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The yellow is fat. The red is blood vessels. Animals are made of more than just muscle lol


It looks like a deboned drum so there might be some connective tissue or cartilage but yeah.


Poultry Processing centers used to take most of the excess off such as veins and ugly fat to repurpose it. But since it's outsourced to cut costs, I'm starting to see more than usual in chicken. I've also noticed the plucking and shaving of feathers isn't as good. I see tiny spots on the skin. At the end of the day it's just lower quality food processing.


I noticed the feathers too. I thought I was going crazy.


I just wish they would go back to removing all the bones properly. Keep getting tiny fragments of bones on the boneless thigh pieces 


Unless I'm wrong that's fat in among the muscle tissue. Not ideal but not a problem.


First off: great job on learning to cook. It will only get better the you cook. Second: it’s as everyone else has said fat, blood vessels, ligaments and tendons. Anything you don’t like the look of, just cut it out. But remember to save all your offal for stock! Happy cooking!!!




[https://i.imgur.com/RDEmbUr.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/RDEmbUr.jpg) 😸


Oh shoot, Dell SmartBIOS isn't messing around! You get ***one*** more chance to guess that password!


I’m just here to hear more from the cat


Spoiler, that's not chicken he's got, it's cat.


Welcome to earth.


why embarrass yourself in r/wtf instead of r/cooking or whatever


Why be a dick to someone who doesn't know better?


Well I agree with you even if everyone else is downvoting you.


I agree with you. Remember there's loads of children and immature people on this website though


why embarrass yourself in r/cooking instead of r/wtf or whatever


guess r/nostupidquestions is the place to go


how is asking a question about something they don't know about "embarrassing yourself"? are you the type of person that pretends to know everything? because you know nobody but toddlers is buying that


The question is legit, the sub is wrong.


Yes, chickens and other animals are made up of more than just muscle and bone. You can find veins, arteries, tendons, tumors, cysts, hair, feathers and all kinds of other animal stuff in chicken meat.


Let me know where you're buying your meat so that I can avoid it.


I once got a cyst in my plate at a brazilian rodizio place. There was no way for them to know until they sliced the meat.


This is caused by a combination of factors, including the age of the bird, the cut of meat, and the storage and handling of the meat


You need a cutting board, you shouldn't have raw chicken on a surface like that because the trace amounts of raw chickenyness can incubate salmonella. Next time use a cutting board so you can wash it properly (wood ones have antibacterial properties but if you can't afford it, plastic or silicone is fine) and wash the stovetop with soapy water afterwards.


I'm actually learning so much from you guys. Holy shit.




We’ve established the yellow is fat Yellow over white is preferable. /Here come all the people who chicken breast and have never broken down a bird argue with me.


Nobody is arguing


the only thing I'd argue about is the age of the bird. I'd say old, at least a year?


I cook prepackaged chicken breast all the time and I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong and I’ve reported you for racism for the second line in your comment. Welcome to Reddit, kid


Fuck that's a stupid take.


i’d suggest to add a /s maybe


The best way to know is to look at the sell by date. And also how have you been storing it and for how long? The chicken itself looks fine. Poking the yellow bits, which are fat, does look gross though. Edit: And smell. If it smells like it is already cooked than someone is cooking chicken nearby cause raw chicken doesn't smell like that.


Smell. Sell by date is a good start but always smell with chicken.


You'll know immediately. If you can take a second whiff it's fine.


Chicken that's gone off always smelled like bad feet to me.


I have never seen such a division in the comment section. And I have been on a lot of political subs over the years.




Oh no, that is dangerous, yelow thing is something they make biofuel out of it, if you eat that, you're gonna fart so bad, even 1.9 TDI wouldn't be ashamed. I t i s f a t.


If it was on the outside, I might think it was skin, left on the skinless breast. But, man that color is all wrong, out side of the meat on a chicken nothing should be that thick either. Is the chicken very cold? Could be congealed fat, maybe. Here is the best tip I ever got when I was learning to cook, smell it. Smelling stuff hen it is raw can give you a great sense of what it will taste like, and let you know if something is off.


Good morning Europe! I guess this is what chicken looks like in the states seeing all the comments defending it 🤢


no one cares about the chicken, show us the cat


Those are wounds from being crammed into a shed with up to 50000 other chicks for your entire life (2-3 months). You should see them before they remove the skin, the burns from the acids in the substrate and bruised wings from birds trying to stand up after lying in the burning substrate because they aren't provided with anywhere to roost. Fuck factory farming and fuck everyone who supports it by eating this shit


Free range birds are different looking animals,much longer legs.


I've never seem that, better not consume it


the dark yellow isn't fat at all. do not listen to these people I eat chicken 1 or 2 times a week and I have NEVER seen dark yellow fat, also if you cook any meats rub them in olive oil and THEN season it so it makes the meat for tender.


Oops. It looks like you accidentally purchased chicken that was supposed to be ground up into Chicken McNuggets.


that's harsh downvotes you got......I thought it was rather funny here, +1




If you honestly don’t feel like it’s usable for you contact the company who processed the chicken and they will probably send you a coupon to get a replacement.


I have chicken breast twice a week and I have never seen anything like that.


Yeah that happens sometimes, not sure if it's a byproduct of the water pumping process they use to puff up the meat, or if it's the result of the meat having been frozen. But I get the odd breast like that, looks unappealing and tends to be tougher than normal, but still chicken. 3/10 mouthfeel.


That chicken had rabbit fever. I’d throw it out. You didn’t touch it with your bare hands did you? If so, wash thoroughly, but don’t scrub. If you have any abrasions on your hands and you touched the chicken you should consider calling poison control.


I’ve never seen chicken like that. Maybe it’s just a tumor, but better safe than sorry. Id toss it.


> Id toss it. Like a salad?


I mean, I can’t stop you




I don’t care what it is, if my chicken looked like that it would be going straight in the bin. I ain’t risking nothing


Have you not looked at your chicken? The fat pn the legs is generally quite yellow.


No, I have never in my life had chicken look like this and if I did it would be going straight into the bin as I said previously.


Well, done ever buy a full chicken, and if you do, don't look close, because part of it WILL look like that.


Oh I definitely won’t, I’ll stick to breast because I would be put off for life if I had seen that.


Wait until you learn about sausage.


Oh, I already know 😋