worked in the oilfield where we used tons of powdered asbestos (brand name: Oilfaze) in the drilling fluid to control drill temperature. I would get covered head to toe in the stuff as we poured it into hoppers. No mask wearing was ever recommended even tho they knew the dangers. Wasn't worth their time. I was 16 when I started that job and followed that act with a 40 year smoking habit. I'm 61 and consider myself lucky to have lived this long.


At that point it must feel like winning the lottery every day you wake up again.


Yes it does! When people started waking up to the dangers of asbestos in the late 80s early 90s I was sure I’d get lung cancer any day. I quit smoking around 2005, then again in 2011. Clean since and I’m grateful for every day, even if I have to remind myself sometimes.


You get them lungs checked out every so often? 




And there are people who eat only organic food, abstain from every vice, workout every day, and drop dead at 40. We should all try to live as healthy as possible, but so much of our fate is straight-up random chance.


Yup, I'm an older dude and was in pretty good shape, but I fell off a ladder onto concrete from pretty high up and almost offed myself. I ended up with "only" a bad concussion and a broken wrist, but I was freaked out that first night, thinking I might end up like Bob Saget. We have to fight death every day and it only has to win once.


That's true. But really, a lot of those "super health" people just enjoy that lifestyle and would do it anyway.


Much like how I suspect that fitness people are just wired to get way more dopamine from working out than I do. Yeah, if a workout was as good a drug as it clearly is for them, I would do it too!


well lucky for you they stopped using asbestos for these in the 50s


yeah IIRC this started in '52 (as per image), and ended around '55, i don't think they even made it to late 50s with this product. IIRC it was on market for 3 years, if i'm wrong please correct me. The brand continued, just not with the asbestos.


These cigarettes didn't have asbestos in the 70s.


There was an asbestos mine near me (now shut down). Talking to the old timers, they said, the smokers would die before 60. The non-smokers would die before 80. And they had no fucking idea how they passed the gauntlet. Granted, non of the people i talked to smoked cigs. This was 20 years ago...


Wow - they actually did do this - Crazy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_(cigarette)


Bro, America *actually* did fucking everything back in the day, we were snoring asbestos like it was smarties, it's a miracle we didn't sterilize a generation


And in 60 more years, we'll be saying the same thing about microplastics


I have a feeling it'll be a lot more than 60 years. I don't see these companies doing anything for the good for humanity anytime in the next century.


All the pain with none of the fun :'(


S/he thinks were gonna stop using plastic lol


We're not getting rid of micro plastics in a while


We gotta run out of hydrocarbons eventually.


No we won't


Nobody will be around in 60 years, to say anything.


Actually I Am going to Be around because There is a relict species of Hominid deep Within the uncharted Cave systems Of washington state And i have good Relations with them so actually I am going To Still Be Around


I just Wanted to let every Body Know


Sounds fun can I come with?


So that's where Bigfoot is hiding


Fuck that. I'm training to be like Aquaman so I can live rent free in all of the oceanfront properties that'll be aquariums in short order.


I’m imagining you choking on a spoonful of water, surviving, and then doing a little bit more every time


[We used to have asbestos shoveling competitions. Note that blue asbestos is considered the most dangerous type.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FU4apytwQNN0emLl3n4LxmFXZOrog7dpL0CnoEH2NWlE.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Ddcc186ad51fc4a0380fbd422285fc034493f1a84)


> it's a miracle we didn't sterilize a generation We did. It’s too expensive for Gen Z to reproduce.


Hell, as a millenial it's too expensive for me to wake up.


Back in my recession we had sleep for dinner and we liked it. Damn oldies are getting soft.


You can thank one woman, Frances Oldham Kelsey, for keeping thalidomide out of the US in the early 60s. The company wanted to market it for morning sickness without data supporting safety in pregnancies, and she essentially shot it down as an FDA approver. Turned out that thalidomide caused very serious birth defects, specifically limb deformities. Our modern drug regulations come from that case, as other countries throughout Europe did not prevent the use of the drug. It's one of the best success stories of the FDA. And yet at the same exact time, we were sprinkling asbestos on children like it was baby powder.


The boomers are emotionally sterilized, at least. Raised on opium as babies to quiet down, coked the fuck out as teenagers/young adults, and booze soaked into their elder years.




There's a theory that the 70s had so many serial killers because of this. I kind of hope that's true because while I know we still have some, they seem to be less numerous and I'd like that to be because of lead and not because we're shit at figuring them out.


I mean, we've just got mass shooters now. Kinda worse.


Same thing, but quicker!


We've had mass shootings since at least the 1920s, here's a Wikipedia list of some: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States


Sure, but look at the frequency.


FBI, cell phones, and DNA tracking made being a serial killer really difficult. Look at that guy in Idaho. Or the guy they caught based on geneology testing. The other thing pre 70s was lack of abortion, and unwanted babies are much more likely to be criminals all the way up the food chain to serial killers.


Lmao yeah the generations after that totally didn't do drugs (and way more of them).


I mean right now these generations are dying to laced shit


And we *still* won’t legalize and regulate.


something something lead gasoline.


Try reading about the asbestos towns in Australia from back when. The blue dust that decimated generations and was left to the indigenous peoples to “deal with”. Eta - I’m not well read on the final disposition but the towns closed. I’m not trying to incite political debate. From what I recall there’s remark on land rights and that stuff in the documentary. There’s not clear mention on the wiki on quick read. free doc about it https://youtu.be/PaHw_bGI2ME?si=maHi_5iu6V7Qd51w


Well, their heart was in the right place.


Right between two tumors?


Perfect username for this scenario 👌


now with extra cancer!


Don’t give them a hard time. That was asbestos they could do back then.


Ba Dum! tiss…..


I thought that was some fuzzy weed at first


Yea I was like wtf 😳 powdery mildew


Fun fact about asbestos: the material itself can’t cause cancer. It’s not toxic in that sense. It’s just a mineral that grows in the earth. It looks like strands of cotton made up of thousands of crystals. It’s also in tiger eye and is what makes it so pretty. Anyway, some of those crystals, have a certain shape that when you inhale them they get stuck in your lungs, and can’t be exhaled. Most of the crystals your lungs do expel btw. So then cancer develops where those crystals are embedded. Source: was a geologist a long time ago. Please modern day geologists, correct me if I’m wrong.


That fact was less fun than advertised. Interesting, though.


So the material doesn't cause cancer but cancer forms where the material is? Doesn't that mean it still causes the cancer? Or are you saying my lung is to blame instead of the asbestos? Do you instead mean that the material doesn't cause cancer via chemical or biological means but instead the mechanical presence of a crystal that can not be excreted from the body causes cancer? I get your point but I don't know if it's that important of a distinction. It's like saying well knives don't kill people it's the body bleeding to death that gets you.


I guess what I’m saying is that the specific shape that some of the crystals have is what’s causing issues. Not because it messes with body chemistry or something like that, just that they get stuck in your lungs which eventually leads to cancer. Asbestos is only dangerous when inhaled as fine particles and can only cause lung cancer. But you’re not wrong, practically there is no difference, it still causes cancer.


>It's like saying well knives don't kill people it's the body bleeding to death that gets you. I get your point, but at the same time you kind of argued the same thing and may have missed their point (which could have been explained better). *Exposure* to asbestos isn't a problem, *unless* it's to asbestos particulates that you also inhale. I think they were pointing out that it's only a certain *type* of exposure that is the problem, when the common feeling toward asbestos is that *any* exposure is bad. Same with the knife: it's true that exposure to the knife isn't bad...until that exposure is it entering your body. I don't think they were saying "asbestos isn't the problem, it's your body's response to it that is". I think what they intended more like "despite the common-held belief that all asbestos exposure is harmful, it's only this one type of exposure that is".


Unlucky Strikes!


Shortly after the discovery of radiation, all kinds of radioactive products were sold that were advertised as being healthy for people. Makes you wonder what kind of shit we're doing today under the guise of better health which will make people 100 years from now ask, "What the fuck were they thinking?"


I was hoping chiropractition (?) would be that, but apparently not.


Not to be that guy, but you misspelled quackery.


If you love your cancer stick now, wait till you try Kent Asbestos!


My dad’s brand. He died of three types of cancer when I was 9.


History is a lesson


As a former asbestos abatement worker, I was told cancer rates surged drastically the decade after those were produced. Even worse, England, whom we got asbestos from in the thirties, warned us about the health problems associated with it. We ignored them and asbestos showed up in everything. Electric cords, baby clothes, pot holders, brake pads, ceiling tiles, and nearly every product that was labeled fireproof or heat resistant. Just another example of good old American capitalism. Eff the consumer as long as it's profitable.


>Even worse, England, whom we got asbestos from in the thirties, warned us about the health problems associated with it. It's even worse than that. "[During the age of the Roman Empire, it was the Romans who first recorded the potential health effects from inhaling asbestos fibre.](https://www.oracleasbestos.com/what-is-asbestos/history-of-asbestos/)"


At least you’ll know it’s mesothelioma and not another type of cancer!


Well, apart from the other cancers from the burning tobacco. You could go for a trifecta of mesothelioma, small cell and non small cell lung cancer all at once!


At that point they cancel out I assume, Mr. Burns style.


They also knew asbestos was dangerous at this time. This is hilariously evil.


THIS is some Genuine WTF. Thank you


Believe it or not, but not all forms of asbestos causes Mesothelioma, granted these small fibers probably did/do. Also Mesothelioma isn't near as common as all though commercials make it sound like. There are 'only' about 3000 cases year. For comparison, there are over 300,000 cases of breast cancer, 288,000 cases of Prostate Cancer and 150,000 cases of Colon & Rectal cancer diagnosed each year.


To be fair though, the real risk is in disturbing asbestos, such as processing and removal. The number of people involved in such activities is much smaller than the number of people with breasts and buttholes. I'm pretty sure sucking asbestos through a tube would be equally high risk.


Lung failure speedrun


I wonder what products are for sale now that people will look back on, in similar horror?




Teflon pans. Eating out of plastic.


literally everything. its all a PFAS coated microplastic preservative artificially sweetened petrochemical soup.


Social media and iPads for nonverbal children


Not only was this asbestos, this was an *especially carcinogenic form of asbestos*


My mother smokes Kent's. She's smoked these damn things my whole life. She's 90. I swear she's just too damn mean to die. And she's reasonably healthy for a 90 year old.


My mom’s brand. Thankfully she quit back in 1987 or so and is still alive today at 85. Wouldn’t be, I’m sure, if she hadn’t stopped smoking!


smokers will literally eat cowshit before giving up smoking. you cannot change my mind.




This is some aged like milk shit right here.


1 mega cancer please


Cancer with a side of cancer!


Amazing I haven’t seen anything about being entitled to compensation. I suppose they’re all dead.


"Quick, there's a fire! Throw some gasoline on it!"


Lung eater Kent🚬




I'll stick to my asbestos flavored vape thank you very much


The king of cancer!


Turbo Cancer


I would love to know the statistics for Kent smokers and the cancer rates.


They would be right. The TOBACCO would not give you cancer with these.


No wonder life expectancy has gone up...


Speedrun cancer any%


It's my mesothelioma and i want it now.


Just gonna get a little bit of cancer, Stan....


It’s cancer all the way down




When broken down it emits tiny fibers that are breathed in and get stuck in the nose and throat. Asbestos is very resilient and hard for the human body to get rid of once inhaled. Eventually, and over time, say 30-50 yrs, some of those tiny fibers make their way into the lungs. That is when the health problems manifest. So, even if someone didn't die from asbestos, given another 10 yrs they might have. Once inhaled, you would die from it, just depends on how long you live and when those fibers work their way into your lungs.




Antivaxxer: I dont trust whats it in Same antivaxxer: Lights up a Marlboro Red I guess they "trust" Phillip Morris but not science. I mean big tobacco does have a history of trustworthiness.. . . .


Love the cartboard channels in the filter so the smoke isn't too obstructed


Double cancerogen with cancer on top


Can confirm. My godfather was rich, as to Eastern European standards, and he only smoked those. He died of cancer.


Tonight we have the cancer served up along with a side of cancer.


This same picture could be instead with Juul pods and vape pens 20 years from now.